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To date not a word from the PPP with respect to their flaw rewriting of the Amerind act that allowed the interloper Jean chang to think she can squat on our village land and thumb her nose at us.


Promises of the brown men in white skin speaking with their inherited forked tongue to get your votes! By the way...note the words....the PPP has given us lands! I wonder which one of Ramotar' grandfathers bestowed the land on him that he can now "give" it to us! 


BTW Ms Sukai...remember our elder Stephen campbell whose blood flows through your veins and mine...he did not sell us out. You setting up the condition that the great PPP "give" you rights leads to the present predicament. You need to affirm that like all peoples, we have rights by being alive as humans and those rights follow the same trajectory that others possess as they claim a space in the  society  forged in a geographical space where we always were. We also do not want to be mainstreamed; that is a code word for assimilation.


Indians are Indians and blacks are blacks and Amerindians are Amerindians we want to be who we are and share communal cultural space like they do We are not the subaltern/culturally backward to be mainstreamed. Our culture and creed are as strong and valid as any.


The PNC or the PPP did not give us rights. It is ours bestowed by our existence here! I await a squawk from you as an Amerindian  with respect to the recent got your tongue?


Jabba the Hut... we do not trust you.


Amerindian rights and interests assured under PPP/C – Ramotar

PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar greeting residents of Moruca minutes before the public meeting

People Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar has promised to assure the rights and the advancement of the interests of the Amerindian people under his tenure as president.

“You can trust us. We have given you the land and we will do nothing to ever deprive you of any of your rights. I will never allow your rights to be restricted,” Ramotar told supporters at a public meeting held at Kumaka play-field, Moruca, Region One on Saturday.


Ramotar slammed the opposition parties’ attempts to discourage the land titling process by recruiting agents from the communities to stymie attempts at a consensus on the titling.


The opposition parties’ categorisation of government’s support to Amerindian communities as “handouts,” was also strongly criticised during the rally.


President Jagdeo in his address, underscored that the gap in opportunities available on the coastland and the hinterland has been significantly reduced, pointing to significant improvements in access to education beyond primary school as one area.

Residents of Moruca, Region One at the Kumaka playfield


More than 700 students in Moruca alone are accessing secondary education. There are now 10 secondary schools in hinterland communities. In Region One, there are the Port Kaituma, North West and Santa Rosa secondary schools.


Reference was made to the Hinterland Scholarship Programme which affords students from the hinterland communities, access to quality secondary or technical education in the city which they would otherwise not have been able to access in their communities.


Scholarships to Cuba were also mentioned, and according to President Jagdeo, Amerindians have proven themselves to be the most intelligent.

“You have some of the brightest people in the world from the Amerindian communities. Today our policemen, doctors, nurses and scientists and engineers are coming from the Amerindian communities,” President Jagdeo said.


The president said that under the PNC, Amerindians were treated as second class citizens and recalled the period when the opposition party had criticised government’s plan to enroll hinterland students at President’s College, even though an Amerindian was the top student.

Also in attendance were Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai; Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker; Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira; Region One Chairman Fermin Singh and other top regional officials.


Minister Sukhai said Amerindians can today walk with their heads held high since under the PPP/C, they have made unprecedented achievements as government ministers and doctors.


“When it was the PNC (in government), the Amerindians were not even in the mainstream of society. We did not have the democracy, Amerindians did not have the chance or could not even dream of becoming ministers,” Minister Sukhai said.


The Amerindian population in Guyana, once five per cent, has now grown to nine and according to Teixeira; the increase came as a result of efforts by the government to improve the quality of life for Amerindians.

Teixeira said that Guyana is the only country with an indigenous population that has been given communal land title rights.

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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

To date not a word from the PPP with respect to their flaw rewriting of the Amerind act that allowed the interloper Jean chang to think she can squat on our village land and thumb her nose at us.


Promises of the brown men in white skin speaking with their inherited forked tongue to get your votes! By the way...note the words....the PPP has given us lands! I wonder which one of Ramotar' grandfathers bestowed the land on him that he can now "give" it to us! 


