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Shot La Penitence vendor discharged from hospital

Doodnauth Danasri, the La Penitence market vendor who was shot while trying to defend his wife from robbers on Monday, has been discharged from the hospital.

Commander of ‘A’ Division (ag) Leslie James confirmed that Danasri, who was grazed to his temple by a bullet, was discharged from the hospital.

James also said the suspects are yet to be apprehended.

Stabroek News had previously reported that around 5.30pm on Monday, four unmasked men, one of whom was armed with a suspected .38 revolver, attacked Danasri, 62, called ‘Hardat’ of Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara and his wife Meena Danasri at their stall outside Twin’s Drug Store on Saffon Street.

Police said Doodnauth was shot once in the region of his temple and to his hand and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital.The police said Meena and Doodnauth were selling at the market when they were attacked by the bandits. “Two men, one armed with a handgun and the other with a knife, pounced on her [Meena] and demanded the cash from her apron,” the police said.

As a result, the man rushed to her rescue and was shot to the head, they added, while noting that the apron containing an undisclosed amount of cash was handed over to the suspects, who escaped on a bicycle.

Meena had related to this newspaper that she was repacking vegetables when the men approached her. “I was on the stand packing the ochroes. By time I turn around, one of them stand behind me. One of them had a shine gun and the other had a knife,” Meena explained. “So meh husband packing the bus and he come from behind the bus and turn and said, ‘Ey, wha you going and do that lady?’ And I start holler. He then fired the shots at my husband,” she had said.

After the bandit fired the shots at her husband, the woman said she ran behind their bus in a bid to escape but the bandits “come behind me with the knife and gun and I hand them the money.”

The perpetrators managed to cart off $150,000 in cash, which Meena said was from their sales on Sunday and Monday.  After the robbery, the bandits escaped through James Street, Albouystown.

Meena had said prior to the incident, she noticed suspicious persons lurking around the market.

“The market constables see them too. Them constables come next to me and tell me, ‘Hustle and pack! Hustle and pack!’ And I was trying to but they come to me,” she had noted.

The woman added that she was attacked by two men but later learnt that two others were keeping guard.

The couple returned to their regular vending yesterday.

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Meena had said prior to the incident, she noticed suspicious persons lurking around the market.

“The market constables see them too. Them constables come next to me and tell me, ‘Hustle and pack! Hustle and pack!’ And I was trying to but they come to me,” she had noted.


This is skoant,these constables didn't protect the vendor.Looks like they are in cahoots with the bandits.


Perhaps the two constables were the ones keeping guard.

Then again they were packing up and its possible the constables told them to hurry up because they needed to vacate the premises.

cain posted:

Perhaps the two constables were the ones keeping guard.

Then again they were packing up and its possible the constables told them to hurry up because they needed to vacate the premises.

Well at the same time they observed the criminals lurking,the appropriate thing to do was to approach the criminals and investigate their motive.

Django posted:

Shot La Penitence vendor discharged from hospital

Doodnauth Danasri, the La Penitence market vendor who was shot while trying to defend his wife from robbers on Monday, has been discharged from the hospital.

Commander of ‘A’ Division (ag) Leslie James confirmed that Danasri, who was grazed to his temple by a bullet, was discharged from the hospital.

James also said the suspects are yet to be apprehended.

Stabroek News had previously reported that around 5.30pm on Monday, four unmasked men, one of whom was armed with a suspected .38 revolver, attacked Danasri, 62, called ‘Hardat’ of Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara and his wife Meena Danasri at their stall outside Twin’s Drug Store on Saffon Street.

Police said Doodnauth was shot once in the region of his temple and to his hand and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital.The police said Meena and Doodnauth were selling at the market when they were attacked by the bandits. “Two men, one armed with a handgun and the other with a knife, pounced on her [Meena] and demanded the cash from her apron,” the police said.

As a result, the man rushed to her rescue and was shot to the head, they added, while noting that the apron containing an undisclosed amount of cash was handed over to the suspects, who escaped on a bicycle.

Meena had related to this newspaper that she was repacking vegetables when the men approached her. “I was on the stand packing the ochroes. By time I turn around, one of them stand behind me. One of them had a shine gun and the other had a knife,” Meena explained. “So meh husband packing the bus and he come from behind the bus and turn and said, ‘Ey, wha you going and do that lady?’ And I start holler. He then fired the shots at my husband,” she had said.

