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Jagdeo: The politics of morbidity, the morbidity of politics.

Jan 23,2018.


Bharrat Jagdeo is a funny little fellow; an amusing parvenu, a half-baked dilettante, a laughable harlequin. Here is the proof. These are the words of a man who ruled Guyana for twelve years as de jure president and three years as de facto president:
“We’re hoping that we can work more to get more Afro-Guyanese into the PPP, because our support is predominantly Indo-Guyanese and a lot of Amerindians… maybe 70 percent.
So we have to do harder work in the Afro-Guyanese communities, to make sure more people come into the Party, so that the Party looks like Guyana.”
“And we’re making a serious effort to do this, because we genuinely believe that’s the only way forward.
Guyana can only move forward and realise all of its potential if everybody is included. So yes, we have seen more people.”
Political parties when in power use patronage to attract supporters. There hasn’t been a ruler that did not follow that pattern. It is a commonsensical road in politics.
It hardly needs explanation. If your farming population is large and you implement policies to favour them why then would they hate you?
On the contrary, they would love you and vote for you. So Mr. Jagdeo wants to have more African-Guyanese in his party. The obvious question is; what did his rule do for African Guyanese for the fifteen years he had power? That question is easy to answer. He used his power to alienate Black people.
President Jagdeo’s right hand man, Roger Luncheon, told the court in Jagdeo’s libel writ against me that no African Guyanese at the time was qualified to be a diplomat.
When the researcher for the Ethnic Relations Commission was investigating whether there was an ethnic imbalance in the granting of state scholarships, the Ministry of the Public Service refused to release the data.
No African Guyanese organisation supported the erection on the old seawall road off Carifesta Avenue, the monument to commemorate the 1823 slave rebellion.
The Jagdeo/Ramotar combination rejected the wishes of every (not a majority but all) African organisation to site the monument on Parade Ground where the captured slaves were tortured, mutilated and executed.
That insensitivity remains one of the ugliest manifestations of ethnic contempt in the history of Guyana.
When Jagdeo and Ramotar were in power, a certain Indian woman wrote what is regarded as the most venomous form of racist bitterness in an editorial of a newspaper.
In a Chronicle editorial, she stated that African youths have been socialised from early childhood to hate East Indians and that is why they rob and kill them.
The lady at the time was a staff member in the hard news section of the Chronicle.
She was never sanctioned by Jagdeo or Ramotar. Both Jagdeo and Ramotar did not utter one word of condemnation. This lady currently works in the Office of the Opposition Leader.
In the 80s television show Sanford and Son, the main character, Fred Sanford, would look up to the skies, put his hand to his chest and speak to his wife; “Elizabeth, this is the big one, I am coming to join you”.
He speaks to his dead wife in heaven telling her the big one will kill him, meaning the biggest heart attack is coming.
He makes that exclamation whenever something unpleasantly painful happens to him. Readers will now have to emulate Sanford because this following text about Jagdeo is the big one that will attack your heart.
During the 2015 election campaign, Jagdeo told PPP supporters that if APNU wins the elections, their homes will be invaded, they will be robbed, raped and murdered.
Obviously, any school boy knows the racial basis on that statement. So what resources does the PPP have to attract African Guyanese? Obviously, the resources were bountiful, (to use a Rastafari term) when Jagdeo was in control from 1999 to April 2015. But he didn’t use state resources to attract African Guyanese. In fact, African Guyanese rejected Jagdeo and Ramotar at the polls in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015.
Jagdeo concluded his observation by saying that he wants the PPP to look like Guyana, meaning an ethnically diverse organisation.
That is a strange thing to say. The PPP never had an African leader in its 65 years of existence and never had even twenty percent African representation in its hierarchy.
Then came poor Sam Hinds. When President Jagan died in 1997, Sam Hinds, a Black man, became President.
But the PPP insisted he give up the presidency. Janet Jagan succeeded him. When Janet took ill, she overlooked Sam and gave Jagdeo the presidency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Freddie is obsessed with Jagdeo. He desperately needs a life. Politicians are constantly going through retrospection as that is how they remain relevant. The Democratic and Republican parties are constantly re-evaluating their positions as circumstances change and they have been around much longer than Jagdeo or the PPP.


There is no question that the PPP and its leadership made silly mistakes and blundered over the years.

However, Jagdeo is now recognizing the fact that this country is racially divided, and he is admitting that the party is not multi-racial and he wants to correct this deformity. This to me is a step in the right direction...

Can we say the same for the PNC leaders???

VishMahabir posted:

There is no question that the PPP and its leadership made silly mistakes and blundered over the years.

However, Jagdeo is now recognizing the fact that this country is racially divided, and he is admitting that the party is not multi-racial and he wants to correct this deformity. This to me is a step in the right direction...

Can we say the same for the PNC leaders???

Now recognizing!!!!!!!   Holy smokes, are you saying he has a slow learning curve?  Has he been living in the same Guyana as the rest of the mortals?

He is not the person to correct the deformity, the PPP needs leadership with credibility!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

There is no question that the PPP and its leadership made silly mistakes and blundered over the years.

