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Third parties hardly make a difference
Sunday, 12 February 2012 20:47

WHILE the jury is still out on the AFC’s role in electing the PNC/APNU’s choice of Raphael Trotman as Speaker I respectfully suggest it must make amends for this if it is to survive. The AFC may yet pay a high price for dumping Moses Nagamootoo(rejected by the PNC as a sleeping PPP/C supporter) but substituting Trotman instead.

What guides APNU's rejection of a former PPP leader but finds a former PNC leader acceptable? The AFC must correct an impression that it is failing to pursue its manifesto goals of racial and ethnic balance in all government institutions. Let’s see how soon it will rapidly ensure that Guyana's armed forces (as promised to their 30,000 cross-over Indian
supporters) are racially balanced.

(1) Ramjattan said in Trinidad that the AFC saved Guyana from ethnic violence. Ramjattan should reconcile jumping the broom with APNU in supporting a former PNC supporter (Trotman] to save Guyana. Otherwise it would give the impression that the AFC will automatically pay up anytime the black dominated APNU holds Guyanese for ransom with threats of violence.

Ramjattan must reconcile his role in pushing Moses Nagamootoo to divide the red PPP/C sea. If AFC's Indian supporters should take a cue from APNU they cannot be faulted in demanding that Ramjattan walk around the fire seven times (Hindu wedding rites) to redeem himself. It sounds fair to me.

(2) Ramjattan was of the opinion that a third party can never win an election. So what was the intention of the AFC in participating in Guyana's elections? So far its history shows it has actively sought to destroy the predominantly Indian PPP/C.

If that is not its real intention what explains its failure to give its devout former AFC supporter Gaumattie Singh a parliamentary seat in 2006, losing UG Professor Rishi Thakur to APNU and dumping Nagamootoo for Trotman as Speaker? Where is the racial balance that the AFC preaches, especially when all the former black supporters went back to the PNC/APNU in 2011 and it seems incapable of keeping its Indian leaders?

Seems to me that the AFC’s entire praxis is to destroy the PPP/C and empower the PNC/APNU. But I may be wrong and would like to be convinced.

(3) While it’s true that the history of third parties in both Trinidad
and Guyana hardly champion Indian causes and interests, what makes the
AFC different? In Trinidad the ONR (Organisation for National Reconstruction... 1980) and
NAR (National Alliance for Reconstruction 1986) and COP (Congress of the People) all pulled mostly Indian votes from the traditional Indian parties (ULF/UNC), while the black dominated PNM support base remained intact.

Basdeo Panday teamed up and allowed ANR Robinson to become Prime Minister in 1986 with mostly Indian votes removing the PNM. Robinson emerged as the new champion of blacks.

He proceeded to sideline Panday’s supporters and the latter quickly scurried back to his own UNC subsequently being elected prime minister.
The present Kamla People’s Partnership (PP) achieved power because Indians were united with mullattos, mixed peoples, a small percentage of progressive blacks, Lebanese and Syrians all came together under one umbrella.

Manning’s PNM lost by only 8 per cent of its supporters.
In Guyana, the AFC party has lost most of its black votes partly because Trotman was no longer the presidential candidate and was a lazy campaigner.

What else explains this? It would seem that third parties only arise because the traditional parties are embedded in corruption, which finds disapproval by a small percentage of their base constituents. With the UF now dead and the WPA a living dead, we will soon find out how soon the AFC will be headed to the cemetery or crematorium.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

(1) Ramjattan said in Trinidad that the AFC saved Guyana from ethnic violence. Ramjattan should reconcile jumping the broom with APNU in supporting a former PNC supporter (Trotman] to save Guyana. Otherwise it would give the impression that the AFC will automatically pay up anytime the black dominated APNU holds Guyanese for ransom with threats of violence.

Ramjattan must reconcile his role in pushing Moses Nagamootoo to divide the red PPP/C sea. If AFC's Indian supporters should take a cue from APNU they cannot be faulted in demanding that Ramjattan walk around the fire seven times (Hindu wedding rites) to redeem himself. It sounds fair to me.

The AFC campaigned on a platform that eschewed racial consideration for office holder. Hence politically, it would have been hypocritical and an intractable leg-hold on Ramjattan not to accept PNC/APNU's preference of Trotman as speaker. Had the PPP been a politically astute party, they ought to have known and recognize that there is no chance in hell that their candidate could have secured the speakership. Therefore their next best tactical alternative should have been an unqualified support for Naga's candidacy, thereby pulling the ace from APNU's hand and at the same time sending a strong message of inclusionary and consensus building.

