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PPP seriously questions Ramjattan’s mental stability – says he is delusional

PPP seriously questions Ramjattan’s mental stability – says he is delusional

THE governing People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) last evening issued a statement in which it deems as “utter rubbish”, the so-called “public revelation” by Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, that the PPP/C is attempting to “buy off” three Parliamentarians at $30M each to vote against the ‘no confidence’ motion.


The PPP said this startling “disclosure” is tantamount to a smear campaign and follows “a long line of baseless and delusional utterances emanating from the mouth of Ramjattan which forces the PPP to seriously question Ramjattan’s mental stability”.


The party said it notes with relief that based upon recent disclosures, Ramjattan will not be vying for either the Presidential candidate or Prime Ministerial position for his party and therefore the people of Guyana will not be burdened with a person in such a mental state.


The PPP said, too, that it rejects this outrageous allegation and challenges Mr. Ramjattan to forthwith disclose, publicly, the names of the three Parliamentarians to which he makes reference and to further make a full and frank public disclosure of all or any information which he claims he has received in relation to this matter.


In addition, the PPP expects Ramjattan to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) forthwith, furnishing the Police with the information he has received with a request to immediately commence an investigation since his allegations border on criminality.


“From all appearances, the AFC appears to be in stiff competition with the APNU in a race to the bottom aimed at grabbing media headlines, thus the reckless statements and challenges emanating within recent times from both Parties,” the PPP stated.


The ruling party alluded to the fact that it has a well-established track record spanning over six decades of defending and struggling for Electoral, Parliamentary and Constitutional democracy and the rule of law. Our democratic credentials is not only recognised nationally and internationally but can withstand scrutiny from any quarter. The party of Cheddi Jagan will never do anything to undermine the democratic rights and constitutional freedoms of our people.


The PPP holds firmly to the view that within recent times, the AFC has become unpredictably desperate and is obviously prepared to adopt senseless postures and make irrational statements in their quest to exaggerate their importance and standing. Moses Nagamootoo’s statement about “political diarrhoea” must therefore be situated in that context.

In any event, the AFC must be advised that such statements and postures will get them nowhere save to have them end up with a petard in their hands.


During an afternoon press briefing by the Alliance For Change at the Georgetown Club yesterday, AFC’s Ramjattan declared: “We have gotten reliable information that the PPP’s answer to the No-Confidence motion… is to buy off three Parliamentarians at $30M each to vote No rather than Yes.”


Asked whether he could speak on behalf of his own party members accepting such an offer, the AFC leader responded in the negative, saying that, “the AFC 7 is going to hold true to that position [of a No Confidence Motion] and, I am absolutely certain that they will.”
He further expressed that he is not of the authority to speak on behalf of the 26 seats in the National Assembly occupied by the main Opposition party, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).


He did say however that he is “absolutely certain” that the APNU MPs “are going to hold true”, but a cautious Ramjattan urged for “Parliamentarians to be honest with themselves and to be honest with their consciences and to be honest with the people of Guyana.”


The AFC, in early August, delivered to Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, a motion of No Confidence against the Guyana Government which is to be debated by the National Assembly in October.


Source: Chronicle New online.

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Look the fact is Ramjhaaaaaaaatan and his colleagues are desperate, power-hungry, delusional and are ready to fool the population, at least that is what they think tey will accomplish. The PPP is on to something here. Reading his comments and his actions lately convince me that Berbice Mad House should start making arrangements for him as a Patient.


PPP/C identifies 2958 dead persons on PLE

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

… GECOM claims party is being “malicious”




The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has been placed in the spotlight once again; this time over the discovery of close to 3000 dead persons on the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).

But GECOM claimed that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is being “malicious” over an electoral process that has been well established.

In an interview with Guyana Times on Monday, GECOM’s Deputy Chief Elections Officer Vishnu Persaud said the names of persons now deceased are included in the National Register of Registrants (NRR) but these names are “flagged” when the Preliminary List of Electors is extracted.


Linden man, hundreds more found alive; were said to be dead

September 10, 2014 10:03 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

10681968_751114868287191_1369718938_n[] – A 22 – year – old Linden man was forced to attend a public hearing to prove that he is alive after being objected to as being dead on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).

Glendon Boodhoo contacted iNews yesterday in a very upset tone to relate what he said was a very distressing nightmare.

The man claimed he received a letter, which he showed iNews, at his 220 Damon Avenue, Linden residence informing him that a public hearing will be held on 06/09/2014 to determine whether he was dead or alive.

He said he was objected to as being dead by a People’s Progressive Party Scrutineer, Patrick R. Dindyal.

“When I receive the letter I felt very bad to see people saying I’m dead and I’m alive. I wanted to know if they have proof that I’m dead… even my mother vex,” he related.

Glendon Boodhoo

Glendon Boodhoo

Boodhoo said when he arrived at the public hearing and presented himself, Dindyal continued to object that ‘Glendon Boodhoo’ was dead; suggesting that he was an imposter.

“Anyways my mother start to quarrel and then they called me in a room and said they were sorry for the mistake and it was the PPP,” he said; adding that “and he sitting there with his face serious serious.”

The young construction worker claimed he has always been living at the same address where he was also registered and could not understand how such a mistake could have occurred.

He told iNews that there were more than a hundred more persons at the hearing who were objected to as dead but are alive.

The PPP has claimed that its field staff found some 2958 dead persons on the PLE.

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee says his Party will not rest until the hundreds of dead persons which it has objected to on the PLE are removed.

He said it is a well-known fact that persons have voted for dead citizens in the past; something the PPP will not want to see repeated.

The Opposition –APNU – claims that the PPP is making these objections in their traditional strongholds; a move they believe is directed to disenfranchising their supporters.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look the fact is Ramjhaaaaaaaatan and his colleagues are desperate, power-hungry, delusional and are ready to fool the population, at least that is what they think tey will accomplish. The PPP is on to something here. Reading his comments and his actions lately convince me that Berbice Mad House should start making arrangements for him as a Patient.

Good news. Berbice Mad House will reject Ramjattan as they rejected you.


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