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Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:

Question : Was there a link between King Jagdoe, and Roger Khan. Sound like there were motives to kill those three Ministers?


 Answer : A very private Business/Working Relationship which will soon be exposed.  

And this went back from when Jagdeo was A Junior Minister Under Asgar and helping Roger set up his empire.


(1) We know Swah was a Hit.


(2) Pundit was fine up to Dr Jagan Death, Pundit led the Guyana Delegation of top officials which came to Andrews Airforce Base in 1997 to take Back Dr Jagans Boby to Guyana. He was not sick and he was still sparking on all his plugs.... still getting in trouble with some young girls.

But as soon as Jagdeo became President ....a strange sickness struck him down.....and he began to loose his marbles....and never recovered and Died.



(3)Mr Doodnoath Singh drew the line with Jagdeo. Soon after he got very sick too as his health was getting down, he was getting tired of seeing all the corruption going on....until he quietly resigned. Jagdeo was refusing to give the man his pension and he hauled the Govt to court and got his benefits thru a court order.....And he died later.



 Answer : A very private Business/Working Relationship which will soon be exposed. 


How soon can we expect this exposee relationship, we have seen that there was a relationsship, yet the PPP/C deny knowing Roger Khan. Are we going to expect any retrubution from Roger for this willful oversight from the PPP/C? There is opinions from some quarter that it will be payback time when Roger gets out, please comment.


Asj as we are seeing a lot is happening in Guyana

 that we do not Understand......

like this that just happen today

Western diplomats meet APNU

 Present at the meeting were US Ambassador Brent Hardt, British High Commissioner Andrew Ayre, Canadian High Commissioner Dr. Nicole Giles and European Union Representative was Derek Lambe.


APNU was represented by Leader of the Opposition Brigadier David Granger, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine,  Basil Williams, Carl Greenidge,  Joseph Harmon, and Ronald Bulkan.


The last time the Western Diplomats meet the Opposition

was before the 1992 elections.....

Next thing we knew PNC got thrown out of Power.


Longest rope got an end....

these Countries got the Intelligence on

How Jagdeo & Ramotar mess up the country

with Narco Influence & Connectins....


they got all the Inside Runnings

from Roger, Ed and Richard James...

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

they got all the Inside Runnings

from Roger, Ed and Richard James...



How is James related to the Drug dealer and the Real estate Fraudster? He was an insurance scam artist who murdered his friends. Never in my wildest dreams I would think our peasant farmers could seed these monsters...but they did.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

they got all the Inside Runnings

from Roger, Ed and Richard James...



How is James related to the Drug dealer and the Real estate Fraudster? He was an insurance scam artist who murdered his friends. Never in my wildest dreams I would think our peasant farmers could seed these monsters...but they did.

Richard James was Jagdeo's First and secret contact in New York.

James had personal contact with all the professionals in Richmond Hill, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Real estate & Mortgage Brokers.  

James was his contact man to get to these People.

Jagdeo did not know anyone in New York, James would carry him "Bar & Rum Shop Hopping" meeting all these low-lives and that impressed Jagdeo.


  In the Beginning Richard James was Jagdeo man of business in New York...providing him with whatever he like.


Richard James used to travel a lot to Guyana and would always showing off the Pictures he took with Jagdeo his personal friend.


At Richard James Trial the US Govt produced pictures and Video of the President and his Friend Richard James partying and meeting in New York and in Guyana too.


Another Fiasco in the making: The PPP/C for you:


June 17, 2013 · By Staff Writer

Dear Editor,


Our Minister of Finance recently declared that Mr Raj Singh currently acting Chairman of GuySuCo will not be receiving a $5 million monthly salary or even a $3 million monthly salary as stated in the media, but a $2.5 million salary. That ought to take care of the concerns of those who thought that he was going to get $3 million. Who exactly does Ashni Singh think he is fooling? Here again is total contempt for the opposition and the citizens of this country, and a betrayal of Dr Jagan.

First Minister Singh was careful not to list what the other costs of being an absentee Chairman of GuySuCo would add to the woes of this cash-strapped corporation. In fact he told us that Raj Singh would be the executive chairman, but clearly this is nonsense since he can’t be executive chairman of anything unless he is living here 365 days a year. Sugar operations just do not happen once a month; it is a 24 hours a day 356 days a year operation.

