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Shot gunmen deny being bandits

July 17, 2013 | By | Filed Under News



The two men who are hospitalized at the Georgetown Public Hospital after being shot in separate incidents have denied involvement in the robberies they were accused of perpetrating.

Dwayne Simon: Charged for robbery under arms in 2009

Dwayne Simon, 29, of Mc Doom, East Bank Demerara (EBD) and Aldrhen Adonis, 34, of Kaneville, EBD, are in the same room at the health institute, under police guard. Simon was shot three times, once in his back and twice to his left foot. Adonis was shot in the groin. At around 19:30hrs on Monday, four bandits entered the popular Fuzzy’s General Store in Arapaima Street, Guyhoc Gardens and shot a customer, Heron Dennis, killing him on the spot during a botched robbery. Simon was accidentally shot and his alleged accomplices fled empty handed, leaving him behind. Yesterday, on his hospital bed, Simon told Kaieteur News that he went to the shop to purchase a phone card and three men attacked him. His relatives stopped him from giving out further information. Simon, an ex-soldier, was charged in December, 2009 with robbing Lennox Taylor of a Taurus pistol, nine .32 rounds of ammunition, a gold band, a cell phone and a quantity of cash, totaling over $313,000. Aldrhen Adonis was shot when it is alleged that he and an accomplice attempted to rob an ex-policeman at gunpoint. Adonis’s alleged accomplice managed to escape with the victim’s gold chain. Adonis was one of six men who were charged for the high-profile $17.2 million GuySuCo payroll heist at Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara in November 2008. The charges were all dismissed.

Aldrhen Adonis: Charged for $17M GuySuCo payroll heist in 2008


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