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Guerilla warfare in the PNC; Volda versus Joe

My reliable source in the PNC hierarchy told me that President Granger, if he wins in 2020, will not sit out the full term to 2025. Things have overrun themselves, since I was given that information. It is a very valid speculation to make at this moment that he may not contest the 2020 poll. If Granger is not in the equation, Volda Lawrence as deputy leader by virtue of being Chairman of the PNC will feature largely in the contemplation of a presidential candidate for the PNC.
Let us rewind the tape to the two-man contest before Volda beat Joe Harmon. Harmon figured that if his credentials to succeed Granger – should Granger give way during his 2020 tenure – would shine brightly, then his status as deputy leader would help the catapulting process into the presidential chair.
Harmon knew he stood a better chance of beating Basil Williams, so the winner was a foregone conclusion. But guerilla warfare erupted in the PNC. A tiny but very formidable group does not want Harmon to succeed Granger as president (assuming that the PNC will win in 2020, and that is a colossal assumption). The guerrillas had to find someone to beat Harmon. The barrel is almost empty in the PNC. Of the two persons that could beat Harmon, Lawrence was chosen over Greenidge for one fundamental reason; she has the support of three crucial elements in the PNC.
First, there are the die-hard PNCites who feel that Lawrence’s physiology is older than Harmon’s, therefore the longest serving one should get the nod. The second compartment is a serious part of the PNC – the women members. Obviously, Volda would get their votes. The third dimension of the PNC’s anatomy is where Volda’s popularity is enduring – the “lumpen” elements. Harmon doesn’t stand a chance with them. They don’t know him. They know Volda very well.
For all his decades in the PNC, Aubrey Norton was literally stunned when he saw how that section of the PNC hunted down and hounded down Carl Greendidge during the contest for leadership of the PNC. There are videos of that incident in which Greenidge was called some ugly names for which those delegates should have been expelled from the PNC and charged for criminal threats. At that time, I thought David Granger should have apologized to Greenidge for the philistine descent of some of his supporters. Volda was very much visible when those elements were involved in a brawling confrontation with PPP picketers outside the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre when the Government decided to revoke the PPP’s lease of Red House.
The guerrillas knew Harmon could be stopped, and Joe’s heart almost stopped when he learnt that Volda had thrown her hat in the ring. I did a column on the ambience when she won, and described the type of scenes that prevailed when she was being congratulated. (See my article of Sunday, October 7, 2018, titled, “Sigmund Freud and the people who hugged Volda Lawrence.”)
The guerillas will have to continue their war against “Joe Shanlin” because Harmon now has an opportunity to fight for the presidential candidacy. Volda has run into the same quicksand that “Satyra Gyall” from the PPP dived into, when she went to the home of the US Ambassador and killed her political career. Volda has apologized for bringing to the surface of her mind some Freudian skeletons.
There is a gargantuan question mark that is so big that an aircraft carrier dwarfs in its presence. Despite the apology, is the damage so colossal that it has wounded Volda permanently? Forget about the AFC (they are as dead as the nails in a coffin); the 2020 APNU+AFC campaign is the PNC’s campaign to win the election for the PNC. Does the PNC have enough votes to take it over fifty percent? My answer is no. But the closeness to 51 percent in my opinion has receded since Volda showed her Freudian instincts.
What will happen now in my assessment is that Joe will invent his own guerrilla army. So there will be an intensification of guerilla warfare in the PNC. Volda will run. She will have her loyalists pushing hard for her. “Joe Shanlin” will definitely run, arguing that Volda cannot take the PNC over the fifty percent margin because she is damaged goods.
Are we in for a repeat of Eric Williams in Trinidad and Cheddi Jagan in Guyana? PNM big boys fought against each other after Eric Williams was gone and they settled for an unknown – George Chambers. PPP big wigs did the same and Jagdeo squeaked in.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

VishMahabir posted:

My prediction is that Volda will lead the PNC in 2020...and an Indo as PM...and they will spend a lot of time campaigning in traditional Indo and Amerindian areas...

The PM candidate might be dat pandit Ubraj fella

VishMahabir posted:

My prediction is that Volda will lead the PNC in 2020...and an Indo as PM...and they will spend a lot of time campaigning in traditional Indo and Amerindian areas...

Viola with this out burst has done permanent damage to her profile. She is now into the category of the dizzy and irrational no less than Priya with what was tagged by a wit as her "feral blast" at the ambassadors. Both individuals, are now being relegated to the talking points that leads to a laugh or as examples of idiots. I am not saying either of them are and despite my perpetual nagging of Plumpy, I do admire her as a smart woman ( light years beyond Ms Lawrence) Anyways, neither can be rehabilitated top public acceptability easily if ever. 

