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This is a huge win for Ms Clinton. Donald did himself in. Again, he spent time attacking Clinton who just stood quietly and smiled. He also spent time saying how no one is better than he in certain areas, as he's the top guy when it comes to respecting women, Dam this guy has huge balls, too bad for him, he swallowed them tonight.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

This is a huge win for Ms Clinton. Donald did himself in. Again, he spent time attacking Clinton who just stood quietly and smiled. He also spent time saying how no one is better than he in certain areas, as he's the top guy when it comes to respecting women, Dam this guy has huge balls, too bad for him, he swallowed them tonight.

Your opinion is bias towards Trump.


Why do people indulge in who won the debate and who lost it? It's silly. The person who comes away with pluses from the debate night will have his or her polls rise in the coming days. They either further their momentum or they tighten the race.

Trump again shows he's limited in foreign policy.He just gives red meat to the base (around 40% of the electorate) and does nothing to move the independents. Eastern Aleppo is bombarded by the Syrians and Russians because the rebels there pose a greater threat to Assad than ISIS. America is concerned about ISIS. It's not broadcasting your moves militarily when you have superior strength and it takes some time to mobilize. ISIS is squatting on land owned by the Iraqi government.

Trump keeps talking about giving Iraq to Iran. With all them Sunnis - I don't think so.

Amral posted:

Same crap they both keep spinning again as in the previous debates. The voters have learnt nothing new again. Scrap the flipping election and start a new nomination process again.  Both of these two are unfit and crazy

This is the best and an excellent observation by Amral.

Trump does not have the temperament to be President and Hillary is untrustworthy and should not have been nominated based on her untrustworthiness by deleting thousands of emails and leaving the middle east in a mess. Hillary is seen as the establishment candidate of which 40 Percent of Americans resent.

I will says this, some Americans will be very angry after this election. This election may create divisions in America. This will hurt relations among races and pit the poor against the rich. The underdogs are angry and the young and middle class are uneasy.

Americans will have to choose between the lesser of two evils and with Trump stating that he will not accept the results of the election, spells an electoral and constitutional uproar and possible crisis. The media is shytting their pants right now.

Trump is carrying and rightfully or wrongfully, representing a significant percentage of Americans who believe that the political and economic establishments are rigged against them.

I hope that in the interest of America and it's democratic process, he accepts the results of the election.

In terms of the Republican party, they will have to retool.

In final analysis, Trump had his moments and so did Hillary. Same talking points by both of them.

This election results will be interesting to watch.

No questions as to who will win but the million dollar question is, will the loser accept the results ? Al Gore did not accept the results and he already set a precedence by going to the Courts.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Al Gore did not accept the results and he already set a precedence by going to the Courts.

Al Gore had issues with ONLY the results in Florida, not the entire process for all of the US_of_A in 2000.

The issue resulted in a recount ONLY for Florida, which was settled by a decision of 5 to 4 for George Bush by the US Supreme Court.

Last edited by Former Member
Spice Girl posted:

Trump will be a disgrace to the office. He's dumb, arrogant and dishonest. Worst of all, he's a racist.


No, you accustomed to seeing smooth talking lying political hacks.  Trump is still better then Hillary but the Media did a hachette job and it swayed the undecided.  People who vote Hillary should vote Rep on the down ticket as a uncontained Hillary is a dangerous person!

yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:

Iran already owns Iraq!

Trump won this debate but not sure he can turn things around!

Thanks to Hillary and Obama, Iran will own Iraq by default.

You think Teheran wants to deal with the Kurds and Sunnis who make up a sizable portion of Iraq's population. Iran's only interest is the Mahdi army and Shiite militias. The official Iraqi army that fought them in the 80s had a lot of Iraqi Arab Shiites. Iranians are Persians and Iraqis are Arabs and tribal instincts are great. You just sound like dumb Trump.

Kari posted:
yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:

Iran already owns Iraq!

Trump won this debate but not sure he can turn things around!

Thanks to Hillary and Obama, Iran will own Iraq by default.

You think Teheran wants to deal with the Kurds and Sunnis who make up a sizable portion of Iraq's population. Iran's only interest is the Mahdi army and Shiite militias. The official Iraqi army that fought them in the 80s had a lot of Iraqi Arab Shiites. Iranians are Persians and Iraqis are Arabs and tribal instincts are great. You just sound like dumb Trump.

True, but they have enough firepower and organic support to hold sway over the region.  The fact that Sadaam Husein and the rest of the Sunni world view and treat the Shia as enemies gives Iran big-brother status.  You see in Syria the Alawites seek an alliance with Iran and with Hezbolla to fend off the Sunni, similar sentiment among Arab Shia.

The Sunnis in Iraq and Syria are slaughtering Shia Arabs like lambs elevates the Iranians as big brother to the rescue.  In the [terrorist] House of Saud, the Eastern [Shia] province is viewed as enemy territory by the Sunnis.

So, in a nutshell, yes the Iranians will seek to dominate.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?


Trump got his clock cleaned! The areas covered were all even a lay person could dialogue about with some coherence. He was a meandering confusing mess and needed his name calling and prevarication to get himself out of the weeds.

Mosul was not started because the administration needed to help Hilary. It was in the planning for over a year. While the art of war is about stealth and misdirection; insisting that one will attack the city in a finite time was necessary to warn citizens so they can evacuate the city when they can. The more that leaves the better it will be when the assault to take it begins. Further where will the members of ISIS go? They have only one place and that is under siege.

Aleppo has not fallen. It is in ruins but there are still hundreds of fighters there. It has stood longer than Mosul will so Trump insisting it had fallen in the last debate and repeating it here is a falsehood or Trump's fantasy reality where everything is as he sees it.

