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Ramotar administration is a mirror image of the

corruption, thievery, drugs & nepotism that were

the hallmark of the Jadgeo

Donald Ramotar has lived up to the expectations of his detractors


November 4, 2012


It was clear to many political observers and other interested parties that the Peoples Progressive Party Civic, did not field the best candidate at the November 2011 elections. The critics at that time argued that Ramotar was weak and an untested; that he was not a critical thinker and had never held elected office or managed any complex governmental or non-governmental organization. Ramotar was perceived as a party hack, who was hand chosen by then president Bharatt Jagdeo, for all of the reasons mentioned.
However, in keeping with Stalinist tradition the other more prepared and credible candidates all bowed out and acceded to the dictate of the Jagdeo faction at Freedom House. To be fair there were voices that championed the candidacy of Donald Ramotar, they claimed that he was a man who had come from humble beginnings and was involved in the labour movement, that he was a fair and honest man; in other words he was not Jagdeo. Today as we approach the one year anniversary of the Ramotar presidency what I find interesting but not surprising is that the naysayers were right. Donald Ramotar the seventh president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has lived up to the expectations of his detractors; he is a weak, ineffective and visionless head of state.
In December 2011 at his inauguration president Ramotar told the nation that he would appoint his cabinet in two days and even flirted with the possibility of a cross-party government. Integrity, inclusivity and impartiality were the hallmark of a well balanced inaugural address; however, forty eight hours later Ramotar retained his predecessor’s cabinet, dashing all hopes for inclusivity, integrity and impartiality.
Within days of forming his new government, on December 6th 2011 peaceful demonstrators were shot by the police while processing in Georgetown. This was followed by a bitter budget debate that saw for the first time in recorded history a sitting government picketing against the parliamentary opposition. Ramotar had promised that he was prepared to work together with all the political parties and stakeholders, but when it came to the National Budget, his minority government was not prepared to work with the Parliamentary majority APNU/AFC.
The budget crisis spawned the Linden electricity crisis, when the PPPC government imposed on the people of Linden an undue hardship (an increase in the electric tariff), without negotiating or consulting with the peoples representatives. In his inaugural address president Ramotar spoke of the exciting task of creating opportunities for all Guyanese, yet within three months of taking office he was imposing a draconian tax on a community (Linden) where 70% of the people are unemployed or severely under-employed.
It was becoming quite clear that the new Head of State’s rhetoric were equidistant from his actions and his government’s treatment of the poor and depressed communities. As the situation escalated at Linden and the people and their Regional and national leaders called on the president to meet with them, to sit down and listen and consult, this president refused. Then came July 18th 2012 and three young men were brutally murdered after the Guyana Police Force again opened fire on peaceful protestors at the Mackenzie-Linden bridge.
The following day the president met with the Opposition Leader and Regional representatives, but by this time it was too late; property would be destroyed and more people would be shot by the police, all because of a government’s refusal to meet it constitutional mandate of consulting with the people and their elected representatives. Consumed by crisis, and showing no real flair for bold and innovative leadership, the Ramotar administration continued as a mirror image of the corruption, thievery, drugs and nepotism that were the hallmark of the Jadgeo years.
Once again innocents lives of young African men were taken, killed at the hands of the police; Shaquille Grant at Agricola; Dameon Belgrave in Georgetown.
In a side note, it was no surprise a few days ago that the longest serving member of the cabinet and president Ramotar’s Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee admitted under oath, when answering a question from Attorney Basil Williams(at the Linden Commission of Inquiry), that he(Rohee) was not a visionary. So, with a head of state that has proven to be weak, ineffective and visionless, surrounded by a cabinet that is mediocre for the most part, but generally less than stellar there is not much hope for the ensuing period of the Ramotar presidency.
Mr. Editor I truly searched for something complimentary to say about this period, but all I could find was controversy and conflict. In a country where most of the people would be classified as poor, the Ramotar government celebrates things and calibrates its development based on big buildings, poorly conceived roads and brand name hotels rather than human development.
The level of unemployment in this country is unsustainable, the under education of our children and the school dropout rate nationally is unsustainable, the crime situation and the lawlessness of our law enforcement agencies is unsustainable, yet this president has been deathly silent and has failed to lead on all of these important issues facing our nation.
Even if one graded on a curve it would be difficult to give this president anything but a failing grade in his first year in office.

