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Imam at center of child sex probe
January 19, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News

An Islamic scholar who is also the Imam for a Masjid in Turkeyen is under investigation for allegedly having sex with four boys.
According to reports, the man was taken into police custody on Monday after a medical examination revealed that boys, ages ranging from 4 to 10, were sexually molested. All of the children are members of the masjid. The Imam was released on station bail late yesterday.
The story began to unfold earlier this week after an anonymous tip was left at the Child Protection Agency about the children being abused. Following this tip, officers from the CPA informed the parents of the children and the police. After being questioned, the children reportedly made several allegations about being sexually molested by the Imam.

Subsequently, a medical examination confirmed that all four boys were indeed molested. There are reports that the CPA has received the names of several other boys from the community who were allegedly molested by the Imam and efforts are being made to contact the parents of these children.
Meanwhile, the children’s mother who spoke with this publication said that she never suspected anything as she had confidence in the Imam and held him in high regards.
“I never expect this. After school, they would go to the masjid and stay until like 8 in the night.” The woman related that there were rumors circulating in the community about the Imam but she dispelled them. She added that after her sons were questioned and they related their stories she then began to recall one strange incident.
“One night my big son come home late and it look like he was crying so I ask him what happen and he say that the Imam beat him to stay back and watch game on the computer… and he just go straight in he bed.”
“He tell we that when he was about to come home the Imam called him back to watch game on the computer and he refused so the man started beating he and he try to jump the back fence and a man pull he back and took him into a room.”
The woman added that her son further related that once he was in the room with the Imam, he was ordered to take off his clothes. He was then allegedly molested.
According to the lad, the Imam then showed him two guns and told him if he told anyone he would kill him. After that time, the lad said it continued until it was reported recently. His brothers were also molested.
Meanwhile, the mother of the children says she is fearful that the matter will be ‘swept under the carpet’. The woman said she has been told that efforts are being made from the higher levels in the Muslim community to have her settle the matter.
“I want justice for my children. I don’t want any money- no money can compensate what has been done to my children and if I take money it would mean that I am condoning what has been done and that I’m putting other young boys at risk.”
This same concern is being expressed by officials from the Child Protection Agency.
“We are calling on all advocates to come out and speak out against this matter.”
In addition, the CPA is also concerned for the safety of the children.
Also several residents of the community have come out in condemnation of the act saying that many of them had confidence in the Imam but for a while rumours have been circulating.
“Long we hearing this thing but we never had solid evidence and when people come forward… two days after, the big ones hold a meeting and the next thing the family change their story.”
Meanwhile, the man who is also a teacher at a popular Muslim School, was late yesterday released on $150,000 station bail.

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The Guyana Islamic Trust is appalled by the news carried in the media, alleging that an Imam/ Muslim scholar molested young boys from his madrasah. The GIT on behalf of the Muslim community wishes to state categorically that Islam clearly condemns and outlaws such abomination in the strongest possible terms and that the Muslim Authorities in Guyana in no way condone such disgraceful behavior.

Therefore, the GIT is calling for a full investigation into these allegations and that the perpetrator must be brought to justice, regardless of his social standing. This matter is viewed very seriously by the Shari’ah (Islamic law) which prescribes capital punishment for the one proven guilty for such a heinous crime.

However, the GIT wishes to sound the caution that we should not pass verdicts and make judgments based on reports in the media, rather we should allow the judicial process to take its course before making such pronouncements. The GIT likewise deplores all attempts to vilify our noble religion; cast aspersions on the characters of our leaders and scholars and ridicule Muslims as they go about their lives as hard working, decent and law-abiding citizens of Guyana.

GIT Secretariat
An Islamic scholar who is also the Imam for a Masjid in Turkeyen is under investigation for allegedly having sex with four boys.

Pointblank, you obviously made a mistake to expose this. Usually, you're after India and Indians. Please retract the post before people take notice. dunno
What will be even more sad is that this case will be dimissed, case file disappear or $$$ will be offer to the parents and the matter settle out of court.

I am 99.99% sure the man wouldnt be going to jail.
I hope he is not from Turkey. I saw a Movie about Bing and men in Turkey and it was not good. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
An Islamic scholar who is also the Imam for a Masjid in Turkeyen is under investigation for allegedly having sex with four boys.

Pointblank, you obviously made a mistake to expose this. Usually, you're after India and Indians. Please retract the post before people take notice. dunno
How come??? PNC running things now.
Originally posted by Gupta:
What will be even more sad is that this case will be dimiss, case file disappear or $$$ will be offer to the parents and the matter settle out of court.

I am 99.99% sure the man wouldnt be going to jail.
Originally posted by Gupta:
What will be even more sad is that this case will be dimissed, case file disappear or $$$ will be offer to the parents and the matter settle out of court.

I am 99.99% sure the man wouldnt be going to jail.
the man has not been charge as yet,he is on station bail.any other country he will be remand to prison for a crime like this.guyana is a lawless country its hell and being rule by the devil.the ppp cannot control that country,rohee is the biggest ass in that country,how can you put this man on station bail
Originally posted by Nehru:
How come??? PNC running things now.
Originally posted by Gupta:
What will be even more sad is that this case will be dimiss, case file disappear or $$$ will be offer to the parents and the matter settle out of court.

I am 99.99% sure the man wouldnt be going to jail.
the minister of home affairs is a waste,guyana is the only country they taking 1 month to investigate a rape case,a country where the comm of police is being investgate for rape,my god that country is lawless
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
An Islamic scholar who is also the Imam for a Masjid in Turkeyen is under investigation for allegedly having sex with four boys.

