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SASENARINE Singh, Emile Mervin, Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh have many commonalities. They are all residing in the United States of America. They inundate the letter columns of our newspapers with writings. From the length and frequency of these writings, they do not appear to be gainfully employed. They are all critics of the PPP/C Administration.

These gentlemen have intentionally chosen to migrate from Guyana to the first world, presumably, to eke out a better existence. It does not appear that they are successful. One would expect that they would try to improve their lot where they are. However, that is not the case. From the comfort of their first-world home, they bombard us in Guyana with their views, as they relentlessly attempt to shape public opinion and influence governance in Guyana. Their adopted home must have thousands of newspapers. What happens in the political arena in the U.S. will have a greater impact on their lives than what happens in Guyana. Why they do not write about American politics in the U.S. newspapers is mind-boggling. They prefer to pollute us with their toxic raving and ranting. I appeal to readers to ignore them.

They do not appear to be either credible or stable. After writing for years, jointly, with Sasenarine Singh, in support of the A.F.C., Dr. Asquith Rose, suddenly, one day jumped ship and is now a baptized supporter of APNU. His ex-sidekick, Sasenarine Singh, was a die-hard PPP member. He must be the only person on planet earth who has ever applied in writing for a ministerial appointment. He applied to President Bharat Jagdeo for the position of Minister of Finance when Sasenarine Kowlessar demitted office. Perhaps he felt that one Sasenarine should replace another. When Dr. Ashni Singh was chosen instead, all hell broke loose. Bharat Jagdeo and the PPP suddenly became devils. To think that he is even a match, intellectual and otherwise, for Dr. Ashni Singh vividly illustrates his mental state.

Corruption is Sasenarine Singh’s favourite topic on which he writes. Perhaps he thinks that readers have short memories. I recall a few years ago a businessman was on television complaining that while Sasenarine Singh was employed at the National Flour Mill, he extracted money from the businessman and in return guaranteed the businessman a regular supply of flour. In fact, a businessman claimed that he purchased a car for this very Sasenarine Singh in this corrupt scheme of extortion. When these disclosures were made, Sasenarine Singh threatened to file legal proceedings. We never heard of any proceedings filed.

These guys are a bunch of mavericks. The quicker people ignore them, the better for everyone.

Reeaz Hollidar.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A bunch of LUNGERAS sitting in a basement in NY writing SHIT daily.


Do you live in a rum shop, prostitute house or basement? 

I live in the same building with you, so take your pick.


I live in a mansion. You cannot afford.

I didn't know squatters have mansions. Wow!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A bunch of LUNGERAS sitting in a basement in NY writing SHIT daily.


Do you live in a rum shop, prostitute house or basement? 

I live in the same building with you, so take your pick.


I live in a mansion. You cannot afford.

I didn't know squatters have mansions. Wow!

Jealous? It was not built from taking bribes.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A bunch of LUNGERAS sitting in a basement in NY writing SHIT daily.


Do you live in a rum shop, prostitute house or basement? 

I live in the same building with you, so take your pick.


I live in a mansion. You cannot afford.

I didn't know squatters have mansions. Wow!

Jealous? It was not built from taking bribes.

How would we know that?


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