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Former Member

Thinking snap elections in Guyana

Story Created: Mar 29, 2014 at 8:44 PM ECT, Story Updated: Mar 29, 2014 at 8:44 PM ECT, Source

WHAT APPEARS to be more than “straws in the wind”, point to likely new general elections being high on the Guyana government’s agenda for this year, possibly in November-the month of the 2011 poll. 


Clearly determined to end the recurring frustrations it has often faced in parliament with the APNU/AFC coalition’s evident abuse of a one-vote majority in the 65-member National Assembly, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-led government of  President Donald Ramotar has settled on a “strategy for change” focused on a new electoral mandate. 


The PPP has been accustomed to decisive parliamentary majorities since returning to state power in 1992 with the restoration of traditional multi-party electoral democracy, after almost a quarter century of interrupted state power by the PNC, based on documented electoral fraud.


Ironically, one of the contributing factors to enable the government’s evolving strategy for early elections is the outcome of a recent poll jointly conducted by the APNU/AFC opposition. The published results, as reported last week in the Guyana Times, should provide early encouragement for the incumbent administration since, at worse, the PPP would secure an overall 45 per cent of the votes to 43 per cent for the  combined opposition (APNU 38 and AFC five).


The more positive scenario has placed the PPP with an absolute 51 per cent majority with its incumbent presidential candidate (Ramotar) a clear winner as Head of State with executive powers.


It’s puzzling to understand why the  APNU/AFC should have been tempted to conduct the opinion poll when the prevailing national mood seems hardly in their favour. It’s also relevant to note that the results confirmed the thinking of potential voters as previously revealed by as independent polling exercise conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA).


There is a related factor of discouragement for both APNU and AFC: Contrary to expectations they have been sustaining by media propaganda and political activities on the ground, they are not going to have former President Bharrat Jagdeo as their “whipping boy” since he has reaffirmed his decision not to be a presidential candidate at the next general elections.


The Jagdeo factor

Both APNU-(basically the old PNC, minus a time-line “guest” appearance of the WPA’s Rupert Roopnarine as its deputy chairman)- and the AFC have been behaving as if Jagdeo should be isolated from national politics, if not worse. 


The uncomfortable reality, or inconvenient truth for the APNU/AFC coalition, is that Jagdeo’s outstanding performances as Head of State and Government sharply contrasted with the long years of President Forbes Burnham’s, as well as the two terms of President Desmond Hoyte in relation to  social and economic achievements as the records would confirm.


However, having lost, by a mere couple of votes, the PPP’s leadership contest to first timer President Ramotar at the PPP’s last congress, it is quite evident that the bitter anti-Jagdeo campaign being waged by the APNU/AFC coalition would not be sufficient to dissuade the former two-term president from being among the more influential PPP campaigners for the coming general elections. Time will tell.


For now, apart from the unexpected authorized poll by the APNU/AFC  coalition, with the reported significant results, the parliamentary opposition must contend with 2014 budget presented by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh last week.


Steady economic growth

At a time when most CARICOM member states-with Trinidad and Tobago being an outstanding exception are faced with persistent fiscal challenges and low economic growth resulting in cuts in budgetary allocations for even vital social services, the Finance Minister presented a G$220 billion (US$1=G$200) budget package for this year free from any new taxes, while projecting real economic growth at 5.06 per cent in 2014—compared with five per  cent for last year.  


The 2014 budget with its layers of subsidies and social benefits and projections of continuing expansion of the non-sugar sector came against the background of calls from the opposition coalition for closure of the sugar industry—still a significant source of employment. The opposition parties, may therefore have  further inflicted themselves with an additional hurdle  to scale in preparation for new national elections in 2014.


Compared with the leadership of APNU that of the minority AFC has been more stubbornly consistent in avoiding any inclination for compromises with the government, even behaving at times as if committed to an oath for unswerving obstructionist politics. 


Well, whatever its political virtue, in terms of pampering huge personal egos of two bitter former PPP parliamentarians, the cost factor for the AFC at new elections could be more hurtful than the 2011 elections at which it garnered seven seats to the APNU’s 26 and the PPP’s 32.