Secondly, he then tried to obscure the picture and confuse the public by bringing Mr Errol Hanoman into the frame by telling us that Raj Singh, who would functionally be an executive chairman but not resident here, will be earning the same as Hanoman who was a full-time chief executive of the corporation! At that time Minister Gopaul as he is now, was chairman, so was Dr Gopaul getting $2.5 million a month?  But for us to employ this part-time executive chairman at a cost of $2.5 million per month, Minister Singh was careful not to mention that since he is resident abroad, we would in fact incur huge expenses to bring him here monthly to chair GuySuCo’s meetings estimated by the opposition to be a total package of US$25,000 a month. This situation, I repeat, is a completely different situation in comparison to Errol Hanoman who was a highly respected former Finance Director of the corporation and who was working full time in the industry as CEO, not chairman, as Minister Singh wrongly stated at the press conference. In my previous letter I expressed my opinion that the current CEO Mr Bhim is way out of his depth in his present situation.

In view of the above let me say that Mr Singh is not worth this salary. His exposure in the sugar industry was as an industrial relations junior manager whose offices were not even situated in the same building as the other functioning directors/managers of the corporation.

Consequently since CEO Bhim’s comment was that “there was no cane in the fields,” I don’t know which one of GuySuCo’s current directors, especially this absentee chairman, has the competence to rectify the dire situation which the industry finds itself in today, and what workable plans will be formulated to mechanise the harvesting and increase the yield of cane in the fields. He said that President Ramotar had a plan to restructure the corporation, but none of us have seen it. I want to remind the public that Mr Ramotar was on the board of GuySuCo during all of the time when the corporation was being emasculated through political interference, so his plan could hardly be viable. And here we are again putting a person in as chairman whose only apparent qualification for the job is that he is a devout PPP activist overseas.

I would like to remind the public that the two corporations which have brought this nation to the brink of disaster through incompetence and corruption are GPL and GuySuCo. Both were slated by the Desmond Hoyte administration for privatisation, and just before the 1992 elections Dr Jagan torpedoed the privatisation talks by telling the public that if he won the 1992 elections, he would not be honouring any agreements made by Hoyte to privatise GuySuCo or GPL. And I want to quote Dr Jagan from his speech on May 26, 1995:  “I have been faithful to my promise of giving you a government that is fully accountable to its electorate, free from corruption and transparent in all its financial and business affairs and the upholding of all your rights and freedoms won through sacrifice.” I wonder what he would do were he here today to see what he has created.

Thirdly, this press briefing was conducted at Freedom House. Dr Ashni Singh is a member of a minority government which does not control parliament, nevertheless, the PPP has to understand, that they have formed a government of all the people and as such convening meetings outlining government’s positions at Freedom House is an insult to us and should stop. Paramountcy of the party is gone and the PPP must accept it and move on; there are several more appropriate places, GINA for example, where they can conduct these sorts of briefings.  The government of all the people cannot possibly convene a weekly press conference in the PPP headquarters where Dr Singh is speaking in his capacity as a minister of government.

Fourthly, I want to know from Dr Singh’s disclosures, why Raj Singh needs two homes? And in what country/s will these two homes be located?

Fifthly, I am concerned that he told the press conference that he does not want to speak about the other members of the board, he would only be addressing the Raj Singh issue. The media have reservations about the competence of the board since it is failing miserably even when this same Mr Raj Singh was its acting chairman during the disastrous first crop of 2013, so how can he, in a democracy, refuse to answer questions about the current board members and their competence?

Sixthly, he told the press that Raj Singh is eminently qualified, “has worked in sugar for a number of years at indeed senior levels” but neglects to tell them that he really worked in the Industrial Relations Department of GuySuCo in the late ’70s and early’80s as a junior manager under D P Sankar and has no experience of the running of the administrative, factory or field sections of the corporation. So the opposition is right: Raj Singh does not have the qualifications or experience to address the problems of the corporation at this time. The government should release the full CV of Mr Raj Singh; this is our industry which is in a morass of economic difficulties brought on by similar disastrous policy decisions over the past 10 years, and they are asking us to subsidise it with our taxes. We therefore have a right to know who this man is, and what his qualifications are.

