After 1992 there are free and fair elections.
Free and fair elections also mean holding the elections when they are due, not like the PPP stalling the Local Government Elections for years now.
After 1992 there are free and fair elections.
Free and fair elections also mean holding the elections when they are due, not like the PPP stalling the Local Government Elections for years now.
Dear Editor,
In 1992, the current hijackers of the PPP leadership, secure in power through a manipulated congress election in 2013 were in love with elections. Today, they will fight to their dying breath to prevent local government elections. Some have alluded to the despotic nature of the current PPP leadership as the reason for this refusal to call local government elections.
They are correct. However, I feel the bigger reason is the fear of the PPP leadership of a loss of power from local government elections. There are many disgruntled PPP members, some of whom have been marginalized, ostracized and rejected by the inner core that controls the party. The padded delegate list that carefully selected and excluded party members, the fact that there were more ballots than voting delegates and the last minute disenfranchisement of delegates at the 2013 PPP congress, mirroring what happened at the 2014 PNC congress, further fueled this outrage.
The current PPP leadership dominated by the Jagdeoite-Ramotarian clan is deathly afraid of facing its membership at local government elections. They know that many PPP members and groups will resist their handpicked candidates in many districts, triggering an open insurrection against the current cabal dominating Freedom House. They know that some PPP members will run against the failed and corrupt candidates Freedom House tries to impose on local communities.
The Jagdeoites dominating the PPP know that immense pressure will be brought to bear by party members against the corrupt and failed leadership and that they could lose their hold on the party through the democracy of local government elections. Some party members will not vote in protest. Others will support independent candidates.
Some will run as independents. The PPP also knows that local government elections will send a resounding rejection of its politics, making it even more vulnerable in the coming national election in 2016. So, this is the real reason for the PPP’s refusal to call local government elections. The Jagdeoite cabal running Freedom House with its Stalinist practices are afraid of facing their own party members. In an attempt to save their own skin, they are willing to refuse their own party members the freedom of participating in local government elections.
Some have publicly expressed the rumour that President Ramotar will try to delay any no-confidence vote election until the 2016 general election. If this is to occur, it would partly be because he is deathly afraid the Jagdeoites will remove him as a candidate in any new election before 2016 and partly because of the undemocratic nature of the PPP. The risk with trying to delay by court action a legitimate no-confidence vote that constitutionally triggers new elections is that it puts the PPP into the realm of illegitimacy and illegality.
At that point, the PPP conceivably will not have any constitutional power over the armed forces of this country, which could act in accordance with the constitution and force the PPP to either call the election right away or step down from power. Similarly, any civil protest against PPP refusal to step down would be legitimate. The constitution is clear on a no-confidence vote. It does not accommodate any delaying tactic. If a no-confidence motion is passed, the opposition must ensure it passes as part of the motion that elections must be called by the constitutionally prescribed time and that failure to do so is constitutional transgression.
M. Maxwell
Dear Sir, The results of the November 2011 General Elections should be a wake-up call for the leadership of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic. Now more than ever, there is a need for introspection and a willingness to accept that the party has failed miserably to understand the hurt and betrayal felt by its traditional supporters – the East Indians of this country. It will be a further act of denial if the PPP/C wants to clutch at the straws to believe that it got any cross-over votes from Afro-Guyanese. Any simple analysis would reflect four basic truths: 1. Blacks voted solidly for APNU; 2 Amerindians votes were divided among AFC, APNU and PPP/C; 3.The PPP/C won the presidency by virtue of its East Indian support base; 4.And lost the parliament on the basis of withdrawal of that support by significant sections of the East Indian population The East Indians of this country voiced their disgust at the leadership of the PPP/C by the withdrawal of their support by (i) not voting and (ii) by transferal of their support to Khemraj Ramjattan’s AFC. Dr. Cheddi Jagan built the PPP/C through the dint of hard work, commitment and sacrifice. Bharrat Jagdeo destroyed the PPP/C through greed, arrogance and a megalomaniac personality. Bharrat Jagdeo and Robert Persaud as architects of the PPP/C campaign, epitomize the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. It is the nature of bullies to surround themselves with sycophants who are there