BTW Ms Sukai...remember our elder Stephen campbell whose blood flows through your veins and mine...he did not sell us out. You setting up the condition that the great PPP "give" you rights leads to the present predicament. You need to affirm that like all peoples, we have rights by being alive as humans and those rights follow the same trajectory that others possess as they claim a space in the  society  forged in a geographical space where we always were. We also do not want to be mainstreamed; that is a code word for assimilation.


Indians are Indians and blacks are blacks and Amerindians are Amerindians we want to be who we are and share communal cultural space like they do We are not the subaltern/culturally backward to be mainstreamed. Our culture and creed are as strong and valid as any.


The PNC or the PPP did not give us rights. It is ours bestowed by our existence here! I await a squawk from you as an Amerindian  with respect to the recent got your tongue?


Jabba the Hut... we do not trust you.


Amerindian rights and interests assured under PPP/C – Ramotar

PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar greeting residents of Moruca minutes before the public meeting

People Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar has promised to assure the rights and the advancement of the interests of the Amerindian people under his tenure as president.

“You can trust us. We have given you the land and we will do nothing to ever deprive you of any of your rights. I will never allow your rights to be restricted,” Ramotar told supporters at a public meeting held at Kumaka play-field, Moruca, Region One on Saturday.


Ramotar slammed the opposition parties’ attempts to discourage the land titling process by recruiting agents from the communities to stymie attempts at a consensus on the titling.


The opposition parties’ categorisation of government’s support to Amerindian communities as “handouts,” was also strongly criticised during the rally.


President Jagdeo in his address, underscored that the gap in opportunities available on the coastland and the hinterland has been significantly reduced, pointing to significant improvements in access to education beyond primary school as one area.

Residents of Moruca, Region One at the Kumaka playfield


More than 700 students in Moruca alone are accessing secondary education. There are now 10 secondary schools in hinterland communities. In Region One, there are the Port Kaituma, North West and Santa Rosa secondary schools.


Reference was made to the Hinterland Scholarship Programme which affords students from the hinterland communities, access to quality secondary or technical education in the city which they would otherwise not have been able to access in their communities.


Scholarships to Cuba were also mentioned, and according to President Jagdeo, Amerindians have proven themselves to be the most intelligent.

“You have some of the brightest people in the world from the Amerindian communities. Today our policemen, doctors, nurses and scientists and engineers are coming from the Amerindian communities,” President Jagdeo said.


The president said that under the PNC, Amerindians were treated as second class citizens and recalled the period when the opposition party had criticised government’s plan to enroll hinterland students at President’s College, even though an Amerindian was the top student.

Also in attendance were Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai; Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker; Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira; Region One Chairman Fermin Singh and other top regional officials.


Minister Sukhai said Amerindians can today walk with their heads held high since under the PPP/C, they have made unprecedented achievements as government ministers and doctors.


“When it was the PNC (in government), the Amerindians were not even in the mainstream of society. We did not have the democracy, Amerindians did not have the chance or could not even dream of becoming ministers,” Minister Sukhai said.


The Amerindian population in Guyana, once five per cent, has now grown to nine and according to Teixeira; the increase came as a result of efforts by the government to improve the quality of life for Amerindians.

Teixeira said that Guyana is the only country with an indigenous population that has been given communal land title rights.

Promises of the brown men in white skin speaking with their inherited forked tongue to get your votes! By the way...note the words....the PPP has given us lands! I wonder which one of Ramotar' grandfathers bestowed the land on him that he can now "give" it to us! 


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.


As I stated before, this matter needs to be addressed in court, not in the realm of public opinion. The lawyers in the AFC/PNC have failed the Amerindian people if indeed this claim if viable. I don't believe the Amerindians owned any land, like the American Indian, the concept of land ownership was a foreign concept until the British and Dutch landed. In fact the Amerindians lived in villages and did not even claim to own any land.

I haven't read enough to fully understand the issue... Thx storm for the info but my reaction to the issue is that the judge even if tied by the letter of law should have at least commented on the justness of of the act of depriving a people of their land and could have advised the AG on fairer approach. Talk about discrimination? These gentle people have Bourne the brunt of white, black, Indian ( brown kind) discrimination. An obviously young judge maybe?