Then seventhly, comes the strangest part of this press conference; Ashni Singh tells the media that he had minimal knowledge of the industry! It’s there in the Stabroek News of June 11th on page 12 captioned ‘GuySuCo executive chairman likely to earn 2.5 million a month.’  If the Minister of Finance has minimal knowledge of our largest and most important industry, how dare he ask us in his national budget to put up $5+ billion in 2012 and another $5+ billion in 2013 to bail out the industry through the budget from the perilous state it finds itself in, with all of these incompetent directors and managers.

Surely as Minister of Finance he would have had to find out in the most fundamental and comprehensive way what is going on in this industry before he decided to ask the taxpayers to take their money to bail out GuySuCo. There is much more, Editor, but space prohibits further examination of the matter. However, there was one statement by Ashni Singh which I would like to address: he told the media (I saw this on TV) at the same press briefing that the poor production in the first crop was due to rainfall and strikes. I don’t know where Minister Singh is living, but we had the driest first half year in a very long time in 2013, and as far as strikes are concerned, I want to remind him that in August 1977 to January 1978 the sugar industry went on a 135 day strike called by the PPP’s GAWU, but we still made 241,527 tonnes of sugar which was 74.4 per cent of the annual target.

As far as the copious amounts of information provided by GuySuCo to the 9th Parliament when Mr Robert Persaud came with the GuySuCo team to answer our questions, I, as a member and chairman of the committee was far from convinced that the corporation was pursuing a viable and realistic developmental plan, and in fact they refused to give us the 1998-2008 strategic plan. I believe that they said that they could not find it.

So in my opinion it is wholly unacceptable to spend this amount of money on a chairman who has no experience in cane cultivation, mechanisation or factories; disciplines which would be essential in order to warrant this huge salary in addition to travelling and accommodation expenses which I am advised, will in the end, add up to US$25,000 per month.
GuySuCo’s problems will inevitably continue.


Yours faithfully,
Tony Vieira


And I want to quote Dr Jagan

from his speech on May 26, 1995: 

This Speech was written by Moses


“I have been faithful to my promise

of giving you a government

that is fully accountable to its electorate,

free from corruption

and transparent in all its financial and business affairs

and the upholding of all your rights

and freedoms won through sacrifice.”


I wonder what he would do

were he here today

to see what he has created....


Rev call them a Bunch of Crooks & Thieves

and he is Right

this took some wind out of

"De Sack of Lies"




Sinking in filth

October 30, 2013 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

The recurrence of a garbage crisis does not surprise us. The corrective methods have always been inadequate. The wrangling at City Hall hasn’t helped. It is also no longer newsworthy. The citizens are bored and disinterested. They do not expect much from a preposterous leadership arrangement. And to pile it on even more, we have a government that is still obsessed with comparing its performance with the PNC’s “28 years”.
No amount of “spin” through playing the “blame game” can hide the fact that the Government is not intent on addressing the root causes of this endemic problem. But how long can we continue to exist in this filth?
The Local Government situation has been toyed around with for as long as many of us care to remember. One wonders if anything of consequence will ever develop from the assent of Bills and the holding of elections.
As the city stinks, we now await the customary announcement that the government will be taking the lead on this issue of national importance, and in the best interest of the people, help them by providing unlimited resources as well as creating employment for many. The people would be working under the supervision of contractors and they would be responsible for the maintenance/clean-ups in their respective communities.
From time immemorial, projects of this nature have been launched in numerous regions and in the city. Teams of workers have been called upon to clean up garbage and the like. But this is just a stop-gap method. The funding will of course be touted as substantial, but in actual fact it will merely represent a drop in the ocean.
The beleaguered City Hall has never effectively used its powers to haul defaulting rate payers before the courts, and has constantly bemoaned the sloth in the judicial system. There has also been the cry of not being allowed to raise funds through innovative means.
The government was at one time, and most likely still is City Hall’s biggest debtor, and in the not too distant past there was a quarrel over the quantum the government owed to the council. Within recent times there has not been much talk about the government owing the city council, but one can assume that that will not be seen as a priority, in terms of making it public knowledge.
Any money that government owes will certainly not be given to the council; it will go to private contractors. Government has insisted over the years that City Hall is incompetent. An interim management committee has always been its preference.
In the meantime, we predict that as the city continues to sink in garbage, there will be a much-publicized Presidential walkabout with a number of council officials accompanying the presidential party. The president and/or his advisers will then meet with the council to agree on and to plan enhancement works. More of the same.
The unpopular City Hall will continue to lose its grip on the management of the city and government will continue to boast that it has to provide the essential services. It will be highlighted that City Hall is inevitably heading for redundancy as more and more the government has to undertake necessary works in Georgetown. The Mayor and others who insist that they are the legitimate leaders will continue to be sidelined as their detractors pile on the criticisms. The vicious cycle will continue.
There will be a brief respite from this crisis and then we will have to hold our breaths through the Christmas season and beyond, as we again wallow in the mire. While those in authority play their selfish games, the possibility our luck running out (in terms of crippling diseases) is increasing. There is no reason that we should be allowed to decline to this extent in the 21st century. The frightening thing is we are not convinced that anyone really has the answers.