Mark Archer




Kaieteur News insists many secret deals signed

by Bharrat Jagdeo

March 1, 2012 



Dishonest, vulgar and deceitful are just some of the words members of the wider society are using to describe the government’s contention that its transactions have all been transparent and that there has been no secrecy.
On Saturday, last, the government through its News Agency, issued a statement seeking to lambaste Kaieteur News for its report that the government had signed a secret deal with Ansa McAl of Trinidad and Tobago for 110,000 hectares (approximately 425 square miles) of land in the Canje Basin.
Kaieteur News got wind of this deal through the Trinidad Guardian and insisted that the nation was unaware of the deal between Government and the Trinidad company.
Angry at the Kaieteur News report, the Government Information Agency (GINA) wrote, β€œThe Government of Guyana (GoG) rejects the continued misrepresentation of the Kaieteur News of the various government projects and initiatives which seek to transform the country. The latest being the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Guyana and Ansa Mcal Group on the exploring the possibility of ethanol production in Guyana.(sic)”
β€œIn July 2010, the GoG through public tendering awarded a contract to NUMARK Associates Inc. of the United States for the Service Consultancy to expand Bio Energy Opportunities in Guyana. As part of the Terms of Reference, NUMARK was tasked with compiling a list of potential Bio Energy Investors who may be interested in investing in Guyana.”
But when contacted, Rodrigo Chaparro, Vice President in charge of Sustainable Energy Strategies at NUMARK Associates Incorporated, said that it was tasked with advising on what policies and laws would be needed to create an environment that would attract investments in bio-energy.
The government said, β€œBased on the NUMARK’s report and the proposals received from investors, ANSA McAl was selected after their proposal was scrutinized by technical experts in the field of Bio Energy, which was subsequently approved and signed on September 30, 2011 and witnessed by representatives of the Government and ANSA McAL.
β€œTo suggest this was a secret deal is not only misleading but a gross misrepresentation of the reality and part of the continued campaign to cast aspersions on the PPP/C Government.”
NUMARK stated that it was made aware through information posted on the web site of the Inter American Development Bank. The people of Guyana would not have been aware of the posting since the general population does not scour the web sites of international organizations.
To further highlight the secrecy of the deal, the government, despite sending its representatives to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with Ansa McAl, never announced that it had completed a Memorandum of Understanding. It also failed to make the signing public either through GINA, Office of the President or by way of press conferences.
The opposition parties were all unaware of this development as was the rest of the nation. The deal was indeed secret. Guyana was made aware through a publication in the Trinidad Guardian, four months after the government said that it signed the Memorandum of Understanding.
And the only response to the disclosure on the part of the government was a GINA statement criticizing the Kaieteur News disclosure of the deal.
The government said that β€œthe impending project to modernize and expand the airport, the plan to construct the Marriott Hotel and the on-going One Laptop per Family project,” were also not secret deals.
β€œIn all of these cases, the accusation of lack of transparency was refuted. All of these projects were developed through a public procurement process. The Government challenges any publication or political group to show where these projects were done in secret and not consistent with our various laws and regulations.”
The nation was made aware of the airport project by way of a publication in the Jamaica Observer long after the signing. After the Kaieteur News publication the government contacted the Jamaica-based headquarters of the Chinese company, China Harbour Engineering Company, contracted to expand the runway and modify the airport terminal building.
The spokesperson for China Harbour Engineering, one day after the Kaieteur News publication, duly referred all queries to the Guyana Government. Public Relations Officer of CHEC in Jamaica, Jennifer Harmon, said that she was asked by her company not to reveal any more information about the project and that in fact her decision to reveal the signing to the Jamaica Observer was ill-advised.
She said that the Guyana Government would release any information to the media.
The project was not open to bidding, since no such advertisement was placed on the government’s procurement website under the Ministry of Public Works through which the airport is administered.
Further, it was only in August 2011, Regional Director of CHEC, Zhongdong Tang, said that the company had a team in Guyana, and other countries, β€œlooking for opportunities.” But GINA stated that the project was first announced β€œseveral months” ago.
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo when confronted disclosed never before heard details of the project.
The Marriott Hotel deal was another that the nation learnt through a foreign media. So too was the talk with the Grenada-based Zublin. Head od the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington was livid that Zublin released details of its talk with the government.
There were many other secret deals. One was for an Indian company for land in Guyana. Guyanese learnt of this through India Times. Among others were the Sanata Complex, MovieTowne and the land distribution process to housing developers.