simply to offer slavish praise for non-existent virtues. The PPP/C election campaign was devoid of decency and coherence and trampled on middle class sensibilities and opened the East Indian population to ridicule for its vulgarity and crassness. The personality of Bharrat Jagdeo was on public display when he started to believe in the myth of his own brilliance and invincibility. It will be the job of social scientists to decipher and segregate his personality, but all of his characteristics point to an insecure and mediocre person. It is the tragedy of our Nation that such a person had been placed on the national platform of a presidency and has brought the PPP/C to disgrace. The very future of East Indians in this country, which is inextricably linked to the uncertain future of the PPP/C, now faces a most critical dilemma. This is where I wish to take to task the leadership of the PPP/C to allow Bharrat Jagdeo to hijack a party that was rooted in fundamental decency and working class ideology, to become a party that served the needs of a selected group and one that became mired in corruption and scandal. The first signal that Bharrat Jagdeo was an unstable person was his public criticism and ridicule of former President Mrs. Janet Jagan. It showed a personality lacking in humility and gratitude. His praising of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News and the withdrawal of Stabroek News advertisements and subsequent criticizing of Kaieteur News whilst quietly supporting Guyana Times was opportunistic and dishonest. His personal attack on Freddie Kissoon and ‘attempted’ humiliation of Dr. Yesu Persaud reflects the base nature of his character and utmost disrespect for basic decency. Many writers have already commented on the incestuous relationships he maintained with investors, business associates and friends and the questionable awards of contracts, favours and largesse. It has to be a matter of utmost shame that the PPP/C did not seek to reign in Bharrat Jagdeo immature and destructive antics but instead rewarded him to take a lead role in the campaign for the National Elections 2011. I guess it was too much to expect that Bharrat Jagdeo would have been gracious at that point to conduct himself very differently. Every decent-minded person had a sense of revulsion when he referred to the media as carrion crows and vultures (preying on dead flesh). He further degenerated in reiterating his ‘cuss mode’ status and his infamous ‘jackass’ comment. It was tragic to see Bharrat Jagdeo seeking to elevate such debase behaviour into some sort of virtue. It was a ‘fitting end’ that the high point of the PPP/C campaign was the concert at the Providence Stadium where a largely East Indian crowd was ‘treated’ to a performance by Destra. The inappropriateness and vulgarity of Destra’s performance will haunt East Indian sensitivity for a long time. The image of a young East Indian girl gyrating and mirroring the vulgarity of Destra was broadcast on National TV. This was PPP/C’s gift to East Indians. Their disregard for the norms of respectful behaviour knew no limits and our disappointment and sense of betrayal and shame had no end. The elections results could not have been different. This should be no shock or surprise. The campaign was outlandish and vulgar. Traditional supporters were shocked, undecided voters were horrified and the young people could not believe that the PPP/C expects them to give blind support. They rejected being taken for granted. The verdict is out; the electorate has rejected both Bharrat Jagdeo (this election must be seen as a referendum on his person) and Robert Persaud as campaign manager and strategist. If the campaign wasn’t bad enough the reaction of Robert Persaud was one of abrasive belligerence at blaming East Indians for the PPP/C loss of majority. Robert Persaud, a clone of Bharrat Jagdeo, assumed proprietary rights over the East Indians of this country and does not possess the intelligence or integrity to ask himself why large sections of the East Indian population rejected the PPP/C. This is the tragedy but it brings out two points (a) how much the PPP/C has taken its traditional support base for granted, and (b) that the PPP/C have not recognized that the population is intelligent. It is clear that by and large our population has grown and out-paced the intellectual development of the key campaign strategists — Robert Persaud and Bharrat Jagdeo.The time has now come for the PPP/C to save itself from itself. The first step in doing this is to ask Bharrat Jagdeo and his protégé, Robert Persaud, to remove themselves from the public life of this country. Their continued presence and influence can only lead to an implosion of the PPP/C and a humiliating defeat at the next election. Thereafter, it is my considered view that His Excellency Donald Ramotar should call for a meeting extraordinaire with individuals and groups who may not be party members per se but sympathetic to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic. A frank contribution by independently minded persons would be a healthy beginning on the way forward. Deonarine Persaud
Destra and Dem a Watch Meh super star that is what the PPP has to offer Guyana.
Shit and more shit.
Remember this, PPP in real political trouble. Will have to go to court to delay the elections.
PPP barefaced.
