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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Coolies get killed all the time chap. That is just "crime."


Who cares!


Besides, we can't be blaming Indos or the PPP for this poor dead coolie so no need to mention it.


Also, this means 1 less potential PPP voter. So, a net plus all around.

Blacks and Indians are murdered every day in the street without anyone flinching in Guyana because of the dire incompetence of the PPP at fighting crime. It has nothing to do with whether the victim is Indian or Black. People have become somewhat immune to bodies dropping all around them and have to carry on with their daily lives.


However, if a prominent political figure is murdered, it's a totally different scenario. Isn't it obvious to you that killings with a political slant to it will get more coverage? Isn't that the reason why we saw the news of the killing of Russian Opposition Leader Nemtsov being flashed all across the globe on our TV screens? Isn't that the same reason why the PPP are milking the murder of Walter Rodney 35 years later for all it's worth at elections time? As if they really cared when he was shot.


I am perfectly aware of why this killing will get prime coverage. I know well the herd behavior of my species.


I'm also interested to know whether or not this dude was killed by the Government.


However, I think it is perfectly legitimate to point out how the narratives are always different for Black and Indian deaths in Guyana today.


Blacks are getting killed at the hands of an evil Indian racist Government and their apparently coolie police force while Indians get killed in "crime" (most likely because they are themselves criminals)


Those are the two dominant narratives today.


They're both "truthy"

I am not one bit surprised that Ugili decided to milk this as racism. You on the other hand befuddles me.


The psychological drivers here is rationalism vs herding. They are completely different motivating features. One can reasonably insist it is more herding that causes a goat like Ugili and a bull like you to be on the same side here. 


I am also troubled that you may truly be manic. PTSD roots that out from the human psyche. I suggest you check it out.


You really me surprise dude. I thought such remarks were above you. Guyanese elections really do bring out the worst in people. It's all about one's side winning at all costs. Anyways, no big deal. It is what it is.


That I want to wait a little before attributing this dude's execution to the PPP is not a very radical position. Not is it borne of partisanship or tribalism. I recall several weeks ago I was equally adamant about waiting to call the Chapel Hill Shootings a hate crime for the same reason.


Did you totally miss the part where I said the PPP is absolutely suspect in this?


Everyone here has an agenda and narrative they're pushing about Guyana and I just don't want to be part of anyone's narrative. I will agree sometimes with some and disagree sometimes with others and vice versa.


Yugi is obviously ill timed in raising this issue. And it is raised for partisan political purposes but regardless it is a valid issue. Dead Indians always get written off as "crime."

I never even offered up a speculation as to who killed this fellow. I said that had he been in his room like a good anonymous forum crawler he would have been alive. He took the manly step to shout his belief in the market square.


Is that what we're down to now? "good anonymous forum crawler"?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
So if you're so aware of the reason why this crime is getting so much coverage, why are you making the ridiculous comparison between the murders of the Agricola shopkeeper and Crum-Ewing? I would expect that from a dimwit like yuji. 


The narratives depend on who's doing the reporting. According to you, Indians are being slaughtered every day because of PNC inspired violence.


Let me be lil moh clear since you're all in election mode.


There is no comparison to be made between Persaud and Crum-Ewing. I'm pretty sure I did not say or mean that. I was pointing out how we as Guyanese seem to have developed two different competing narratives to explain Indian deaths and Black deaths. I use the word "truthy" for a reason.


Lastly, I never once said or implied that Indians are being killed today because of "PNC inspired violence." Don't be stupid or dishonest. I drew attention to the PNC's role for some of the violence in Guyana in times recently past. That's it!


Did I even remotely try to say that Persaud's death yesterday was some PNC related event?

No, you didn't link Persaud's death to to the PNC. But you did say that the PPP cannot be blamed for Persaud's death (like is being done with Crum-Ewing's) so yuji shouldn't mention it. Answering yuji's initial post in this manner is making a comparison between the two murders when you know and now admit that there is no real comparison. 


Whether you meant Indians are being slaughtered or were being slaughtered, is neither here nor there. What is important is the reason why they are or were being slaughtered and it has little to do with PNC inspired violence. It is the direct result of the drug trade and all the violent crime that comes with it. Compliments of your hero Roger Khan, other drug barons, their facilitators and a spineless government which turns a blind eye because they are most likely on the take and it brings in huge revenues for the country. The result being a Guyanese Security Dilemma.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

How the hell is talking about the PNC's past misdeeds somehow "fomenting racial strife"?