Crime, bad governance and Guyana’s image

September 2, 2009


President Jagdeo actually called on the business community to boycott the Kaieteur News when he told them that this newspaper harms the image of the country by sensationalizing crime on its front page yet businesses advertise with Kaieteur News.


Strange, the President of a country should be urging a boycott of a newspaper in his nation when all three opposition parties are boycotting the country’s Parliament.


It means the Government is not seen in good light by the combined opposition which represents almost half of the electorate that voted at the last election.

Let us start with crime. I went to the archives of the Jamaican newspapers and it was not an accurate description that Mr. Jagdeo painted at the Private Sector Commission dinner last Friday. There are many front page stories on crime. They are so numerous that it is not necessary to even dwell on this topic any further.


I went searching the internet and I found that even the British broad-sheets carry violent stories on their front pages, including serious hate-crimes.

Back to the boycott business. If investors should stop advertising with Kaieteur News, can President Jagdeo answer the question - was the reporting on crime the reason his government stopped placing advertisement with the Stabroek News? The answer is no?

Mr. Jagdeo’s explanation was that the Stabroek had less circulation than other newspapers and the state had to get value for its money.


Only Kaieteur News had a larger circulation than Stabroek’s therefore the bulk of the placements should have gone to those two papers with Chronicle being banished.


Now the Guyana Times has joined the Chronicle in getting a majority of the state’s advertising assignments. The conclusion that could be drawn is that it is not the shape of Kaieteur News’ crime reporting that worries Mr. Jagdeo.


It is what the Stabroek News got victimized for in the first place – reporting on bad governance, corruption and incompetence of the Government to stop an escalating crime pandemonium.

The boycott call will no doubt end up in the hands of the human rights group in New York, Freedom House.

Mr. Jagdeo has boasted three times of Freedom House’s classification of Guyana being number 30 on its list of countries practicing press freedom.

What is Mr. Jagdeo going to do and how is he going to feel when Guyana loses that number 30 spot for a miserable categorization? 


I have always maintained that Mr. Jagdeo should study his concepts before he publicly delivers them.


Mr. Jagdeo has found himself in a glaring cul-de-sac when he exclaimed that Kaieteur News is damaging the image of the country and deterring would-be returnees.


I wonder if Mr. Jagdeo knows that in making that assertion he is in fact saying that the Guyana Times and the Chronicle have failed.

In making that indictment against Kaieteur News, the President has actually informed the investors who were listening to him that Kaieteur News reaches a lot of people in and out of Guyana.


Why then should business people not advertise with Kaieteur News?


The very value for money thesis that Mr. Jagdeo used against the Stabroek News has come back to haunt him.

Why should the business community not advertise with Kaieteur News when their profits depend on purchasing power of consumers and other types of buyers and its is common sense for business people to inform buyers on what they have to offer.

A simple example should suffice. I have a new spray that kills mosquitoes more effectively. Why go for an advertisement in the Chronicle rather than the Kaieteur News when the President himself says that the Kaieteur News has an extensive influence on the Guyanese people.

I am sure after they would have eaten their food and while driving home with their spouses, the investors would know which paper reaches a wider audience.