Oh boy!  Nov, 11, 2011.First the PPP did it this way. (Drum roll here)




Amerindian rights and interests assured under PPP/C – Ramotar

November 11, 2011 By admin


PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar greeting residents of Moruca minutes before the public meeting

People Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar has promised to assure the rights and the advancement of the interests of the Amerindian people under his tenure as president.

“You can trust us. We have given you the land and we will do nothing to ever deprive you of any of your rights. I will never allow your rights to be restricted,” Ramotar told supporters at a public meeting held at Kumaka play-field, Moruca, Region One on Saturday.




Then they had the nerve to do this.




Dissatisfied villagers picket Amerindian Affairs Ministry

January 24, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under News 


…reiterate calls for legislation reform
Amerindians, peeved over what they say is the flawed and powerless Amerindian Act passed in their favour in 2006, picketed the office of Amerindians Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai to strengthen calls for the legislation to be reviewed.


The country’s first people insisted yesterday that they will “no longer be treated as second class citizens” and are calling on the government to make the necessary moves to return “ancestral lands to their rightful owners.”


A large contingent of Amerindian villagers, shouting slogans and hoisting placards, showed support to the Isseneru Village, which recently lost a land battle in the High Court to a gold miner.  The various Amerindian Villages have seen the ruling which gives rights to miners owning licenses prior to the 2006 Act, as being an insult to all Amerindian people. They have charged that the ruling opens doors for other persons to arbitrarily work on Amerindian titled lands.


A section of the crowd protesting the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs


High Court Judge, Justice Diane Insanally ruled in favour of one Joan Chang that mining in the Isseneru Village would be permitted since she attained a mining licence prior to the 2006 Amerindian Act coming into effect.  The villagers who believed that they had the authority to stop any alleged illegal works in their community were told that they had no authority to do so since provisions for the miners holding licences had been made.
The Amerindian communities are thus questioning the power they hold in safeguarding their titled lands and by extension their way of life, since they say that they depend wholly on the land for their survival.

On Tuesday the Amerindian People’s Association (APA) held a press conference to air their dissatisfaction with the court’s ruling and to highlight the possible negative implications of the issue. They planned vigils and protest action, with yesterday’s demonstration being the first of their scheduled protest.



Any decent minded person would find this quite appalling, wonder what some of my buds have to say on this....Conscience, Basesta,DG,Gurdddd,yuuuuje,et al y'all know anyone not in agreement with what I'm saying here?

(another drum roll please,

I can't hear ya







Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Brutus:
I haven't read enough to fully understand the issue... Thx storm for the info but my reaction to the issue is that the judge even if tied by the letter of law should have at least commented on the justness of of the act of depriving a people of their land and could have advised the AG on fairer approach. Talk about discrimination? These gentle people have Bourne the brunt of white, black, Indian ( brown kind) discrimination. An obviously young judge maybe?

You should educate yourself about the issue before commenting, they did not own any land as this concept was not in their culture.  This is not a ppp issue but rather a legal matter that has to be resolved in a court of law instead of idiots calling for them to take to arms. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
I haven't read enough to fully understand the issue... Thx storm for the info but my reaction to the issue is that the judge even if tied by the letter of law should have at least commented on the justness of of the act of depriving a people of their land and could have advised the AG on fairer approach. Talk about discrimination? These gentle people have Bourne the brunt of white, black, Indian ( brown kind) discrimination. An obviously young judge maybe?

You should educate yourself about the issue before commenting, they did not own any land as this concept was not in their culture.  This is not a ppp issue but rather a legal matter that has to be resolved in a court of law instead of idiots calling for them to take to arms. 



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
I haven't read enough to fully understand the issue... Thx storm for the info but my reaction to the issue is that the judge even if tied by the letter of law should have at least commented on the justness of of the act of depriving a people of their land and could have advised the AG on fairer approach. Talk about discrimination? These gentle people have Bourne the brunt of white, black, Indian ( brown kind) discrimination. An obviously young judge maybe?

You should educate yourself about the issue before commenting, they did not own any land as this concept was not in their culture.  This is not a ppp issue but rather a legal matter that has to be resolved in a court of law instead of idiots calling for them to take to arms. 