It is when we have a situation where it is quite likely that some one connected to the PPP might have killed some one for reasons best known to itself.  This after the murders of 3 Lindeners.  After blacks protesting the late release of election results were attacked by the PPP goon squad, AKA, as the police force.  And the extrajudicial killing of more than 400 black men, among them many with no involvement in crime.


When you make accusations, be balanced.  You know full well that BOTH the PPP and the PNC have had significant involvement in race violence and BOTH Africans and Indians have suffered as a result.  When you blame blacks, and ignore the role that Indians played, you are attempting to foment racial conflict.


Too bad for you that anti PPP forces are too smart to swallow that bait.  So yuji then tries to suggest that Randy Persaud was killed for political reasons, and you in your hysterical manic state fell for that.  Now you are too unethical to admit that fact.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

yugi, you should shut your fkin patacake if you have nothing to add to the discussion you ignorant prick.

Listen alleged Druggie, I started this thread. You have the right not to post here if you disagree with my opinion.

Start your own thread for "discussion."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

If you manifest certain symptoms why be shocked if people question your mental state?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?


PNC supporters are like Brutus. They never hesitate to stab you in the back.


Carib always talks about the PNC knife and fork policy. He took out his knife on a man who is never afraid to condemn both the PPP and PNC.


Carib is an old time PNC man, a real wolf in sheep clothing. 


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

If you manifest certain symptoms why be shocked if people question your mental state?


So for all the years that I have been here throwing mud on the PPP (deservedly so) I was mentally sound?


Now that I cannot bring myself to support this Coalition because I have deep reservations about its dominant partner's recently history of anti-Indian violence I'm somehow mentally unsound?


P.S....I'm actually stunned that otherwise educated old men would resort to use PTSD against me in a political discussion to delegitimize my opinions. From the mudheads I was not shocked. That was to be expected.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Yuji no one in the opposition leadership tolerates murder. Courtney was a known political activist. That's the reason why the reactions are different. Do not insert a racial is sad to see the reasoning of a socalled Brahmin...


PNC is a racial Nationalist Party. Indo murders in their stronghold Agricola means nothing to the PNC.



yuji, you have something against the word "Nationalist", or it's a new word you picked up and just trying out on the PNC?



With all due respect, you are an intelligent man.


What does the letter "N" in the PNC stand for ?


Please familiarize yourself with your beloved PNC and your newfound murderer friends in the PNC.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So for all the years that I have been here throwing mud on the PPP (deservedly so) I was mentally sound?



All that changed when the prospect of Indian dominance seems threatened and now you are in full racial panic.  You see a different type of Indian dominance would be OK with you, but a multi ethnic alliance is a huge threat.  You then default to the mode of the "poor Indian victim."


Now I would think that Indians, who aren't a majority of the population, and who are diminishing in numbers, would gain if Guyana moved from being a nation where two groups strive for dominance into one where multi ethnic alliances became the norm.


But you see that's me.  For you it must be Indian dominance, with blacks getting some crumbs here and there to salve your conscience.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

If you manifest certain symptoms why be shocked if people question your mental state?


So for all the years that I have been here throwing mud on the PPP (deservedly so) I was mentally sound?


Now that I cannot bring myself to support this Coalition because I have deep reservations about its dominant partner's recently history of anti-Indian violence I'm somehow mentally unsound?


P.S....I'm actually stunned that otherwise educated old men would resort to use PTSD against me in a political discussion to delegitimize my opinions. From the mudheads I was not shocked. That was to be expected.

Sad indeed.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

If you manifest certain symptoms why be shocked if people question your mental state?


So for all the years that I have been here throwing mud on the PPP (deservedly so) I was mentally sound?


Now that I cannot bring myself to support this Coalition because I have deep reservations about its dominant partner's recently history of anti-Indian violence I'm somehow mentally unsound?


P.S....I'm actually stunned that otherwise educated old men would resort to use PTSD against me in a political discussion to delegitimize my opinions. From the mudheads I was not shocked. That was to be expected.

No one is using anything against you. I wondered at you seemingly fractious argumentation and unusual and inconsistent thread making. Joining Ugli and his stupid association of the two killings and insisting no one cares about Indians was overwhelmingly peculiar enough to ask what is going on. 



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Yuji no one in the opposition leadership tolerates murder. Courtney was a known political activist. That's the reason why the reactions are different. Do not insert a racial is sad to see the reasoning of a socalled Brahmin...