Top down economics (trickle down or supply side economics) has a history of failure.  I do not need to say more about it unless someone needs to argue.

Trump Tax plan is not for the common man. It is part of his supply side theory ie if the rich get tax breaks they will reinvest. The current economic reality repudiates that completely. Some three trillion is frozen despite low interest rates and some three trillion parked abroad. The rich are lazy and if they cannot make money with their hedge fund schemes they do not care to do hard work of building factories and making real things. Instead they build golf clubs and large homes and personal playgrounds of all sorts with their money. Hilary repealing of the estate tax break, taxing income above 125k in increasing steps up to 25 percent for those making five million and above is as fair as one can get without imposing a flat tax or VAT. Plus his tax breaks will increase the debt. While her economic plan did not address this specifically how to take care of the debt one can assume the economic conditions of increased investment and growth will see a lowering of it.


That our modern advanced economy will see seven and eight percent growth is outside reason. We can top out around 5% but even that would take monumental work and Americans are already out producing the world witn 1.5 percent growth.


Repealing Obama care would be good if he had a plan to replace it. Hilary has the better option here by rectifying its deficits. Her immigration plan is also the better one since no deportation force can be viable and the  social upheaval of removing 11 million people is untenable socially since it removes useful workers and separates four million children from one or more parents. The awful idea o nuclear proliferation in east asia or abandoning NATO are all crazy ideas.

Lastly, but not least, Obama did a great job and was a good president for domestic policies and he gets an average for foriegn policy. I think Mrs C will be a superb president and America can not wish for a better prepared person to be in the job. She will get things done.

Yes...Trump got rolled. It is why he is on a whining fest today!





Prince posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?

You heard correct, the entire 7 million American Muslims are voting for Trump.

Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?

You heard correct, the entire 7 million American Muslims are voting for Trump.

There are only about 3.5 million muslims in the US and they are not expected to double until about 2050

Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?

You heard correct, the entire 7 million American Muslims are voting for Trump.

There are only about 3.5 million muslims in the US and they are not expected to double until about 2050

Tell that to Bigly, and let him know that you count them all by yourself.

Abu Jihad posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?

You heard correct, the entire 7 million American Muslims are voting for Trump.

There are only about 3.5 million muslims in the US and they are not expected to double until about 2050

Tell that to Bigly, and let him know that you count them all by yourself.

Why is the US census good for everyone else and not for you?...but you are  a truther and live in your own paradise with your own view on  all things.


The U.S. Census Bureau does not collect data on religious affiliation in its demographic surveys or decennial census. Public Law 94-521 prohibits us from asking a question on religious affiliation on a mandatory basis; in some person or household surveys, however, the U.S. Census Bureau may collect information about religious practices, on a voluntary basis. Therefore, the U.S. Census Bureau is not the source for information on religion, nor is the Census Bureau the source for information on religious affiliation. Some statistics on religion can be found in the Statistical Abstract of the United States, Section 1, Population.  In addition, we do provide a list of contacts for further assistance regarding religious information.




We know the number by using census to identify population density and self reporting based on other metrics. Large data scavengers are everywhere collecting demographic data for hundreds of different reasons and these are used to generate data of all sorts. But the Census is where every data set about population normalization occurs.  Every reliable measure of Muslims is around 3.5 and for jews about 6 million. Muslims and jews are in a constant spat about these numbers and there are hundreds of studies examining the various claims.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

We know the number by using census to identify population density and self reporting based on other metrics. Large data scavengers are everywhere collecting demographic data for hundreds of different reasons and these are used to generate data of all sorts. But the Census is where every data set about population normalization occurs.  Every reliable measure of Muslims is around 3.5 and for jews about 6 million. Muslims and jews are in a constant spat about these numbers and there are hundreds of studies examining the various claims.

Stormborn posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?

You heard correct, the entire 7 million American Muslims are voting for Trump.

There are only about 3.5 million muslims in the US and they are not expected to double until about 2050

Tell that to Bigly, and let him know that you count them all by yourself.

Why is the US census good for everyone else and not for you?..

You are incorrect.

Abu Jihad posted:
Stormborn posted:

We know the number by using census to identify population density and self reporting based on other metrics. Large data scavengers are everywhere collecting demographic data for hundreds of different reasons and these are used to generate data of all sorts. But the Census is where every data set about population normalization occurs.  Every reliable measure of Muslims is around 3.5 and for jews about 6 million. Muslims and jews are in a constant spat about these numbers and there are hundreds of studies examining the various claims.

Stormborn posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I am not voting for a presidential candidate this year. I will be voting down ballot. I will not be voting for Keith Ellison either, a democrat.

Why are you not voting for Rep Keith Ellison? Did he not do a good Job as your representative? 

I heard you voting republican this year, Chief. The last time I voted, I saw a lot of folks from Al Abidin voted republican. Are you afraid to come out of the closet and say that you supported Trump?

You heard correct, the entire 7 million American Muslims are voting for Trump.

There are only about 3.5 million muslims in the US and they are not expected to double until about 2050

Tell that to Bigly, and let him know that you count them all by yourself.

Why is the US census good for everyone else and not for you?..

You are incorrect.

Dude you are empty as a paint can. Everything has to do with a percentage of the census. One takes information from the public and normalizes it against what is known finitely with the census as a control. Any number will always be a percentage of the census data. Everyone doing demographic data uses the census. One normalizes immigration data and other to extrapolate population measures. Every population data from any reliable source of such data gives the number I posted.


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