Originally Posted by Jalil:

And I want to quote Dr Jagan

from his speech on May 26, 1995: 

This Speech was written by Moses


“I have been faithful to my promise

of giving you a government

that is fully accountable to its electorate,

free from corruption

and transparent in all its financial and business affairs

and the upholding of all your rights

and freedoms won through sacrifice.”


I wonder what he would do

were he here today

to see what he has created....


Rev call them a Bunch of Crooks & Thieves

and he is Right

this took some wind out of

"De Sack of Lies"

Dr. J must be turning in his grave.


At a Meeting in Richmond Hill, Queen New York, and the President Ramotar did admit the there were corruptions when he says:


Corruption and crime



Queried about corruption and crime, Ramotar saidhe does not dispute that corruption exists, as it does everywhere, but said it is difficult to prove it, and no one has come forward as yet with solid evidence. He said there are many problems with the court system and police investigation of crime and corruption.






GPHC FRAUD: Finance boss, clerk sent

on leave

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has sent on “administrative” leave its Director of Financial Services and an Accounts Clerk as a probe continues into multi-million dollar fraud.

“This decision took immediate effect so that the probe into the disappearance of funds from the Institution could be continued,” the hospital said in a statement.

The GPHC did not release the amount of money that was allegedly stolen but Demerara Waves Online News ( was told that it was about GUY$5 million.

The decision to send the duo on leave was taken at a GPHC Board meeting held on October 24.

The Accounts Clerk had been arrested before and placed on station bail. She subsequently resumed duties at the hospital but in the Human Resources Department.

The GPHC first announced on October 1 that the police and Auditor General’s Office were investigating an alleged fraud at the health care institution.

Monies missing included partial paMyments for certain tests that are done at private hospitals to which the cash should have been remitted.


Cocaine, money laundering and politics in Guyana

June 1, 2013 Leave a comment
May 31, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie

Here is the most graphic fact that no international expert on drug trafficking can ignore about Guyana. Not one, I repeat, not one of the super-rich traffickers has been charged much less pass through a court trial. Not one, I repeat not even one of the most conspicuous money-launderers has even been charged, much less face a court hearing.



Cocaine, money laundering and politics in Guyana

June 1, 2013


The American reticence on drug trafficking in Guyana has caused widespread consternation among political observers. How could the Americans be so blind to the political angles? It had to be the sea breeze that has induced sleep over the past ten years.
The American Ambassador told the media that even if Guyana is given an extension to comply with money-laundering operations by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force at their meeting in Nicaragua, there still may be sanctions against Guyana, because there has been no successful prosecution of money launderers.The Ambassador must be saying to himself; “God, not even one.”



