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February 24 2020


A thirteen-year-old female of West Demerara, who had filed a sexual assault complaint against a pandit with the police on Monday last has committed suicide.

The teen took her own life on Saturday morning.

Police Commander of Region Three, Simon Mc Bean said yesterday that the teenager visited the police last week accompanied by her father and made the report. The alleged acts of sexual assault occurred between October 2019 and January 2020.

He said too that the accused was arrested and questioned and later released on $150,000 station bail. Mc Bean, further stated that they are continuing with the investigations and will seek legal advice. Meanwhile, Sanjeev Datadin, the attorney for the pandit issued a statement on the matter last evening.

He said: My client wishes the public to be aware of the following:

 1.  That at no time was he informed by the police that it was alleged that he had  any physical contact whatsoever with the child.

2.         At all times the investigation centred around improper text messages and nothing else.

3.         My client specifically denied that he had ever sent inappropriate texts to the child.

4.         That he was also informed when he inquired, that there are no text messages in existence at this time.

5.         That upon being informed by the police of their investigation he cooperated fully and openly with the investigation.

He added that his client remains fully prepared to cooperate fully with any police investigation. β€œHe is innocent of any wrongdoing”, Datadin said.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of committing suicide, you can seek help from the Inter-Agency Suicide Prevention Helpline through the following:

Telephone: 223-0818, 223-0009 and 223-0001


Mobile: 600-7896 or 623-4444


Twitter: @guyanaagency

Whatsapp: 600-7896 or 623-4444

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Which reporting is true.. 

Kaieture News below... 

However, the alleged victim reportedly refused to submit to a medical examination to ascertain whether she was sexually active.
Then on Saturday, the girl’s father discovered her dead in her bedroom. A postmortem will be carried out this week.
An attorney for the pandit yesterday denied that the teen had accused his client of touching her.
He said, instead, that the religious leader claims that he is accused of sending inappropriate texts to the alleged victim. According to the attorney, the police found no such text messages in his client’s phone.
However, police insist that the claim had nothing to do with texting, but with touching of the teen.


Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sanjeev Datadin should not have taken this case.  He and Pandit are both on the PPP candidates list.

PPP supporters will most likely stay away from polls to show sympathy for the Larki. Dem young Pundits in Guyana are notably Playboys.


It would be advisable that the Police investigate this since the alleged victim refused a medical examination. The police though are mentioning inappropriate touching. This has to be investigated and the pandit hands chopped off if found guilty. Until then, this  remains a police and legal matter. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Sean posted:

It would be advisable that the Police investigate this since the accused refused a medical examination. The police though are mentioning inappropriate touching. This has to be investigated and the pandit hands chopped off if found guilty. Until then, this  remains a police and legal matter. 

Pundit Sean, the PM can reveal if she was sexually active. The police can hold on to the body or refuse to issue the certificate for cremation.

Last edited by Mitwah
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

The Lawyer and the pundit are on the PPP's list of candidates. 

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

The Lawyer and the pundit are on the PPP's list of candidates. 

These fellas are astonishing.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

Bai, is Paglin Bibi fuss bring up PPP. DJ juss ran with the bait. 
The has has everything to do with justice for the victim if these allegations are proven to be true. If I were the police, I would also grill the father for more information. Something is amiss there. 


Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

The Lawyer and the pundit are on the PPP's list of candidates. 

1) is  this a PPP matter 

2) is the PPP in Government 

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

The Lawyer and the pundit are on the PPP's list of candidates. 

These fellas are astonishing.

Thanks for the compliments πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The victims in Guyana pay the price as a result of a lack of support and counselling. Young girls in Guyana don’t have a social network to fall back on when victimized. Police need to act quickly and these cases brought to the courts in a timely manner. 
This has noting to do with PPP or PNC, it’s a social evil that must be addressed by the courts. Posters who are trying to pin this on the PPP have no shame whatsoever. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Hasn’t Nigel defended people from his own party before? Aren’t everyone in Guyana somehow connected to one party or another? What’s the big deal if everything is done according to the law?

Great observation Kaz. see below.

 However, when a man or woman enters politics, and runs for political office, she or he gives up the right to a private life.