Mr. Jagdeo achieved the opposite of what he intended.

Finally, the automatic question comes to the lips of everyone after they would have read what Mr. Jagdeo said about the negative effect Kaieteur News’ crime reporting has on the country’s image.


What about bad governance?


What about drug-trafficking in Guyana in which only when the big fishes travel abroad they are arrested?


What about the spending habit of some public servants who in just a few years can buy the types of houses only American millionaires could afford?

The truth about what was said at that dinner last Friday night about the Kaieteur News is that the word government was substituted for country.


It is the Government’s so-called image this newspaper is hurting not the country’s.


An image badly tattered by unbelievable and incredible corruption.


No one fits that image in the PPP/C today, not even Ramotar, Jagdoe. The PPP/C are controlled by liars, corruptable, thieves, and untrustworthy Politician.


Will anyone in their right mind vote for these scumbags? If any kind of elections are held today, the present corruptable PPP/C will definately lose, no wonder that they are scared and pissing their pants/panties to go ahead and hold elections.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Members of parliament should be made to declare how many house lots they have acquired in the various new housing schemes.

APNU/AFC can force them in Parliament to submit whatever information the public needs, all they have to do the vote down any money earmarked for the Min of Housing next budget.


Can Minister Manickchand answer

these; questions about her Pradoville 2


November 1, 2013 | By

Dear Editor,
I am confident that Ms. Priya Manickchand will answer honestly and promptly the questions raised by Mr. K. Khan in his letter appearing in the Kaieteur News of October 30, 2013.  I say so because the Minister is never shy in her engagement with the press; sweet to those who sing her praise and ready to confront those who try to tarnish her good image.
Because I am sure the Minister would want to avoid any undue aspersions about her good character, I am giving her the opportunity to provide additional information on the entire transaction for the house she sold in Sparendaam known as Pradoville 2. Can she state for the public:
a) the name of the contractor who built it and the contract sum.
b) whether the contractor is a recipient of government contracts.
c) thename of the attorney-at-law who acted for her in the transaction.
d) the price stated in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and whether the stated price was the same as the actual price she received.
e) the capital gains tax she paid on the transaction.
f) whether she is aware that real estate transactions come within the scope of the Anti-Money Laundering Act and did she consult with the FIU to ensure that the transaction was not laundering.
f) whether she knows that the definition of corruption used by The World Bank is β€˜the abuse of public office for private gain’.
I look forward to Ms. Manickchand’s response.
R. Rockliffe




Years since that speech and over a decade plus since Dr Jagan’s untimely death, it is debateable how much has been achieved to fulfil his vision. Let us be clear. We do not believe that for one moment Dr Jagan was being insincere. Indeed, we fully believe that his intentions were honourable and that he considered his vision to be attainable.


Successive PPP/C administrations have however squandered the goodwill that accompanied Dr Jagan’s election in 1992. β€œLean and clean government” is now an embarrassing, best forgotten catch phrase.


The PPP/C has now been ruduced to garbage.


Cheddi Jagan’s daughter says the current leaders of the PPP are corrupt and lack morals


Cheddi and Janet Jagan must be turning in their graves – says daughter at memorial

