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Former Member

There were part of our history a protracted struggle by which we recognize that the Parliament, should not be a rancorous forum.  All the parliamentary parties need to work together in a Parliamentary Management Committee on how to manage the affairs of Parliament as a deliberative and participatory forum.


Having parity as is being called for by Member (Gail) is the least of political duty and obligation that we owe the Guyanese people.


However, there were specific agreements that have been arrived when our country was caught at in the trough of civil-war and irretrievable destruction after the 1997 elections, when we had a collective experience of the Guyanese people subjected to consultation and dialogue which resulted in the Herdmanston Accord and later the St Lucia Statement in which the then President had to cede part of her term but to commit to a program of consensus building and cooperation in keeping with Article 13 of the Constitution that requires us to work together.  - Nagamootoo


To say that the operation of parliament was as a result of some compromise is not accurate.  The operations of Parliament was an imperative that grew out of struggle.



We must send a strong signal to the Guyanese people that the political actors can work together for the greater good of the people.  - Nagamootoo.

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We recall that the person who just walked out in anticipation of what i am about to say (AG Nandalal), had claimed some Philian relationship to something called proportionality and had taken the Parliament to court in relation to how Committee should be formed on the basis that there was something called proportionality that has given the Government a right to a majority on the Committee.


Well the Court give short shrift on that flawed legal application and the Court wisely did NOT interfere with the sovereign right of this Parliament to decide how its Committees ought to be constituted with its own Parliamentary rules.

These rules however are not immutable and can change to reflect the will of the people  - Nagamootoo.



I need to answer the misrepresentation being peddled here by the Honorable Member (Gail) as to the decision of the majority in the Parliamentary Management Committee.


Because the decision of the majority was a rational decision.


In the old days we learned that Politics 101 that the role of opposition is to EXPOSE, OPPOSE AND DEPOSE.  IN THIS Parliament I Can see no other way you can expose, oppose or depose if you do not become the watch-dog of the right of the people.


The opposition is the alternative Government.  Theoretically this opposition is the Government in the opposition benches because we have the majority of people supporting us.


That is the logic that dictates why this side (meaning the Opposition side) must have more members on the Committee than that side (meaning the PPP side).


The logic and dichotomy between a majority and a minority cannot be changed by tricky arguments.  - NAGAMOOTOO.


Originally Posted by warrior:

its good the AFC is so active,but i need to see  somebody taking more direct action.the ppp have decive the people of guyana far too long.more truth come from the barrel of a gun,and guyana need the truth 

What do you mean by direct action sir?


I also like direct action but violence is not the way.  Let us have pickets, let us use Parliament to push the agenda of the people but nO VIOLENCE.


VIOLENCE = increased votes for the PPP.

Originally Posted by Devindra:



your comments.


what do you think about what the GREAT Cde Moses said here?

If there is anyone in Guyana who is showing Leadership and Statesmanship it is Moses Nagamootoo.


Today sickens all Guyanese to know the office of the President has been infested by PNC and House of Isreal Thugs, Killers,Rapist and Bandits.

It is even more hurtful for PPP supporters find out people like Ramotar, Rohee, Taxiera, Nandalall, Irfan Ali,Ashni Singh, Robert Persaud......are behaving as if they are Honour Graduates of Rabbi Washington House of Isreal.....with Masters and Doctorate in Banditry, Thiefing and Corruption.



To say that the operation of parliament was as a result of some compromise is not accurate.  The operations of Parliament was an imperative that grew out of struggle.



We must send a strong signal to the Guyanese people that the political actors can work together for the greater good of the people.  - Nagamootoo.




The struggle...... (1) PPP Supporters who stood up to fight Corruption within the Leadership Freedom House.......

Nagamootoo, Ramkarran, Ramjattan, Joey, Nadira and many others ..... decided to speakout...

and they refuse to be Vultures, Parasites, Pimps and Prostitutes who enjoy the Milk and Jagdeo, Ramotar  associates and Close Friends.

(2)All the Guyanese People who realise the PPP now Hijacked by Jagdeo and Ramotar ......has become more Corrupt than Burnham and the 28 years under the PNC. 


Compromise????This is like when a thiefman get caught.....he blames the Police, the Justice System and the Parliament.....


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