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The unfortunate saga of the translocated dog

May 31, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
It is with a mixture of vexation, frustration and sadness that we read of the American citizen blaming Guyanese authorities for his pet’s supposed (alleged?) disappearance at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport recently (see KN, Sunday May 5, 2013).

Firstly, let us document some inconsistencies and other considerations: (i) The obviously adult dog (garnered from the KN reportage) was described as a puppy.

(ii) Initially, the animal’s age was given as 17 months; later the animal was said to be two years     old.

(iii) The KN story says that “of course Mr. Benjamin, the dog’s owner, does not believe the officials’ story”. Why not, may we ask?

(iv) The gentleman “made all the necessary arrangements,” Really? With Whom? With the Airline, the primary interest of which is to sell tickets? With that same Airline which allows a dog to come on board, in the passenger cabin, irrespective of whether other passengers would suffer allergic reactions to the fur and other allergens emanating from the animal?

(v) Delta knows very well what the procedures are for bringing a dog to Guyana and taking a dog from Guyana to the U S of A. This is not some fly-by-night airline. One cannot imagine them not explaining to the dog’s owner what the prerequisite documentation is.

(vi) It is reported that these nebulous, undefined, “airport officials” informed the dog’s owner that the animal would have to be quarantined (presumably at the airport) until the Vaccination status of the animal could be ascertained. Really? Where, at the airport, is there a Quarantine Station?

(vii)In other parts of world, any animal arriving without the requisite documentation will be euthanised on the spot –even if it belongs to an ambassador. Mr. Lawrence Van Sertima, the snake expert, could tell you about his experience in a similar situation.

(viii) The owner says that the dog did not have “Rabies”. So, are we to understand that he knows about the incubation period of this Rabies virus; that he is acquainted with matters Veterinary? Well, he should then know what the conditions associated with translocation of animals internationally are.

(ix) The owner says that he did not give permission for his pet to be put down. Say what? He does not have to give permission. The “official” has the right to euthanize the animal – and then CREMATE it!

We will not add to Mr. Benjamin’s misery by commenting on Mr. Benjamin’s wisdom in subjecting this fragile 10-pound dog to the stressors of travel to and diseases and disease vectors in Guyana, when so many caring and well established “pet hotel” facilities abound in the USA.

All this just does not make sense. But to blame the “officials” without carrying out an investigation is unacceptable and deleterious to the Veterinary profession. As to what he will tell his kids – well, he should ’fess up and tell his children that daddy made a big boo boo.
Guyana Veterinary Association

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The insensitivity of the Veterinary association ( taking for granted this individual is a representative of them) sickens me.  The dog is gone, dead, given away, etc no one knows. Why the sarcasm about the dog disappearing? Unless they can say otherwise the dog disappeared not allegedly disappeared!


I am certain the dog has a health certificate since one is necessary to be on a plane. And yes, I have taking my dog in the cabin! The confusion on the age would be because the person writing or the reporter did not see said certificate. The confusion of this letter writer is with respect to a lacking of understanding of what is most likely on that health certificate, rabies, distemper, heart worms etc!


If the letter writer knows the normal procedure and since he she it took it upon themselves to comment, she she it should know, and be informative as to what was lacking or not in the unfortunate happenings with this animal.


If we do not have a Quarantine Station then why? Are pets prohibited from Guyana. Further, does the concerned letter writer think this lacking contributed to the gentleman loosing his beloved pet?


If we have "stresses" disease etc in Guyana does that excuse the euthanizing of this dog? Why not go on a rampage to kill all dogs?


The "Official" may have the right to euthanize the dog but that official also has  a duty to do so in an informed way and  not helter skelter. The official need to know the why and the how of the dog dying.


Again the veterinary association should be ashamed of writing this letter. It is bitchy rather than informative. A pet owner lost his pet. If he made mistakes then we do not know what mistakes were made.


You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

i hear rohee have the dog and he name it Bgurd

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

i hear rohee have the dog and he name it Bgurd

Shall I block you now or should I wait until the situation deteriorate to harassment. Do I make fun of you?  If you have nothing intelligent to respond in your post please desist from responding to me, find someone else to harass.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Every US kill shelter has specific requirements in euthanizing animals. Most are moving away from the process.


We do not know if this man broke any law. He was given the royal run around when there was no specific protocol for him to access and depend on. Instead he lost his dog to a heartless process.


My comment is to the person above representing the Veterinary association and who is clearly of the callous, heartless, uncaring mind set as the airport personnel His/ her/ it unmitigated gall to  carelessly chastise someone who clearly has an abiding love for his pet  speaks to a great emptiness in the heart.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Dogs in the EU now have their own passports by which they can be moved around member states without any paperwork.

My neighbor is an attaché to the Austrian embassy and travel at least twice a year with his dog Diego. That person writing above is an ass.

Originally Posted by cain:

If my daughter read this, she would have a fit, she's into wild life rehab and would find this letter( as I ) repulsive.

I should give her a peek at it when she gets in.

I have three dogs, a cat and a giant rabbit. I am sure that anyone who has ever been in the presence of a pet for awhile knows they are sensitive, feeling, beings who can feel sad, scared, lonely, rejected and who reward love with endless love in return. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Every US kill shelter has specific requirements in euthanizing animals. Most are moving away from the process.