Dear Sir, The results of the November 2011 General Elections should be a wake-up call for the leadership of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic. Now more than ever, there is a need for introspection and a willingness to accept that the party has failed miserably to understand the hurt and betrayal felt by its traditional supporters – the East Indians of this country. It will be a further act of denial if the PPP/C wants to clutch at the straws to believe that it got any cross-over votes from Afro-Guyanese. Any simple analysis would reflect four basic truths: 1. Blacks voted solidly for APNU; 2 Amerindians votes were divided among AFC, APNU and PPP/C; 3.The PPP/C won the presidency by virtue of its East Indian support base; 4.And lost the parliament on the basis of withdrawal of that support by significant sections of the East Indian population The East Indians of this country voiced their disgust at the leadership of the PPP/C by the withdrawal of their support by (i) not voting and (ii) by transferal of their support to Khemraj Ramjattan’s AFC. Dr. Cheddi Jagan built the PPP/C through the dint of hard work, commitment and sacrifice. Bharrat Jagdeo destroyed the PPP/C through greed, arrogance and a megalomaniac personality. Bharrat Jagdeo and Robert Persaud as architects of the PPP/C campaign, epitomize the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. It is the nature of bullies to surround themselves with sycophants who are there simply to offer slavish praise for non-existent virtues. The PPP/C election campaign was devoid of decency and coherence and trampled on middle class sensibilities and opened the East Indian population to ridicule for its vulgarity and crassness. The personality of Bharrat Jagdeo was on public display when he started to believe in the myth of his own brilliance and invincibility. It will be the job of social scientists to decipher and segregate his personality, but all of his characteristics point to an insecure and mediocre person. It is the tragedy of our Nation that such a person had been placed on the national platform of a presidency and has brought the PPP/C to disgrace. The very future of East Indians in this country, which is inextricably linked to the uncertain future of the PPP/C, now faces a most critical dilemma. This is where I wish to take to task the leadership of the PPP/C to allow Bharrat Jagdeo to hijack a party that was rooted in fundamental decency and working class ideology, to become a party that served the needs of a selected group and one that became mired in corruption and scandal. The first signal that Bharrat Jagdeo was an unstable person was his public criticism and ridicule of former President Mrs. Janet Jagan. It showed a personality lacking in humility and gratitude. His praising of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News and the withdrawal of Stabroek News advertisements and subsequent criticizing of Kaieteur News whilst quietly supporting Guyana Times was opportunistic and dishonest. His personal attack on Freddie Kissoon and ‘attempted’ humiliation of Dr. Yesu Persaud reflects the base nature of his character and utmost disrespect for basic decency. Many writers have already commented on the incestuous relationships he maintained with investors, business associates and friends and the questionable awards of contracts, favours and largesse. It has to be a matter of utmost shame that the PPP/C did not seek to reign in Bharrat Jagdeo immature and destructive antics but instead rewarded him to take a lead role in the campaign for the National Elections 2011. I guess it was too much to expect that Bharrat Jagdeo would have been gracious at that point to conduct himself very differently. Every decent-minded person had a sense of revulsion when he referred to the media as carrion crows and vultures (preying on dead flesh). He further degenerated in reiterating his ‘cuss mode’ status and his infamous ‘jackass’ comment. It was tragic to see Bharrat Jagdeo seeking to elevate such debase behaviour into some sort of virtue. It was a ‘fitting end’ that the high point of the PPP/C campaign was the concert at the Providence Stadium where a largely East Indian crowd was ‘treated’ to a performance by Destra. The inappropriateness and vulgarity of Destra’s performance will haunt East Indian sensitivity for a long time. The image of a young East Indian girl gyrating and mirroring the vulgarity of Destra was broadcast on National TV. This was PPP/C’s gift to East Indians. Their disregard for the norms of respectful behaviour knew no limits and our disappointment and sense of betrayal and shame had no end. The elections results could not have been different. This should be no shock or surprise. The campaign was outlandish and vulgar. Traditional supporters were shocked, undecided voters were horrified and the young people could not believe that the PPP/C expects them to give blind support. They rejected being taken for granted. The verdict is out; the electorate has rejected both Bharrat Jagdeo (this election must be seen as a referendum on his person) and Robert Persaud as campaign manager and strategist. If the campaign wasn’t bad enough the reaction of Robert Persaud was one of abrasive belligerence at blaming East Indians for the PPP/C loss of majority. Robert Persaud, a clone of Bharrat Jagdeo, assumed proprietary rights over the East Indians of this country and does not possess the intelligence or integrity to ask himself why large sections of the East Indian population rejected the PPP/C. This is the tragedy but it brings out two points (a) how much the PPP/C has taken its traditional support base for granted, and (b) that the PPP/C have not recognized that the population is intelligent. It is clear that by and large our population has grown and out-paced the intellectual development of the key campaign strategists — Robert Persaud and Bharrat Jagdeo.The time has now come for the PPP/C to save itself from itself. The first step in doing this is to ask Bharrat Jagdeo and his protégé, Robert Persaud, to remove themselves from the public life of this country. Their continued presence and influence can only lead to an implosion of the PPP/C and a humiliating defeat at the next election. Thereafter, it is my considered view that His Excellency Donald Ramotar should call for a meeting extraordinaire with individuals and groups who may not be party members per se but sympathetic to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic. A frank contribution by independently minded persons would be a healthy beginning on the way forward. Deonarine Persaud
Jagdeo awoke Indians to the reality, they don't need to cower in the face of Black bullyism. Blackman poke you in the eye, you punch him back in the nose. Massa day done. Deonaraine probably alive today to write shyte due to the actions of Jagdeo and the boys.