A civil motion for wrongful dismissal (action number 806-W 2002): Vernon Griffith vs NBIC (now Republic Bank) was filed in the High Court on December 30, 2002. Vernon Griffith, the Juror Foreman in the Lusignan massacre trial, was represented by the law firm Hughes, Fields & Stoby of which Nigel Hughes is a senior partner. This case concluded on October 29, 2008. Now let us fast-forward to the present.
After the Jury brought in a β€˜not guilty’ verdict against James Anthony Hyles, known as β€˜Sally’ and Mark Royden Williams, called β€˜Smallie’, both charged with the slaughter of 11 innocent human beings (including 5 children) in Lusignan as they sleep, it was discovered that the Juror Foreman failed to inform the court of his 6 year-old relationship with Nigel Hughes, the lawyer that represented James Hyles. After this revelation, the trial judge, Justice Navindra Singh inquired from Juror Foreman, Vernon Griffith why he did not come forward with the information when the court was going through the process of eliminating jurors. Griffith in response said that he did not see it as a problem, since he did not know the lawyer personally. Hughes, on the other hand, said he did not remember knowing Vernon Griffith period. This ridiculous statement is at best ludicrous. Let us examine Hughes’ explanation. In an email sent to the Stabroek News, Hughes said, β€œIt is impossible for me to remember all the clients I have. For my current clients I have to check our records electronically for conflicts. There are several lawyers in our chambers and it is almost impossible to keep an accurate record of who we would have represented in 2003 and 2008.”
Under normal circumstances, that explanation may been accepted, but Hughes was the one who led Vernon Griffith in evidence during the 2002 civil motion he brought against NBIC which lasted for 6 years. Nigel Hughes conducted the entire trial by himself. Furthermore, all court documents were signed by Nigel Hughes. These include: The Writ of Summons; A Statement of Claim; A Notice of Default of Defense; An Extension of Time; A Notice for Request of Hearing; and A Notice to Produce. So unless Nigel Hughes suffers from the dreaded Alzheimer’s Disease, it would appear that his memory of not knowing Vernon Griffith, is deliberately flawed. Perhaps with the hope of gaining a critical advantage during the Lusignan trial.
Because of all the publicity, and public outcry the Lusignan massacre generated, the learned trial judge embarked on an exceptional course of action, not usually done in other trials. After the Jurors was empaneled, he held an enquiry and asked very specific questions of each juror to ascertain if any of them knew or had a relationship with any of the deceased or their relatives. Justice Singh also enquired specifically if any of the Jurors had any relationship with any of the lawyers involved in this case. As Vernon Griffith responded to these specific questions, Nigel Hughes stood silently, knowing fully well that his former client was lying.
Juror No. 12, Compton Elgin, also appeared to have had some contact with the father of the accused killer, James Hyles. A complaint was made by counsel for the prosecution, Mrs. Judith Gildharie-Mursalin, in the presence of both Defense Attorneys, Mr. Roger Yearwood and Mr. Nigel Hughes, that Juror No. 12, Compton Elgin was seen in conversation with a man, and it was observed that the juror Elgin had shown the said man the thumbs up sign with both hands. That man was subsequently identified as the father the accused, James Anthony Hyles, the man Nigel Hughes defended. This is nothing less than a travesty; a miscarriage of justice.
In Part 2 of this letter, I will expose Nigel Hughes racial bias, and my call for him to be reprimanded! Stay tuned.

Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

It also shows how miserably Tola failed in his β€˜mission’.

Valid point,  where is Tola and his suicide mission elimination squad ? His nephew Totaram might show up here. He declared in a post here that Tola is his uncle. 

Y'all ain't got nothing better to do than beat down a man who is trying to do some good?

Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

Lookie here....real balahoo brahamin? Were you not the one who pried into a conversation (still on the board) I had with errol where a friend of his was jailed and where I mentioned I knew the fellow and that we hung out for a summer?

Are you not the one who yammers that "my friend was jailed" at every instance and that you know a man by his company? What a piece of shit if the above is how you respond now!

I do not doubt something grave  happened to this girl and the police made a mistake.  And, indeed the pandit needs his day in court. Why not drag the PPP into this if you seem inclined to say some dude I knew as a kid was sufficient to tarnish my character? The PPP needs to respond and take the pandit off their list least there are fools like you in the PNC ranks who will shout often about the company they keep.