D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

My prediction is that Volda will lead the PNC in 2020...and an Indo as PM...and they will spend a lot of time campaigning in traditional Indo and Amerindian areas...

Viola with this out burst has done permanent damage to her profile. She is now into the category of the dizzy and irrational no less than Priya with what was tagged by a wit as her "feral blast" at the ambassadors. Both individuals, are now being relegated to the talking points that leads to a laugh or as examples of idiots. I am not saying either of them are and despite my perpetual nagging of Plumpy, I do admire her as a smart woman ( light years beyond Ms Lawrence) Anyways, neither can be rehabilitated top public acceptability easily if ever. 

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory...some may argue that she should be forgiven because she apologized...Guyanese politicians dont seem to have the courage to do this, but this makes her different from the pack. 

Her statement was meant to rally the "troops" and send a message to her traditional supporters. If anything, her statement will encourage others within the PNC to challenge her Presidential ambitions (Greenidge, Harmony, ??).  But to the die hard supporters, the message has already been sent to them that Volda is their gal.

The talking points will come mostly from the Opposition...who will milk her statement...but politicians know that what matters most is their traditional racial base...                

VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

My prediction is that Volda will lead the PNC in 2020...and an Indo as PM...and they will spend a lot of time campaigning in traditional Indo and Amerindian areas...

Viola with this out burst has done permanent damage to her profile. She is now into the category of the dizzy and irrational no less than Priya with what was tagged by a wit as her "feral blast" at the ambassadors. Both individuals, are now being relegated to the talking points that leads to a laugh or as examples of idiots. I am not saying either of them are and despite my perpetual nagging of Plumpy, I do admire her as a smart woman ( light years beyond Ms Lawrence) Anyways, neither can be rehabilitated top public acceptability easily if ever. 

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory...some may argue that she should be forgiven because she apologized...Guyanese politicians dont seem to have the courage to do this, but this makes her different from the pack. 

Her statement was meant to rally the "troops" and send a message to her traditional supporters. If anything, her statement will encourage others within the PNC to challenge her Presidential ambitions (Greenidge, Harmony, ??).  But to the die hard supporters, the message has already been sent to them that Volda is their gal.

The talking points will come mostly from the Opposition...who will milk her statement...but politicians know that what matters most is their traditional racial base...                

It is not the memory of the people but of the political institutions. Jagdeo was harangued for an errant remark  and continues to have to defend that even now. Ms Lawrence has written herself out of being  acceptable as a political candidate for office because her remarks were a paragraph long detailing of exactly what Indians presume the PNC is about.

Even I, as a neophyte can already conceive of a dozen Internet memes that can keep her fresh in the memory of the PPP target audience so think what the professionals can do. Plumpy has written herself off and her crimes were standing up for her country no less than Trump trumpets from his pulpit as the pontiff of Making America Great!

She will never hold any position of consequence unless the PPP places her there after the election.  The Internet does have institutional memory so any day those who forget can be made to remember. 

Nehru posted:

Django will not remember any of it D2, so you may not be totally accurate And I explained why on another post

You mean I am so lucky to have two posts from you on the same day minus the usual crabdog comments? Where is the other! it will be a joyous day for me if another as the above exists. Will keep me of your back for another decade!


Hey hey hey...ayoo notice how de narrow mind comunnis na mention anything bout dem guerrillas from Linden who close to he buddy Aubrey Norton? Dem guerilas like Sharma Sol and Vanessa Kiss. Hey hey hey...dem guerrillas fram Linden bruk up de PNC congress cause dem na like Granger. What a hypocrit dis narrow mind is.  

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...ayoo notice how de narrow mind comunnis na mention anything bout dem guerrillas from Linden who close to he buddy Aubrey Norton? Dem guerilas like Sharma Sol and Vanessa Kiss. Hey hey hey...dem guerrillas fram Linden bruk up de PNC congress cause dem na like Granger. What a hypocrit dis narrow mind is.  

I would not label these individuals so disparagingly. Granger was not ordained to be king. These are workers in the field of some substance and are entitled to have a voice. Granger was instrumental in shutting them down and marginalizing them thus depleting the PNC of necessary talent. The PPP did the same to Ramson. He was too cocky for them.


However failure of either party to incubate their young will result in insipid aged ideologues controlling the nations blood stream. Old people are good at holding the line. They are not good at innovation. Note that every innovation of substance that the earth has ever seen came from the minds of people between 20 and 30  years old. Beyond that we hold the line and maintain the status quo.