PNC is a racial Nationalist Party. Indo murders in their stronghold Agricola means nothing to the PNC.



yuji, you have something against the word "Nationalist", or it's a new word you picked up and just trying out on the PNC?



With all due respect, you are an intelligent man.


What does the letter "N" in the PNC stand for ?


Please familiarize yourself with your beloved PNC and your newfound murderer friends in the PNC.

calling yugi to earth,a blackman that use to beat collie with big stick is siting in freedum house with mala on his neck

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

If you manifest certain symptoms why be shocked if people question your mental state?


So for all the years that I have been here throwing mud on the PPP (deservedly so) I was mentally sound?


Now that I cannot bring myself to support this Coalition because I have deep reservations about its dominant partner's recently history of anti-Indian violence I'm somehow mentally unsound?


P.S....I'm actually stunned that otherwise educated old men would resort to use PTSD against me in a political discussion to delegitimize my opinions. From the mudheads I was not shocked. That was to be expected.

No one is using anything against you. I wondered at you seemingly fractious argumentation and unusual and inconsistent thread making. Joining Ugli and his stupid association of the two killings and insisting no one cares about Indians was overwhelmingly peculiar enough to ask what is going on. 



Ignoring most of your obvious disingenuous remarks about the state of my madness. Were you really concerned about me devolving into madness, there was always the PM function to use. But that's totally fine. I totally expect to continue to be lambasted ever so often for PTSD. That is just Guyanese people and their low civilizational attainment, educational attainments nothwithstanding. Carry on in that vein. I'm only sorry that it came from you and Caribj, two posters I had significant esteem for.


Anyways, I happen to be anti-PNC and anti-PPP so that may explain your "fractious" remark. I can't help who shares my opinions.


If I write about PNC anti-Indian violence, I'm sure that Indians who hate Blacks will most likely thumbs up my writings. But I write my thoughts and concerns. Not Freedom House's thoughts and concerns. I don't know why I can't refer to the PNC and its record without being accused of hating Blacks. I similarly do not proffer the position that being anti-PPP is somehow being anti-Indian.


I do not associate Persaud and Ewing's murders at all. They are two different issues. And I of course agree that Ewing's murder is more "important" because it goes to our politics. Nations and systems can withstand people shooting each other over a gold chain. They cannot withstand people being shot for holding the "wrong" political opinion.


I made a flippant remark about another Indian "crime" victim in the context of Guyana having a long and illustrious history of Indian "crime" victims. That's a fact. That Persaud here may have been "Indianized" I don't know. This being Guyana, we'll never know.


And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

in context . . .! don't Black lives matter?


or even show up on your Afro-filtering ethnic radar

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Your habit of hysterical screaming, followed by moments of lucidness when you deny making such comments, is disturbing and I mean this seriously.




Another not so thinly veiled remark about PTSD. Et tu Caribj?

If you manifest certain symptoms why be shocked if people question your mental state?


So for all the years that I have been here throwing mud on the PPP (deservedly so) I was mentally sound?


Now that I cannot bring myself to support this Coalition because I have deep reservations about its dominant partner's recently history of anti-Indian violence I'm somehow mentally unsound?


P.S....I'm actually stunned that otherwise educated old men would resort to use PTSD against me in a political discussion to delegitimize my opinions. From the mudheads I was not shocked. That was to be expected.

No one is using anything against you. I wondered at you seemingly fractious argumentation and unusual and inconsistent thread making. Joining Ugli and his stupid association of the two killings and insisting no one cares about Indians was overwhelmingly peculiar enough to ask what is going on. 



Ignoring most of your obvious disingenuous remarks about the state of my madness. Were you really concerned about me devolving into madness, there was always the PM function to use. But that's totally fine. I totally expect to continue to be lambasted ever so often for PTSD. That is just Guyanese people and their low civilizational attainment, educational attainments nothwithstanding. Carry on in that vein. I'm only sorry that it came from you and Caribj, two posters I had significant esteem for.


Anyways, I happen to be anti-PNC and anti-PPP so that may explain your "fractious" remark. I can't help who shares my opinions.


If I write about PNC anti-Indian violence, I'm sure that Indians who hate Blacks will most likely thumbs up my writings. But I write my thoughts and concerns. Not Freedom House's thoughts and concerns. I don't know why I can't refer to the PNC and its record without being accused of hating Blacks. I similarly do not proffer the position that being anti-PPP is somehow being anti-Indian.


