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This confounded nonsense has got to stop

June 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
In recent times there has been one sex scandal after another, involving high-ranking government officials. With the exception of the much publicised NOC affair, none of these officials were called to account.
The public is therefore forced to conclude that the President and his Cabinet will not cause this to happen out of apparent fear of exposing the deviant nature of many who grace the halls of power.
The inaction will then force victims into silence, since they are made to feel insignificant and worthless in the face of that power; and the perpetrators will continue their nefarious behaviours knowing there is tacit official acceptance of such behaviours.
For the public perception to be reversed, the President and his Cabinet must act condignly to stamp out this scourge within the ranks.
I will provide him with his first test case: There is a senior official within the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs – when I say senior, I mean really senior- who has impregnated an under-aged Amerindian girl from the quiet, remote village of Shirirri in the South-Central Rupununi.
I can provide the name of the girl, her parents and the circumstances under which this sick official committed this act. I can also prove that this is not the first such encounter of this official with under-aged girls. I can also prove that this is not the only officer who is engaged in such acts.
What is troubling is the fact that this officer was placed in a position of trust to protect the rights of Amerindians. Instead, he took advantage of their humility and meagre means, and violated them.
I am promising the President this: if action is not taken within a reasonable time, I am going to raise this issue as far up as the United Nations.
This confounded nonsense has got to stop. I am also putting the organisations that represent young women and girls on alert.
Carl Parker Sr.
Regional Councillor, Region 9

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why would not one of the PPP curroptocrats come out and deny what we know now for almost a year?


This is the same since the PPP came into office. None of their personnel, friends and family ever do anything wrong.


They shut their mouths when they are caught red handed; Nigil Darhamlall is still on the job, so is the cop that beat the Amerind girl, so is this fellow who is supposed to have  raped ( yes rape since she is under aged) this girl

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why would not one of the PPP curroptocrats come out and deny what we know now for almost a year?


This is the same since the PPP came into office. None of their personnel, friends and family ever do anything wrong.


They shut their mouths when they are caught red handed; Nigil Darhamlall is still on the job, so is the cop that beat the Amerind girl, so is this fellow who is supposed to have  raped ( yes rape since she is under aged) this girl

Maybe there isn't enough noise. Or when there is it doesn't last long enough. Why don't we keep a list of such unaddressed issues and tack it up permanently as a constant reminder. Each incident with a start date and resolution date, if resolved.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why would not one of the PPP curroptocrats come out and deny what we know now for almost a year?


This is the same since the PPP came into office. None of their personnel, friends and family ever do anything wrong.


They shut their mouths when they are caught red handed; Nigil Darhamlall is still on the job, so is the cop that beat the Amerind girl, so is this fellow who is supposed to have  raped ( yes rape since she is under aged) this girl

the ppp is living in a world were they view themselves as semi gods, and the sheep like population is fine living with it.some time you can only gain self respect and honor by blood  

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why would not one of the PPP curroptocrats come out and deny what we know now for almost a year?


This is the same since the PPP came into office. None of their personnel, friends and family ever do anything wrong.


They shut their mouths when they are caught red handed; Nigil Darhamlall is still on the job, so is the cop that beat the Amerind girl, so is this fellow who is supposed to have  raped ( yes rape since she is under aged) this girl

Maybe there isn't enough noise. Or when there is it doesn't last long enough. Why don't we keep a list of such unaddressed issues and tack it up permanently as a constant reminder. Each incident with a start date and resolution date, if resolved.

Anata banta, that is a great point.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why would not one of the PPP curroptocrats come out and deny what we know now for almost a year?


This is the same since the PPP came into office. None of their personnel, friends and family ever do anything wrong.


They shut their mouths when they are caught red handed; Nigil Darhamlall is still on the job, so is the cop that beat the Amerind girl, so is this fellow who is supposed to have  raped ( yes rape since she is under aged) this girl

Maybe there isn't enough noise. Or when there is it doesn't last long enough. Why don't we keep a list of such unaddressed issues and tack it up permanently as a constant reminder. Each incident with a start date and resolution date, if resolved.

Anata banta, that is a great point.

Sure is, ole anta make lil sense finally tarass..he's right on the button here.


Last edited by cain

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