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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

I think the PPP will go down this time.  I speak to many Indians and they want a change and may go with the PNC.  The PPP never recoup from the drift they have been in since prior to the last election.  Their incompetence and corruption have accelerated.

1. Brassington is making the PPP/c look bad.

2. The Marriot is seen like another Buddy's transaction.

3. The Berbice Bridge Rip off of Berbicians for the benefit of a few PPP/C cronies.

4. The white elephant Skeldon Sugar Estate.

5. Empty promises made by PPP/C politicians in the heat of the moment.

6. Escalating crime rates and the unpopularity and no confidence in Rohee and a few others.

7. .......


Many feel it's a waste of time voting and may stay away from the polls.


Add to that the drug dealer who killed the minister. People are talking openly that Roger Khan was responsible for most of the murders on the East Coast. 

Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the PPP will go down this timeI speak to many Indians and they want a change and may go with the PNC. 



It looks like you have been speaking to a lot of dirty ones---Dirty PNC Indians----they are the ones who are licking Granger's balls and drooling for him to be the next President of Guyana----unfortunately for those losers---Granger is a proven failure and loser---and will never be president of Guyana.


By the way baseman---didn't you also believe the PPP was going down in 2011 ?



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the PPP will go down this timeI speak to many Indians and they want a change and may go with the PNC. 



It looks like you have been speaking to a lot of dirty ones---Dirty PNC Indians----they are the ones who are licking Granger's balls and drooling for him to be the next President of Guyana----unfortunately for those losers---Granger is a proven failure and loser---and will never be president of Guyana.


By the way baseman---didn't you also believe the PPP was going down in 2011 ?



Mr Rev Ally, fake rich man, fake PHD/MBA, how is the tall wife? Is she fake also?

Originally Posted by asj:

Even if the PPP/C supporters does not decide to go out and vote, it will still be a calamity for the PPP


Taking all this into consideration, and the fraustration of the PPP supporters, there is no possibility that the PPP/C can win any elections now, that is if elections were to be called.




May your pain and suffering continue. And may Guyana continue to prosper under the leadership of the PPP.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even if the PPP/C supporters does not decide to go out and vote, it will still be a calamity for the PPP


Taking all this into consideration, and the fraustration of the PPP supporters, there is no possibility that the PPP/C can win any elections now, that is if elections were to be called.




May your pain and suffering continue. And may Guyana continue to prosper under the leadership of the PPP.




That is a silly response, Mr fake millionaire. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the PPP will go down this timeI speak to many Indians and they want a change and may go with the PNC. 



It looks like you have been speaking to a lot of dirty ones---Dirty PNC Indians----they are the ones who are licking Granger's balls and drooling for him to be the next President of Guyana----unfortunately for those losers---Granger is a proven failure and loser---and will never be president of Guyana.


By the way baseman---didn't you also believe the PPP was going down in 2011 ?



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother and father supported Burnham and the PNC; that makes them your classic Dirty PNC Indians.  Why are you being so vulgar?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even if the PPP/C supporters does not decide to go out and vote, it will still be a calamity for the PPP


Taking all this into consideration, and the fraustration of the PPP supporters, there is no possibility that the PPP/C can win any elections now, that is if elections were to be called.




May your pain and suffering continue. And may Guyana continue to prosper under the leadership of the PPP.



That an effeminate response, Aly with a phake Phd and MBA.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

3 elections ago people were saying the same thing, that the Indians will vote for PNC. Now we see ASJ after needing a break from his usual terrorist rantings, he suddenly discovered Guyana existed. 




They are all deeply frustrated and embittered---asj and all the losers who blindly support the corrupt AFC---just read their posts on this thread.


Listen! You and I know that the PPP has many flaws and shortcomings---but the alternative to the PPP----the PNC/AFC---those cretins would ruin, impoverish and bankrupt Guyana in a millisecond.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

3 elections ago people were saying the same thing, that the Indians will vote for PNC. Now we see ASJ after needing a break from his usual terrorist rantings, he suddenly discovered Guyana existed. 




They are all deeply frustrated and embittered---asj and all the losers who blindly support the corrupt AFC---just read their posts on this thread.