I do not associate Persaud and Ewing's murders at all. They are two different issues. And I of course agree that Ewing's murder is more "important" because it goes to our politics. Nations and systems can withstand people shooting each other over a gold chain. They cannot withstand people being shot for holding the "wrong" political opinion.


I made a flippant remark about another Indian "crime" victim in the context of Guyana having a long and illustrious history of Indian "crime" victims. That's a fact. That Persaud here may have been "Indianized" I don't know. This being Guyana, we'll never know.


And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

I had one line....and not about madness but mania which is not unusual. And quit the crap about being ridiculed for PTSD.  You are asked about you unusual inconsistency.


It is self evident that no one gives a crap about the ordinary peasant but the idea of having the PPP in office again means that will not change. Hoping that a change of administration will re animate concern for poor people is the most pressing reason to sue for a change.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

yugi, you should shut your fkin patacake if you have nothing to add to the discussion you ignorant prick.

Listen alleged Druggie, I started this thread. You have the right not to post here if you disagree with my opinion.

Start your own thread for "discussion."

your logic make no sense the PNC cannot do nothing for Indian safety the government is responsible for Indians and every citizen safety,this indian government cannot protect their own indian people and want to blame the PNC 


So Shaitaan help me out here.  Why your shrill remarks that "no one care about Indians", that not only me, but also stormborn and other posters picked up on.


I expect that nonsense from the PPP freaks as they are merely doing what they are told to do.  However when you write it, it then appears to be more what you might actually think.


Also feel free to condemn the PPP and the PNC simultaneously, as they are both guilty of the same crimes.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

in context . . .! don't Black lives matter?


Of course Black lives matter. What the hell kinda question is that?


My specific concern and let me be totally clear on this one:



If some Black person shoots his Indian neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm not concerned about that. If some Indian shoots his Black neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm also not concerned with that. That's a judicial system issue and other people eminently qualified in Guyana are capable of reforming our justice system to meet out justice to everyone. Genuine crime, regardless of the race of the people involved, does not threat the stability of the society and the State.


Similarly, no one is concerned about Muslims committing ordinary crimes. Terrorism, however, is political. Therein lies all the difference.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

Do you really think that any one cares about the poor blacks of Georgetown's ghettoes, or the poor Amerindians starving in remote interior locations?  I suspect that people care even LESS about them.  Who are the police torture victims?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

Do you really think that any one cares about the poor blacks of Georgetown's ghettoes, or the poor Amerindians starving in remote interior locations?  I suspect that people care even LESS about them.

You know they make 2 dollars per 10 hour day in lethem?



Working for 3 follars a dwt20150307-224211


Images (1)
  • Working for 3 follars a dwt20150307-224211
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

in context . . .! don't Black lives matter?


Of course Black lives matter. What the hell kinda question is that?


My specific concern and let me be totally clear on this one:



If some Black person shoots his Indian neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm not concerned about that. If some Indian shoots his Black neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm also not concerned with that. That's a judicial system issue and other people eminently qualified in Guyana are capable of reforming our justice system to meet out justice to everyone. Genuine crime, regardless of the race of the people involved, does not threat the stability of the society and the State.


Similarly, no one is concerned about Muslims committing ordinary crimes. Terrorism, however, is political. Therein lies all the difference.

sir, "in context" means i want to know whether it is also your contention that "no one cares about [Black] lives] too


thanks in advance

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

So Shaitaan help me out here.  Why your shrill remarks that "no one care about Indians", that not only me, but also stormborn and other posters picked up on.


I expect that nonsense from the PPP freaks as they are merely doing what they are told to do.  However when you write it, it then appears to be more what you might actually think.


Also feel free to condemn the PPP and the PNC simultaneously, as they are both guilty of the same crimes.


I don't know why you insist on reading Freedom House talking points into what I say here.


Historically, it's a fact. No one gives a damn about Indians (the ordinary ones). The PPP don't care. And certainly the PNC don't. The only thing the PPP has going for it is that it ain't the PNC.


I do not have some hidden agenda here pal. I happen to have some free time for a while and I choose to spend it here. No one is paying me or directing me. Nor did I all of a sudden discover the virtues of apaan jaat.