APRIL 4, 2012 | BY KNEWS |
β€œMy parents were probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately do not exist or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and government.”
The comments came from the daughter of the late Guyanese leaders Dr Cheddi Jagan and Mrs Janet Jagan. She said that the current leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and government lack β€œthe very, very, very high moral standards” which her parents embodied when they were alive.
Mrs Nadira Jagan-Brancier scolded the party for putting out platforms using her parents’ nameβ€” particularly her father’sβ€” and not living up really and truly to what her parents had stood for. β€œIt is not enough to go out there and make lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we’re carrying on”.
She said that her parents fought for sugar workers, the poor and down-trodden in Guyana and in the world. β€œThat’s who they stood for, and again, I think the party has moved awayβ€” not the party but certain elements in the partyβ€” from these very, very important values that held the party together and what makes the PPP what it is and so for me, when I look at some of the things happening, my parents must be turning in their gravesβ€” but they must be churning up in the waters of the rivers (in which their ashes were sprinkled)”.
She said that if the PPP is saying that it is following Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide, β€œthe only way you can follow them is to return to basics, return to who this party is which is the working- class party, obviously you have to support other people, but the base of this party is a working- class party, get back to being a non- corruptible party, so people can’t point a finger and say β€˜there is so much corruption, why should we worry?”
The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values. β€œIf the leaders don’t show the moral values then people won’t do it, and you’re children won’t grow up with moral values. And if your families don’t show moral values, then society as a whole will lose that”.
β€œTheir lives were involved in politics so their time for me and my brother was very limited…They weren’t there the amount of hours that most people would have their parents around, but the times that they were, it was what they called quality time, not quantity…so the times they spent with usβ€” memories that I will have for the rest of my life”.
She noted that her parents were very normal, simple, and humble people and a β€œvery, very loving couple”. She recalled sitting down for breakfast in the mornings around the family table and listening to the news from Guyana or the BBC β€œand you weren’t allowed to talk”.
She noted that they lived very simple lives and told the gathering that the house in which her parents once lived, is now open to the public. β€œThe house is there and I really encourage people to use the opportunity to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived…They lived a very simple life; they didn’t have big ostentatious homes that you see nowadays that government officials and party officials have, which is a very sad thing, personally”.
Ms Jagan- Brancier also encouraged persons to visit the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in Kingston. β€œThis was when my father was Premier from 1961 to 1964”.
β€œMost people think of my mom as only writing for the Mirror and other political things; my mom wrote a lot of children storiesβ€” I hope that people who have children would know this. She was also a poet and wrote some beautiful poems.”
Mrs Jagan’s prison diary, she said, are all important documents that Mrs Jagan-Brancier urged persons to read. The Cheddi Jagan website is also another feature that she urged the public to access information β€œand on this website, you will find information”.

Jagdeo’s gov’t has pushed the PPP aside and is working against the legacy of Dr Jagan

May 9, 2011

I spent over 30 of the best years of my life fighting against the PNC dictatorship and defending the PPP and Dr. Jagan’s legacy. All of my family lives overseas but I resisted pressure from them to migrate and remained here. I was beaten and jailed on numerous occasions. Because of my critical attitude and an independent mind I was never given the push like some of the newcomers who in a very short time and with practically no sacrifice are now in the Central Committee and in the executive of the PPP.

We created through propaganda the stalwart image for Bharrat Jagdeo but today his government has pushed the PPP aside and is working in an anti working class manner and against the legacy of Dr. Cheddi Jagan who must be turning over in his grave.

Please take the following that I have written into consideration as it is up to you to ensure that this country is placed back on the path envisaged by Cde Cheddi. I support Moses to be the presidential candidate. I am aware that Moses is by far the most popular choice and best candidate for the Presidential candidate. Ralph would have also been an acceptable choice for change to return the PPP to Dr Jagan’s vision.

However we have witnessed the vulgar manipulation by Jagdeo, Ramotar and others in the Executive and Central Committee that resulted in the selection of Ramotar as the Presidential Candidate. The greatest insult was when they came and asked the members to rubber stamp the undemocratic process.

The present cabal defends any criticism of their anti working class policies, by pointing at what happened under the PNC. This is not only ridiculous but absolutely unacceptable. Even as we grant the first term as having to deal with pre ’92 destruction of our economy and social structure and infrastructure; and recognize the β€œlean and clean” government of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, today [about] thirteen years later we are witnessing the growing impoverishment of our people, the growing corruption, the growing self-enrichment of a small section of the PPP leadership.

