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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Also you behave as if no Caribbean blacks haven't also moved to the suburbs.  You wish to use Church Ave as evidence of black failure when the truth is that most do not shop in those business because they have better options elsewhere in Bklyn.

I already told you that I have many Caribbean black friends who are prospering in the suburbs, in fact the do the Caribbean proud with their pursuit of excellence and passing on the same traits to their kids. You are the one fixated on Indian and Black failure. 

And so why are you screaming that Guyanese Indians move to the suburbs.  BOTH groups do, most likely in equal numbers given that the socio economic status of BOTH groups is quite similar.  And that both groups have similar aspirations for themselves and their kids.


If your successful Caribbean friends found out that daily you scream that you are insulted that evidence suggests that Caribbean blacks and Indians are about equally successful I wonder how many of them will respect you.  Especially the Jamaican ones who think highly of themselves.



Here you are all enraged and demanding studies to prove that black Caribbean people are not worse off than their Indian equivalent.


Now I know several African Americans who own investment banks, top notch law firms (sorry not real estate, immigration and injuries), and who also hold top corporate positions.  They too  might be shocked by your assertions that the ghetto is the only place where American blacks exist.  Indeed its likely that they are even MORE likely to move to the suburbs, once they can afford it, given that they have less of a cultural need to bond with their folks, as most immigrants have.

Originally Posted by caribny: 

And so why are you screaming that Guyanese Indians move to the suburbs.  BOTH groups do, most likely in equal numbers given that the socio economic status of BOTH groups is quite similar.  And that both groups have similar aspirations for themselves and their kids.


If your successful Caribbean friends found out that daily you scream that you are insulted that evidence suggests that Caribbean blacks and Indians are about equally successful I wonder how many of them will respect you.  Especially the Jamaican ones who think highly of themselves.



Here you are all enraged and demanding studies to prove that black Caribbean people are not worse off than their Indian equivalent.


Now I know several African Americans who own investment banks, top notch law firms (sorry not real estate, immigration and injuries), and who also hold top corporate positions.  They too  might be shocked by your assertions that the ghetto is the only place where American blacks exist.  Indeed its likely that they are even MORE likely to move to the suburbs, once they can afford it, given that they have less of a cultural need to bond with their folks, as most immigrants have.

I would not assume that IndoCarib are doing any better than their AfroCarib peers unless a study proved this. What I can suggest is that due to the inherent trait of thriftiness and passing on of inheritances, it would be possible that IndoCarib are far better off as we see in Guyana and Trinidad. But I will err on the side of caution and not make this claim. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I would not assume that IndoCarib are doing any better than their AfroCarib peers unless a study proved this. What I can suggest is that due to the inherent trait of thriftiness and passing on of inheritances, it would be possible that IndoCarib are far better off as we see in Guyana and Trinidad. But I will err on the side of caution and not make this claim. 

So your stupidity is landed you into agreeing with me.


Indo Caribbean migrants and Afro Caribbean migrants have the SAME socio economic status.


Prem Misir and Ravi Dev also indicate that Indians in Guyana are NOT better off than Africans, despite the dominance of the business sector by the latter.


The problem with people like you is that you confuse the high success rate of a minority of Indians who have done extremely well in business, despite the fact that the majority of Indians are struggling in Guyana as blacks are.


Trinidad is a whole other topic.  Guyanese blacks are very different from Trini blacks.  Blacks are OVER REPRESENTED in tertiary level educational facilities in Guyana, according to Prem, and indeed the most educated group in Guyana are black females.  The PNM spoiled Trini blacks as Burnham did to Guyanese. 


The good thing is that Burnham died so Guyanese blacks have had time to recover. And indeed the blatant racism against them by the PPP is forcing them to become self reliant.


Manning continued the same behavior until recently going into the ghetto and spraying stupid jobs instead of encouraging the people to get skills and education and to become self reliant.

Originally Posted by caribny:

So your stupidity is landed you into agreeing with me.


Indo Caribbean migrants and Afro Caribbean migrants have the SAME socio economic status.


Prem Misir and Ravi Dev also indicate that Indians in Guyana are NOT better off than Africans, despite the dominance of the business sector by the latter.


The problem with people like you is that you confuse the high success rate of a minority of Indians who have done extremely well in business, despite the fact that the majority of Indians are struggling in Guyana as blacks are.


Trinidad is a whole other topic.  Guyanese blacks are very different from Trini blacks.  Blacks are OVER REPRESENTED in tertiary level educational facilities in Guyana, according to Prem, and indeed the most educated group in Guyana are black females.  The PNM spoiled Trini blacks as Burnham did to Guyanese. 


The good thing is that Burnham died so Guyanese blacks have had time to recover. And indeed the blatant racism against them by the PPP is forcing them to become self reliant.


Manning continued the same behavior until recently going into the ghetto and spraying stupid jobs instead of encouraging the people to get skills and education and to become self reliant.

I don't agree with you, in fact I disagree that your assumption that the rates of poverty is equal in the US without the benefit of a comprehensive study. Not just guessing. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I don't agree with you, in fact I disagree that your assumption that the rates of poverty is equal in the US without the benefit of a comprehensive study. Not just guessing. 

So if you insist, because you are a racist, that t6here is no way that Indo Caribbean people can have similar socio economic status to Afro Caribbean people post the link.  The NYC Dept of Planning already indicates that the only major non Hispanic Caribbean group which trails are Haitians, and interestingly not by much.  Jamaicans, Trinis and Guyanese do about the same.