I just hold onto the analysis of Guyana as an ethnic conflict state which needs an ethnic solution. That ain't so radical. Much smarter people than I have written whole reports gathering dust on this. (and no I don't mean Ravi Dev)


There is no statement from the Coalition about Guyana's ethnic problems and some proposed solutions. All this is some jobs program for homeless Jaganites....the most clueless bunch of morons in Guyana when it comes to our ethnic problems. From their public behavior, we can only conclude that all aweh juss need to hug and kiss up lil and everyting gon be arite.


I rather subscribe to David Hinds who I don't agree with 100% but at least he gets the problem and is not willing to demonize Indians for acting their part in this ethnic dilemma.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

in context . . .! don't Black lives matter?


Of course Black lives matter. What the hell kinda question is that?


My specific concern and let me be totally clear on this one:



If some Black person shoots his Indian neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm not concerned about that. If some Indian shoots his Black neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm also not concerned with that. That's a judicial system issue and other people eminently qualified in Guyana are capable of reforming our justice system to meet out justice to everyone. Genuine crime, regardless of the race of the people involved, does not threat the stability of the society and the State.


Similarly, no one is concerned about Muslims committing ordinary crimes. Terrorism, however, is political. Therein lies all the difference.

sir, "in context" means i want to know whether it is your belief that "no one cares about [Black] lives] too


thanks in advance


I was unaware that Blacks were mortally in danger for being Black in Guyana.


Is the Black Police Force of Guyana going around shooting Black people for being Black?


That we have a problem of extrajudicial killings in Guyana is not in question. That there is some anti-Black ethnic dimension to this, I am honestly unaware. If you can prove this, I would be more than a little surprised since the Police Force is overwhelmingly Black with like 1 Indian dude as Commissioner.


The reason the coalition proposes that in the eventuality the gain power they will immediately empaneled a constitution reform commission. That is acknowledging we have drivers there that contribute to authoritarianism and to our ethnic dilemma.


They also said they will make sure there is a civilian based procurement commission. That addresses another point of contention where a bobby cannot become a multi millionaire on the backs of no bid contracts or a BK cannot hog all construction.


Then there is the promise of rebooting local governments and affording them enhanced responsibilities to decision making.


These are exactly what it needs to address the problem of the state as a prize for ethnic based governments

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So Shaitaan help me out here.  Why your shrill remarks that "no one care about Indians", that not only me, but also stormborn and other posters picked up on.


I expect that nonsense from the PPP freaks as they are merely doing what they are told to do.  However when you write it, it then appears to be more what you might actually think.


Also feel free to condemn the PPP and the PNC simultaneously, as they are both guilty of the same crimes.


I don't know why you insist on reading Freedom House talking points into what I say here.


Historically, it's a fact. No one gives a damn about Indians (the ordinary ones). The PPP don't care. And certainly the PNC don't. The only thing the PPP has going for it is that it ain't the PNC.


I do not have some hidden agenda here pal. I happen to have some free time for a while and I choose to spend it here. No one is paying me or directing me. Nor did I all of a sudden discover the virtues of apaan jaat.


I just hold onto the analysis of Guyana as an ethnic conflict state which needs an ethnic solution. That ain't so radical. Much smarter people than I have written whole reports gathering dust on this. (and no I don't mean Ravi Dev)


There is no statement from the Coalition about Guyana's ethnic problems and some proposed solutions. All this is some jobs program for homeless Jaganites....the most clueless bunch of morons in Guyana when it comes to our ethnic problems. From their public behavior, we can only conclude that all aweh juss need to hug and kiss up lil and everyting gon be arite.


I rather subscribe to David Hinds who I don't agree with 100% but at least he gets the problem and is not willing to demonize Indians for acting their part in this ethnic dilemma.

again hiding behind David Hinds . . . whose only real value to the likes of you, currently, is the fact that he is Black and not here to rebut your misuse of his name and work


i suggest u stick with your mentor(s) currently stoking racial fire at the Guyana times when scrambling to fluff up your bona fides

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So Shaitaan help me out here.  Why your shrill remarks that "no one care about Indians", that not only me, but also stormborn and other posters picked up on.


I expect that nonsense from the PPP freaks as they are merely doing what they are told to do.  However when you write it, it then appears to be more what you might actually think.


Also feel free to condemn the PPP and the PNC simultaneously, as they are both guilty of the same crimes.


I don't know why you insist on reading Freedom House talking points into what I say here.


Historically, it's a fact. No one gives a damn about Indians (the ordinary ones). The PPP don't care. And certainly the PNC don't. The only thing the PPP has going for it is that it ain't the PNC.


