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January 11 2020


Dear Editor,

I notice that the smaller parties are talking of coalescing to form a “third force” and ANUG and FED-UP are already at it; overall, this is a good sign for political maturity in our dear Republic and it certainly bodes well for the future – coalition politics in Guyana has been nurtured by Mr. Granger and will endure as the only option for good governance.  The problem, however, is that such a 3rd Force  coalition,  conceived  in such a short period of time and devoid of any “mass” base might make an impact in 2025 or 2030, but not in this upcoming elections. No Sir! These third parties, either singly or in coalition, know very well that the only real expectation they can achieve is to get seats in Parliament and then to cause political confusion like we have had with the betrayal of Charrandass Persaud – confusion which has affected our economy in a negative way while creating other copycats of  C. Persaud, all of whom will use our constitution, not to enhance what is right, but to have petty no-confidence votes in our Parliament while the people’s business is disrupted. The voters of Guyana should remember that this whole disruption with the no-confidence vote, initiated by Mr. Jagdeo with the collaboration and wicked betrayal of Charrandass Persaud, has led us to a new scenario, where these new parties – these new Charrandass’ – should hurt the Granger coalition; instead, ironically, these “wrecker” parties will hurt the PPP’s chances in the next election. Mr. Badal and his party, I see, has just announced a plan which makes no sense for Guyanese because it creates more confusion about our oil resources while pandering to our base instincts of feeling that we might be cheated – Guyanese have their eyes wide open and will know what to do if anyone tries to rob us of what is rightfully ours with all the benefits included; we have a long history of demanding what is rightfully ours  Badal should remember his failures at GPL when he was boss and he should concentrate on the poor service and lousy menu at the Pegasus Hotel.

Editor, I see that the PPP has selected as PM, an army man who will now “tie bundle” with avowed communists who reject coalition politics and embrace more government intervention in our economic lives – remember the horrific 16% consumption tax on all of our people. Good luck to Mr. Phillips and  sincere thanks for his  service to our Republic while in our army  but he should remember, rejection is a hard pill to swallow and after March 2,  Freedom House will need a lot of drinking water.  Ask Ms. Harper, the PM candidate, about political rejection  after the 2015 elections and, by the way, very few people even remember her name – Mr. Phillips should ponder that as he stares down a tunnel with no light at the end – his speech at Kitty Market was humdrum to say the least, and it is obvious to anyone that he brings no type of mass support to the PPP . The no-show on the Kitty stage of key PPP leaders tells its own story and that story will culminate in their defeat on March 2 because the Gang of 8, led by the “doctors”, Jagdeo and his front man,  avoided any semblance of democratic principles in Freedom House when Jagdeo  pulled his rabbit out of his hat –  with support of communists like Teixeira, Luncheon and the others who have lost all that President Cheddi tried to teach them.

Editor, lastly, I would like to remind the public that we are already seeing the effects of ExxonMobil’s entrance into our economy- in England and the USA, Guyana is now getting prominence as a tourist destination and that will only mean more jobs, more investments in ancillary projects related to tourism and more importantly, the private sector will expand and become the real engine of growth. We are only at the start of  more foreign investment and trade which the deal with ExxonMobil has initiated, to cause all our potential resources to become more visible to global investment and trade, which will lead to more revenue, and, as Mr. Granger is saying, to the good life. The voters should remember that at the Kitty PPP rally, Jagdeo and his front man, really talked the communist talk of “the government as the engine of growth”, never committing to making the private sector the pillar of growth and their record proves that fact – check out their 23 years of political power. Mr. Granger and the Coalition are committed to expanding the private sector and that should be enough to reject all the other parties, especially the PPP revisionist communists and the many “Charrandass” small parties – Mr. Granger will win the next election handily because he is following a winning policy which will benefit our beautiful Republic.

Yours faithfully,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sounds like Joey Jagan is still on drugs. The people currently robbing Guyana are the ones at Exxon and they got the permission from the Coalition. Joey is so outdated by thinking that ANUG and FEDUP has coalesced. Lastly, it seems he too made a gross mistake into thinking tat all the major PPP players were not at the Kitty rally. Maybe he was too stoned to see clearly or maybe he was too stoned while he was writing the garbage above.

Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

What that got to do with APNU passing off a "blackman" party as a coalition of Guyanese?  Then criticizing the PPP for being a "collie" party.

Did you get your christmas gift from granger as yet, a new broom and pail for your duties here?

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

What that got to do with APNU passing off a "blackman" party as a coalition of Guyanese?  Then criticizing the PPP for being a "collie" party.

Did you get your christmas gift from granger as yet, a new broom and pail for your duties here?

My response is to your statement "blacks from different tribes"

By my expectation, you will cut your nonsense or face the consequences, there are rules that guide this forum.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

None of them will hurt the PPP.  ANUG will attract the voters who likely would consider the AFC.

