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November 3 ,2020


Dear Editor,

Stabroek News’ editorial `Local government elections’ (SN, 2nd November 2020) makes interesting reading.

Although I abhor what Clairmont Mingo,  Keith Lowenfield,  et al did during the 2020 Elections I would like to point out they have been charged but not convicted as yet by a Court of Law and as such they are innocent until proven guilty.

Similarly, Irfaan Ali is innocent until proven guilty by a Court of Law even though the charges have been dropped because of his position.

What should happen is that those charged should be suspended pending the outcome of their Court case.

This also means that Irfaan Ali should consider resigning as President of Guyana and face the politically inspired charges against him.

In concluding, Local Government Elections should be held as soon as possible. Funds should be made available to start the preparation for LGE.

Yours faithfully,

Sean Ori

Editor’s note: Stabroek News recognises that Messrs Lowenfield and Mingo et al are entitled to due process. However, the criminal charges against the electoral officials do not prevent GECOM from disciplining them based on their performance or lack thereof during the election period.

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They were caught redhanded trying to rig the election.  They are guilty as hell. All the petitions that the PNC filed were thrown out by the courts but they still insist that they are right and the courts are wrong. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

They are guilty as hell.

There goes Rama_P  again. Finding people guilty without  due process of the courts. This guy seems to have a brain better than the Barrat and Ali put together.


These electoral officers already pleaded guilty in private to their lawyers.

They are now trying to make a deal to keep them out of prison.

I say Lock them up along with defence attorney, Tolababu.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You lie!

@Ramakant-P posted:

They are guilty as hell.

These electoral officers already pleaded guilty in private to their lawyers.

Rama, which brain wave did you use for this discovery ?

Last edited by Tola

Ori thinks he is a smartman. The Coalition government had 5 years before Ali was ELECTED president and they couldn't convict him of anything. Everyone and their uncle saw the crimes committed by these crooks and while they may be CONSIDERED innocent in the eyes of the law they are guilty as sin before everyone who saw them blatantly commit the crimes they are charged with.


Innocent until proven guilty. Everyone has the right to prove their innocence with due process.

GECOM (bingo/lolofield) is a waste. There is no confidence in the work they produce. The whole electoral system needs a revamp with updated voters list. They need to start doing this now so when next election comes they wont be in the same place again.

@Former Member posted:

Ori thinks he is a smartman. The Coalition government had 5 years before Ali was ELECTED president and they couldn't convict him of anything. Everyone and their uncle saw the crimes committed by these crooks and while they may be CONSIDERED innocent in the eyes of the law they are guilty as sin before everyone who saw them blatantly commit the crimes they are charged with.

Everyone and their uncle also saw the crime committed by  Ali as Housing Minister regarding the land at  Pradovillle 11. While he may be CONSIDERED innocent,  he is guilty as sin before everyone, who saw the blatantly abuse of government  property for personal profit, by the PPP elite.   


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