I do not have some hidden agenda here pal. I happen to have some free time for a while and I choose to spend it here. No one is paying me or directing me. Nor did I all of a sudden discover the virtues of apaan jaat.


I just hold onto the analysis of Guyana as an ethnic conflict state which needs an ethnic solution. That ain't so radical. Much smarter people than I have written whole reports gathering dust on this. (and no I don't mean Ravi Dev)


There is no statement from the Coalition about Guyana's ethnic problems and some proposed solutions. All this is some jobs program for homeless Jaganites....the most clueless bunch of morons in Guyana when it comes to our ethnic problems. From their public behavior, we can only conclude that all aweh juss need to hug and kiss up lil and everyting gon be arite.


I rather subscribe to David Hinds who I don't agree with 100% but at least he gets the problem and is not willing to demonize Indians for acting their part in this ethnic dilemma.

You know it is clear that I am Afro Guyanese and that I attempt to represent the interests of this group, as too often their narrative isnt told.  The few in Guyana who are bold enough to speak out on this issue risk being attacked.  And I mean PHYSICAL attacks.  Freddie Kissoon having endured this several times.  Eric Phillips and David Hinds having received threatening phone calls.


However I always ensure that I acknowledge the fact that most of the problems which Africans have encountered, Indians have at one time or the other.  So I am not going to say "no one cares about blacks", without equally admitting that under the Burnham era Indians were similarly illtreated.


You tend to admit that blacks don't have it easy when you are backed into a corner. It is as if you write in a rage, and then suddenly realize that maybe you went too far.  I can accept that, because in the heat of the moment people sometimes say more than they would ordinarily say.  But just admit that.


Now as to the Coalition.  You are correct that there has NOT been explicit open discussion on the race issue.  There however has been IMPLICIT discussion internally. 


Nagamootoo will enjoy greater enhanced powers as the PM in terms of determining how ministries are structured, and who will be appointed to various boards. 


Both Granger and Nagamootoo know that most Indians will be very reluctant to vote APNU AFC unless they see that the person, who they will rely on to defend their interests (Nagamootoo), will have power within this coalition.  In addition, two areas of great concern to Indians, agriculture, and national security, will fall under Nagamootoo's control.


Similarly both Granger and Nagamootoo know that Africans need some symbol that ethnic exclusion will be over.  Granger had to be the Presidential candidate, because the reality is that over 80% of the votes which the coalition will get will come from the PNC base.  So Nagamootoo withdrew his demand for the Presidential slot in exchange for other assurances, including a much more defined role as the PM.


You will note that the PM has traditionally been a figure head position since the executive Presidency was introduced by Burnham.  Harper will be a figure head, with no real role.  She will control nothing more than the First Wife would normally cover.



If the coalition wins we will see how this will work in practise.


1.  The need for APNU AFC to demontrate to Africans that the post 1992 status quo of ethnic exclusion has ended.


2.  The need for APNU AFC to demonstrate to Indians that their needs wouldnt be igniored, nor will the greater inclusion of non Indians occur at the expense of grass roots Indians.


3.  The need to demonstrate to Amerindians and other interior residents that their needs will no longer be subordinated to coastlanders.


When I read comments from people like Jay Bharrat and Mitwah and Jalil and HM_Redux, who deny that there has been systematic racism directed against blacks, I can only wonder how they will exist among blacks, who will insist that there has been a tremendous amount of it.  And who will insist upon measures being taken to address it.  This is why discussion of the ethnic insecurity issue will have to be discussed not too long after the coalition gov't starts to function, if they win.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Yuji no one in the opposition leadership tolerates murder. Courtney was a known political activist. That's the reason why the reactions are different. Do not insert a racial is sad to see the reasoning of a socalled Brahmin...


PNC is a racial Nationalist Party. Indo murders in their stronghold Agricola means nothing to the PNC.



yuji, you have something against the word "Nationalist", or it's a new word you picked up and just trying out on the PNC?



With all due respect, you are an intelligent man.


What does the letter "N" in the PNC stand for ?


Please familiarize yourself with your beloved PNC and your newfound murderer friends in the PNC.

Ah true, bhai. The "N" in the PNC stands for National.

But yuh know, bhai, in political lexicon, national and nationalist have two connotations.

Anyway, now that you say your use of the word Nationalist relates to the N in PNC, you can carry on smartly. I'm bemused.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I was unaware that Blacks were mortally in danger for being Black in Guyana.


