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Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
This is my original statement regarding this incident:

"The issue in Africa is not religion, its tribalism and that has been there forever, the west is just taking advantage of the situation on the ground."

Now WTF are you coming up with your moronic statements that I said that there is no religious implications. I dont see anywhere that I made any judgement for or against.

Unfortunately, your bigoted mindset prevents you from having proper comprehension.
Tribalism combined with religious fundamentalism is a potent poison. You were trying to excuse this on the back of the west as usual. I guess you are an honorary member of boko haram!

Why would I need to come up with an excuse for anybody. I just state the facts that the west is taking advantage the tribal conflicts in Africa. If you disagree, provide your points for diagreements. I already posted an article that supports my point and your sidekick was too dumb to understand.
This is a religion driven crisis as they are of many different tribes as are the Christians they attack, The west does not control Nigeria, Its people does and their corruption makes what should have been one of the richest nation on the planet a borderline failed state. Again, the people identify their fight and stated their terms so you cannot qualify it for them. They said it is religious so who are you to say it is otherwise?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
This is my original statement regarding this incident:

"The issue in Africa is not religion, its tribalism and that has been there forever, the west is just taking advantage of the situation on the ground."

Now WTF are you coming up with your moronic statements that I said that there is no religious implications. I dont see anywhere that I made any judgement for or against.

Unfortunately, your bigoted mindset prevents you from having proper comprehension.
Tribalism combined with religious fundamentalism is a potent poison. You were trying to excuse this on the back of the west as usual. I guess you are an honorary member of boko haram!

Why would I need to come up with an excuse for anybody. I just state the facts that the west is taking advantage the tribal conflicts in Africa. If you disagree, provide your points for diagreements. I already posted an article that supports my point and your sidekick was too dumb to understand.
This is a religion driven crisis as they are of many different tribes as are the Christians they attack, The west does not control Nigeria, Its people does and their corruption makes what should have been one of he richest nation on the planet a borderline failed state. Again, the people identify their fight and stated their terms so you cannot qualify it for them. They said it is religious so who are you to say it is otherwise?

Again,read my original post,I said Africa not Nigeria. There is merit to what you say, but you must be a real puswarru (Cain Smiles) to think that the west is not propagating/taking advantage of some of this nonsense that is going on in order to maintain its strategic interest.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Glad to see you're backpedalling now though and accepting my viewpoint after I exposed you to be a fraud and a liar.

Jackass, where did I back-pedal. You are just too dumb to understand.

You're a clown. One time you claim it's tribal and not religious. Tell me I'm mad for suggesting that there are religious implications to this conflict. Then after I exposed your lies, you're saying you didn't make any judgement for or against. Well which one is it?

You're not only back pedalling, you're riding sideways and upside down. Changing your position as you go along after I expose your lying ways.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
This is my original statement regarding this incident:

"The issue in Africa is not religion, its tribalism and that has been there forever, the west is just taking advantage of the situation on the ground."

Now WTF are you coming up with your moronic statements that I said that there is no religious implications. I dont see anywhere that I made any judgement for or against.

Unfortunately, your bigoted mindset prevents you from having proper comprehension.
Tribalism combined with religious fundamentalism is a potent poison. You were trying to excuse this on the back of the west as usual. I guess you are an honorary member of boko haram!

Why would I need to come up with an excuse for anybody. I just state the facts that the west is taking advantage the tribal conflicts in Africa. If you disagree, provide your points for diagreements. I already posted an article that supports my point and your sidekick was too dumb to understand.
This is a religion driven crisis as they are of many different tribes as are the Christians they attack, The west does not control Nigeria, Its people does and their corruption makes what should have been one of he richest nation on the planet a borderline failed state. Again, the people identify their fight and stated their terms so you cannot qualify it for them. They said it is religious so who are you to say it is otherwise?

Again,read my original post,I said Africa not Nigeria. There is merit to what you say, but you must be a real puswarru (Cain Smiles) to think that the west is not propagating/taking advantage of some of this nonsense that is going on in order to maintain its strategic interest.
I guess the murder of Christians and animists in Darfur is not a matter of fundamentalist religious fanatics but a tribal war! I guess the west had a hand there as well. You are pathetic,
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Glad to see you're backpedalling now though and accepting my viewpoint after I exposed you to be a fraud and a liar.