The only way the PPP doesn't prevail in the next elections is if the PNC rig massively. The Coalition has been exposed as highly incompetent, hapless and corrupted. Plus everyone knows now that there is no real coalition as PNC racist and party paramountcy overrule everything else.


BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992. 

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup. 

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC . 

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

Dave posted:

BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992. 

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup. 

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC . 

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

You damn right!

The only way the PPP doesn't prevail in the next elections is if the PNC do what they always did. Rig the elections.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

None of them will hurt the PPP.  ANUG will attract the voters who likely would consider the AFC.

Don't count on that !!!

How you seem always certain when it’s something of detriment to the PPP.  Do you have a selective crystal ball?

Dave posted:

BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992.

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup.

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC .

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

Your analysis based too much on the coast land , you seem to forget the interior Regions .

I dont equate  the recent LGE with National and Regional Elections .PPP/C got whooped in those regions plus some of the highly populated Towns.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

None of them will hurt the PPP.  ANUG will attract the voters who likely would consider the AFC.

Don't count on that !!!

How you seem always certain when it’s something of detriment to the PPP.  Do you have a selective crystal ball?

Closer to Elections will present an analysis ,which i think will happen.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992.

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup.

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC .

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

Your analysis based too much on the coast land , you seem to forget the interior Regions .

I dont equate  the recent LGE with National and Regional Elections .PPP/C got whooped in those regions plus some of the highly populated Towns.

We will see bhai. Django, PPPC has a better support with the Ameridians than APNU. 


@ DrugB: blacks from different tribes.

I do not see anything wrong with this statement. You might want to recall reading the history books that the chiefs from the different tribes captured their people and caged then to be sold to the slave owners.
Indians are from different "castes" if that is what you want to call tribe.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992.

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup.

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC .

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

Your analysis based too much on the coast land , you seem to forget the interior Regions .

I dont equate  the recent LGE with National and Regional Elections .PPP/C got whooped in those regions plus some of the highly populated Towns.

We will see bhai. Django, PPPC has a better support with the Ameridians than APNU. 

Not at the Recent LGE ,we all know how they cast their vote.

Any info on PPP/C list or we have to wait until it's Gazetted ?

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

Can you name some?

Django posted:
Dave posted:

BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992.

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup.

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC .

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

Your analysis based too much on the coast land , you seem to forget the interior Regions .

I dont equate  the recent LGE with National and Regional Elections .PPP/C got whooped in those regions plus some of the highly populated Towns.

If he includes the interior, the Amerindians will vote PPP as they did before. Shuman the Shaman will not get a seat in parliament. He cark duck since he kneeled before ganger. He insulted his people.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

BS with smaller parties, APNU) is made up of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); National Front Alliance (NFA); Working People’s Alliance, and the dominant, former governing People's National Congress Reform (PNCR)—and the Alliance For Change. They are combined to challenge ONE single party PPPC. 

Looking at the organization of PPPC kitty launch and their nomination day parade is convincing to me they are heading for majority government- unless APNU rig the election which is likely.

Usually PNC biggest crowd is at Cuffy square, at their launch, they mobilize supporters from all over the country with 297 buses ... the PPPC did not had to do this at Kitty . The PPPC campaign reminds me of 1992.

Most of  the PPPC supporters who went to AFC or stay away from voting in 2015, is coming back to putting that X to the cup.

The results of the LGE with PPPC trashing APNUAFC was the turn around for PPPC .

This election is a PPPC VICTORY . 

Your analysis based too much on the coast land , you seem to forget the interior Regions .

I dont equate  the recent LGE with National and Regional Elections .PPP/C got whooped in those regions plus some of the highly populated Towns.

We will see bhai. Django, PPPC has a better support with the Ameridians than APNU. 

Not at the Recent LGE ,we all know how they cast their vote.

Any info on PPP/C list or we have to wait until it's Gazetted ?

The list - not yet. 


@Dave and Kzasma, and Knucklehead Nehru

Gwan suh...this is how foolish you people are....think about this for a second:

You believe the PPP gon win YET yall keep yapping about the election might be rigged.

A smart person (and we know they are not found in the PPP) will then say,

"well lets make sure there is no chance this election is rigged because we work so hard"

Why would you enter into an election if you feel this way????

This is like saying that India will play cricket West Indies but if WI win its because they rigged....this is some real horse shite....

Yall stupidity is real...its a pretext for saving face after the PPP loses in March....

kp posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

Can you name some?

Bhai ,please read up on your Ancestors history. I am a descendant from one of the Aboriginal tribe of India.

Later i will upload documents on the new website, you can check currently two documents can be downloaded.