We do not know if this man broke any law. He was given the royal run around when there was no specific protocol for him to access and depend on. Instead he lost his dog to a heartless process.


My comment is to the person above representing the Veterinary association and who is clearly of the callous, heartless, uncaring mind set as the airport personnel His/ her/ it unmitigated gall to  carelessly chastise someone who clearly has an abiding love for his pet  speaks to a great emptiness in the heart.

Stop straying from the subject and address why you believe that a person can show up at a foreign airport without any quarantine documentation or arrangements and expect their animal not to be euthanized.  We are not talking about a shelter picking up a stray dog here, a man purposefully took an animal on an airplane thousands of miles away without any quarantine arrangements and expect the foreign nation to accept his word that the animal is "ok" to enter the country. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Every US kill shelter has specific requirements in euthanizing animals. Most are moving away from the process.


We do not know if this man broke any law. He was given the royal run around when there was no specific protocol for him to access and depend on. Instead he lost his dog to a heartless process.


My comment is to the person above representing the Veterinary association and who is clearly of the callous, heartless, uncaring mind set as the airport personnel His/ her/ it unmitigated gall to  carelessly chastise someone who clearly has an abiding love for his pet  speaks to a great emptiness in the heart.

Stop straying from the subject and address why you believe that a person can show up at a foreign airport without any quarantine documentation or arrangements and expect their animal not to be euthanized.  We are not talking about a shelter picking up a stray dog here, a man purposefully took an animal on an airplane thousands of miles away without any quarantine arrangements and expect the foreign nation to accept his word that the animal is "ok" to enter the country. 

i read the man's complaint. You should. He said he met all the requirements they asked for inclusive of his dogs medical papers. He is coming from the US so he will have had those in excess of any requirements in GY.


He could not take a dog on a plane without a health certificate so quit being an ass.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You got to be a nutcase, try doing that in the US or Canada and see how fast they euthanize the animal.  People must respect the laws of countries no matter how much negativity is peddled by the aFC/PNC supporters. 

you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Every US kill shelter has specific requirements in euthanizing animals. Most are moving away from the process.


We do not know if this man broke any law. He was given the royal run around when there was no specific protocol for him to access and depend on. Instead he lost his dog to a heartless process.


My comment is to the person above representing the Veterinary association and who is clearly of the callous, heartless, uncaring mind set as the airport personnel His/ her/ it unmitigated gall to  carelessly chastise someone who clearly has an abiding love for his pet  speaks to a great emptiness in the heart.

Stop straying from the subject and address why you believe that a person can show up at a foreign airport without any quarantine documentation or arrangements and expect their animal not to be euthanized.  We are not talking about a shelter picking up a stray dog here, a man purposefully took an animal on an airplane thousands of miles away without any quarantine arrangements and expect the foreign nation to accept his word that the animal is "ok" to enter the country. 

i read the man's complaint. You should. He said he met all the requirements they asked for inclusive of his dogs medical papers. He is coming from the US so he will have had those in excess of any requirements in GY.


He could not take a dog on a plane without a health certificate so quit being an ass.

That's like me saying to you, quit being a human....aint possible.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

i read the man's complaint. You should. He said he met all the requirements they asked for inclusive of his dogs medical papers. He is coming from the US so he will have had those in excess of any requirements in GY.


He could not take a dog on a plane without a health certificate so quit being an ass.

Again, you duck the important question, why did he circumvent the quarantine process.

That is the operative "he said" and in your rush to judgment you "believed" due to political bias. 

Are we to believe that Delta did not inform him about the process after all they have it listed on their website.

Many countries have strict regulations regarding international pet travel. Remember to make arrangements in advance and:

  • Contact the embassy or consulate of the destination country to determine pet travel regulations.
  • Obtain all necessary paperwork (such as health certificates and documentation) regarding your pet's travel.
  • Contact your local veterinarian to ensure your pet is in compliance with foreign health regulations.
  • Check with the CDC about the importation of pets into the United States.
  • Check with APHIS about international animal export regulations.

Firstly, let us document some inconsistencies and other considerations: (i) The obviously adult dog (garnered from the KN reportage) was described as a puppy.

(ii) Initially, the animal’s age was given as 17 months; later the animal was said to be two years     old.


The person who wrote the above is an ass and should be fired.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

i read the man's complaint. You should. He said he met all the requirements they asked for inclusive of his dogs medical papers. He is coming from the US so he will have had those in excess of any requirements in GY.


He could not take a dog on a plane without a health certificate so quit being an ass.

Again, you duck the important question, why did he circumvent the quarantine process.

That is the operative "he said" and in your rush to judgment you "believed" due to political bias. 

Are we to believe that Delta did not inform him about the process after all they have it listed on their website.

Many countries have strict regulations regarding international pet travel. Remember to make arrangements in advance and:

  • Contact the embassy or consulate of the destination country to determine pet travel regulations.
  • Obtain all necessary paperwork (such as health certificates and documentation) regarding your pet's travel.
  • Contact your local veterinarian to ensure your pet is in compliance with foreign health regulations.
  • Check with the CDC about the importation of pets into the United States.
  • Check with APHIS about international animal export regulations.