Listen! You and I know that the PPP has many flaws and shortcomings---but the alternative to the PPP----the PNC/AFC---those cretins would ruin, impoverish and bankrupt Guyana in a millisecond.



yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnn . . .


btw, how's your search for a bt augmentation surgeon going rev? . . . Kwame very concerned that u gunning fuh he wuk

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

3 elections ago people were saying the same thing, that the Indians will vote for PNC. Now we see ASJ after needing a break from his usual terrorist rantings, he suddenly discovered Guyana existed. 




They are all deeply frustrated and embittered---asj and all the losers who blindly support the corrupt AFC---just read their posts on this thread.


Listen! You and I know that the PPP has many flaws and shortcomings---but the alternative to the PPP----the PNC/AFC---those cretins would ruin, impoverish and bankrupt Guyana in a millisecond.



yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnn . . .


btw, how's your search for a bt augmentation surgeon going rev? . . . Kwame very concerned that u gunning fuh he wuk


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

3 elections ago people were saying the same thing, that the Indians will vote for PNC. Now we see ASJ after needing a break from his usual terrorist rantings, he suddenly discovered Guyana existed. 




They are all deeply frustrated and embittered---asj and all the losers who blindly support the corrupt AFC---just read their posts on this thread.


Listen! You and I know that the PPP has many flaws and shortcomings---but the alternative to the PPP----the PNC/AFC---those cretins would ruin, impoverish and bankrupt Guyana in a millisecond.



yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnn . . .


btw, how's your search for a bt augmentation surgeon going rev? . . . Kwame very concerned that u gunning fuh he wuk



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

3 elections ago people were saying the same thing, that the Indians will vote for PNC. Now we see ASJ after needing a break from his usual terrorist rantings, he suddenly discovered Guyana existed. 




They are all deeply frustrated and embittered---asj and all the losers who blindly support the corrupt AFC---just read their posts on this thread.


Listen! You and I know that the PPP has many flaws and shortcomings---but the alternative to the PPP----the PNC/AFC---those cretins would ruin, impoverish and bankrupt Guyana in a millisecond.



yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnn . . .


btw, how's your search for a bt augmentation surgeon going rev? . . . Kwame very concerned that u gunning fuh he wuk