Nepotism: The best and the brightest minds in

Guyana are fleeing

March 1, 2013

Dear Editor,
As nationals of Guyana, we have been concerned about how poorly employers, particularly the PPP regime, have used the human resources in the country.
For too long, this government has allowed the finest minds to be either underemployed or without any positive and active involvement in the country affairs.
Yet the state continues to expend significant amount of resources on educating the people and encouraging them to prepare themselves. To what end?
Let’s call a spade a spade! Almost daily, available jobs are usually advertised in the media and elsewhere by the government in order to satisfy some internal organizational protocol.
But government officials merely go through the fraudulent motions of an interview process when they have already decided who the holder of the position will be. And it is one of their supporters or relatives of high ranking PPP officials.
But the regime has the gall in these advertisements to let potential applicants know up front that they thank them for applying but do not have the decency to even acknowledge their applications let alone call them for an interview.
This is the scam that this regime has been involved in for years and it has caused unnecessary grief and pain after those who apply found out after what has happened. To use such a sinister ploy to deceive the nation indicates how low the administration has descended.
The fact is when the private sector engages in these acts, at least the consequence is personal, and shows up in their bottom line expense sheet.
But when the Government does the same, employing only friends and supporters of the PPP despite their lack of ability, qualifications experience and requisite skills, the entire nation suffers.
Let us be clear in saying that we have no difficulty whatsoever with the regime wanting to hire its party supporters and members or people of like thinking in critical policy areas so long as those persons are qualified to do the job.
But this has not been the case at the office of the President and at several other state agencies and departments which have employed hundreds of contract employees who are paid super salaries because they are the children, relatives and friends of the PPP cabal.
This is happening in a country where brain cells have gone on strike for an extended period and the loudest mouths in political campaigns are usually rewarded with the most influential positions.
This is wrong and the Jagdeo/ Ramotar cabal must stop this ignominious and dishonest practice if it is to regain the trust and confidence of the people.
The reality has been since Guyana attained its Independence on May 26, 1966, party purity and loyalty have become more important than to employ qualified and experience persons to carry the government tasks.
Once a political party wins, its candidates begin to circle the wagon of political power. The game is essentially about paying back those who made the win possible.
While the noble intentions of politics are “serving the people’s interests,” the first people usually served are those elected, that is, jobs for the boys.
The bigger question is why most of the educated Guyanese with college/university degrees are all over the world and not in Guyana.
The answer, we believe, is that we have never found a way as a society to harness and apply the best and brightness minds to address our nation’s challenges at any one time.
The real sadness of all this is that it does not matter where you come from in society, what your ethnicity is or whether you belong the PPP or the PNC, it was Guyana and the Guyanese taxpayers who have given you a start in life and have prepared you for wherever you now are.
Our continuous poor use of our most qualified personnel is tantamount to perpetrating an injustice on the country which has invested heavily through taxation, blood, sweat and tears in the development of its citizens.
With that said, we always held the view that the real issues we face in Guyana are not only corruption, poverty, crime, joblessness, illegal narcotics trafficking but also injustice! People all over the world have fought and died for their civil rights and against injustice, will Guyanese do!

Dr. Asquith Rose and
Harish S. Singh.


Buying your way out of jail in Guyana

February 1, 2012


Buying your way out of jail is a lesson to be learned from the top families in Guyana, Navin Prashad the son of then Minister Manniram Prashad high profile case disappeared from the courts, and more recently President Donald Ramotar son Alexei Ramotar ran down a man with his car and the police failed to even do anything about it, lead police in that accident apparently got a promotion, then Nanda Gopal from Office of the President accident.


Kuru Kururu fatal accidentâ€ĶDead

guard’s family accepts $2.5M

settlement from accused


By Michael Jordan



Relatives of security guard, Ronville Roberts, have accepted a $2.5M settlement from truck driver Sahid Ali,