The PPP did not write the laws, the Amerindian act of 1951 allowed miners to stake claims and those claims prior to the new 2006 act grandfathered in the mining rights pre 2006. The 2006 act was assembled with input and recommendations from the Amerindian community, they should have not allowed the claims from 1951 to be irrevocable by the new act.  In fact the govt are completely divorced from the issue, it is a matter for the legal eagles which the AFC/PNC are lacking. 


With all that aside explain this? If you need it with blinking lights or braille let me know.


Amerindian rights and interests assured under PPP/C – Ramotar

November 11, 2011 By admin


PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar greeting residents of Moruca minutes before the public meeting

People Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar has promised to assure the rights and the advancement of the interests of the Amerindian people under his tenure as president.

“You can trust us. We have given you the land and we will do nothing to ever deprive you of any of your rights. I will never allow your rights to be restricted,” Ramotar told supporters at a public meeting held at Kumaka play-field, Moruca, Region One on Saturday.



I was not too thrilled that Ramotar was selected by the PPP to head the party, however even you, a lowlife name caller will acknowledge that politicians will make all kinds of promises to get into office. In this particular case the miner is leveraging the law to their advantage. The AFC/PNC lawyers would endear themselves to the Amerindians if they can win this battle legally. But the fact is that the Amerindian act of 2006 clearly is in the miners favor due to the grandfathering of prior claims. You need to stop with the sidebars and focus on the specifics of the issue. But the reality is that people like you only excel at name calling and hurling insults, you can not engage in proper debate. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I stated before, this matter needs to be addressed in court, not in the realm of public opinion. The lawyers in the AFC/PNC have failed the Amerindian people if indeed this claim if viable. I don't believe the Amerindians owned any land, like the American Indian, the concept of land ownership was a foreign concept until the British and Dutch landed. In fact the Amerindians lived in villages and did not even claim to own any land.

 Where did slaves, the formerly dispossessed get their rights from if not the same place as Native peoples did? Dalits had no rights in their home world and in the colonies they were contact workers not supposed to own land but to return home. They own land. Do you know the laws that explicitly stated that they should? You are quite a dullard.


Our state came into being on the condition of territories to be awarded native peoples. The dutch made agreements with them. The British honored them as residents and spoke of them as subjects. Surely they were not seen as slaves and obviously by then the accepted their role as subjects of the empire. You need to get acquainted with that before suggesting others get informed. You are dull as an axe handle here.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not too thrilled that Ramotar was selected by the PPP to head the party, however even you, a lowlife name caller will acknowledge that politicians will make all kinds of promises to get into office. In this particular case the miner is leveraging the law to their advantage. The AFC/PNC lawyers would endear themselves to the Amerindians if they can win this battle legally. But the fact is that the Amerindian act of 2006 clearly is in the miners favor due to the grandfathering of prior claims. You need to stop with the sidebars and focus on the specifics of the issue. But the reality is that people like you only excel at name calling and hurling insults, you can not engage in proper debate. 

 Again, the PNC or AFC has no authority here. The state that crafted the haphazard law which Amerindians have been critical of as insubstantial crafted the laws. The Jagdeo government is responsible and so is the current PPP. Both the AFC and the PNC will support any legislation to amend the law.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 Where did slaves, the formerly dispossessed get their rights from if not the same place as Native peoples did? Dalits had no rights in their home world and in the colonies they were contact workers not supposed to own land but to return home. They own land. Do you know the laws that explicitly stated that they should? You are quite a dullard.


Our state came into being on the condition of territories to be awarded native peoples. The dutch made agreements with them. The British honored them as residents and spoke of them as subjects. Surely they were not seen as slaves and obviously by then the accepted their role as subjects of the empire. You need to get acquainted with that before suggesting others get informed. You are dull as an axe handle here.

Balderdash, you speak utter nonsense, the British were the worse violators of native people's rights and you honor them. This goes to prove that you are indeed a White man as I have been stating for the longest time. If the British respected the Amerindians so much they would have given them land titles before giving Guyana independence. 