Jagdeo awoke Indians to the reality, they don't need to cower in the face of Black bullyism. Blackman poke you in the eye, you punch him back in the nose. Massa day done. Deonaraine probably alive today to write shyte due to the actions of Jagdeo and the boys.
Let me correct you. An Indian elite protects itself by paying black criminals. Those same criminals, once armed by Indian elites, then harass small business owners of ALL RACES (black business people get attacked all the time but the Indo centric PPP goons here refuse to admit this).
So who is benefitting?
Let me also add that a new group of petty Indo hoodlums is also growing and focusing their energies on harassing poor Indians as well, especially in Berbice.
So continue to scream "ahbe pan tap".
“The government is silent about this immoral and abusive act and there can only be one logical conclusion for that—they are benefitting financially in exchange for allowing the rape to continue. Citizens need to understand the corrupt beast that it (Govt.) is dealing with. It is only a win-win deal for the parties involved and Bai Shan Lin’s kickbacks seem to have silenced the government.” This is the contention of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member on the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, Joseph Harmon.
After seeing the aerial view pictures of huge piles of hundreds of Guyana’s precious logs stocked and waiting to be shipped from one of Bai Shan Lin’s Kwakwani areas, Harmon believes that the evidence showcased by Kaieteur News yesterday is simply “horrendous.” “It is sickening to come to grips with the reality that former President Bharrat Jagdeo invited Bai Shan Lin to this country under the pretext that it was going to foster good developments, and all along the true intention was to rape this country of its resources. This underscores the need for the Ramotar administration to resign en bloc. “They have no interest in protecting the people. They have fooled this country. It seems that this Government is being paid to shut its mouth.” The MP pointed out that at a meeting of the Natural Resources Committee in the Parliament Office, Head of the Guyana Forestry Commission, James Singh, was requested to provide information in relation to the contractual arrangements that Government has with Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese company that has been in the spotlight for several months now, for its questionable activities. Singh, according to Harmon, said that the Commission does not have a copy of the contract. The Parliamentary Committee was referred to the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) for more information. But when contacted, GO-Invest was not even aware of the agreements. “This is a most serious matter, because we have a Government that is so greedy and selfish that it is incapable of understanding that it has the responsibilities to protect the natural resources of this country.” Commissioner Singh had defended GFC saying that Bai Shan Lin is not operating in an illegal manner, but Harmon contends that he does not trust what the nation is being told about what is legal and what isn’t in this matter.
“These companies are just being encouraged to gut this country, and indicators show that Guyana is slipping further into the abyss of poverty.” The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had made it clear that Bai Shan Lin does not have permission to cut or log. In fact, EPA denied ever giving the Chinese company any permission to do logging. A senior official at the EPA explained it is currently in discussions with the company in relation to “scoping”. “Scoping” is another aspect of its Environmental Assessment which Bai Shan Lin needs to complete. This publication understands that once everything is done in accordance with the prescribed requirements, the EPA would grant Bai Shan Lin an “Environmental Authorization Permit.” This would give the company the right to log and harvest timber. Though it is currently without a logging licence, Bai Shan Lin has teamed up with four others in joint ventures to export billions of dollars in logs.