We can no longer blame the stringent measures imposed by the IMF deal since it has ended. But the Jagdeo government, and Donald Ramotar want to continue this way, and they seem bent on pursuing the same path that has had such an adverse effect on the working class, small farmers and the professionals, impoverishing them and this generates a huge gap between the haves and the haves not, in betrayal of the PPP’s stated ideology and Cheddi Jagan’s legacy. The drive for self-enrichment is apparently insatiable

The members of the Committee for the Re-election of President Hoyte (CREEP), who we were taught to revile, are now the best friends of the big ones in government and seem to be given all the opportunities to become richer. Prime lands are being given away to them and they are the President’s newly acquired friends. They shout β€œgrow more food” but no new lands have been developed for the small farmers and the existing farmlands have been neglected and have caused all farming production to plummet.

The CREEPs are being hugged in public, while members of the PPP who were in the trenches and made tremendous sacrifices for decades are being shunted aside, and seem unable to even gain audience with the present ministers who with inflated egos and heads swollen with arrogance strut around the country like giants.

We have been force-fed with the idea that education can save us, but we have seen thousands graduate from high school with no jobs available. There is no proper employment or development plan as we produce thousands of graduates in fields where we have no jobs available. The President and the Civic Education Ministers did/do not see themselves to be blamed in that they should have seen to it that our education system was restructured to produce engineers and math and science teachers. Except for marginal progress in the area of infrastructure which is however riddled with corruption, there has been no real qualitative change to cater for the needs of Guyana and provide a diversified work force to ensure Guyana’s development.

Look at the fantastic tax allowances and duty-free concessions given to the President’s cronies but in reality no parents are given relief. The children of the poor, especially, suffer as there is no allowance for them. How could the parents put them through school properly? We need to reintroduce a progressive tax regime, or some form of subsidy for each child going to school – in fact for each child, in cases where the income of the parent is below a certain level. In any event, I need to emphasise that the burden of taxes on the employed is oppressive.

Small businesses are catching hell. The private sector has serious economic, cultural restraints reducing its effectiveness to create jobs and ensure development. Unfortunately Dr. Jagan’s ideas of a tri-sectoral economy have been cast aside, in addition to other aspects of his legacy lost within the shout β€œJagan lives!” The cooperatives set up in the days of Jagan strived, however this sector which can assist in the alleviation of poverty has been deemphasized.

Jagan’s legacy and commitment to the interest of the working class and farmers continue to be thrown to the dogs by the government. We have to make some hard but necessary choices with regard to the PPP if we want to ensure a future for the children of Guyana. It seems that it has only retained the name but has lost the real working class commitment of Dr Cheddi.

Moses was hit. Moses got second at a previous congress and was left out of the executive. He definitely got a resounding yes from the vast majority of delegates at the last congress and again he was left out. O’Lall was dealt with and he died. Recently Navin Chandarpal was dealt with. Indra Chandarpal, who as a young PPP girl was arrested with her sister and taken to the lock up in their sleeping clothes, was literally chased out of the Cabinet.

Various senior members of the PPP have accepted that I was given a raw deal because I am usually critical of the way things are done at internal forums. Because I was critical the President dealt with me just like Burnham did and terminated my employment.

It is now left to see if Ralph would sail away into the deep blue sea, or rise like a true revolutionary to fight another day. One thing is for sure I cannot see him supporting this cabal not after his published criticisms of the corruption among other things.  In addition there are many in the PPP that are well respected. We are waiting to see if they will stay on the band wagon in their self interest or stand up to regain the rights of the ordinary man.

The people of Guyana, the vast majority of poor of all races have to commence appreciating that they occupy a common economic marginalization. They must look at each other and recognize that they are a force to be reckoned with. They must commence to support themselves in unity and address their marginalization with a united front that should exclude the present PPP and PNC cabal.

Progressive PPP and PNC leaders and members have to review their position of support for these undemocratic forces and unite to save our beloved Guyana.

I cannot close without mentioning another son of Jagan and Guyana. Moses! Time will tell if he would come forth and lead the working people of Guyana or remain in the wilderness. He made claims to the fact that Jagan mentioned him as a possible successor and so many see him as that. He will decide whether he will act to ensure Cheddi Jagan’s legacy lives or allow it to be interred with his bones as he and the people of this country witness the blatant betrayal of lean, mean and clean among other aspects of Jagan’s legacy.