Is the Black Police Force of Guyana going around shooting Black people for being Black?


That we have a problem of extrajudicial killings in Guyana is not in question. That there is some anti-Black ethnic dimension to this, I am honestly unaware. If you can prove this, I would be more than a little surprised since the Police Force is overwhelmingly Black with like 1 Indian dude as Commissioner.

I dont know why you would be unaware of the fact that blacks too face threats when the issue of extra judicial killings has been frequently discussed.  The Linden issue was discussed, as was a protest led mainly by middle aged and elderly black woman after the election, was met by tear gas.


Yes the mainly black police and GDF have been used because the tradition in Guyana is that the uniformed services always act as an arm of the gov't in power.  They do NOT act as independent units.  So the fact that most police men and soldiers will vote APNU AFC is irrelevant.  The people who head these entities will vote PPP regardless of their race.


And if you think that Ferguson is a den of race based policing Guyana is even worse. 


Black youths, who live in depressed communities like Tiger Bay and Albouystown, have been summarily arrested by cops, whilst on their way to WORK.  Unless some one like Benschop intervenes, they languish as long as the police decide that they should, as society has already condemned them as criminals, only because they are young, black, and poor. 


This is a group who APNU AFC will need to vote for them, but unless the coalition works hard to get their votes, they will not vote, because APNU hasnt been interested in helping them.


So Shaitaan learn to listen.  I listened to Indian posters on GNI and I learned that "Indian", and "Indian elite" are two very distinct concepts.  That the grass roots Indian is often as oppressed by this same elite as are blacks. They then have the additional stress of being used as punching bags, by segments of the black under class, when they wish to express their rage.  And I am not referring to post election violence.  But to day to day issues like catching a bus when an aggressive black pushes an Indian aside, thinking that "you all collie get every thing, so I will push you aside to get a seat".


You need to learn to listen too.  It is only when one listens one can develop a sense of empathy, and its only then that we can have the sort of discussion which leads to a solution.


yuji, it's ok to murder Indos in Guyana. They have no value. Indos are third class people like dalits of India. We want the black power back in Guyana to tell Indians when to eat and shit. Right?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, it's ok to murder Indos in Guyana. They have no value. Indos are third class people like dalits of India. We want the black power back in Guyana to tell Indians when to eat and shit. Right?

Do you eat the same stuff as yugi? You guys come up with the same fluff, maybe you should stop filling up on shit.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

in context . . .! don't Black lives matter?


Of course Black lives matter. What the hell kinda question is that?


My specific concern and let me be totally clear on this one:



If some Black person shoots his Indian neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm not concerned about that. If some Indian shoots his Black neighbor over some personal dispute, I'm also not concerned with that. That's a judicial system issue and other people eminently qualified in Guyana are capable of reforming our justice system to meet out justice to everyone. Genuine crime, regardless of the race of the people involved, does not threat the stability of the society and the State.


Similarly, no one is concerned about Muslims committing ordinary crimes. Terrorism, however, is political. Therein lies all the difference.

sir, "in context" means i want to know whether it is your belief that "no one cares about [Black] lives] too


thanks in advance

I was unaware that Blacks were mortally in danger for being Black in Guyana . . .

we agree . . . that was never even worthy of discusssion


and i am similarly unaware that Indians are "mortally in danger" for being Indian in Guyana.


what's your point "chap"?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, it's ok to murder Indos in Guyana. They have no value. Indos are third class people like dalits of India. We want the black power back in Guyana to tell Indians when to eat and shit. Right?

Do you eat the same stuff as yugi? You guys come up with the same fluff, maybe you should stop filling up on shit.

PPP is telling them to engage in full racial panic.  After all the PPP is the "coolie" party.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, it's ok to murder Indos in Guyana. They have no value. Indos are third class people like dalits of India. We want the black power back in Guyana to tell Indians when to eat and shit. Right?

Do you eat the same stuff as yugi? You guys come up with the same fluff, maybe you should stop filling up on shit.

PPP is telling them to engage in full racial panic.  After all the PPP is the "coolie" party.

window dressed with a few afros

Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, it's ok to murder Indos in Guyana. They have no value. Indos are third class people like dalits of India. We want the black power back in Guyana to tell Indians when to eat and shit. Right?

maybe your ancestors is third class citizen do not speak for all indians you such a coward hiding under your bed is your safety zone 


Every race punishing. Every race getting robbed and murdered.