Thank you.  This was very touching, no one but god give you anything.  We all come to Guyana and met the Amerindians, it is their land, not Eddie Bayer land or Babby Ramroop land or worst BJ land.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 Where did slaves, the formerly dispossessed get their rights from if not the same place as Native peoples did? Dalits had no rights in their home world and in the colonies they were contact workers not supposed to own land but to return home. They own land. Do you know the laws that explicitly stated that they should? You are quite a dullard.


Our state came into being on the condition of territories to be awarded native peoples. The dutch made agreements with them. The British honored them as residents and spoke of them as subjects. Surely they were not seen as slaves and obviously by then the accepted their role as subjects of the empire. You need to get acquainted with that before suggesting others get informed. You are dull as an axe handle here.

Balderdash, you speak utter nonsense, the British were the worse violators of native people's rights and you honor them. This goes to prove that you are indeed a White man as I have been stating for the longest time. If the British respected the Amerindians so much they would have given them land titles before giving Guyana independence. 



I hope and pray Indigenous folks will form their own party. 

The court has ruled , the government is not constrained from telegraphing its public policy intent, it can make a pronouncement that it will introduce legislation to roll back the law. You are therefore incorrect that it is solely a judicial matter Btw I took your advice and 'informed' myself on the matter, Now it's your turn to leave the room .....and I am not holding my breath,
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 Where did slaves, the formerly dispossessed get their rights from if not the same place as Native peoples did? Dalits had no rights in their home world and in the colonies they were contact workers not supposed to own land but to return home. They own land. Do you know the laws that explicitly stated that they should? You are quite a dullard.


Our state came into being on the condition of territories to be awarded native peoples. The dutch made agreements with them. The British honored them as residents and spoke of them as subjects. Surely they were not seen as slaves and obviously by then the accepted their role as subjects of the empire. You need to get acquainted with that before suggesting others get informed. You are dull as an axe handle here.

Balderdash, you speak utter nonsense, the British were the worse violators of native people's rights and you honor them. This goes to prove that you are indeed a White man as I have been stating for the longest time. If the British respected the Amerindians so much they would have given them land titles before giving Guyana independence. 

 If you felt the British violated your rights, move back to Madras and restore your ancient rights. You do not because you dealt with what is your lot and made a life from it.  I suggest you examine if the British awarded the Amerind their right to their land. Check Annex C of the independence agreement.  Examine why Stephen Campbell went to London. You are a bloody dunce.

Bgurd.... There are laws and then there is compassion, not all laws are compassionate. These people don't have cushy civil service jobs or thriving businesses! They need the land to make a living! As a friend once told me ... Keep it simple stupid!

Contrary to what you folks think, the laws of Guyana do work. Look for yourself, the man who harbored criminal Blackie won a court battle against the govt. You people should be advocating a legal response to this issue rather than guns.


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Appeal Court rules in favour of Toucan Suites owner

January 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under News

After 13 years, the case of N&R Company Limited, owners of the Toucan Suites Guest House, versus the Guyana government, seems to have come to an end, with the Appeal Court awarding judgment in favour of N&R.

Norman Trotz, the owner of Toucan Suites

The matter involving Norman Trotz, owner of Toucan Suites Guest House, which was located in Eccles, East Bank Demerara, the Attorney-General of Guyana, the Commissioner of Police and the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, was heard by Chancellor Justice Carl Singh, Justice B.S. Roy and Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards. The court ordered “It is by consent ordered that the Terms of Settlement dated the 7th day of January, 2013, by and between the parties herein be and is hereby deemed an order of this court.” Back in 2008, Justice Jainarayan Singh Jr. presiding in the High Court, awarded judgment in the sum of $125M  with six percent interest to Norman Trotz, the owner of the Toucan Suites Guest House, which was destroyed by the Joint Services during the final hours of a confrontation between the army, the police and Linden London called ‘Blackie’ in February 2000. The judgment was handed down in October 2008 following lengthy submissions by the then Attorney General Doodnauth Singh representing the state, and attorney at law Andrew Pollard, counsel for N&R Co. Limited, owned by Norman Trotz. The Government appealed that decision, but a ruling has now been made in favour of Trotz. But even before the appeal, Attorney General Doodnauth Singh had consented to judgment in favour of Trotz. He so advised the Bharrat Jagdeo government. On February 8, 2000, members of the Joint Services went to the property to apprehend notorious fugitive Linden ‘Blackie’ London who was hiding there in one of the apartments. A fierce gun battle ensued for almost 11 hours during which the Joint Services comprising the Target Special Squad and ranks from the Guyana Defence Force doused the premises with gasoline and proceeded to ignite it to force London out. The Joint Services also used five anti-tank missiles which created huge craters in the walls of the building.  In the end, the building was completely destroyed.

