It is on good authority that I tell you folks that the people behind the 2000 missing dockets are afc/pnc agents. A closer examination will show that those missing dockets belong to clients of Nigel, Ramjattan and Trotman. Anyone familiar with the legal practice in Guyana knows that the best technique to frustrate overseas clients is stalling tactics. The above mentioned engage in paying off court clerks to make dockets "disappear" so that the could benefit from the inability of overseas litigants to travel back and forth to Guyana on a frequent basis.
It is on good authority that I tell you folks that the people behind the 2000 missing dockets are afc/pnc agents. A closer examination will show that those missing dockets belong to clients of Nigel, Ramjattan and Trotman. Anyone familiar with the legal practice in Guyana knows that the best technique to frustrate overseas clients is stalling tactics. The above mentioned engage in paying off court clerks to make dockets "disappear" so that the could benefit from the inability of overseas litigants to travel back and forth to Guyana on a frequent basis.
Quote "The above mentioned engage in paying off court clerks to make dockets "disappear" so that the could benefit from the inability of overseas litigants to travel back and forth to Guyana on a frequent basis." unquote
I maintain that the person who is in charge of that section, should be kicking dust, but what do we see.....The PPP/C tolerates this type of scandalous behavior, if not then actons would have been taken a long time ago to address this issue of missing dockets
I maintain that the person who is in charge of that section, should be kicking dust, but what do we see.....The PPP/C tolerates this type of scandalous behavior, if not then actons would have been taken a long time ago to address this issue of missing dockets
The court system are managed by pNC/afc operatives who are beyond reproach due to the independence of the legal system from oversight by the ruling party. The AFC/PNC leadership take advantage of this situation by planting their operatives to control the outcomes of cases, note the high profile cases that have gone in favor of the PNC/AFC bandits. Including the freeing of dangerous criminals and most recently the Lusignan murderer who Nigel represented. If you don't know about Guyana's legal system then you should educate yourself instead of giving uneducated opinions from the safety of your perch in the West.
The court system are managed by pNC/afc operatives who are beyond reproach due to the independence of the legal system from oversight by the ruling party. The AFC/PNC leadership take advantage of this situation by planting their operatives to control the outcomes of cases, note the high profile cases that have gone in favor of the PNC/AFC bandits. Including the freeing of dangerous criminals and most recently the Lusignan murderer who Nigel represented. If you don't know about Guyana's legal system then you should educate yourself instead of giving
uneducated opinions from the safety of your perch in the West.
i suggest u check what "beyond reproach" actually means before braying again u hapless, stupid man
sumbady please burn a feather in honor of seรฑor hydrocele
Druggie what about this:
Quote "Any person in Guyana has the right to bring charges involving a breach of criminal law. In practice, the police as the official law enforcement body generally institute and undertake criminal prosecutions. Traditionally, the attorney general (a cabinet-level minister) exercises supervisory authority over all criminal prosecutions." unquote
Druggie Bai, methinks that this man has the authority to shake up that corrupt department.
Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs
There is no way the Indo Guyanese people will vote for either the PNC or the AFC. The PPP will get 58% of the National vote if you coupledthat with the American Indians..
Last time you all screamed 60%. You got 49%. The Indian population has shrunk even further since.
Amerindians are getting restive.
So where are these votes for the PPP?
Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.
Excellent post Mr. Sugrim! Well said.
This is extreme racism and race baiting.
Sugrim is another member of the IndoKKK club. He is just more subtle in his methods. See how he screams that Indians must support the PPP, even if they think that the PPP are a den of corrupt thieves who wish to waste scarce Guyanese taxpayers' money
Look at the scandal ofAmaila Falls. This on top of the Berbice Brdide, Skeldon, Providence stadium....and now the PPP wishes further waste with Marriott and eight jetways at CBJIA. All this while there are no proper roads linking Guyana with the Rupununi and the opportunities that it will open up for trade with Roraima state.
yuji tell me why the PPP tried to fool the nation about Amaila Falls.
The Rev prides himself in being a man of character, who never shies away from telling the truth.
And the truth is the manner in which the amaila project was financially structured---the good people of Guyana were going to be royally screwed---but PPP politicians and crooked hustlers like AFC's Nigel and Cathy Hughes were going to make out like bandits.
That's the truth.
So rev why would anyone vote PPP when we see this Amaila Falls fiasco.
This is a bad joke, Building a hydro dam in a place where water supplies run out in the dry season.
So what will Guyana do when this happens. Endure black outs until the rans start again?
Druggie what about this:
Quote "Any person in Guyana has the right to bring charges involving a breach of criminal law. In practice, the police as the official law enforcement body generally institute and undertake criminal prosecutions. Traditionally, the attorney general (a cabinet-level minister) exercises supervisory authority over all criminal prosecutions." unquote
Druggie Bai, methinks that this man has the authority to shake up that corrupt department.
Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs
Traditionally and what is written in the constitution are two different concepts. In fact it is tradition for the govt official to maintain a hands off approach on prosecutions and leave this job to non political appointees in the DPP. You will also note that if indeed Anil tried to intervene you would change your story and claim that he is micromanaging and is biased on who gets prosecuted. Remember how you lot called Jagdeo a micro manager all those years?
Druggie what about this:
Quote "Any person in Guyana has the right to bring charges involving a breach of criminal law. In practice, the police as the official law enforcement body generally institute and undertake criminal prosecutions. Traditionally, the attorney general (a cabinet-level minister) exercises supervisory authority over all criminal prosecutions." unquote
Druggie Bai, methinks that this man has the authority to shake up that corrupt department.
Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs
Traditionally and what is written in the constitution are two different concepts. In fact it is tradition for the govt official to maintain a hands off approach on prosecutions and leave this job to non political appointees in the DPP. You will also note that if indeed Anil tried to intervene you would change your story and claim that he is micromanaging and is biased on who gets prosecuted. Remember how you lot called Jagdeo a micro manager all those years?
So, the PPP/C cannot do anything but to let corruptions continue. Is that what you are saying.
So, the PPP/C cannot do anything but to let corruptions continue. Is that what you are saying.
Now you ketch sense, lets not put those with the opportunity to put their hands in the cookie jar to route out corruption. It must be a bipartisan effort where all Guyanese must stand up and condemn it. Not only through their voices but by the actions. The action that your aunt took to pay the bribe at the airport is in fact condoning and supporting corruption. People must make the sacrifice of standing up to the corrupt officials and suffering the inconvenience of their noble actions. Not wait for the other guy to stand up. Could you imagine if your aunt was in the US during the civil rights movement cowering and not sacrificing?
So, the PPP/C cannot do anything but to let corruptions continue. Is that what you are saying.
Now you ketch sense, lets not put those with the opportunity to put their hands in the cookie jar to route out corruption. It must be a bipartisan effort where all Guyanese must stand up and condemn it. Not only through their voices but by the actions. The action that your aunt took to pay the bribe at the airport is in fact condoning and supporting corruption. People must make the sacrifice of standing up to the corrupt officials and suffering the inconvenience of their noble actions. Not wait for the other guy to stand up. Could you imagine if your aunt was in the US during the civil rights movement cowering and not sacrificing?
My Aunt at the Airport wanted to get on her way, but the PPP/C custom Officer thinks differently and says well 'if the top echelons of the PPP/C is doing this and get away then I can.' And so the PPP/C is almost converting Guyana to criminality.
The Electorate of 49% in Guyana elected the PPP/C to Govern. Instead of Governing, corruptions is widespread all over. Of those 49% who went and vote, this time around that margin will decrease to 42%
It is on good authority that I tell you folks that the people behind the 2000 missing dockets are afc/pnc agents. A closer examination will show that those missing dockets belong to clients of Nigel, Ramjattan and Trotman. Anyone familiar with the legal practice in Guyana knows that the best technique to frustrate overseas clients is stalling tactics. The above mentioned engage in paying off court clerks to make dockets "disappear" so that the could benefit from the inability of overseas litigants to travel back and forth to Guyana on a frequent basis.
This is the type of shit you and your family are really good at, you imbecile you.
Ask Nigel Where They Went. He is the master of this kind of stuff.
He visited your home fagbutt
See how Rev and Yugi22 avoiding this thread?
If the PPP has any decency and morality it will put an end to such gross misconduct in bribery and corruptions The time is now to capitalize on anything that it can leverage for economic growth to make life better for the people.
The PPP/C should begin with the Housing Ministry, I say give the lands to poor people of Guyana and that they can achieve their dreams of a roof over their head. Giving the lands of lots to their cronies and friends who calls themselves Developers is blatant thieving that the PPP/C is exhibiting for all Guyanese and foreigners to see.
How much more corrupt the PPP/C can get.
Even if the PPP/C supporters does not decide to go out and vote, it will still be a calamity for the PPP
The many poor people will not waste their time behind thieves, the many children who has attained voting age will dump the PPP/C because of the many corruptions that has been the order of the day.
Within the Housing Sector, Irfaan Ali believes that the young people who he has been begging to take houselots, and who are academics, have their minds made up are not doing so, when voting times comes it will certainly not be the PPP/C. Some will take the land and in return give Irfaan Ali the laar.
Rev is it true that your Parents were PNC supporters, who lured Indian Girls into the National Service?
Are these girls Dirty PNC Indians?