However, Jagdeo is now recognizing the fact that this country is racially divided, and he is admitting that the party is not multi-racial and he wants to correct this deformity. This to me is a step in the right direction...

Can we say the same for the PNC leaders???

Now recognizing!!!!!!!   Holy smokes, are you saying he has a slow learning curve?  Has he been living in the same Guyana as the rest of the mortals?

He is not the person to correct the deformity, the PPP needs leadership with credibility!

Thank you. Same thing I've been saying.


Jagdeo is more than credible and is love by the MAJORITY of the Guyanese people. He has demonstrated genuinely that he has changed, that he accepts he made mistakes and that he has a lot to offer. I think this is Mandela like.


However, I DO NOT think he should be the Presidential Candidate. A man who is so widely respected and love has plenty to offer the suffering Guyanese.

To get a grip of this man's status, understand that he is more love and respected than Trump, Putin and Gerhard combine.


Freddie always hanging his mouth to the head chef. It's decade now he has been hoping for a government appointment and his black brothers don't trust him, his job will always be at the bottom of the news pool writing garbage. He bears no relevance today.


In fairness to PPP they did a better job with diversity than PNC, but they still have much room for improvement. On another matter, Sam Hinds was a substantial PM while PNC seemed to have relegated Mr Moses to propaganda duties and pageantry...Ehehe...

kp posted:

Freddie always hanging his mouth to the head chef. It's decade now he has been hoping for a government appointment and his black brothers don't trust him, his job will always be at the bottom of the news pool writing garbage. He bears no relevance today.

What do you think about the statement: "In fact, African Guyanese rejected Jagdeo and Ramotar at the polls in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015." ?

Nehru posted:

The Namakaram Crabdaag is the Posey carrier for Gadaha and Harmon!!!!

Bai...that is uncalled for. Mr Moses made history in politics by helping defeat de might PPP, but he could not lead. He is just not a good leader with no policy conviction. 

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

There is no question that the PPP and its leadership made silly mistakes and blundered over the years.

However, Jagdeo is now recognizing the fact that this country is racially divided, and he is admitting that the party is not multi-racial and he wants to correct this deformity. This to me is a step in the right direction...

Can we say the same for the PNC leaders???

Now recognizing!!!!!!!   Holy smokes, are you saying he has a slow learning curve?  Has he been living in the same Guyana as the rest of the mortals?

He is not the person to correct the deformity, the PPP needs leadership with credibility!

The question is holy smokes, how effing slow a learning curve does the great koolie leader have?

Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

The Namakaram Crabdaag is the Posey carrier for Gadaha and Harmon!!!!

Bai...that is uncalled for. Mr Moses made history in politics by helping defeat de might PPP, but he could not lead. He is just not a good leader with no policy conviction. 



Yipee the namakaram defeated the PPP and suffer the Nation. Some of you are way beyond being human!!!

Nehru posted:
Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

The Namakaram Crabdaag is the Posey carrier for Gadaha and Harmon!!!!

Bai...that is uncalled for. Mr Moses made history in politics by helping defeat de might PPP, but he could not lead. He is just not a good leader with no policy conviction. 



Yipee the namakaram defeated the PPP and suffer the Nation. Some of you are way beyond being human!!!

Bai de nation was already bruk up. Yuh not seeing dem Indos mixing cocaine in rum? And how many Indo youths a kill and robbin dem own? Dat is a Jagdoe legacy. Even that kanta professa Mr TK show how de ecanamy was in downturn five years before 2015. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Freddie always hanging his mouth to the head chef. It's decade now he has been hoping for a government appointment and his black brothers don't trust him, his job will always be at the bottom of the news pool writing garbage. He bears no relevance today.

What do you think about the statement: "In fact, African Guyanese rejected Jagdeo and Ramotar at the polls in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015." ?

Guyana has always voted along racial lines, the same can be said that the Indians ALWAYS rejected the PNC, but on the other hand the educated blacks, the blacks that owned businesses would vote PPP, it's a vote for progress and stability.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Freddie always hanging his mouth to the head chef. It's decade now he has been hoping for a government appointment and his black brothers don't trust him, his job will always be at the bottom of the news pool writing garbage. He bears no relevance today.

What do you think about the statement: "In fact, African Guyanese rejected Jagdeo and Ramotar at the polls in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015." ?

Guyana has always voted along racial lines, the same can be said that the Indians ALWAYS rejected the PNC, but on the other hand the educated blacks, the blacks that owned businesses would vote PPP, it's a vote for progress and stability.

So what will the PPP do to reverse the trend at the polls?

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Freddie always hanging his mouth to the head chef. It's decade now he has been hoping for a government appointment and his black brothers don't trust him, his job will always be at the bottom of the news pool writing garbage. He bears no relevance today.

What do you think about the statement: "In fact, African Guyanese rejected Jagdeo and Ramotar at the polls in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015." ?

To be fair, Afro Guyanese rejected every Indo-Guyanese leader throughout the history of Guyana.  I won’t hang Afro rejection on BJ.  Had he given them milk and honey, they would still spit at us!!