Dead: Ronville Roberts

who is accused of causing Roberts’s death in an accident last Wednesday on the Soesdyke/Linden highway.
This disclosure was made yesterday when the 29-year-old accused appeared in the Providence Magistrates Court before Magistrate Leslie Sobers on charges of causing death by dangerous driving and failing to render assistance.
Ali’s attorney, Vic Puran, told Magistrate Sobers that his client had agreed to give Roberts’s family $2.5M. The court was also told that the accused had already made an initial payment of $200,000 to the dead guard’s family.
In the presence of the court, Ali then handed over a further $500,000 to the dead man’s reputed wife, Ingrid Schmidt. Puran also requested copies of the case dockets, which he would hand over to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Ali, who had been placed on remand and appeared in court in handcuffs, was then released on $100,000 bail. He is to return to court on March 22.
While the security guard’s relatives have indicated that they are unwilling to pursue the matter concerning his death, the DPP has the final say in deciding whether the charges against the accused will be dropped.
Speaking to Kaieteur News after leaving the court, attorney-at-law Puran said that he will appeal to the DPP to have the charges dropped.
“I will now have to write to the DPP requesting that  she nolle prosequi (bring it to an end) because of the view that my client is prepared to compensate, so that is a factor for her to take into consideration.
“But she could decide that she is proceeding, notwithstanding compensation.
“What has been settled is the civil matterâ€ĶIf the aggrieved persons are disposed to settle the matter, it is up to the DPP to decide whether she agrees to settle or not.“

Accused Sahid Ali

At the suggestion that $2.5M was a relatively paltry sum, and could not give the victims a house, Puran argued that $2.5M “could build a 30×20 three-bedroom concrete house with a toilet and bathroom.”
The victim, 58-year-old Ronville Roberts, is survived by eight children. The youngest is said to be about 11 years old.
But Puran said that neither he nor any other attorney was involved in arranging the financial transaction. Rather, this was done by the accused and the victim’s family. However, Puran said he informed the court of the financial compensation in an effort to be “full and frank.”
The prosecution has alleged that security guard Ronville Roberts, of Kuru Kururu, was cycling along the Soesdyke/Linden highway near his home at around 08:15 hrs last Friday when Sahid Ali, who was driving motor lorry GLL 319, reversed and crushed him.
The prosecution also alleged that the 29-year-old accused drove off, leaving the injured man on the roadway. He reportedly abandoned the truck about four miles from the scene.
Sahid Ali was subsequently identified and charged with causing death by dangerous driving and failing to render assistance. He first appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates Court last Friday.
But attorney-at-law Vic Puran denied that his client had fled from the scene of the accident. According to Puran, Ali had driven away because he was unaware of the accident.
Puran also denied that his client had abandoned his vehicle, and said Ali had gone to buy something to eat. The attorney also argued that it is difficult for a cyclist on the move to collide with a reversing vehicle unless the person sought to commit suicide.
The attorney added that a passenger riding with Ali had told police that at the time of the alleged incident, he was instructing the driver to reverse, and during such time the truck had not been involved in any accidents.
Puran said the police arrested Ali because they noticed blue paint on the bottom of the truck, which appeared to be similar to the blue paint on Robert’s bicycle.
The prosecutor subsequently rebutted Puran’s claim and said that the truck had been identified by eyewitnesses. The prosecution had objected to granting Ali bail.
Suggesting that his client is still not out of the woods, Puran referred to similar cases where the DPP had refused to drop charges even after financial settlements were made.
He cited an August 2009 case in which a client of his was charged with causing the death of two small children, aged 12 and seven, near Tuschen East Bank Essequibo.
Puran explained that although his client, compensated the children’s relatives, the DPP ordered that the criminal proceedings should continue. The accused, Mahendranauth Singh, was eventually freed of the charges.
Kaieteur News had reported in 2010 of several cases in which drivers in causing death matters had their cases dropped after paying various sums to the families of victims.
The ‘compensation packages’ ranged from $5M for the death of the young mother, $600,000 for the death of an eight-year-old girl, and $300,000 for a seven-year-old girl killed on a pedestrian crossing.


Corruption by the Guyana PPP/C

government exposed


PPP goon Kwame McCoy accused of running over

another woman with his vehicle


October 26, 2011 

McCoy taking notes from Navin Prashad, the son of Minister of Tourism, who was charged with causing the death of a University student, and that case just disappeared from the courts, then the case of another Office of the President official Nanda Gopal which wasn’t even investigated, and how can we forget about earlier this year when Alexei Ramotar, the son PPP Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar ran down a man and got off, in fact the same investigating police officer got a big raise and promotion a few months after the incident.  Then there is the policeman that was rundown by Minister Kellawan Lall, then once again nothing became of the other incident involving Kellawan Lall hitting down two people on a motorcycle.  The PPP and their cronies commit crimes against the average Guyanese and no one is held accountable.