The title of this thread might as well apply to you. One could say to you "the lion killed the zebra" and you will still ask "which one of them died".


The man got on a plane so he had a health certificate. He said he followed the instructions for taking an animal to Guyana. He also said when he got there things were different. If you owned a pet you would know it is very important. One does not act casually as you suggest.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The title of this thread might as well apply to you. One could say to you "the lion killed the zebra" and you will still ask "which one of them died".


The man got on a plane so he had a health certificate. He said he followed the instructions for taking an animal to Guyana. He also said when he got there things were different. If you owned a pet you would know it is very important. One does not act casually as you suggest.

You tend to rush to judgement due to your bias against the ruling party. Fortunately this is not a political issue but you intend on making it so. It is a matter of protocol. The man didn't have the requisite documents accorting to the Vetenary association. In addition we have no feedback from the officials at the airport so we are not to assume they are guilty of some sinister action.  It seems that you are trying the airport officials before all the facts are know. All we have so far is a claim by the letter writer and a rebuttal from the vetenary association. You have decided to go with the obvious, Guyana bashing.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The title of this thread might as well apply to you. One could say to you "the lion killed the zebra" and you will still ask "which one of them died".


The man got on a plane so he had a health certificate. He said he followed the instructions for taking an animal to Guyana. He also said when he got there things were different. If you owned a pet you would know it is very important. One does not act casually as you suggest.

You tend to rush to judgement due to your bias against the ruling party. Fortunately this is not a political issue but you intend on making it so. It is a matter of protocol. The man didn't have the requisite documents accorting to the Vetenary association. In addition we have no feedback from the officials at the airport so we are not to assume they are guilty of some sinister action.  It seems that you are trying the airport officials before all the facts are know. All we have so far is a claim by the letter writer and a rebuttal from the vetenary association. You have decided to go with the obvious, Guyana bashing.

Where is this about the administration and where did you get the associated facts that the man did not meet the appropriate requirements? Not even the veterinary associations asserts that. They are as confused you. The claim by the article is at leased confirmed by a prescient fact; you need a health certificate to get on a plane. This is not Guyana bashing this is calling out stupid people; you included.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Where is this about the administration and where did you get the associated facts that the man did not meet the appropriate requirements? Not even the veterinary associations asserts that. They are as confused you. The claim by the article is at leased confirmed by a prescient fact; you need a health certificate to get on a plane. This is not Guyana bashing this is calling out stupid people; you included.

The veterinary association does assert this, learn to read. You do tend to bash Guyana, but then what is to be expected from a white man pretending to be Guyanese. You have accepted this man's word as fact and already pronounced guilt on Guyana. 


"(v) Delta knows very well what the procedures are for bringing a dog to Guyana and taking a dog from Guyana to the U S of A. This is not some fly-by-night airline. One cannot imagine them not explaining to the dog’s owner what the prerequisite documentation is."




This just doesn't make sense. If it is a given Delta did their part, how was this guy able to bring a dog on board without proper papers?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Where is this about the administration and where did you get the associated facts that the man did not meet the appropriate requirements? Not even the veterinary associations asserts that. They are as confused you. The claim by the article is at leased confirmed by a prescient fact; you need a health certificate to get on a plane. This is not Guyana bashing this is calling out stupid people; you included.

The veterinary association does assert this, learn to read. You do tend to bash Guyana, but then what is to be expected from a white man pretending to be Guyanese. You have accepted this man's word as fact and already pronounced guilt on Guyana. 

The veterinary association is full of shit with the above letter. Like you they are blaming the man who brought a dog in and whose dog was euthanized with no documentation as to why. The gentleman said he has his medical documents and it is a given he had to have them to get on the plane. I know that because I traveled with a dog many times.


Yes I accept his word since he spent cash to get that dog to gt. That no one can account for how it died. The heartless explanation of the association speaks to a lacking of conscience and acceptance of poor work habits.


The dog died or so they say. That is not acceptable. For addle brained misfits like you that may be on par for the course. To me and to the majority it is not. It reflects an impoverished understanding of public accountability, poor regard for animals and horrible customer service. The person who wrote the letter and the one who approved it ought to be seriously reprimanded.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The veterinary association is full of shit with the above letter. Like you they are blaming the man who brought a dog in and whose dog was euthanized with no documentation as to why. The gentleman said he has his medical documents and it is a given he had to have them to get on the plane. I know that because I traveled with a dog many times.


Yes I accept his word since he spent cash to get that dog to gt. That no one can account for how it died. The heartless explanation of the association speaks to a lacking of conscience and acceptance of poor work habits.


The dog died or so they say. That is not acceptable. For addle brained misfits like you that may be on par for the course. To me and to the majority it is not. It reflects an impoverished understanding of public accountability, poor regard for animals and horrible customer service. The person who wrote the letter and the one who approved it ought to be seriously reprimanded.

I need not say more, you don't have the facts but have already tried and convicted based on the word of a letter writer whose character you can not ascertain.


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