Corruption and crime are choking the

economic life out of Guyana

October 3, 2013


Dear Editor,
Since the November 2011 general elections, the minority government has done nothing to help lift Guyana out of its economic predicament. For years, red tape, corruption, bribery and crime have been choking the economic life out of the country.
Corruption has become so widespread that the U.S. Ambassador Brent Hardt has said “There are companies that we continue to prosecute in the US. Other countries do as well. That is where the focus has to be here in Guyanaâ€Ķ to look at how it investigates and prosecutes corruption. Will we see a high level official prosecuted for corruption? And if not, maybe you need to ask yourselves whether you need to strengthen institutions to get to that point where you can pursue a corruption investigation.”
The PPP is not only in denial, but it appears as though they have given their friends and supporters the green light “to tek whatever they want.”
We are convinced that the regime must start with a renewed approach to restructure the organs of the government to achieve economic growth and create jobs. The old non-productive model will not reduce crime or take Guyana out of its economic quagmire.
In order for this to happen, the government must embark on a robust economic programme that includes tax reform and the creation of jobs. It must take drastic action to end corruption, reduce crime, as well as halt marginalization.
Every country that is looking to move ahead has accepted that it is just not possible to make ends meet and achieve growth by a never-ending process of high crime rate, discrimination, nepotism and imposing higher and higher taxes on the same people and the same organizations. These are some of the most debilitating obstacles to the growth of Guyana’s economy.
When businesses are doing well, the Government collects far more taxes and when the government prosecutes those who are corrupt, there will be more money in the treasury to lower VAT and help those feeling its effects. Right now, business is not doing well in Guyana and the PPP has not prosecuted anyone for corruption.  Instead, the economic and financial interests of their relatives and wealthy friends are promoted.
In terms of development, the alternative has always been to borrow more money and thereby compound the existing problem. That is the story, where our debt is now over 75 per cent of our Gross Domestic Product. Even the schoolchildren of Guyana know that the borrowing of money at this frenetic and suicidal pace will result in an everlasting debt that would lead to bankruptcy.
Borrowing is a scourge. There was a time when the ability to attract loans was glamourized and construed as a great achievement on the part of a Government. But there is nothing heroic about the PPP borrowing money and placing it in the hands of those who usurp the authority vested in them to negotiate contracts on behalf of the people.
A smart government will make creative deals through creative policies that investors, local and overseas, cannot refuse. Guyana, with its vast natural resources, starting with its people and natural beauty, begins with an advantage.
There are patriotic and nationalistic Guyanese investors who will strive to spend their last penny to develop businesses locally, but they need help against the high crime rate and corruption, which is enabling those in authority to seek huge kick-backs from them. If the PPP has any decency and morality it will put an end to such gross misconduct. The time is now to capitalize on anything that it can leverage for economic growth to make life better for the people.
One of the assets that the PPP does not seem to recognize and use to the nation’s advantage is the fact that Guyanese are extremely ambitious and willing to work hard, if given the opportunity to do so. The stories of Guyanese successes achieved after migration are many.
The fact is, the government itself has made it extremely difficult to start a business due to the bureaucratic red tape, bribery and the runaround after the bribery. The convoluted bureaucracy one has to endure just to clear goods from the wharf will frustrate even the most optimistic professional. It gets worse if he or she wants to start exporting which, ironically, is what Guyana so desperately needs. There are too many agencies, red tape-madness and bribery to encounter around every corner.
It pains us to see that our CARICOM neighbours, some without resources, human or natural, as we have, are making so much out of so little. The PPP cabal is so bent on using the country’s resources for their own benefit and for their wealthy friends, that they have somehow lost the drive to get things done. Their innovative drive is to become richer with the taxpayers’ money. Things that should be simple, like constructing a building, have become complex under this wayward, reckless and uncaring regime. We have a Government that does not mean well or care about the country and its citizens.
We live for the day when the campaign promises become hardcore reality.


Dr. Asquith Rose and Chandra Deollal, Esq.


Quote "Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother and father supported Burnham and the PNC; that makes them your classic Dirty PNC Indians.  Why are you being so vulgar?"unquote


So who was these Dirty PNC Indians. The only dirty PNC indians I know of was that of Kidmost  

And the last I heard of Kidmost is the he channelled something obeah to Mara or so the book says.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the PPP will go down this timeI speak to many Indians and they want a change and may go with the PNC. 



It looks like you have been speaking to a lot of dirty ones---Dirty PNC Indians----they are the ones who are licking Granger's balls and drooling for him to be the next President of Guyana----unfortunately for those losers---Granger is a proven failure and loser---and will never be president of Guyana.


By the way baseman---didn't you also believe the PPP was going down in 2011 ?



Nah bai, I speak to ordinary average working, but educated, people who admitted to me they voted PPP in 2011.  Some are so fed-up, they want to give up and leave.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah bai, I speak to ordinary average working,but educated, people who admitted to me they voted PPP in 2011.  Some are so fed-up, they want to give up and leave.

OK Cool!


Note I have highlighted "educated" above.


If you said to me you were speaking to the masses---the ordinary folks---not the so-called educated ones---then you'd have a point about the PPP maybe losing power.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I said it here before that many Indian supporters will either stay away or vote with their feet.

Many Indian supporters are disenchanted by the PPP/C, so when supporters who knows that their parents, themselves and families supported PPP/C for dankey years, and when the PPP/C makes a promise  for something very easy, and they failed miserably to deliver, then it is time that Indian kick their asses out.

 The alternative to the PPP is afc/pnc supported by the pedophile gang led by mjuanita and company. It is a case of the lesser of evils. I doubt that enough time has passed for Indians to forget the cruelty and destruction of the pnc/afc.

Druggie, do you think that I actually cares who rules Guyana? Any other Government rules Guyana will be a better choice for Guyana.

And the PNC is setting up the PPP/C for the next election.


1) Lets hinder the PPP/C from making life better for their supporters:

Like fools and Dummy: The PPP is falling for this


More later

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  


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