In the meanwhile, for the sake of the Guyanese people of all walks of life, ethnicities and political associations, hopes should be spawned that the government and parliamentary opposition may yet pull back from confrontational politics in preference for constructive engagement to break down old divisive barriers in  favour of meaningful qualitative change from the prevailing political status quo. 


I have heard it said that where there is the will there is a way. Hopes should, therefore, be nourished that men and women of honour and goodwill, across the political divide in Guyana, may yet be forthcoming in pursuit of initiatives to break down existing walls of division for the dawn of a new day in Guyana’s political history. 


After all, it’s better to hope than despair!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Opposition’s actions could force snap elections

“….If I conclude that this kind of behaviour is slowing down our development, I will have no hesitation.” – President Ramotar


By Gary Eleazar, May 2, 2012, By Filed Under News, Source


President Donald Ramotar is not ruling out the possibility of snap elections. The Head of State had just delivered a fiery presentation to a May Day gathering at the National Park, when he told this publication that such a decision will be based on the actions of the political opposition.

“If I conclude that this kind of behaviour is slowing down our development I will have no hesitation…When I come to that decision you will know.”


President Donald Ramotar


Ramotar was referring to the recent Budget cuts by the political opposition, which the President repeatedly concluded had no justification. Such continued actions could force his hand at calling a snap election, he stated.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have signaled a state of readiness in the event of a snap election, but some political scientists have concluded that it is only the People’s Progressive Civic (PPP/C) that is financially in a position to undertake an election at short notice.

Following the results of the November 28, 2011 polls which saw the PPP/C losing control in the House of Legislature (Parliament), the government’s chief spokesperson had said that snap elections would be a last resort.
The spokesperson, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon, had said that the government was looking to the tripartite meetings to break the deadlock, but this forum never gained traction.

The extra-parliamentary budget talks which were originally between APNU and the Administration, and subsequently amended to include the AFC, also broke down.

The result was that $21B was gutted from the 2012 Budget.

The combined opposition during the amendments to the 2012 Budget also slashed $500M from the Guyana Elections Commission.

AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan is on record as saying that attempts on the part of Government to indicate the possibility of snap elections, are nothing more than an attempt to distract the opposition.

“I don’t believe that there is going to be snap elections. I believe that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) wants the opposition to be running hither, thither and across the place preparing for it.”

“Mr Donald Ramotar will not be the presidential candidate because his internal Freedom House is calling for Primaries now in relation to who should be the presidential candidate. If he now calls an election and they have to find a presidential candidate, he might not be that person and he wouldn’t want to risk that in place of five years as President.”

APNU’s Lance Carberry recently shrugged off the idea of a snap election saying that it was not as easy as the president waking up one morning and calling such an election.

He was adamant that there are a host of obstacles that would prevent a call to revisit the polls.


Guyana isn't ready for a local govt election when the last one we had was in 1994, and yet we can have a national election when we had one just over two years ago?


But there was a telling comment.  Since 1992 the PPP has always received the majority of votes, that is until 2011.  Even now almost  2 1/2 years later, the PPP still cannot admit that MOST GUYANESE VOTED AGAINST them, so they do not have a mandate to rule without open and transparent dialogue and consultation with the two opposition parties.


They are not accustomed to dialoguing with any one.  They rule by small committee and then demand that every one must accept without critique.  The opposition don't allow this, so they engage in achildish tantrum and want to take away the ball.


Well what if the election leaves them with less than 50%.  Will they want another snap election every time they don't get their way?


They boast about how well Guyana is doing when compared with the rest of CARICOM.  Well why don't they tell Guyanese, something that Guyanese already know, and that is Guyana is so FAR BEHIND, that despite this performance it still ranks LAST in most measures of socio economic standing in the Anglophone Caribbean.


They can boast as much as they wish about the educational system on the basis of how 20 kids perform.  What they will ignore is that 85% of the nurses cant pass their exams, and that is because they lack the educational foundation to do so.  This because our best teachers and nurses have all fled to Barbados, St Lucia and Antigua, and even Jamaica, itself another laggard within CARICOM.