Preach the GOSPEL TRUTH brother Base. The last time PPP gave more to Afros, even gave them Fried Chicken and Banks for 2015 Election and they turn around and BORE all the plates.):0;):

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Freddie always hanging his mouth to the head chef. It's decade now he has been hoping for a government appointment and his black brothers don't trust him, his job will always be at the bottom of the news pool writing garbage. He bears no relevance today.

What do you think about the statement: "In fact, African Guyanese rejected Jagdeo and Ramotar at the polls in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015." ?

To be fair, Afro Guyanese rejected every Indo-Guyanese leader throughout the history of Guyana.  I won’t hang Afro rejection on BJ.  Had he given them milk and honey, they would still spit at us!!

and  the peoole  should forget the record of Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Edgehill, Witicka and Bynoe and keep on voting for the PPP.


Blacks don’t reject the PPP because of policy. They reject them because of race. The PNC have always impoverished blacks but they still parlance their way to the polls to vote PNC.

ksazma posted:

Blacks don’t reject the PPP because of policy. They reject them because of race. The PNC have always impoverished blacks but they still parlance their way to the polls to vote PNC.

Hallelujah!!  AMEN!!  Hope Estate anyone???  Sign up Django, Caribj and Cain for Hope Estate.):


The only solution to the Guyana problem is the creation of an independent sovereign country for East Indians of Guyana, Douglas who love their East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.


Nehru your behind is safe in North America. What does East Indians get with staying in Guyana. Just an abuse of human rights, an erosion of cultural and religious values/identity. The Hindu East Indian population is in massive decline and the Muslim East Indian population is stuck on 7 percent like if it is really a lucky number

 The final killer is the complete decline of the East Indian population of Guyana.

The only solution is the 36 words that I mentioned.


Last edited by Prashad
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

Blacks don’t reject the PPP because of policy. They reject them because of race. The PNC have always impoverished blacks but they still parlance their way to the polls to vote PNC.

Hallelujah!!  AMEN!!  Hope Estate anyone???  Sign up Django, Caribj and Cain for Hope Estate.):

Wuh dem guys did to you at that Hope Estate that's got you always talkin bout it?

Prashad posted:

Nehru your behind is safe in North America. What does East Indians get with staying in Guyana. Just an abuse of human rights, an erosion of cultural and religious values/identity. The Hindu East Indian population is in massive decline and the Muslim East Indian population is stuck on 7 percent like if it is really a lucky number

 The final killer is the complete decline of the East Indian population of Guyana.

The only solution is the 36 words that I mentioned.


Prash, mine and your Culture, Religion and Tradition was preserves and maintained DESPITE being dragged like animals across the Kala Pani like animals. It took REAL COURAGE to do so and it says a whole lot of the human spirit and determination of our Ancestors!!!

cain posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

Blacks don’t reject the PPP because of policy. They reject them because of race. The PNC have always impoverished blacks but they still parlance their way to the polls to vote PNC.

Hallelujah!!  AMEN!!  Hope Estate anyone???  Sign up Django, Caribj and Cain for Hope Estate.):

Wuh dem guys did to you at that Hope Estate that's got you always talkin bout it?

That question must be directed at the ones I mentioned above. Uncle Nehru REFUSED over and over to obey the order to go and enslave himself!!!

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

Blacks don’t reject the PPP because of policy. They reject them because of race. The PNC have always impoverished blacks but they still parlance their way to the polls to vote PNC.

Hallelujah!!  AMEN!!  Hope Estate anyone???  Sign up Django, Caribj and Cain for Hope Estate.):

Hope Estate was owned by Sankar, the father of Lila Kissoon.  How did Burnham end up as the owner?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

Blacks don’t reject the PPP because of policy. They reject them because of race. The PNC have always impoverished blacks but they still parlance their way to the polls to vote PNC.

Hallelujah!!  AMEN!!  Hope Estate anyone???  Sign up Django, Caribj and Cain for Hope Estate.):

Hope Estate was owned by Sankar, the father of Lila Kissoon.  How did Burnham end up as the owner?

Tell we nah!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hope Estate was owned by Sankar, the father of Lila Kissoon.  How did Burnham end up as the owner?

Burnham tek um wid Lila's acquiescence after Sankar died in 1973.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hope Estate was owned by Sankar, the father of Lila Kissoon.  How did Burnham end up as the owner?

Burnham tek um wid Lila's acquiescence after Sankar died in 1973.

That is how Crooked Burnham operated. Same way he used to bully businesses into buying Defense Savings Bonds.


Ole people seh - Burnham had bought a car from Sankar and could not make the payments when he was younger, so Sankar seized the car.  Burnham decided to take revenge on Sankar when he turned President and seized his Estate..just hearsay, was way before my time.


alena06 posted:

Ole people seh - Burnham had bought a car from Sankar and could not make the payments when he was younger, so Sankar seized the car.  Burnham decided to take revenge on Sankar when he turned President and seized his Estate..just hearsay, was way before my time.


Heard the same fact from my father and grandfather.

This incident started his hate for Indos. 


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