Jackass, where did I back-pedal. You are just too dumb to understand.

You're a clown. One time you claim it's tribal and not religious. Tell me I'm mad for suggesting that there are religious implications to this conflict. Then after I exposed your lies, you're saying you didn't make any judgement for or against. Well which one is it?

You're not only back pedalling, you're riding sideways and upside down. Changing your position as you go along after I expose your lying ways.

Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Glad to see you're backpedalling now though and accepting my viewpoint after I exposed you to be a fraud and a liar.

Jackass, where did I back-pedal. You are just too dumb to understand.

You're a clown. One time you claim it's tribal and not religious. Tell me I'm mad for suggesting that there are religious implications to this conflict. Then after I exposed your lies, you're saying you didn't make any judgement for or against. Well which one is it?

You're not only back pedalling, you're riding sideways and upside down. Changing your position as you go along after I expose your lying ways.


You're a clown. One time you claim it's tribal and not religious. Tell me I'm mad for suggesting that there are religious implications to this conflict. Then after I exposed your lies, you're saying you didn't make any judgement for or against. Well which one is it, LIAR?
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Darfur is mostly muslim vs muslim fighting. Again, read my posts, I have already discussed that while you were sleeping. The place is supposedly floating in oil.
You would be the only one to frame darfur as muslim on muslim violence! Nuff said on that and it would rather be on account of your ignorance rather than brazen denial of the obvious. I do not have to read anything you write, You simply have to open your mouth and I know it is a hate America or non Muslim first position, You cannot help yourself,
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by Chief:
Andre & Abu,
Can I ask why the two of you keep addressing each other with such names as Jackass,Fool, liar etc?

Say something sensible or shut you pattacake Big Grin

Want put all two in a boat and leave all you close to Africa. Wink

I an dream of going to Africa, I do plenty work there presently because my dollar (zakat) goes the furthest and it is most needed.
Darfur, Muslim world’s shame

BY Aijaz Zaka Syed, The Khaleej Times

October 31, 2006 — This is an issue that has been staring us in the face for the past three years now. Over 300,000 people dead; three million driven from their homes and a country at war with itself. Darfur remains a huge challenge for the conscience of the Arab and Muslim world and an ever growing black spot on its visage.

Why are the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, otherwise swift to protest any slight or perceived injustice in any part of the globe, then silent on the shame of this great humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Sudan’s Darfur?

For one, most Arabs and Muslims, an overwhelming majority of them, do not really know what is going on in Darfur. For two, they suspect that the hue and cry of the West over Darfur and its indignant condemnation of Sudan are politically motivated, as always. Most Arabs and Muslims believe that the West has an axe to grind in seeking action against Sudan on the question of Darfur. Given the current tendency in the West to target everything Islamic, this suspicion is not really without basis.

Indeed, the Islamic world has every reason to be distrustful of Western motives in seeking action against Africa’s largest, Muslim-majority and Arabic speaking country. After all, the Middle East and Africa share a long history of manipulation and exploitation by the colonial West over the past couple of centuries.

The West may indeed have an agenda in pushing for an international peacekeeping force in Darfur. Many in Sudan suspect, and not without reason, that the Western concern for the people of Darfur is motivated by a greed for the country’s rich natural resources. Sudan is home to huge and largely untapped energy resources.

But even if the West’s interest in Darfur is driven by its political and economic interests, should the Muslim world ignore the larger issue at stake? That is, the endless and systematic ethnic cleansing of the people of Darfur?

We in the Islamic world haven’t still forgotten the great ethnic cleansing of Albanian Muslims in the Balkans a decade ago and rightly so. The mass murder and rape of Bosnian and Kosovan Muslims at the hands of Serb militias shook the Muslim world, from Morocco to Malaysia. Today the tragedy of the Balkans is being replicated in Africa. The Muslims are being slaughtered and raped once again but not in a remote corner of Christian Europe but right in the heart of the Muslim world and at the hands of fellow Muslims.