Zara posted:

Blackman tak to Indian female  lady all chammers mout cuss up like do on Zara.  India pandit alway sex lil girl an Indian comrades shut mout. Onnoda ole PPP pandit minista sex lil girl an she kill self not fuss time. Hindu comrade do dat way. Now cuss Blackman is culie people story. Blackman want India lady wit lovingly and cares.  Weekly India mans comrades hates strang Blackman.


you have to start making some sense...or people could misinterpret what you are saying

GTAngler posted:
Sean posted:

Very sad. I hope that the police conduct a very thorough investigation. Was the Pandit related to any dead house singer member at GNI

What does this have to do with what transpired?

Sean is a Mahapatar or Karkatwa,  a downgraded pundit, who presides at funeral services with four others for food and other handouts. Vultures.

Zara posted:

Blackman tak to Indian female  lady all chammers mout cuss up like do on Zara.  India pandit alway sex lil girl an Indian comrades shut mout. Onnoda ole PPP pandit minista sex lil girl an she kill self not fuss time. Hindu comrade do dat way. Now cuss Blackman is culie people story. Blackman want India lady wit lovingly and cares.  Weekly India mans comrades hates strang Blackman.

 DJANGO; if sourcing face book offends you how the above where this idiot seems to make fun of a serious issue. Either he has and can decide to make detail arguments that can discussed or you get this piece of shit off the board. 

Mitwah posted:
Sean posted:

It would be advisable that the Police investigate this since the accused refused a medical examination. The police though are mentioning inappropriate touching. This has to be investigated and the pandit hands chopped off if found guilty. Until then, this  remains a police and legal matter. 

Pundit Sean, the PM can reveal if she was sexually active. The police can hold on to the body or refuse to issue the certificate for cremation.

They need more evidence than if she was sexually active. They need evidence from witnesses to t heir meeting, contemporaneous accounting to friends etc. Additionally, if this pandit did it he has done it in the pass. Look into  his past.

D2 posted:
Mitwah posted:
Sean posted:

It would be advisable that the Police investigate this since the accused refused a medical examination. The police though are mentioning inappropriate touching. This has to be investigated and the pandit hands chopped off if found guilty. Until then, this  remains a police and legal matter. 

Pundit Sean, the PM can reveal if she was sexually active. The police can hold on to the body or refuse to issue the certificate for cremation.

They need more evidence than if she was sexually active. They need evidence from witnesses to t heir meeting, contemporaneous accounting to friends etc. Additionally, if this pandit did it he has done it in the pass. Look into  his past.

Agree. Perhaps they were looking for circumstantial evidence as inference to connect it to the conclusion of fact. 

D2 posted:
Mitwah posted:
Sean posted:

It would be advisable that the Police investigate this since the accused refused a medical examination. The police though are mentioning inappropriate touching. This has to be investigated and the pandit hands chopped off if found guilty. Until then, this  remains a police and legal matter. 

Pundit Sean, the PM can reveal if she was sexually active. The police can hold on to the body or refuse to issue the certificate for cremation.

They need more evidence than if she was sexually active. They need evidence from witnesses to t heir meeting, contemporaneous accounting to friends etc. Additionally, if this pandit did it he has done it in the pass. Look into  his past.

Exactly. Sexually active has nothing to do with rape.


Everyone is missing the point which D2 made and that is to look into his past. There will be other victims and he must be stopped at all cost. The PPP needs to force him out, isolate him and let the courts deal with him. He is one sick bastard. 
I stated earlier that the father should be questioned in detail in order to gather additional information to nail this sick fella.
He must be made an example and paraded infront of the cameras. His sick excuse that there were no texts to prove his actions is ridiculous since the police are indicating that he there was inappropriate touching. He is one sick bastard. 


Last edited by Former Member
Zara posted:

Sa i mak no fun wit sadness of gurl. Zara se how dese chammers cuss Blackman fo Indian peeple story wen dem mo wuss.  Chammers wuss dan bad Blackman. Shut off.

Sean posted:

Everyone is missing the point which D2 made and that is to look into his past. There will be other victims and he must be stopped at all cost. The PPP needs to force him out, isolate him and let the courts deal with him. He is one sick bastard. 
I stated earlier that the father should be questioned in detail in order to gather additional information to nail this sick fella.
He must be made an example and paraded infront of the cameras. His sick excuse that there were no texts to prove his actions is ridiculous since the police are indicating that he there was inappropriate touching. He is one sick bastard. 


According to news reports, Priya Manikchand is defending him.  Did he retain her or was she retained by the PPP?  

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Shut you rass. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer. It is for the police to investigate and lay charges as is customary. 

Don’t drag the PPP into this. It is a police and A legal matter. 