A hole in the boat is a hole in the whole boat.  I remember Moses telling me years before he left the PPP that Indian security is intertwined with Afro security, and he wanted a unity approach to Guyana's problems.That's why he was upset with the PPP not doing anything about uniting the country.


The PPP has failed everyone.  It's not a case of it protecting Indos or Afros.


So many people are getting killed and robbed, it does not shock the conscience anymore. And with drugs, mobs and gangs, it's not getting better; it's getting worse.  And as long as goat man is there, nothing is going to change.  You have a better chance with a change of govt.


Now for the new details revealed, they are saying the Indian guy from Agricola used to live by the sword, and now he died by it.


And from the revelations of Ewing's emails, he obviously crossed from legitimate protestor to a terrorist mindset. The psychological profile that is emerging from the emails, is that here is an extremist, loose cannon.  He gets A+ for taking on the Chat-3 all by himself.  For emotional intelligence he gets a fat "F."  No one can be that angry against the govt, and obviously he harbored much malice against the PPP. For a former military person, such a mindset is disturbing. In the USA, a person like Ewing would have been under surveillance and wiretapping.


Given these new details, it is plausible that the govt had him under surveillance and were probably listening to his phone calls. I would not be surprised that the govt had certain info on him and had something to do with his death.  BUT all of this opinion is mere conjecture.  We have to wait on more details.


Are there other emails from Ewing?



Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, it's ok to murder Indos in Guyana. They have no value. Indos are third class people like dalits of India. We want the black power back in Guyana to tell Indians when to eat and shit. Right?

Just like the stupid ninny you are. The government and its agents murdered many while you stood by and look. The suffering of the majority of Indians is real and present and is a consequence of the very government to whom you bent your knees. Hopefully, enough indians will look beyond the need bond with the clan mind and think independently. If that happens the PPP are history.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . And it is a fact, no one gives a damn about Indian lives in Guyana. Not the PPP, not the PNC. No one gives a flying F about ordinary Indian peasants. They are just useful for their votes or as punching bags.

in context . . .! don't Black lives matter?


or even show up on your Afro-filtering ethnic radar

As far as I am concern, a life is a life, the authorities need to get to the bottom of their investigation and bring the criminals to justice. But again some of the discussion I read makes me to believe the comparison of ,one Jew life equals to 1,000. Palestinians.So ,why can't one Black equal one Indian??? A life is a life, let's find the KILLERS.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:
. . . And from the revelations of Ewing's emails, he obviously crossed from legitimate protestor to a terrorist mindset. The psychological profile that is emerging from the emails, is that here is an extremist, loose cannon.  He gets A+ for taking on the Chat-3 all by himself.  For emotional intelligence he gets a fat "F."  No one can be that angry against the govt, and obviously he harbored much malice against the PPP. For a former military person, such a mindset is disturbing. In the USA, a person like Ewing would have been under surveillance and wiretapping.


Given these new details, it is plausible that the govt had him under surveillance and were probably listening to his phone calls. I would not be surprised that the govt had certain info on him and had something to do with his death.  BUT all of this opinion is mere conjecture.  We have to wait on more details.


Are there other emails from Ewing?

mr 'jay bharat' sir  . . . first, there are no emails by this man in the public domain, only venting on FaceBook


if you have actual information to the contrary, please share . . . and, if not, stand down with your not-so-sly nonsense


second, where do you get off hinting darkly (without offering up a shred of evidence) that Crum-Ewing was up to something seditious?


are you trying to communicate here that there is something illegal about hollering on social media that the PPP custodians of Guyana's narco-state are a "kill, kill, kill, murder, murder, murder, assassinate, assassinate, assassinate, etc." government? . . . much less worthy of an extra-judicial death sentence?


it's sad that the mere sight of an angry Black man fellow citizen standing upright against a Gov't in Georgetown we should all be ashamed of fills you with such fear and hate that you stretch reason to its limit in a stink effort to mitigate what u concede is likely state-sanctioned murder


where, and on what evidence did Crum-Ewing "obviously cross[ed] from legitimate protestor to a terrorist mindset"?


look u horing antiman, I too am THAT "angry against the PPP govt," and I, too, obviously harbor much malice against the PPP . . . so feel free to make THAT call to your PPP friends who have death squads pan speed dial


your indecent attempt to blame the victim is vile . . . the PPP is not wrong to conclude that, in the crunch, the tribal intincts of some will serve to shield it from hard scrutiny regarding any involvement in terrorist murder


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