The Toucan Suites Guest House in February 2000, shortly after it was destroyed by the Joint Services during their gun battle with Linden ‘Blackie’ London

The property owner, Norman Trotz, initially engaged the government with a view to being compensated, but was unsuccessful. The government reportedly claimed that the building was being used to house a wanted person. Two years later, on February 15, 2002, a frustrated Trotz initiated proceedings in the High Court. The action was finally heard by Justice Jainarayan Singh Jr. who subsequently granted judgement. The court found that Trotz’s fundamental right was violated – that he was deprived of his property as guaranteed by Article 40 and Article 142 of the Constitution of Guyana. That right had been violated by the security forces.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Contrary to what you folks think, the laws of Guyana do work. Look for yourself, the man who harbored criminal Blackie won a court battle against the govt. You people should be advocating a legal response to this issue rather than guns.



they blew up the man's business. Anywhere that would be a cut and dry case of compensation except in Guyana. Instead they resisted paying him for over a decade.



We need some specific laws to be passed to protect Amerindian workers from exploitation when they come to work in towns and cities.  I think it is an area that Donald and Anil can address.  This idea (created by the British colonial system of Guyana) that Amerindian people are a bunch of stupids that can be easily ripped off and exploited.  For example: trading them glass beads for gold.  This colonial racist idea still lingers in our society.


rev you is a ****ing *****,the ppp is thiefing everything in guyana,the most they can do is leave the people with their land,the whole world respect first nation and try not to tramp on these people rights.what the hell wrong with you ppp lowlife.the ppp is giving the chinese and the indians from india any amount of land and these people is our guyanese brothers and sisters you ****ing thiefing ass cannot show a little respect

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.

Much ado about nothing..go take your adhd meds. Which one of the tribes you belong to? Arawaks, Wai Wais, Makusis or Caribs etc.?
If you are so concerned about their welfare, why not leave America and go join their fight? I know why the government does not want to give them title to the lands. Go figure it out.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.

Much ado about nothing..go take your adhd meds. Which one of the tribes you belong to? Arawaks, Wai Wais, Makusis or Caribs etc.?
If you are so concerned about their welfare, why not leave America and go join their fight? I know why the government does not want to give them title to the lands. Go figure it out.

To you it is nothing. To 70 thousand people and with 12000 square miles in of land in jeopardy, it is a lot.


You are obviously a dullard or so consumed with that racist dogma you adhere to you think us as of little consequence. Pretending that I am of some peculiar affliction will not address your problems.


By what particular measure am I obliged to be in Guyana to speak to a peoples need and your pitiful behind can be somewhere else and do the same? Is that a prerogative you take upon yourself because of your assumption of racial superiority?


Sorry, you are right here on the ground with the rest of us and if you can speak of what you feel is of interest about you country and and people, so can anyone else.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.

Much ado about nothing..go take your adhd meds. Which one of the tribes you belong to? Arawaks, Wai Wais, Makusis or Caribs etc.?
If you are so concerned about their welfare, why not leave America and go join their fight? I know why the government does not want to give them title to the lands. Go figure it out.

Everyone knows why, this is what the whole argument's about banna. 


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.

Much ado about nothing..go take your adhd meds. Which one of the tribes you belong to? Arawaks, Wai Wais, Makusis or Caribs etc.?
If you are so concerned about their welfare, why not leave America and go join their fight? I know why the government does not want to give them title to the lands. Go figure it out.

Everyone knows why, this is what the whole argument's about banna. 