The point in the discussion , both persons ,the accused and the defense lawyer are on the PPP List of Candidates for the upcoming elections.

Is this a PPPC matter? and what is the conflict of interest.. 

ayo gat no shame to bring politics in this matter.. jeezzz 

let the focus be on the teenager man .

The Lawyer and the pundit are on the PPP's list of candidates. 

These fellas are astonishing.

They are PPP but first, this is not a Political Investigation.

Totaram posted:
Zara posted:

Sa i mak no fun wit sadness of gurl. Zara se how dese chammers cuss Blackman fo Indian peeple story wen dem mo wuss.  Chammers wuss dan bad Blackman. Shut off.

Sean posted:

Everyone is missing the point which D2 made and that is to look into his past. There will be other victims and he must be stopped at all cost. The PPP needs to force him out, isolate him and let the courts deal with him. He is one sick bastard. 
I stated earlier that the father should be questioned in detail in order to gather additional information to nail this sick fella.
He must be made an example and paraded infront of the cameras. His sick excuse that there were no texts to prove his actions is ridiculous since the police are indicating that he there was inappropriate touching. He is one sick bastard. 


According to news reports, Priya Manikchand is defending him.  Did he retain her or was she retained by the PPP?  

Stop spreading Fake news. Priya is not defending him.  Why are you politicizing the death of this child?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Totaram posted:
Zara posted:

Sa i mak no fun wit sadness of gurl. Zara se how dese chammers cuss Blackman fo Indian peeple story wen dem mo wuss.  Chammers wuss dan bad Blackman. Shut off.

Sean posted:

Everyone is missing the point which D2 made and that is to look into his past. There will be other victims and he must be stopped at all cost. The PPP needs to force him out, isolate him and let the courts deal with him. He is one sick bastard. 
I stated earlier that the father should be questioned in detail in order to gather additional information to nail this sick fella.
He must be made an example and paraded infront of the cameras. His sick excuse that there were no texts to prove his actions is ridiculous since the police are indicating that he there was inappropriate touching. He is one sick bastard. 


According to news reports, Priya Manikchand is defending him.  Did he retain her or was she retained by the PPP?  

Stop spreading Fake news. Priya is not defending him.  Why are you politicizing the death of this child?

Totaram is correct. There are news reports stating that Priya is defending the Pandit.

West Demerara Pandit under probe for sexual offence; Teenage victim takes own life

The young girl reportedly complained to her parents about inappropriate sexual advances and touching being made by the Hindu Priest on several occasions over the past months.

The Pandit, who is a candidate for the People’s Progressive Party at the upcoming elections was arrested and questioned about the allegations. He has since been released on $150,000 bail as the probe continues.

News Source understands that he is being represented by Attorney Priya Manickchand who has been looking into his welfare with the Police.

The young girl reportedly complained to her parents about inappropriate sexual advances and touching being made by the Hindu Priest on several occasions over the past months when he visited the family’s home.

The parents reported the matter to the Police on the 17th February, triggering the investigation. The pandit was arrested three days later and denied the allegations. Station bail was granted as the Police completed their file to forward it to the DPP.

Police Commander for Region Three, Asst. Commissioner Simon McBean has confirmed the probe.

He said the Police has now found itself also conducting a probe into the child’s death after she took her own life on Saturday.

There are reports that the matter had also been reported to the Ministry of Social Protection and counseling services were being offered to the child.

A West Demerara Hindu Priest is under investigation for alleged sexual offenses against a child and the 13-year-old girl who filed a complaint against him, has taken her own life.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Totaram posted:
Zara posted:

Sa i mak no fun wit sadness of gurl. Zara se how dese chammers cuss Blackman fo Indian peeple story wen dem mo wuss.  Chammers wuss dan bad Blackman. Shut off.

Sean posted:

Everyone is missing the point which D2 made and that is to look into his past. There will be other victims and he must be stopped at all cost. The PPP needs to force him out, isolate him and let the courts deal with him. He is one sick bastard. 
I stated earlier that the father should be questioned in detail in order to gather additional information to nail this sick fella.
He must be made an example and paraded infront of the cameras. His sick excuse that there were no texts to prove his actions is ridiculous since the police are indicating that he there was inappropriate touching. He is one sick bastard. 


According to news reports, Priya Manikchand is defending him.  Did he retain her or was she retained by the PPP?  

Stop spreading Fake news. Priya is not defending him.  Why are you politicizing the death of this child?

