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n Open Letter to the Minister of Public Security

July 5, 2015 7:30 am Category: latest news, The Piper A+ / A-

Dear Minister Ramjattan:

Minister Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

Minister Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

The curfew your ministry has imposed on bars, nightclubs, and restaurants is no doubt well intentioned. Good intentions, however, aren’t the best grounds for making public policy. Everyone understands that there is an urgent need to address the skyrocketing crime rate, especially on account of the dramatic rise in violent crime. The speed with which you acted is admirable, not least because it shows resolve and because it gives the supporters of the new administration much needed talking points. Yet, it is important, and not too late, for you to reflect on what has just happened. You should do so despite the political pressures placed on you to stay the course.

A few weeks ago you stated that the crime rate is up due to economic desperation and hopelessness. It was therefore quite shocking that the remedy is a curfew on ‘sporting’ late at night. You must explain the relationships among the supposed socio-economic variables influencing crime against women and home invasions etc., and the measures you have put in place. As you know, the business community is upset with both the law and the manner in which it was concocted. You also need to explain why regional and international artistes should get privileged treatment over Guyanese citizens.  

Through this letter I urge you to actually study the crime situation in the country and to do so with both objectivity and with social scientific methods. A simple pronouncement based on your personal views is a far cry from what is expected on any cabinet member. It is not foolish to deduce from your policy that late night sporting (drinking in particular) is a major reason for armed robberies, home invasions, kidnappings, and violence against women? Yet, as the Minister of Public Security you should know that most home invasions and armed robberies against small businesses are not carried out after the time of the curfew. So what is the point of the curfew? As for violence against women, you need to present evidence that sporting late at night increases violence against women. It may be true, but show us rather than tell us.

Mr. Ramjattan, you need to consider the unintended conse

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Guyana lose the match yesterday. I think they lose because of the no ball. Any game today?

Bishoo was called for a No Ball which in fact was not. The PNC all over the place.

Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


So tell us about the security qualifications of Rohee and Teixeira?


Tell me about how successful they were?

Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish, Even CARICOM love Guyana NOW!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish, Even CARICOM love Guyana NOW!


Hey Pavi,


Happy Fourth! Like yuh sober up lil enough fuh type eh bai?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish, Even CARICOM love Guyana NOW!


Hey Pavi,


Happy Fourth! Like yuh sober up lil enough fuh type eh bai?

Yes Bhai, I sober up. Meh Sweethoman Backball meh last night all night and feed me 1800 Tequilla and she bought every shot!! What a 4th of July it was.  Hope you had a great one too.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish, Even CARICOM love Guyana NOW!


Hey Pavi,


Happy Fourth! Like yuh sober up lil enough fuh type eh bai?

Yes Bhai, I sober up. Meh Sweethoman Backball meh last night all night and feed me 1800 Tequilla and she bought every shot!! What a 4th of July it was.  Hope you had a great one too.


I was out of area. I just returned this morning to some leftover bbq. Having my Fourth of July haag as we speak


So how was that meeting at Totaram's office of the PPP-NY crew with "Doctor" Raj Singh last week?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish, Even CARICOM love Guyana NOW!


Hey Pavi,


Happy Fourth! Like yuh sober up lil enough fuh type eh bai?

Yes Bhai, I sober up. Meh Sweethoman Backball meh last night all night and feed me 1800 Tequilla and she bought every shot!! What a 4th of July it was.  Hope you had a great one too.


I was out of area. I just returned this morning to some leftover bbq. Having my Fourth of July haag as we speak


So how was that meeting at Totaram's office of the PPP-NY crew with "Doctor" Raj Singh last week?

Bhai, I am forming my own Party now. My Party will take Guyana forward, TO THE MOON.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Ramjattan is most likely to succeed as he will enjoy the full support of the Police and GDF
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan secure his position as minister of security without any knowledge of the security sector. We know he will run into trouble sooner or later. He should step down immediately.


Vish, Even CARICOM love Guyana NOW!


Hey Pavi,


Happy Fourth! Like yuh sober up lil enough fuh type eh bai?

Yes Bhai, I sober up. Meh Sweethoman Backball meh last night all night and feed me 1800 Tequilla and she bought every shot!! What a 4th of July it was.  Hope you had a great one too.


I was out of area. I just returned this morning to some leftover bbq. Having my Fourth of July haag as we speak


So how was that meeting at Totaram's office of the PPP-NY crew with "Doctor" Raj Singh last week?

I gat a 12 Pack Corona in the Freezer to hep me sober up later and Dhal, Rice, Okra with shrimp and Fry Butterfish.  GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!  I cant go be the Sweethoman today, meh lady ah Chatpatie.!!!!!


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