Few in the Arab and Muslim world know and realise that those getting killed in Darfur over the past three years are as Muslim as the members of murderous Janjaweed militia.

But since the West is leading the protests against the Darfur genocide demanding action against Sudan, most people in the Islamic world assume that the ‘wicked, infidel’ West is again out to target the believers. But how wrong, how tragically mistaken they are! If only they knew that their ignorance and deafening silence on the issue has sent hundreds of thousands of innocent people, almost all of them Muslims, to their death in Darfur.

Let’s face it. Darfur is the most systematic and planned annihilation of a Muslim population in the 21st century by the Muslims. Between 300,000 and 500,000 black-skinned Africans in Darfur have died already. Countless women have been raped and tortured, some killed. Three million are dispossessed and driven out of their homes and safe enclaves in a so-called Arab and Muslim country. No wonder the UN describes it as “the world’s worst humanitarian disaster”.

Why then is the Muslim world silent, for God’s sake? Where is our conscience? Where is our moral outrage? Where are protesting Arabs and Muslims? Why is the so-called Muslim street silent over Darfur? Why doesn’t this mass murder of helpless and innocent people agitate us, just as those innocent Muslims dying in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan do?

Even if we didn’t know those dying in Darfur are indeed Muslims, shouldn’t we still raise our voice against the 21st century’s first and biggest genocide? Aren’t we supposed to stand up and speak for those who cannot do it for themselves?

We never lose an opportunity to blast the West for practising double standards, from Palestine to Iraq to Afghanistan. But what are we doing in Darfur? We turn away our collective gaze while people are dying out there right now, forgotten and forsaken by the rest of the world including the Arab and Muslim countries.

The Arab League refuses to confront Sudan on the shame of Darfur. In fact, it is the other way round. Sudan keeps complaining that League members do not support and stand by it in international forums. Support for what? For murder and rape of fellow Muslims?

The Organisation of Islamic Conference, which claims to represent the faithful everywhere, is yet to wake up to this continuing outrage. The League and OIC are too busy preparing those pointless, regulation resolutions to pay attention to the infinite suffering of the people in Darfur. To the Muslim world’s shame, if anyone has really forced Sudan to take some perfunctory steps on Darfur, it is the uproar and activism of human rights groups in the West.

When will the Arabs and Muslims wake up from their slumber of indifference to stop what is going on in Darfur? For if they do not, they will end up sharing the responsibility for the 21st century’s worst crime against humanity. As Edmund Burke warned, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

* Aijaz Zaka Syed can be reached at
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
You would be the only one to frame darfur as muslim on muslim violence!

You are real stupid if you dont know that the conflict in Darfur is between Arab Muslim vs African Muslims.
the people dying are mainly animist, christians and non arab blacks. The people doing the killing are Arab Muslims.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
You would be the only one to frame darfur as muslim on muslim violence!

You are real stupid if you dont know that the conflict in Darfur is between Arab Muslim vs African Muslims.
the people dying are mainly animist, christians and non arab blacks. The people doing the killing are Arab Muslims.

As I said you are real stupid.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
You would be the only one to frame darfur as muslim on muslim violence!

You are real stupid if you dont know that the conflict in Darfur is between Arab Muslim vs African Muslims.
the people dying are mainly animist, christians and non arab blacks. The people doing the killing are Arab Muslims.

As I said you are real stupid.
`It is a race war not a muslim on muslim war. Christians, animist and non Arab blacks are in the eye of the storm here. It is not religious or tribal. If however is orchestrated by Muslims who see the others( including fellow muslims) as worthy of death.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
You would be the only one to frame darfur as muslim on muslim violence!

You are real stupid if you dont know that the conflict in Darfur is between Arab Muslim vs African Muslims.
the people dying are mainly animist, christians and non arab blacks. The people doing the killing are Arab Muslims.

As I said you are real stupid.
`It is a race war not a muslim on muslim war. Christians, animist and non Arab blacks are in the eye of the storm here. It is not religious or tribal. If however is orchestrated by Muslims who see the others( including fellow muslims) as worthy of death.

You are not just stupid, you are an idiot.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
You would be the only one to frame darfur as muslim on muslim violence!