It is in possession of a State Forest Exploration Permit (SFEP) which allows for an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, not large-scale logging. A Forestry official said that at present, the company should only be engaging in limited exploration logging. In June, Bai Shan Lin submitted an application to the EPA seeking environmental authorization to undertake a large-scale logging and sawmill operation for several areas, including on the left bank of the Essequibo River, along the Berbice River and in Regions Nine and Six. That application is still pending. The Environmental Protections Act of 1996 says that an “Environmental Impact Assessment” is required before any decision is taken to approve or reject a project of this magnitude. EPA had invited members of the public to submit, within 28 days of the notice, questions or objections. It is not clear whether this process is completed. Bai Shan Lin has claimed access to forestry concessions that amount to close to one million hectares of rainforest, from which it plans to extract logs and ship them out of Guyana. However, Government has denied it was that much. The company estimates that it will make US$1,800 from each hectare of land, giving it profits totaling US$1.7 billion, according to Additionally, the company sought permission to dig up a 20-kilometre stretch of river to look for gold. Other plans include setting up what it is called a Guyana-China Timber Industry Economic and Trading Corporation Park, plus a 400-acre real estate development. The plans were announced in 2012 by Chu Wenze, Chairman of Bai Shan Lin, at the Second World Congress on Timber and Wood Products Trade in Taicang, China.
Those plans were announced even before Guyana knew of it. The country became aware of what was happening only when Bai Shan Lin officials visited Guyana and held discussions with President Donald Ramotar and other government officials. stated that in November 2012, Chu Wenze’s plans have threatened Guyana’s proposals to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Bai Shan Lin is part of a group of 11 companies operating in Guyana. They are all part of the China Forest Industry Group (Hong Kong).
The Corrupt PPP/C is now shitting in their pants, Guyanese needs to keep away from these stinkers
PNC in chaos. Do really think that they will win? Because it will definitely NOT be the AFC.
I commend Carib for his realistic view on the Election Outcome.
The opposition are a bunch of fools on taking on the PPP when the PNC and AFC are at their weakest.
well guyanese have to be the worse fools to vote the ppp into power,unless they plan to migrate by boat, train and plane
PPP - 42%. That cannot be win?
THE CORRUPT PPP/C APPEARS TO BE SELLING OUT GUYANA: Several other Chinese companies also exporting | Post New Topic <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ actionButton8629838Button = new YAHOO.widget.Button('actionButton8629838'); // ]]></script> |
No one in thier right mind will vote for a Corrupt PPP/C
No one in thier right mind will vote for a Corrupt PPP/C
They are many in their "wrong" mind who will though, especially when they see that APNU looks little better, and that no one who is serious will expect the AFC to win more than 50% of the votes.
August 30, 2014 10:01 amCategory: PoliticsA+ / A-
By Tracey Khan Drakes
[] – The Alliance for Change (AFC) believes the Government is ill equipped and prepared to deal with the soaring cases of the Chikungunya virus that has affected hundreds and pose a threat to all Guyanese.
At the Party’s weekly press conference on Friday (August 29), Executive Member, Michael Carrington, who himself is infected with the Chikungunya virus, said the response at the Georgetown Public Hospital is disappointing.
He told reporters that the institution is not adequately equipped to treat patients. According to Carrington numerous other persons were at the hospital displaying symptoms of the Chikungunya virus.
“The Government seems to have no ability whatsoever to deal with it,” he said
The AFC executive is also alleging that there was no water at the hospital on Monday last for patients to use. “The nurse and the doctors you can’t blame them they are trying their best to do what they can do. They are basically asking you what pain you have and what the problem is but they tell you nothing G you just get some injection and you go.”
Carrington stressed on how painful this virus is and called for more to be done in the health sector since “it is in a total mess, “ saying that “because anytime Guyana hit with any major disease we are in big big problem, the health sector cannot cope with any major disease.”
Meanwhile, General Secretary David Patterson explained that there is no testing facility for persons who are suspected to contract the disease to confirm this. He said Government has had enough time to have a targeted intervention to deal with this virus.
Further he reminded that the AFC objected to the $125 M Specialty Hospital and instead asked Government to invest in upgrading existing hospitals and health institutions around the country.
Chikungunya virus that has affected hundreds of thousands and pose a threat to all Guyanese.
Slowly the aged are dying off in Guyana, whils't this Corrupt PPP/C government does not have a clue.
The PPP will not win 51%
The PPP will not win 51%
But I am hearing Tyrone Kimraj a' JB ak Tarron want join PPP now. Oi, YUJI and REV, you all will tek this political grasshopper?
But I am hearing Tyrone Kimraj a' JB ak Tarron want join PPP now. Oi, YUJI and REV, you all will tek this political grasshopper?
LOL me see you envy Mr TK like Mr Bisram.
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