Fake news? No.  See the report elsewhere on this thread.  If you think I am politicizing the death of a child you are wrong.  It is tragedy but the alleged criminal and his lawyer are both candidates for the PPP.  And, I know how the PPP operates so my question is legitimate.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Totaram posted:
Zara posted:

Sa i mak no fun wit sadness of gurl. Zara se how dese chammers cuss Blackman fo Indian peeple story wen dem mo wuss.  Chammers wuss dan bad Blackman. Shut off.

Sean posted:

Everyone is missing the point which D2 made and that is to look into his past. There will be other victims and he must be stopped at all cost. The PPP needs to force him out, isolate him and let the courts deal with him. He is one sick bastard. 
I stated earlier that the father should be questioned in detail in order to gather additional information to nail this sick fella.
He must be made an example and paraded infront of the cameras. His sick excuse that there were no texts to prove his actions is ridiculous since the police are indicating that he there was inappropriate touching. He is one sick bastard. 


According to news reports, Priya Manikchand is defending him.  Did he retain her or was she retained by the PPP?  

Stop spreading Fake news. Priya is not defending him.  Why are you politicizing the death of this child?

Totaram is correct. There are news reports stating that Priya is defending the Pandit.

West Demerara Pandit under probe for sexual offence; Teenage victim takes own life

The young girl reportedly complained to her parents about inappropriate sexual advances and touching being made by the Hindu Priest on several occasions over the past months.

The Pandit, who is a candidate for the People’s Progressive Party at the upcoming elections was arrested and questioned about the allegations. He has since been released on $150,000 bail as the probe continues.

News Source understands that he is being represented by Attorney Priya Manickchand who has been looking into his welfare with the Police.

The young girl reportedly complained to her parents about inappropriate sexual advances and touching being made by the Hindu Priest on several occasions over the past months when he visited the family’s home.

The parents reported the matter to the Police on the 17th February, triggering the investigation. The pandit was arrested three days later and denied the allegations. Station bail was granted as the Police completed their file to forward it to the DPP.

Police Commander for Region Three, Asst. Commissioner Simon McBean has confirmed the probe.

He said the Police has now found itself also conducting a probe into the child’s death after she took her own life on Saturday.

There are reports that the matter had also been reported to the Ministry of Social Protection and counseling services were being offered to the child.

A West Demerara Hindu Priest is under investigation for alleged sexual offenses against a child and the 13-year-old girl who filed a complaint against him, has taken her own life.


I hope Priya Manickchand sues Gordon Moseley and the fake News machinery at NewsSource.

Bibi Haniffa
Ray posted:
Sean posted:

It’s All BS talk. He has done NOTHING, Nada, Zero. 

looks like the Pandit did a lot though...will the PPP remove him...answer the question and stop making excuses for the PPP

These are strong accusations without an investigation or enquiry to establish the facts of the issue. The idea that a young person can kill himself or herself can bring out questions about mental health in a court of law.

ksazma posted:
alena06 posted:

Priya Manikchand has made a public statement she is not defending the pundit.  Many sources are publishing fake news!!

I know it is only a matter of time before Django debunk News Source’s fake news. πŸ˜€

 He indirectly  did so, when News Source break the news that  United Nation condemned the granger government for Violation, he criticize the media  ... i make reference to him, that he is on record for Crediting this Media and now he is  speaking from the other mouth.

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
alena06 posted:

Priya Manikchand has made a public statement she is not defending the pundit.  Many sources are publishing fake news!!

I know it is only a matter of time before Django debunk News Source’s fake news. πŸ˜€

 He indirectly  did so, when News Source break the news that  United Nation condemned the granger government for Violation, he criticize the media  ... i make reference to him, that he is on record for Crediting this Media and now he is  speaking from the other mouth.

Getting things mixed up ,there are News Source and News Room ,which one had the 60 second clip from the UN ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
alena06 posted:

Priya Manikchand has made a public statement she is not defending the pundit.  Many sources are publishing fake news!!

I know it is only a matter of time before Django debunk News Source’s fake news. πŸ˜€

 He indirectly  did so, when News Source break the news that  United Nation condemned the granger government for Violation, he criticize the media  ... i make reference to him, that he is on record for Crediting this Media and now he is  speaking from the other mouth.

Getting things mixed up ,there are News Source and News Room ,which one had the 60 second clip from the UN ?

Yes yes, sorry boss. 


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