Bai Cain, leh me tell yu sumtin. Yu no dem Chinese ah invade Guyana an beat up dem peeple pickney alll ova. If de PPP give de Arawaks etc. the land, dem Chinese go fool dem buckman wid colored beads an Johny Walker red label. Den dem buckman go sell dem title to de Chinese. Wen da happen, Guyana guh be part China. Same ting wah happen in Amerika go happen in Guyana. Yu na see dah?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.

Much ado about nothing..go take your adhd meds. Which one of the tribes you belong to? Arawaks, Wai Wais, Makusis or Caribs etc.?
If you are so concerned about their welfare, why not leave America and go join their fight? I know why the government does not want to give them title to the lands. Go figure it out.

Everyone knows why, this is what the whole argument's about banna. 


Bai Cain, leh me tell yu sumtin. Yu no dem Chinese ah invade Guyana an beat up dem peeple pickney alll ova. If de PPP give de Arawaks etc. the land, dem Chinese go fool dem buckman wid colored beads an Johny Walker red label. Den dem buckman go sell dem title to de Chinese. Wen da happen, Guyana guh be part China. Same ting wah happen in Amerika go happen in Guyana. Yu na see dah?

 Let see, you as Gladstone noted, are sourced from the dredges of India to work in the field because you are supposed to be docile and incapable of any thought beyond contemplating bodily functions.


The Brahmins give you that status and for 6000 years you lived with no identity because you cannot even be said to have one since you were out-caste. In spite of that history you have the audacity to insist you are now better than.


Some of you fools remain the mentally dalits as were your ancestors and you never reconstitute you humanity as most have done. I presume the above is the sum total of your supposed smarts.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


PPP has given the land. Why the question about Ramotar's grandfather? Ramotar alone is not the PPP. This what I mean by you writing subjectively. You have eternal hate for the PPP and the East Indians.

 Don't you think you are over reaching in the presumption in what authority  a government possesses? The idea that they own ( per your assumption they were "given the land") is only conceivable by a dim wit.


If you think "the PPP means" east Indians that is your option. In my world the PPP is a narrow cabal of newly actualized elites  who were only recently  church mice but now are  turned into our new patricians through their unchecked thievery. Most Indians are poor and oppressed as any so these new sybarites cannot be assumed to represent them.


One cannot blame a man for cowering in fear when he is believes the messages of hate that the PPP dispenses at regular intervals. That they cower under the banner of the PPP for sanctuary.against fictive ills needs another kind of advocacy that is slowly but surely coming.


There is no excuse for you. Yours is what i termed "willful ignorance". You deny biology and the messages of social anthropology and remain a racist. No wonder you would delight in making me your nemesis. You need not worry about that. I do indeed abhor racists.

Much ado about nothing..go take your adhd meds. Which one of the tribes you belong to? Arawaks, Wai Wais, Makusis or Caribs etc.?
If you are so concerned about their welfare, why not leave America and go join their fight? I know why the government does not want to give them title to the lands. Go figure it out.

Everyone knows why, this is what the whole argument's about banna. 


Bai Cain, leh me tell yu sumtin. Yu no dem Chinese ah invade Guyana an beat up dem peeple pickney alll ova. If de PPP give de Arawaks etc. the land, dem Chinese go fool dem buckman wid colored beads an Johny Walker red label. Den dem buckman go sell dem title to de Chinese. Wen da happen, Guyana guh be part China. Same ting wah happen in Amerika go happen in Guyana. Yu na see dah?

 Let see, you as Gladstone noted, are sourced from the dredges of India to work in the field because you are supposed to be docile and incapable of any thought beyond contemplating bodily functions.


The Brahmins give you that status and for 6000 years you lived with no identity because you cannot even be said to have one since you were out-caste. In spite of that history you have the audacity to insist you are now better than.


Some of you fools remain the mentally dalits as were your ancestors and you never reconstitute you humanity as most have done. I presume the above is the sum total of your supposed smarts.

I see your blood pressure is up again and has fallen into a state of delusion with erratic behaviour. Go take your ADHD meds. My ancestors don't know me. I do not believe in religion. Stop posting your regurgitated perpetual nonsense.

You now shall be called the energizer bunny.