Corruption by the Guyana PPP/C

government exposed


The PPP on trial



October 8, 2012 

The PPP on trial
Dear Editor,
Some in the PPP like to claim how effective the government is, even when little or no evidence of such exists. Moreover, when challenged to provide proof, they create the context, and in some instances turn to propaganda and distortions to justify their self-assessed effectiveness with a view to persuade the masses about how hard they have been toiling on their behalf.
And even when the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime is drowning in their own manufactured hogwash, they become so immune to it that they are not bothered or shaken by the views of the opposition or by the sentiments and perceptions of the people.
This kind of stubbornness and narcissistic behaviour by the PPP regime is bordering on being insensitive to the needs of the youths and the poor and the working class.
The Jagdeo/Ramotar PPP regime is on trial because they have displayed a sense of heartlessness toward the youths and the poor and the working class in Guyana. Based on their actions, we are convinced that the PPP cabal is completely removed from the reality that exists beyond the glass casing that separates them from the masses they pretend to serve.
The truth is that even on their best days their pretence is so obnoxious that they drive away their own supporters in droves. It is indisputable that this type of behaviour by the Jagdeo/ Ramotar regime is predictable and reactive as if they are at a Grand Opera.
The PPP regime has shown total contempt for Parliament and the combined opposition in that the Attorney General Anil Nadalall has not only challenged the no-confidence motion against the Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Rohee in the courts but he and the PPP cabal have also distorted the decision of the Chief Justice Ian Chang in the budget case to mislead the public.
The opposition is aware of this but they have done nothing to prevent the Minister of Finance Ashni Singh from using the Contingency Funds to pay the contract workers at the Office of the President.
The majority opposition must end their lackadaisical posture and stand up and represent the people as Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon did at Linden. We believe that if the people of Linden had waited for APNU to represent them in the manner Solomon and Kissoon did, they would have waited in vain because it was the leaders of APNU who in April cut backroom deals with the PPP to increase the electricity rates at Linden that led to the protest and the subsequent murders of three unarmed young men.
For one reason, the opposition parties need plenipotentiaries to coordinate their policies and to maintain the same or similar line of argument/criticism against the PPP. For another, both the AFC and APNU should start the process of developing a shadow budget in order to have an estimated amount of the cost of next year’s budget.
It is our understanding that the PPP intends to bloat the budget in excess of $40 billion with the expectation that the opposition will cut part of that amount and still leave them with the required amount needed for fiscal year 2013. And the leader of the Parliamentary opposition who prides himself as a security Czar is yet to present a security plan/bill to Parliament.
The minority PPP-led government has had enough time to improve the standard of living in Guyana but they have failed to demonstrate to the masses that they are the stewards who are worthy of their trust. The regime has had enough time to formulate an economic development plan to create employment for the youths and those willing to work, a crime prevention program, an Anti-Corruption Agency to reduce corruption, and an educational curriculum to shrink the failures at examinations. But so far, the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime has not even come close of achieving any of the above. In fact, the Minister of Education Priya Manickchand should stop masquerading over inconsequential issues such as the flogging of students and focus on the bigger issue of reducing failures to a minimum.
It may appear to Mr. Ramotar and his government that things are hunky-dory, but nothing could be further from the truth—times are extremely hard for the youths and the poor and the working class who are at their wits end to put food on the table. The Jagdeo/Ramotar regime should know by now that the clock is ticking, the tension is building and the poor and the working class are about to explode under the enormous pressure.
These are tough times. Crime and violence, narcotics trafficking and corruption are on the upswing, unemployment continues to rise to new heights, real wages have declined, frustration and misery are peaking, and yet the government seems clueless as to the seriousness and extensiveness of the plight of the poor and the working class. Still, some in the PPP and their wealthy friends appear to live so comfortable that one wonders which country they live in.
In conclusion, for those who continue to harbour doubts about which political party we support, one thing remains clear: we are not beholden to any party. We shall always be guided by truth and honesty. And while we do not aspire to assume any meaningful role, we remain grounded in our conviction and steadfast love for Guyana, sufficient to declare that any criticisms of the opposition are not that we love them less, but that we love Guyana and Guyanese more. Our conscious is our guide.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


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