The only area which I had mentioned to you is homeownership with 38% of Jamaicans vs 45% of Guyanese in NYC owning their homes.  But despite the fact that there are more adults in (Indo)Guyanese households as there are fewer female headed households, and more adult kids live with their parents, incomes are the same. Indeed Jamaican, and TRinidadian males and females earn higher wages, on average than do Guyanese, and employment rates are about the same.  I do not see why Guyanese blacks will earn less than their Afro Carib counterparts so this will reflect the fact that the rural nature of many Indo Caribs means that they are more likely to be in lesser paying occupations.  This especially applying to the females who are less educated, except among the youngest group.


So you can conclude that aggressive tactics by people like Ed Ahmad, and more income earning adults per household explains the higher home ownership. 


Given that RH and South Ozone are among the areas with high home foreclosures and it was people suffering from this who provided evidence for the authorities to arrest Ed one can only wonder about how many who bought homes 10 years ago still have them.  Or are trapped in struggling to pay mortgages which they cant afford, trapping kids, who might have married since, into staying to help with this.


For you to state that Indo Caribbean people do better you will have to prove that Afro Guyanese do worse than the mainly black Jamaicans.


You cant.  All you do is repeat myths, which explain why there is a successful Indo owned business community, but neglect to explain that the vast majority of IndoGuyanese in NYC work for others.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

So if you insist, because you are a racist, that t6here is no way that Indo Caribbean people can have similar socio economic status to Afro Caribbean people post the link.  The NYC Dept of Planning already indicates that the only major non Hispanic Caribbean group which trails are Haitians, and interestingly not by much.  Jamaicans, Trinis and Guyanese do about the same.


The only area which I had mentioned to you is homeownership with 38% of Jamaicans vs 45% of Guyanese in NYC owning their homes.  But despite the fact that there are more adults in (Indo)Guyanese households as there are fewer female headed households, and more adult kids live with their parents, incomes are the same. Indeed Jamaican, and TRinidadian males and females earn higher wages, on average than do Guyanese, and employment rates are about the same.  I do not see why Guyanese blacks will earn less than their Afro Carib counterparts so this will reflect the fact that the rural nature of many Indo Caribs means that they are more likely to be in lesser paying occupations.  This especially applying to the females who are less educated, except among the youngest group.


So you can conclude that aggressive tactics by people like Ed Ahmad, and more income earning adults per household explains the higher home ownership. 


Given that RH and South Ozone are among the areas with high home foreclosures and it was people suffering from this who provided evidence for the authorities to arrest Ed one can only wonder about how many who bought homes 10 years ago still have them.  Or are trapped in struggling to pay mortgages which they cant afford, trapping kids, who might have married since, into staying to help with this.


For you to state that Indo Caribbean people do better you will have to prove that Afro Guyanese do worse than the mainly black Jamaicans.


You cant.  All you do is repeat myths, which explain why there is a successful Indo owned business community, but neglect to explain that the vast majority of IndoGuyanese in NYC work for others.



I don't insist on any of the above, pending a study. No one cares about this but you.  IndoG's know what they achieve and are comfortable with that, it seems that you are the one in a rush to prove that Afro's are on a similar economic trajectory. All I can say is that without the values the Indians have, Afros will not achieve as much en masse. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I don't insist on any of the above, pending a study. No one cares about this but you.  IndoG's know what they achieve and are comfortable with that, it seems that you are the one in a rush to prove that Afro's are on a similar economic trajectory. All I can say is that without the values the Indians have, Afros will not achieve as much en masse. 




If it didn't matter to you then you would accept the fact that Indians and Africans from the Anglophone Caribbean have similar levels of success, on average.  In other words you would accept that possibility given that you aren't able to prove otherwise.


But instead you scream "I want a study" because the fact that Indians aren't better off assaults your entire belief system.


Tell you what druggie a higher % of Jamaicans are self employed than Guyanese.  Even if no AfroGuyanese are self employed, then self employment among IndoGuyanese would be only slightly higher than among Jamaicans.



You will note that self employment rates among immigrants from the Anglophone Caribbean are low in comparison with other immigrants.


So I am sorry that the notion that you wish to spread that Guyanese Indians are mainly wealthy business people rings false. Like other Caribbean people they can be found mainly in lower mid level occupations, as employees.  Distinguished by the high female laborforce participation rates, and by a limited differentiation between male and female earnings.   This because many Caribbean women (black and not Indian) are highly paid nurses.


This makes us better than Hispanics, but worse than whites and Asians.  Equivalent to the segment of black Americans not trapped in perpetual idleness (about 60%).

Originally Posted by caribny:

If it didn't matter to you then you would accept the fact that Indians and Africans from the Anglophone Caribbean have similar levels of success, on average.  In other words you would accept that possibility given that you aren't able to prove otherwise.


But instead you scream "I want a study" because the fact that Indians aren't better off assaults your entire belief system.


Tell you what druggie a higher % of Jamaicans are self employed than Guyanese.  Even if no AfroGuyanese are self employed, then self employment among IndoGuyanese would be only slightly higher than among Jamaicans.



You will note that self employment rates among immigrants from the Anglophone Caribbean are low in comparison with other immigrants.


So I am sorry that the notion that you wish to spread that Guyanese Indians are mainly wealthy business people rings false. Like other Caribbean people they can be found mainly in lower mid level occupations, as employees.  Distinguished by the high female laborforce participation rates, and by a limited differentiation between male and female earnings.   This because many Caribbean women (black and not Indian) are highly paid nurses.


This makes us better than Hispanics, but worse than whites and Asians.  Equivalent to the segment of black Americans not trapped in perpetual idleness (about 60%).

I know too many IndoG that have menial job but yet they own 2 to 3 homes. Don't let the menial jobs fool you, it is what they do with their money that matters. Can you say the same for AfroCarib Blacks, would they rather sacrifice and buy homes as investment or would they rather spend on a new car and the latest phone?


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