You are real stupid if you dont know that the conflict in Darfur is between Arab Muslim vs African Muslims.
the people dying are mainly animist, christians and non arab blacks. The people doing the killing are Arab Muslims.

As I said you are real stupid.
`It is a race war not a muslim on muslim war. Christians, animist and non Arab blacks are in the eye of the storm here. It is not religious or tribal. If however is orchestrated by Muslims who see the others( including fellow muslims) as worthy of death.

You are not just stupid, you are an idiot.
I know to you everyone is a dunce as long as they do not agree with your fanatical excuses for religious fundamentalism. The point is you said "The issue in Africa is not religion, its tribalism and that has been there forever, the west is just taking advantage of the situation on the ground." I made the point to show you that nothing is monolithic. The Sudan is not about religion or tribalism. It is about ethnic cleansing driven by greed.

That Muslims can be into ethnic cleansing or fundamentalist fanaticism outside of tribal concerns should be clear tp you In the Sudan they were into cleansing the area of animist, Christians and non Arab black Muslims. The idea that Africa is about tribalism is nonsense. It is like everyplace else, driven by parochialism and at times that includes Muslim of Christians as is the case above.

Your ready excuse for religious fundamentalist who murder in the name of religion does not make the world as you see it.Boko Haram is murdering Christians for religious reasons not tribal reasons. Hiding behind tribalism and insisting that everything in Africa is about tribal quarrels is nonsense,
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
and a dunce.
and you are a fanatic who would find any easy excuse than address the real causes of evil, Boko Haram is murdering Christians because they think they are following religious imperatives. They are not of one tribe nor are the christian they murder so to excuse their killings on tribalism rather than religious fanaticism is myopia on your part as usual. And what gross bigotry to claim Africans problem are about tribalism alone!
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
please bring your facts on Darfur before we continue or admit you know squat. I mean hard numbers to support your claim that those killed Darfur is not muslim.

The entire world knows this except you, that makes you a babbling idiot.
all I have to show it is not tribal to counter your view that everything in Africa is tribal, I made clear it is not Muslim on Muslim as you said it was but Arab Muslims against animist, Christians and black Africans ( who happen to be from many tribes!) Your position that the Boko Haram group is not being fanatical Muslims is denying what they say of themselves! By the way, the reason I select this as an example is also to highlight the fact Chinese are buying the oil from the Muslim ethnic cleansers! Are they to be blame?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
please bring your facts on Darfur before we continue or admit you know squat. I mean hard numbers to support your claim that those killed Darfur is not muslim.

The entire world knows this except you, that makes you a babbling idiot.
all I have to show it is not tribal to counter your view that everything in Africa is tribal, I made clear it is not Muslim on Muslim as you said it was but Arab Muslims against animist, Christians and black Africans ( who happen to be from many tribes!) Your position that the Boko Haram group is not being fanatical Muslims is denying what they say of themselves! By the way, the reason I select this as an example is also to highlight the fact Chinese are buying the oil from the Muslim ethnic cleansers! Are they to be blame?

you have no facts and talking sheer faat as usual.

"Your position that the Boko Haram group is not being fanatical Muslims is denying what they say of themselves! " WHERE DID I SAY THIS" SHOW ME MY STATEMENTS REGARDING YOUR THIS POSITION.
Tribes in Darfur
The various tribes that have been the object of attacks and killings (chiefly the Fur, Massalit and Zaghawa tribes) do not appear to make up ethnic groups distinct from the ethnic group to which persons or militias that attack them belong. They speak the same language (Arabic) and embrace the same religion (Muslim). In addition, also due to the high measure of intermarriage, they can hardly be distinguished in their outward physical appearance from the members of tribes that allegedly attacked them. Furthermore, inter-marriage and coexistence in both social and economic terms, have over the years tended to blur the distinction between the groups. Apparently, the sedentary and nomadic character of the groups constitutes one of the main distinctions between them. It is also notable that members of the African tribes speak their own dialect in addition to Arabic, while members of Arab tribes only speak Arabic (page 129).