After the bandit fired the shots at her husband, the woman said she ran behind their bus in a bid to escape but the bandits “come behind me with the knife and gun and I hand them the money.”

The perpetrators managed to cart off $150,000 in cash, which Meena said was from their sales on Sunday and Monday.  After the robbery, the bandits escaped through James Street, Albouystown.

Meena had said prior to the incident, she noticed suspicious persons lurking around the market.

“The market constables see them too. Them constables come next to me and tell me, ‘Hustle and pack! Hustle and pack!’ And I was trying to but they come to me,” she had noted.

The woman added that she was attacked by two men but later learnt that two others were keeping guard.

The couple returned to their regular vending yesterday.

Are these "market" constables regular police? Regardless though, they obviously knew something was going to happen and should have done something.


these constable know all the criminals but there are scare lack of good management of the police force system should be in place when these constables see these bandits they can call for backup or arm constables 

warrior posted:

these constable know all the criminals but there are scare lack of good management of the police force system should be in place when these constables see these bandits they can call for backup or arm constables 

These criminals are the friends of these constables and the police.

warrior posted:

these constable know all the criminals but there are scare lack of good management of the police force system should be in place when these constables see these bandits they can call for backup or arm constables 

Bai, you can translate this fuh me?


skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:

these constable know all the criminals but there are scare lack of good management of the police force system should be in place when these constables see these bandits they can call for backup or arm constables 

Bai, you can translate this fuh me?


that is simple it say too bad you swim in shit trench 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Crime fighting under this government has been a failure.  People who expected the new government to make Guyana a safe place are now deeply disappointed.  Crime has gotten worse.

The AFC/PNC campaigned on fighting crime and creating a safe society. This is another broken promise which will come back to bite them on their you know where.

I have a copy of there last election manifesto and I am gearing up for 2020 to bring it out and provide their shopping list of lies to the Guyanese people.

And wait, what happened their much publicised Cummingsburd accord ? The AFC failed to review it because the AFC morphed into the PNC.

Many were angry at me for posting AFC=PNC during the last election campaign. Where are they today ? Hello, Hello, Hello.

I am not ready for them as yet. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Anyone know where is La Penntence.  Sounds like a place in Pennsylvania.  But I Can't seem to find it on any map!!


what the big deal ?

Is Pennsylvania a favorite stop-over?

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Anyone know where is La Penntence.  Sounds like a place in Pennsylvania.  But I Can't seem to find it on any map!!


what the big deal ?

You shouldn't even have dignified that response. Small things amuse small minds.


My brother recently returned and said he noticed an attitude of hostility from Afros in authority towards Indians from the time you hit the airport.  He met six visiting US doctors, two Indians and four whites, in New Amsterdam and they said same, especially the Indians. 

Expect big trouble if the PPP wins in 2020. All those unqualified Blacks getting cushy positions will not give up easily, and their foot soldiers are getting ready for a fight.  I hope the PPP will have the phantoms on standby!

Baseman posted:

My brother recently returned and said he noticed an attitude of hostility from Afros in authority towards Indians from the time you hit the airport.  He met six visiting US doctors, two Indians and four whites, in New Amsterdam and they said same, especially the Indians. 

Expect big trouble if the PPP wins in 2020. All those unqualified Blacks getting cushy positions will not give up easily, and their foot soldiers are getting ready for a fight.  I hope the PPP will have the phantoms on standby!

The smart thing for the PPP to do is to start organizing an army of strong, able-bodied men.

Baseman posted:

My brother recently returned and said he noticed an attitude of hostility from Afros in authority towards Indians from the time you hit the airport.  He met six visiting US doctors, two Indians and four whites, in New Amsterdam and they said same, especially the Indians. 

Expect big trouble if the PPP wins in 2020. All those unqualified Blacks getting cushy positions will not give up easily, and their foot soldiers are getting ready for a fight.  I hope the PPP will have the phantoms on standby!

They are rude, arrogant, demeaning and just plain bullies.  After a week I was ready to come home.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:

these constable know all the criminals but there are scare lack of good management of the police force system should be in place when these constables see these bandits they can call for backup or arm constables 

Bai, you can translate this fuh me?


that is simple it say too bad you swim in shit trench 

Does the translation say your head is always up in your kakahole?


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