Last edited by Former Member

If the joint opposition believes they are best suited to run the affairs of the state, then what is preventing them of passing a vote of no confidence? If a snap election is called, its obvious who will regain the majority.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

ppp never burn cane 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

ppp never burn cane 

You neva live near wan sugah estate. Dem ah burn de cane b4 dem ah cut am. Ask anybady who no about sugah estate functioning.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

the ppp supporters never kill nobody in the dark days,stop being a hypocrite 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

the ppp supporters never kill nobody in the dark days,stop being a hypocrite 

Did you put down your down payment for Niagara Falls yet?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

ppp never burn cane 

You neva live near wan sugah estate. Dem ah burn de cane b4 dem ah cut am. Ask anybady who no about sugah estate functioning.

every Guyanese know about sugar cane 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

ppp never burn cane 

You neva live near wan sugah estate. Dem ah burn de cane b4 dem ah cut am. Ask anybady who no about sugah estate functioning.

every Guyanese know about sugar cane 

Except my buddy friend warria.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

And the PNC/AFC is quite afraid of the potential result.

you drink too much of nehru rum,the opposition will shut down the budget let see who is afraid of election the ppp can call it any time


Should the PPP/C win the next election with a majority,many eyes would be on them,they are already in the cross hairs of the big boys so maybe they should win and let the games begin.


I predict it to be the beginning of the end for those parasites either way.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Spoken with the confidence of da Rev - the statistics meister!


That constipated face on your avatar still brings a chuckle.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

And the PNC/AFC is quite afraid of the potential result.

Heed the words man - got nothing to say then keep quiet. Don't expose your ignorance.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

At last cain is facing the reality, the PPP/C indeed stand the best chance of regaining the majority. Its time the joint opposition stop fighting this the truth.

you like a dog that is safe behind your fence and keep barking,but that is all the you is doing on behalf of the ppp now come out of your yard and call election,let the fight begin 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Base, Opposition will cry foul. They will resort to burning and looting.

this what we call the three stooges 

That's right brother. The opposition, burn, loot. They go hand in hand.

ppp never burn cane 

NAH JANET never supervised the PPP terrorist in their bamb making in Berbice till one of them face damaged and was sent to EAST GERMANY through SURINAME to HOLLAND to GERMANY.


Danald know dem want kick am. De man na go give up foh Rabart Pussard to tek ova. No electshun till 2016. Local is nex year. But de opposition cyan call eleckshun if dem want. If de opposition continue de negative campaigning dem go gee PPP de 51%.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

Other said that last time.  Look what happened.


Now explain to me the mathematics of this.  What has the PpP done to make inroads into the black/mixed voter blocs in 2012/14 that they didn't do between 1992 and 2011.  The PPP has seen its share of votes decline from 54% to 49%, much as the share of the voting population represented by its base has also declined.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

And the PNC/AFC is quite afraid of the potential result.

Back to your predictions of a 60% victory.  Well you know what happened last time.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Any snap election will see the PPP with a 55-59% majority.

And the PNC/AFC is quite afraid of the potential result.

LOL! Two limpy seniles trying to masturbate each other. hahahahahah!

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Danald know dem want kick am. De man na go give up foh Rabart Pussard to tek ova. No electshun till 2016. Local is nex year. But de opposition cyan call eleckshun if dem want. If de opposition continue de negative campaigning dem go gee PPP de 51%.

My family in the PPP she - LOCAL before November 2014.


NO General until 2016.


Rawbert the GOLD tief and his UNcle Mr BUTT plug can haul them rass.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC/APNU would never pass a vote of no confidence, because they are cognizant what the likely result would be.

Mr Neaz aka as Mr Hoyte's bottle washer why do you write like a robot? 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC/APNU would never pass a vote of no confidence, because they are cognizant what the likely result would be.

Neaz - HOYTE bottle washer from GINA -  LOL, JB you really tek you eyes and pass his joker at GINA.


Voters under age of twenty don't know the real PNC. They know only what they learn from family, friends, and various media sources. However, the recent troubles in the society and the parliament have convinced that APNU is a violent and anti-Indian party. This is working in favor of the PPP. Young voters are now seeing the real colors of the opposition parties. The ruling party will win convincingly

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The ruling party will win convincingly

Correct .. and while the last election was indeed an eye-opener for all political parties and the general public, the next election would have an interesting result.


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