VishMahabir posted:

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory...some may argue that she should be forgiven because she apologized...Guyanese politicians dont seem to have the courage to do this, but this makes her different from the pack. 

Her statement was meant to rally the "troops" and send a message to her traditional supporters. If anything, her statement will encourage others within the PNC to challenge her Presidential ambitions (Greenidge, Harmony, ??).  But to the die hard supporters, the message has already been sent to them that Volda is their gal.

The talking points will come mostly from the Opposition...who will milk her statement...but politicians know that what matters most is their traditional racial base...                

Vish, you defend Vulda like you ah Vulda man! Do you want to tell us something here?

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory...some may argue that she should be forgiven because she apologized...Guyanese politicians dont seem to have the courage to do this, but this makes her different from the pack. 

Her statement was meant to rally the "troops" and send a message to her traditional supporters. If anything, her statement will encourage others within the PNC to challenge her Presidential ambitions (Greenidge, Harmony, ??).  But to the die hard supporters, the message has already been sent to them that Volda is their gal.

The talking points will come mostly from the Opposition...who will milk her statement...but politicians know that what matters most is their traditional racial base...                

Vish, you defend Vulda like you ah Vulda man! Do you want to tell us something here?

He amused me sometimes, he fight with the racist Ronan/ Redux about the same thing.. when Ronan get strap down for not taking his meds, Vish the missionary step in. 

Dave posted:

Vish, you defend Vulda like you ah Vulda man! Do you want to tell us something here?

He amused me sometimes, he fight with the racist Ronan/ Redux about the same thing.. when Ronan get strap down for not taking his meds, Vish the missionary step in. 

Maybe Ronan and Vish are a tag team, playing good cop, bad cop. But I got to admit, since Prince adopted the Vish handle he getting more interaction with board members. 

Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory...some may argue that she should be forgiven because she apologized...Guyanese politicians dont seem to have the courage to do this, but this makes her different from the pack. 

Her statement was meant to rally the "troops" and send a message to her traditional supporters. If anything, her statement will encourage others within the PNC to challenge her Presidential ambitions (Greenidge, Harmony, ??).  But to the die hard supporters, the message has already been sent to them that Volda is their gal.

The talking points will come mostly from the Opposition...who will milk her statement...but politicians know that what matters most is their traditional racial base...                

Vish, you defend Vulda like you ah Vulda man! Do you want to tell us something here?

He amused me sometimes, he fight with the racist Ronan/ Redux about the same thing.. when Ronan get strap down for not taking his meds, Vish the missionary step in. 

That reminds me of the D2 and Guana handles. They like talking to themselves. 

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory...some may argue that she should be forgiven because she apologized...Guyanese politicians dont seem to have the courage to do this, but this makes her different from the pack. 

Her statement was meant to rally the "troops" and send a message to her traditional supporters. If anything, her statement will encourage others within the PNC to challenge her Presidential ambitions (Greenidge, Harmony, ??).  But to the die hard supporters, the message has already been sent to them that Volda is their gal.

The talking points will come mostly from the Opposition...who will milk her statement...but politicians know that what matters most is their traditional racial base...                

Vish, you defend Vulda like you ah Vulda man! Do you want to tell us something here?

He amused me sometimes, he fight with the racist Ronan/ Redux about the same thing.. when Ronan get strap down for not taking his meds, Vish the missionary step in. 

That reminds me of the D2 and Guana handles. They like talking to themselves. 

And that gives valuable evidence that you are a nit.

VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

My prediction is that Volda will lead the PNC in 2020...and an Indo as PM...and they will spend a lot of time campaigning in traditional Indo and Amerindian areas...

Viola with this out burst has done permanent damage to her profile. She is now into the category of the dizzy and irrational no less than Priya with what was tagged by a wit as her "feral blast" at the ambassadors. Both individuals, are now being relegated to the talking points that leads to a laugh or as examples of idiots. I am not saying either of them are and despite my perpetual nagging of Plumpy, I do admire her as a smart woman ( light years beyond Ms Lawrence) Anyways, neither can be rehabilitated top public acceptability easily if ever. 

I dont think many Guyanese will be too concerned about Volda's statement by the time the election comes around...people have short memory......                

I don't agree.  You will think so because you never lived under the PNC apartheid.  She will have a problem attracting support from almost all quarters of the Indian community.

Her words likely sent chills down the skins of most Indians, old and young!


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