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Former Member

The PPP’s Suspension of Parliament:

Hate is your Reward for our Love:

By Dr. David Hinds

If Guyanese and the world had any doubt about the dictatorial orientation and nature of the current PPP regime, I hope the President’s use of the heavy hammer to pound all of us would erase such doubts.


Today we rightfully mourn another death blow to our right to be free people in a free Guyana. But, let’s be real—We look fuh that. For three years our leaders in the Parliamentary Majority... led us down the wrong road and as loyal followers we tried to make sense out of what was clearly not making sense.



From the beginning, some of us felt it was a mistake to allow a minority government to govern as a majority.

Such an approach legitimized a government that by its very definition lacked legitimacy.


Legitimacy of a government is conferred not only by the constitution, but, more importantly, by the belief of the vast majority of the people that the government has the moral and political right to govern.


The leaders of the Parliamentary Majority, against the wishes of their constituencies, gave their stamp of approval to the PPP minority government. And this is the thanks they got. As Brother Bob Marley observed—“Hate is your reward for our Love.”



Only recently, I drew attention to the non-strategy behind the no-confidence vote. Clearly our lawyers knew of the President’s option to prorogue the parliament. The former Prime Minister of Grenada just this past year used it in that country to avoid facing a no-confidence vote. But by not preempting the President’s latest action, the AFC and APNU obviously didn’t believe the PPP would go down that road.


In politics, you cannot predict every act of your opponents. But the PPP is an open book when it comes to the politics of domination.

We have had twenty two years of PPP’s bullying. Bullies do not respond to dialogue as strategy. Bullies only respond to dialogue when they know you are prepared to fight back.


The PPP will continue to batter us until our leaders show some resolve to wage a relentless struggle to set the crooked ways straight and unambiguously declare in word and deed the Kwayana mantra—This Confounded Nonsense Must Stop


Song: Crazy Baldhead

Them crazy, them crazy          

We gonna chase those crazy          

Baldheads out of town

Chase those crazy baldheads          

Out of town



I and I build a cabin          

I and I plant the corn          

Didn't my people before me          

Slave for this country

Now you look me with a scorn          

Then you eat up all my corn


We gonna chase those crazy baldheads          

Chase them crazy          

Chase those crazy baldheads out of town



Build your penitentiary, we build your schools

Brainwash education to make us the fools          

Hate is your reward for our love          

Telling us of your God above



We gonna chase those crazy          

Chase those crazy bunkheads          

Chase those crazy baldheads out of town


Here comes the conman          

Coming with his con plan

We won't take no bribe,

we got stay alive



We gonna chase those crazy          

Chase those crazy baldheads          

Chase those crazy baldheads out of town

Bryan Benn Snr's photo.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This nonsense we experiencing was set in motion by the 1953 People's Progressive Party. And one of its chief architects was Sydney King.


Him and fellow communist try to bruk up parliament. The Governor was utterly amazed at their barbaric behaviour. 


So, why Sydney King moaning about?


David Hinds only writes-and only on useless visions. He blasted rhetoric borders on racism.

Originally Posted by seignet:

This nonsense we experiencing was set in motion by the 1953 People's Progressive Party. And one of its chief architects was Sydney King.


Him and fellow communist try to bruk up parliament. The Governor was utterly amazed at their barbaric behaviour. 


So, why Sydney King moaning about?


David Hinds only writes-and only on useless visions. He blasted rhetoric borders on racism.

seignet, i doubt that the the 21st Century Eusi Kwayana - formerly Sidney King - is the same communist firebrand of 1953


weren't u a young, committed PPP soldier back in the colonial period too?


and, which parts of David Hinds' screed do you disagree with and find [bordering on] "racism"?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

This nonsense we experiencing was set in motion by the 1953 People's Progressive Party. And one of its chief architects was Sydney King.


Him and fellow communist try to bruk up parliament. The Governor was utterly amazed at their barbaric behaviour. 


So, why Sydney King moaning about?


David Hinds only writes-and only on useless visions. He blasted rhetoric borders on racism.

seignet, i doubt that the the 21st Century Eusi Kwayana - formerly Sidney King - is the same communist firebrand of 1953


weren't u a young, committed PPP soldier back in the colonial period too?


and, which parts of David Hinds' screed do you disagree with and find [bordering on] "racism"?

David Hinds ONLY writes about Black issues. That is where the racism comes in. David Hinds doan even think of the other races in Guyana. For over a decade now, he has been trying to re-vitalize Buxton and every year his message is the same. If and only if he could see Indians are struggling too.


I wish to tell him, unless the elites change their approach the whole damn country will continue to suffer.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

This nonsense we experiencing was set in motion by the 1953 People's Progressive Party. And one of its chief architects was Sydney King.


Him and fellow communist try to bruk up parliament. The Governor was utterly amazed at their barbaric behaviour. 


So, why Sydney King moaning about?


David Hinds only writes-and only on useless visions. He blasted rhetoric borders on racism.

seignet, i doubt that the the 21st Century Eusi Kwayana - formerly Sidney King - is the same communist firebrand of 1953


weren't u a young, committed PPP soldier back in the colonial period too?


and, which parts of David Hinds' screed do you disagree with and find [bordering on] "racism"?

David Hinds ONLY writes about Black issues. That is where the racism comes in. David Hinds doan even think of the other races in Guyana. For over a decade now, he has been trying to re-vitalize Buxton and every year his message is the same. If and only if he could see Indians are struggling too.


I wish to tell him, unless the elites change their approach the whole damn country will continue to suffer.

Seignet, i re-read Hinds' critique of the majority Opposition and do not see what u see


not sure what u would have wanted him to say differently to demonstrate ecumenism


he is a Rodneyite activist who suffered mightily under Burnham struggling to make life better for all Guyanese. No one questioned his bona fides then.


As an African Studies academic, it is not unreasonable that he focuses on the wretchedess of the Afro-Guyanese condition in the face of a calculating, criminal PPP regime that deploys political economy tools as weapons of war in a zero sum existential conflict with Black Guyanese


let me be clear, anyone who frames the struggle for a democratic Guyana as a zero sum exercise [in turn] to victimize poor, struggling Indo and Amerindian Guyanese is a skunk and racist criminal. The little i know about David Hinds tells me he is not THAT


As Guyanese, we should welcome efforts by anyone (including the gov't) to "re-vitalize" Buxton and pull that village back into the mainstream from the murderous nihilism, racist madness and cynical exploitation witnessed in jagdeo's 1st decade of rule


the man is a small piece of the solution; he is not running for high political office

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

David Hinds ONLY writes about Black issues. That is where the racism comes in. David Hinds doan even think of the other races in Guyana. For over a decade now, he has been trying to re-vitalize Buxton and every year his message is the same. If and only if he could see Indians are struggling too.


I wish to tell him, unless the elites change their approach the whole damn country will continue to suffer.

And whats wrong with that?  Didn't people like you scream that Burnham was starving Indians when flour is important to the diet of ALL Guyanese?



The issue then was that Indians lived under an African dictatorship.  The issue now is that Africans live under an Indian dictatorship.  I bet you didn't call racist all those who spoke to Indian issues.


Of course not.  You see in the eyes of people like you the only people who aren't allowed to advocate for their own interests are blacks.  Do you call all of those Indian civil rights groups who still function racist despite an Indian gov't and business elite fully dominant in Guyana?


Reality in Guyana is that blacks face discrimination, not only at the hands of the PPP, but probably even MORESO at the hands of the Indian business elite.

Last edited by Former Member

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