Ramjattan does not have to reconcile anything. It is the PPP that need to reconcile and recognize the fact that many of their dye-in-the-wool supporters are starting to take heed of their flippant disregard for public opinion, shameless arrogance, bold face corruption and vindictive attitude. For decent and thoughtful folks, bussing, rent-a-crowd, wine up, wine down & wine low is something they can only associate with that repressive and repulsive era of 'Party Paramountcy'. Dem ah watch me! Leh dem watch me!
2) Ramjattan was of the opinion that a third party can never win an election. So what was the intention of the AFC in participating in Guyana's elections? So far its history shows it has actively sought to destroy the predominantly Indian PPP/C.

It is not Ramjattan that is destroying the PPP. Rather it is the internal rot and stench that has permeated every fabric of that once August body, that has of late become repulsive to many decent folks. Sometime when an edifice is undermined by rot and termite infestation, it is better knock it down an rebuild afresh.

If he had voted AFC and they had won the election then I could understand his concern. But in reality Vassan is talking rubbish. Just goes to show how meny spent on education doesn't always offer value for money.
At least the man has an Education. In your case you failed to get out of Kingergarten. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Mr.T:

If he had voted AFC and they had won the election then I could understand his concern. But in reality Vassan is talking rubbish. Just goes to show how meny spent on education doesn't always offer value for money.
Originally posted by Mara:
It is not Ramjattan that is destroying the PPP.


Who says the PPP is being destroyed ?

Check the results again of the 2011 election:

PPP: 48.6%

PNC: 40.8%

AFC: 10.3%

The PPP missed out on being a majority government by less than 5000 votes.

No doubt about it, the Jagdeo administration had become arrogant and corrupt---and the PPP was punished for that arrogance and corruption---they lost the majority in parliament.


And so far, he has has come across as a reasonable and fair-minded leader.

Good leadership by Ramotar and the PPP will regain the majority in the next election.

How can he different? He is surrounded by the same corrupt cabal. Right now the PPP and Ramotar is in big trouble. Lot of people were dissatisfied with the PPP before the elections and were ready to dump them but were not sure of the other options. Don't be fooled with the support they received at the polls. Come next election they might be on the outside looking in if the opposition conduct themselves in a professional manner. Then what are going to do?
Originally posted by FC:
Right now the PPP and Ramotar is in big trouble.

Hmmm! The PPP in trouble you say ?

Let's check out the troubles:

* Oil drilling has begun

* 2 billion dollar gold mines being constructed

* Manganese production will begin in 2014

* Ruscal will triple bauxite production in Berbice

* 36 million US$ fiber optic cable between Brazil and Guyana soon completed


You PNC/AFC losers can bawl and scream all you want---but Guyana is on the move with the PPP at the helm.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by FC:
Right now the PPP and Ramotar is in big trouble.

Hmmm! The PPP in trouble you say ?

Let's check out the troubles:

* Oil drilling has begun

* 2 billion dollar gold mines being constructed

* Manganese production will begin in 2014

* Ruscal will triple bauxite production in Berbice

* 36 million US$ fiber optic cable between Brazil and Guyana soon completed


You PNC/AFC losers can bawl and scream all you want---but Guyana is on the move with the PPP at the helm.


Keep the Gramazone handy.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

The AFC has driven the nail in their coffin when they supported APNU for the Speakership.

Gist of the issues that AFC is NOT a political party pursuing a preferred independent path for Guyanese.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mara:
It is not Ramjattan that is destroying the PPP.


Who says the PPP is being destroyed ?

Check the results again of the 2011 election:

PPP: 48.6%

PNC: 40.8%

AFC: 10.3%

No doubt about it, the Jagdeo administration had become arrogant and corrupt---and the PPP was punished for that arrogance and corruption---they lost the majority in parliament.


Your admission above is self evident as to who is responsible for the destruction of the PPP. Further here is what Mr Vassan Ramracha stated:

"Ramjattan was of the opinion that a third party can never win an election. So what was the intention of the AFC in participating in Guyana's elections? So far its history shows it has actively sought to destroy the predominantly Indian PPP/C.. .

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