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There’s enough for everybody in the world but not for everybody’s greed

July 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor,
It is no surprise that President Donald Ramotar would disingenuously  address the public after the bold stance the joint opposition took in voting against the bill to amend the Hydro Electric Act in Parliament on Thursday, July 18.
Fellow Guyanese, all the years when the PPP had the majority in Parliament, bills were passed in their favor that the opposition had no control (VAT, allocating extra money to projects, Budget allocations) and most of them were not in the favor of Guyanese and as a result, extra hardship was forced on us in Guyana. The then President didn’t address us and asked us to have patience and that things will get better. Mr. Ramotar said jobs will be created, I am wonder if the jobs would be for us or Chinese, because the last time job was created, Chinese gets it (check Marriot Hotel). This is one of the biggest investment in Guyana and was never started correctly. Fip Motilall collected money for unfinished work and I didn’t hear Mr. Ramotar saying anything. The Skeldon Sugar Factory was suppose to deliver lots of things too and to date, we are still awaiting on results. Look at the exorbitant fee Berbice Harbor Bridge is fleecing from motorist. What guarantee we have that this project will not turn out like the Berbice Bridge for the next twenty years before it is handed over to us?  Kemraj Ramjattan claims that the IDB did not want country’s external  ceiling debt raise to $150B from $1B. Mr. Ramotar did not tell us how they reach to that figure.
Fellow Guyanese, when it was proven that checks were being written to certain individuals names instead of the NCN and no charges laid, the President never explained why. Corruption is being exposed regularly in Guyana and no one is being charged or dismissed from their job. Now that the joint opposition is scrutinizing how our money is being spent, we are getting an address that is aimed to make them looks bad. It would have indeed be a sad day for us if the opposition had voted in their favor.
Fellow Guyanese, since the PPP started to govern Guyana in 1992, corruption over took Guyana like a cancer and most of them pointing to Ministers or Party members/supporters and none of those that accusations level against was ever charged or disciplined. Today, the corruption is so many that Guyanese are forgetting them and only when similar occurs or someone mention it, they recall it. The address shows the level that they would stoop at to get what they want.
Mohandas Gandhi famously said that there is enough on Earth for everybody’s need, but not enough for everybody’s greed. He must have foresee the PPP ruling Guyana and decided to say that!
Sahadeo Bates


 Mr. Ramotar said jobs will be created, I am wonder if the jobs would be for us or Chinese, because the last time job was created, Chinese gets it (check Marriot Hotel). This is one of the biggest investment in Guyana and was never started correctly.


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