Yours faithfully,
Rajendra Bissessar

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....





REV it looks like Ramotar & Jagdeo

will lose another 100,000 votes

because of wha dem do here...


GPL rents US$900,000 generator for US$720,000 annually

April 19, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


The Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) last year paid a hefty US$8.6M to

GPL’s CEO, Bharat Dindyal, and other officials during a hearing with utilities regulator, Public Utilities Commission last week.

rent 12 Caterpillar generating sets for a period of one year. It could have spent just US$2.2M more to buy them all.


Corruption has Donald Ramotar cornered –

Corruption has Donald Ramotar cornered

JUNE 19, 2012 | BY  | EDITORIAL

Over time the people of this country have been hearing about their corrupt government. For example, there was talk that Forbes Burnham had stolen so much money that he was the fifth richest person in the world. The accusers quoted Forbes Magazine. Those were the days when information contained in foreign magazines was not readily available.

It turned out that there was never such a publication. Today, more than 25 years after Burnham’s death there is no evidence that he was ever a wealthy man. President Cheddi Jagan came to power with a pledge to run a lean and clean government. And he was true to his word. He caused his government to import pharmaceuticals when a local supplier turned out to be fleecing his government. Suffice it to say that that local supplier is once more the major supplier of pharmaceuticals to the government.     

As news of unprecedented corruption began to circulate the then President Bharrat Jagdeo simply asked people to provide proof. Some did and got nowhere. Others were threatened by persons unknown to keep their mouths shut and some lost government contracts. In the end people chose to report to the media.

That there is rampant corruption is now an open secret, so open that Nadira Jagan, a daughter of the Jagans, publicly accused the people in the party her father founded of stealing at unimaginable levels. She said that she was ashamed and her audience listened.

Now, a man who challenged for the presidential nominee of his party, has become the latest to complain about the levels of corruption. Mr Ralph Ramkarran has said that some of the corruption may be perceived. None can fault that statement. Burnham’s wealth was perceived but people believed and acted against it. But there are clear cases of corruption. And Mr Ramkarran wants the head of state to act.

These days, very few of the accused can say that they are as clean as driven snow. In the first instance their physical assets defy explanation. When one compares these assets to their earnings there seems to be no correlation. In some countries the tax man would have intervened but in Guyana, given the nature of the politics, he has chosen to remain silent.

One case was revealed when a woman whose earnings were no more than $40,000 per month from the Guyana Oil Company, proceeded to buy a house for $60 million. This was brought to the attention of Head of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Khurshid Sattaur, who simply ignored the information.

There are other reports of corruption, all of which remain uncontested.  And there is a reason for this. The people who should conduct the investigations subvert themselves to the political directorate. The result is that if someone is close to the political directorate then that person enjoys immense protection, even from criminal protection.

There is now the case of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). This body controls Government assets. It has the power to dispose of these assets and it does not have to account to the National Assembly.

Now there is a charge of rampant corruption with funds from NICIL. The Parliamentarians say that they have to investigate and that they would like to see the books. But the government is saying that this would not happen. Is there something to hide? Since NICIL controls state assets the least that could happen is that people be allowed to see how these assets are preserved or disposed of.

In the same way that the auditor has found that the government-owned National Communications Network cannot account for some $215 million, NICIL is probably in the same position. In the case of NCN the money might never have been collected from people who placed advertisements. In the case of NICIL there may be people who have acquired government assets without completing the payment. This is dishonest.  This is a corrupt practice.

And as if the heavens have opened, each day there are new reports of corruption being unearthed somewhere. We now have the city council among the latest band of corrupt practices. Already the NCN probe has revealed that people caused to be paid to their personal accounts, money destined to the media outlet.

President Ramotar has to take control and act condignly. Corruption has caused his party, for the first time, to preside over a minority government. Further corruption could see the People’s Progressive Party losing the seat of government altogethe


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