I would suggest that D2 contact the save darfur organization and tell them that they are a bunch of dunces.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
please bring your facts on Darfur before we continue or admit you know squat. I mean hard numbers to support your claim that those killed Darfur is not muslim.

The entire world knows this except you, that makes you a babbling idiot.
all I have to show it is not tribal to counter your view that everything in Africa is tribal, I made clear it is not Muslim on Muslim as you said it was but Arab Muslims against animist, Christians and black Africans ( who happen to be from many tribes!) Your position that the Boko Haram group is not being fanatical Muslims is denying what they say of themselves! By the way, the reason I select this as an example is also to highlight the fact Chinese are buying the oil from the Muslim ethnic cleansers! Are they to be blame?

you have no facts and talking sheer faat as usual.

"Your position that the Boko Haram group is not being fanatical Muslims is denying what they say of themselves! " WHERE DID I SAY THIS" SHOW ME MY STATEMENTS REGARDING YOUR THIS POSITION.
You argue like a cow. You said all events in africa are tribal, I said no and showed you an example where ethnic and religious identity combined to cause great harm and that was not tribal.

Again, least you meander into another wilderness by taking my example to mean more than it does ( the fight in Darfur is not tribal but ethnic and religious) Boko Haram is fighting a religious and not a tribal war.

Againm, you said all disputes in Africa is tribal and they are manipulated by the west and that was your excuse to deny a reality of muslim religious fanaticism. Your exact words are "The issue in Africa is not religion, its tribalism and that has been there forever, the west is just taking advantage of the situation on the ground."

If you are not saying that Boko Haram are demanding Sharia be the law of the land and murdering Christians to enforce that rule then we have no argument. However, it would mean you did a flip flop
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
admit for once,you know nothing about Darfur you mookshine, and re-read my Statenent once again.
I know, you win arguments not with facts but if the other side capitulating to your nonsensical fanaticism.

I give you Darfur as a counterpoint to your excused of western interventionism and supposed tribal origins of all conflicts in Africa.

There, the Chinese are pumping the oil and the fight is against those who do not look like the aggressors. Muslim Arabs are oppressing ethnic blacks ( muslims in this case) Christians and animists. That is the case. It illustrates you are just an apologist who refuse to accept that there are idiots in the world like Boko Haram who murder for their fanatical creed and nothing else.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
admit for once,you know nothing about Darfur you mookshine, and re-read my Statenent once again.
I know, you win arguments not with facts but if the other side capitulating to your nonsensical fanaticism.

I give you Darfur as a counterpoint to your excused of western interventionism and supposed tribal origins of all conflicts in Africa.

There, the Chinese are pumping the oil and the fight is against those who do not look like the aggressors. Muslim Arabs are oppressing ethnic blacks ( muslims in this case) Christians and animists. That is the case. It illustrates you are just an apologist who refuse to accept that there are idiots in the world like Boko Haram who murder for their fanatical creed and nothing else.

Why dont you admit fully that you dont even know the geography of Sudan and you confused South Sudan with Darfur. Thats how ignorant of the facts.

If you should go and use google you would see that my statement on tribalism is supported by many fact finding missions including the united nations.

Your other shortcoming is that you dont even understand the basic concept of root cause analysis or this conversation will not be going on and on.

Again, I play one card and hold the rest close to continue the game even though you have shown all of yours.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
admit for once,you know nothing about Darfur you mookshine, and re-read my Statenent once again.
I know, you win arguments not with facts but if the other side capitulating to your nonsensical fanaticism.

I give you Darfur as a counterpoint to your excused of western interventionism and supposed tribal origins of all conflicts in Africa.

There, the Chinese are pumping the oil and the fight is against those who do not look like the aggressors. Muslim Arabs are oppressing ethnic blacks ( muslims in this case) Christians and animists. That is the case. It illustrates you are just an apologist who refuse to accept that there are idiots in the world like Boko Haram who murder for their fanatical creed and nothing else.

Why dont you admit fully that you dont even know the geography of Sudan and you confused South Sudan with Darfur. Thats how ignorant of the facts.

If you should go and use google you would see that my statement on tribalism is supported by many fact finding missions including the united nations.