Why DJ so interested in the PPP list, stay in your lane. How come his name not on the PNC list, after all you work very hard for them. They have any Lagu bagu on their list, plenty Dead jackasses.

skeldon_man posted:

If he includes the interior, the Amerindians will vote PPP as they did before. Shuman the Shaman will not get a seat in parliament. He cark duck since he kneeled before ganger. He insulted his people.

We will find out .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

Can you name some?

Bhai ,please read up on your Ancestors history. I am a descendant from one of the Aboriginal tribe of India.

Later i will upload documents on the new website, you can check currently two documents can be downloaded.

You could fool me, I thought your ancestors came from Africa.

kp posted:

Why DJ so interested in the PPP list, stay in your lane. How come his name not on the PNC list, after all you work very hard for them. They have any Lagu bagu on their list, plenty Dead jackasses.

What happen it's secret  currently ?

I am not a member of the PNC ,hopefully that's an explanation.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Victory to the COALITION, not a "coolie" party.

apnu, a coalition of blacks from different tribes with one token indo for prime minister. 

Do you know East Indians are made up of different tribes ?

Can you name some?

Bhai ,please read up on your Ancestors history. I am a descendant from one of the Aboriginal tribe of India.

Later i will upload documents on the new website, you can check currently two documents can be downloaded.

You could fool me, I thought your ancestors came from Africa.

Just waste your thoughts !!!

VishMahabir posted:

@Dave and Kzasma, and Knucklehead Nehru

Gwan suh...this is how foolish you people are....think about this for a second:

You believe the PPP gon win YET yall keep yapping about the election might be rigged.

A smart person (and we know they are not found in the PPP) will then say,

"well lets make sure there is no chance this election is rigged because we work so hard"

Why would you enter into an election if you feel this way????

This is like saying that India will play cricket West Indies but if WI win its because they rigged....this is some real horse shite....

Yall stupidity is real...its a pretext for saving face after the PPP loses in March....

Banna, yuh seem to lack the ability to compartmentalize. It is factual that the PPP will win unless the PNC rig. No one knows if the PNC will rig but it is reasonable to assume they will given their history.

Don't think the PPP doesn't have in place mechanisms to identify if there is no rigging. Jagdeo already asked GECOM yesterday to charge anyone who submits fraudulent names on their lists.

One enters the elections in the hope that it would be fair. Plus more than half of Guyana's population does not support the Coalition so to sit out the elections would do a grave injustice to them.

Now, read this a few times and then go rethink your silly questions above.


You believe the PPP gon win YET yall keep yapping about the election might be rigged.


You are the ONLY DUMMY on the planet who do not know why the PNC is always going to be suspected of Rigging. I am not surprise given what I have seen/heard from you here daily. I know a Dr that does brain replacement, I can get a discount for you. He is my relative.

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

@Dave and Kzasma, and Knucklehead Nehru

Gwan suh...this is how foolish you people are....think about this for a second:

You believe the PPP gon win YET yall keep yapping about the election might be rigged.

A smart person (and we know they are not found in the PPP) will then say,

"well lets make sure there is no chance this election is rigged because we work so hard"

Why would you enter into an election if you feel this way????

This is like saying that India will play cricket West Indies but if WI win its because they rigged....this is some real horse shite....

Yall stupidity is real...its a pretext for saving face after the PPP loses in March....

Banna, yuh seem to lack the ability to compartmentalize. It is factual that the PPP will win unless the PNC rig. No one knows if the PNC will rig but it is reasonable to assume they will given their history.

Don't think the PPP doesn't have in place mechanisms to identify if there is no rigging. Jagdeo already asked GECOM yesterday to charge anyone who submits fraudulent names on their lists.

One enters the elections in the hope that it would be fair. Plus more than half of Guyana's population does not support the Coalition so to sit out the elections would do a grave injustice to them.

Now, read this a few times and then go rethink your silly questions above.

Ksaz, be kine to me neemakharam son. He want fuh rite wan lil ABC book but he still ah struggle fuh no if H comes before C. Gyam time. He gun ketch up. Me ah wuk wid am hard. Me cyan see wan lil spark sometime.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

None of them will hurt the PPP.  ANUG will attract the voters who likely would consider the AFC.

Don't count on that !!!

How you seem always certain when it’s something of detriment to the PPP.  Do you have a selective crystal ball?

Closer to Elections will present an analysis ,which i think will happen.

You lack credibility in objectivity to be taken seriously!  You damaged your image.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

None of them will hurt the PPP.  ANUG will attract the voters who likely would consider the AFC.

Don't count on that !!!

How you seem always certain when it’s something of detriment to the PPP.  Do you have a selective crystal ball?

Closer to Elections will present an analysis ,which i think will happen.

You lack credibility in objectivity to be taken seriously!  You damaged your image.

What ever bhai , i wasn't wrong in 2015.


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