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Interesting. However you will note that most politicians makes all sorts of promises which they actually believe, until they get into office and discover why the people they replaced were doing what they did in the first place. This is what Obama encountered. Once he got into office he suddenly adopted most of Bushes policies. 


With regards to Guyana, this is exactly what the PNC/AFC want to do, get the opportunity to thief once they are in power. We know the PPP thief but at least the country move forward under their watch.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Interesting. However you will note that most politicians makes all sorts of promises which they actually believe, until they get into office and discover why the people they replaced were doing what they did in the first place. This is what Obama encountered. Once he got into office he suddenly adopted most of Bushes policies. 


With regards to Guyana, this is exactly what the PNC/AFC want to do, get the opportunity to thief once they are in power. We know the PPP thief but at least the country move forward under their watch.

Well said! Politicians don't care about the people; they care about themselves only...PPP/PNC/AFC all the same. They just want to get in and start to syphoning.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Interesting. However you will note that most politicians makes all sorts of promises which they actually believe, until they get into office and discover why the people they replaced were doing what they did in the first place. This is what Obama encountered. Once he got into office he suddenly adopted most of Bushes policies. 


With regards to Guyana, this is exactly what the PNC/AFC want to do, get the opportunity to thief once they are in power. We know the PPP thief but at least the country move forward under their watch.

In regards to your first observation that's exactly why we should be questioning. That's exactly what is being referenced by the questions.
About your second observation indeed the PPP has moved Guyana all the way in front of Haiti on the poverty index and all the way into being recognized as one of the most corrupt nations.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If you can't acknowledge the progress made under the PPP, especially since Jagdeo took over and tamed the PNC badmen, then you must have ulterior political motives. Considering all the mo fiah slow fiah driving away investors, I have to say that the PPP did a pretty good job so far.

the man did say they moved in front of Haiti..what yuh beetching about

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If you can't acknowledge the progress made under the PPP, especially since Jagdeo took over and tamed the PNC badmen, then you must have ulterior political motives. Considering all the mo fiah slow fiah driving away investors, I have to say that the PPP did a pretty good job so far.

How ulterior could any motive be against inept, corrupt, self-serving politicians? Jagdeo tamed someone? What blind fanatic loyalty it must take to make such a statement!
I notice you neither addressed the second to last place of Guyana on the poverty list nor the unbridled corruption of the PPP.

Originally Posted by antabanta:

How ulterior could any motive be against inept, corrupt, self-serving politicians? Jagdeo tamed someone? What blind fanatic loyalty it must take to make such a statement!
I notice you neither addressed the second to last place of Guyana on the poverty list nor the unbridled corruption of the PPP.

So now you show your true colors. I knew you were politically motivated with your comments.  You apparently have not lived in Guyana and endured the bullying of the PNC or you would know what Jagdeo "tamed".  My views are independent, devoid of politics. Even a kindergarten student would grasp the difference

PNC - 29 years of destruction, demoralization and failed policies.

PPP under Jagans(Cheddi and Janet) -- cowering in fear of the PNC.

PPP under Jagdeo -- Finally standing up to the PNC, phantomizing and progress.

PPP under Ramoutar -- impotent due to minority in parliament, but still managing to move the country forward



As noted in my earlier postings, corruption is part of Guyanese fabric and until the society reject it, it will continue to be part of all political parties, regardless of who is in power.

Of course more can be done and maybe a change in govt can accomplish this, but the facts are clear, pnc brought destruction, ppp brought progress.  


Here's a revelation for you... on a political forum, it is only natural that all comments be politically motivated. There can be no other motive classified as ulterior or otherwise on a political forum regardless of the disposition of the poster, left, right or neutral. There can definitely be no such thing as ulterior political motive for any comment on a political forum.

I left Gy in 1988 and in recent years return almost every year.

You still have not addressed the second to last placement of Guyana on the poverty list. Should we presume your comments about corruption to be acceptance of the PPP's corruption and lack of action against it?

Bharat Jagdeo tamed nothing and no one. I could give you details of the events but they would be lost on your maniacal PPP fanaticism.

Last edited by antabanta
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Here's a revelation for you... on a political forum, it is only natural that all comments be politically motivated. There can be no other motive classified as ulterior or otherwise on a political forum regardless of the disposition of the poster, left, right or neutral. There can definitely be no such thing as ulterior political motive for any comment on a political forum.

I left Gy in 1988 and in recent years return almost every year.

You still have not addressed the second to last placement of Guyana on the poverty list. Should we presume your comments about corruption to be acceptance of the PPP's corruption and lack of action against it?

Bharat Jagdeo tamed nothing and no one. I could give you details of the events but they would be lost on your maniacal PPP fanaticism.

Not all comments are politically motivated, there are persons like myself who only want what's good for Guyana and do not stand to gain personally if any particular party attains power. It is very simple, I see progress under the PPP and destruction under the PNC. Now you may argue about the quality and cost of progress and other concerns. But the bottom line is that there is progress, the proof being in the pudding. 


Guyana's position on the poverty cannot be simplified in a few sound bytes by politically motivated persons. It is a complex issue with involving many factors.  I will list a few in order of importance. But I suspect you don't care to know as it is not in line with your already formulated opinion like d2, that govt is to blame for everything under the sun including a black man stumping his toe and bad sex.


  1. 29 Years of destruction of: 
    • Infrastructure
    • Social systems
    • Decay of moral turpitude of the population
    • Education systems
    • legal systems
    • Industry
    • Strength of Private sector
  2. Sustained anti progress strategy by opposition that drives away private investors and influence rating organizations:
    • Mo fiah slow fiah
    • Sabotage against govt (overseas authors)
    • Anti govt propaganda 
    • Funding of criminal organizations by opposition(Blackie,fineman, freedom fighters and other gangs)
    • Support and instigation of political unrest(Linden, Agricola, Buxton)
  3. Indigenous population in remote areas who intentionally practice subsistence living passed down from generations.
  4. Subsistence farming practices by non indigenous farmers in remote areas. 
  5. Unreported income from a large sector of the population, miners, farmers, hucksters and other self employed. 
  6. Cash economy = no way to track income and provide reliable statistics.
  7. Inept private sector.
  8. Inability to compete with cheap chinese goods
  9. Loss of sugar subsidies from the EU
  10. Lack of skilled and educated persons to form a employee base for prospective industries.
  11. Poaching of skilled workers by other Caribbean nations and other nations.
Last edited by Former Member

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