Your other shortcoming is that you dont even understand the basic concept of root cause analysis or this conversation will not be going on and on.

Again, I play one card and hold the rest close to continue the game even though you have shown all of yours.
I do not think my allusion cared to entertain your nonsense about the geography of Sudan. I am making a counter argument to one thing, your assertion to Africa's problems being about tribalism and western interventionism to excuse to the murder of Christians by Boko Haram on grounds of their Muslim fanaticism.

What you presume I should Google is relevant. That is your own obfuscating nonsense, I am addressing a fanatical group wanting to impose sharia who is murdering Christians as representing anti west to make their point.
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
admit that you are ignorant of the facts.

I challenge you to provide proof that the Chinese are pumping oil in Darfur (hehehehehe)
I know, your 'facts" that africa is tribal and the west is the stone in their shoes! Well, I cant. Your fundamentalist behind have to accept the fact that there are murderous Muslims who will kill because they cannot get their way.

The Chinese are in Darfur presently. It has prospects to be quite lucrative. China dominates oil exploration in the region and owns the producing wells in the sudan

13 Killed in Attacks in Northeast Nigeria


MAIDUGURI, Nigeria January 7, 2012 (AP)

Members of a radical Muslim sect attacked a church in northeast Nigeria during a worship service, part of a series of assaults that killed at least 13 people, authorities said Saturday.

The church shooting came as Boko Haram members attacked a beauty salon and fought government forces Friday night as part of its continuing sectarian battle against Nigeria's weak central government. In the last few days alone, the group has killed at least 44 people, despite the oil-rich nation's president declaring a state of emergency in regions hit by the sect.

In Yola, the capital of Adamawa state, gunmen covered their faces with black cloth when they attacked Apostolic Church, local police commissioner Ade Shinaba said. Shinaba said at least eight worshippers died in that attack.

At a nearby beauty salon, at least three others were killed in a similar attack.

"Three gunmen with their faces covered with black cloth burst into my salon and started shooting at customers, chanting, 'God is great, God is great,'" said Stephen Tizhe, 35.

In the town of Potiskum in Yobe state, gunmen set two banks ablaze with gasoline bombs, starting a gunfight with police that lasted three hours, local police commissioner Tanko Lawan said. At least two people were killed in the fight, he said.

No arrests have been made in either attack, authorities said.

The attacks Friday night came after gunmen claimed by Boko Haram attacked a town hall earlier that day in Mubi, Adamawa state, killing at least 20 people who had gathered for a meeting of the Christian Igbo ethnic group. On Thursday night, the sect also attacked a church in Gombe state, killing at least eight people.

In a statement Friday to The Daily Trust, the newspaper of record in Nigeria's north, a Boko Haram spokesman using the nom de guerre Abul-Qaqa claimed responsibility for the attacks in Gombe and Mubi.

"We want to prove to the federal government of Nigeria that we can always change our tactics," the spokesman said.

Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, is responsible for at least 510 killings last year alone, according to an Associated Press count. It has targeted churches in the past in its campaign to implement strict Shariah law across Nigeria.

The group claimed responsibility for attacks that killed at least 42 people in a Christmas Day strikes that included the bombing of a Catholic church near Abuja. The group also claimed an August suicide car bombing that targeted the U.N. headquarters in the capital, killing 25 people and wounding more than 100.

Nigeria's central government has been slow to respond to the sect. On Dec. 31, President Goodluck Jonathan declared regions of Borno, Niger, Plateau and Yobe states to be under a state of emergency, meaning authorities can make arrests without proof and conduct searches without warrants. He also ordered international borders near Borno and Yobe state to be closed.

However, the areas where the recent church and town hall attacks happened are not in the areas marked by the president.


Jon Gambrell reported from Lagos, Nigeria and can be reached at
The Chinese are in Darfur presently. It has prospects to be quite lucrative. China dominates oil exploration in the region and owns the producing wells in the sudan

Thats a far cry from pumping, but you must have meant your favorite past time, sorry.

As for the Chinese, that is the 21st century capatialism where democracy is now divorced from Capitalism (start a new discussion and we can continue for a few weeks)

We need a new system fast.

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