Being an angry man as you are; Skeldon_man will ring in your sleeping ears and hum in your walking head. You shall seek the advice of the shaman. There shall be no peace within you.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I see your blood pressure is up again and has fallen into a state of delusion with erratic behaviour. Go take your ADHD meds. My ancestors don't know me. I do not believe in religion. Stop posting your regurgitated perpetual nonsense.

You now shall be called the energizer bunny.

Being an angry man as you are; Skeldon_man will ring in your sleeping ears and hum in your walking head. You shall seek the advice of the shaman. There shall be no peace within you.

 Sorry, you are not remotely possibly to have me in any quandary. You have limited your intellectual worth too much with the pretentiousness that you are more than you aim at. These stupid allusions in response to your putrid racist post is a fair measure of your IQ.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I see your blood pressure is up again and has fallen into a state of delusion with erratic behaviour. Go take your ADHD meds. My ancestors don't know me. I do not believe in religion. Stop posting your regurgitated perpetual nonsense.

You now shall be called the energizer bunny.

Being an angry man as you are; Skeldon_man will ring in your sleeping ears and hum in your walking head. You shall seek the advice of the shaman. There shall be no peace within you.

 Sorry, you are not remotely possibly to have me in any quandary. You have limited your intellectual worth too much with the pretentiousness that you are more than you aim at. These stupid allusions in response to your putrid racist post is a fair measure of your IQ.


I think you express more hatred for East Indians than I express my disdain for the PNC thugs, which you are a member of. I can without any reservations, say that I am not a racist; I call it like I see it Mr. Energizer bunny. I hate anyone who leeches off of the human race.I voted for Obama and Keith Ellison. How the hell can you accuse anyone of racism when you cannot accept the truth and facts. You believe by running your rehashed pig crap, you are correct. You don't impress me swine. If you are wiped out of the world like a bug, it would be one less PNC thug who intimidates East Indians.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I see your blood pressure is up again and has fallen into a state of delusion with erratic behaviour. Go take your ADHD meds. My ancestors don't know me. I do not believe in religion. Stop posting your regurgitated perpetual nonsense.

You now shall be called the energizer bunny.

Being an angry man as you are; Skeldon_man will ring in your sleeping ears and hum in your walking head. You shall seek the advice of the shaman. There shall be no peace within you.

 Sorry, you are not remotely possibly to have me in any quandary. You have limited your intellectual worth too much with the pretentiousness that you are more than you aim at. These stupid allusions in response to your putrid racist post is a fair measure of your IQ.


I think you express more hatred for East Indians than I express my disdain for the PNC thugs, which you are a member of. I can without any reservations, say that I am not a racist; I call it like I see it Mr. Energizer bunny. I hate anyone who leeches off of the human race.I voted for Obama and Keith Ellison. How the hell can you accuse anyone of racism when you cannot accept the truth and facts. You believe by running your rehashed pig crap, you are correct. You don't impress me swine. If you are wiped out of the world like a bug, it would be one less PNC thug who intimidates East Indians.

 Sorry, you do not think. You simply sputter racist crap. I do not care who you voted for. That is irrelevant to the truly mean spirited racist bilge you part take of here.


Casting me as PNC wont serve to erase you nastiness.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I can without any reservations, say that I am not a racist . . . I voted for Obama and Keith Ellison . . .

how dem "subhuman negroids" doing in N. Minneapolis deh Skeldon bai?


so good to know u voted for dem "negra" Democrats Obama and Keith Ellison; i'm sure they appreciate the shout out

Originally Posted by Wally:

We need some specific laws to be passed to protect Amerindian workers from exploitation when they come to work in towns and cities.  I think it is an area that Donald and Anil can address.  This idea (created by the British colonial system of Guyana) that Amerindian people are a bunch of stupids that can be easily ripped off and exploited.  For example: trading them glass beads for gold.  This colonial racist idea still lingers in our society.

With all due respect, are you saying Amerindians are as naive today as they were 2000 years ago?? And if so, how is it the Govt fault???


They are still being exploited and there should be enforced laws against that.  Nehru which father or mother wants their daughter to become a round about girl at a rum shop. They should be protected from exploitation.


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