Pointblank, you obviously made a mistake to expose this. Usually, you're after India and Indians. Please retract the post before people take notice. dunno

unlike you ppp soupies I do not have blinders on
This Imam must have picked up the little boy's habit from Saudi Arabia when he went to Hajj. The Saudis love other men, especially boys. I just don't know why they do that when they're entitled to several wives. Maybe brother Nehru can give us some insight on this issue.
Originally posted by Gupta:
What will be even more sad is that this case will be dimissed, case file disappear or $$$ will be offer to the parents and the matter settle out of court.

I am 99.99% sure the man wouldnt be going to jail.

I do share your concerns. It is also good to see that major Muslim Orgs. has spoken out.

I am trying to locate a statement from CIOG when and if they do make a ststement I will post.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This Imam must have picked up the little boy's habit from Saudi Arabia when he went to Hajj. The Saudis love other men, especially boys. I just don't know why they do that when they're entitled to several wives. Maybe brother Nehru can give us some insight on this issue.

spoken like a true PPP soupie babbling nonsense
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Gupta:
What will be even more sad is that this case will be dimissed, case file disappear or $$$ will be offer to the parents and the matter settle out of court.

I am 99.99% sure the man wouldnt be going to jail.
the man has not been charge as yet,he is on station bail.any other country he will be remand to prison for a crime like this.guyana is a lawless country its hell and being rule by the devil.the ppp cannot control that country,rohee is the biggest ass in that country,how can you put this man on station bail

The man probably connected to the PPP
Islamic scholar accused of sexually assaulting brothers PDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 10:15
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Sexual_Assault_RibbonAn Islamic scholar is being accused of sexually assaulting several brothers at a Madrassa (Muslim school) in Sophia, their mother told Demerara Waves Online News ( .

Police Chief of Criminal Investigations, Assistant Commissioner Seelall Persaud confirmed that the police are probing allegations of sexual assault.

While police say the man allegedly committed the act on three boys, the mother is saying that her four sons four, six, eight and 10 years old were all victims.

The suspect was arrested Tuesday afternoon.

She said a medical examination has unearthed evidence. “There were bruises and when they questioned them separately, the three children came up with same story,” she said.

The alleged acts were committed at the Madrassa that's held at the Turkeyen Muslim Association.

The mother, who is a Muslim, said the suspected perpetrator is a Mufti who is highly rated in the Caribbean and goes to Haj. has confirmed that the man lectures at a school that is associated with the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG). Efforts to contact senior CIOG officials were not immediately successful

The mother said she was first made aware of the incident when a Welfare Officer turned up at her home Monday night with her three children. She said she had just arrived home from selling on Regent Street and did not see them, instead they arrived in a car with the official.

Based on the information provided, she believed that her sons have been sexually assaulted between December 2011 and January.

The mother said the occurrence might have come to light because other children might have lodged complaints although the man allegedly threatened to kill them with a gun which he had allegedly shown them.

According to the woman, she has declined an offer by the Child Care and Protection Agency (CPA) for her children to be taken into care because she prefers to have them with her. At the same time, she said they are not attending a government primary school.

“They asked me to…I prefer them home with me. I wouldn’t want anybody abduct them. The children can't go to school because they are traumatized,” she said.
The law, however, provides for mandatory care if the CPA authorities see the need to do so.
quote: has confirmed that the man lectures at a school that is associated with the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG). Efforts to contact senior CIOG officials were not immediately successful

The Man has connection thats why he is out
Originally posted by Pointblank:
CIOG has a funny fella working for them who studied abroad
i day will come when guyanese have to take the law into their own hands,and it will be the end of the ppp,these ass fighting for power and cannot rule the country.
We should request an internal investigation to weed out all unreported sexual molestation by Imams. The accused Imam will continue to harm innocent children if he is released. The connection he has to free himself are as guilty as sin and they all should be put in jail.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
We should request an internal investigation to weed out all unreported sexual molestation by Imams. The accused Imam will continue to harm innocent children if he is released. The connection he has to free himself are as guilty as sin and they all should be put in jail.
when a man can do a act like this and he is put on station bail,then you can say for sure that country is a thirdworld country and is moving backwards.they is no rule of law and injustics is the way of life

CIOG meets new Head of State – pledges to continue collaboration with Gov’t on humanitarianism

The executive of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) met President Donald Ramotar today seeking to continue the ongoing endeavour of collaboration with the Guyana Government on humanitarianism.

The organisation has an active programme for orphans and vulnerable children, is represented on rights commissions that represent children, women and gender issues and organisations that promote dialogue among the different religious faiths.

President the organisation Fazeel Ferouz, said “we have to sit down with the relevant ministries and ministers in the government… we are continuing our work with the ministries of health and human services and education because as you know the CIOG has schools.”

During the discussion President Ferouz used the occasion to extend an invitation to President Ramotar to the organisation’s planned religious event at the National Cultural Center in February.

The organisation provides sanctuaries to youths in difficult circumstances through the organisation’s Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) programme with centres at East and West Berbice, East Coast and East Bank and West Demerara, Georgetown and Essequibo.

The orphans programme started in 1993 to provide financial, educational, medical and social assistance to orphans and vulnerable children. Additionally the CIOG donates over $900,000 to these children on a monthly basis. Those successful at National Grade Six Assessment and the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) exams are bursary awards.

The CIOG operates four schools which many of these children attend free of cost and are provided with vitamins, clothing, shoes, housing assistance, spectacles and medical check-ups. GINA (Photo - GINA)
Originally posted by Pointblank:

CIOG meets new Head of State – pledges to continue collaboration with Gov’t on humanitarianism

The executive of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) met President Donald Ramotar today seeking to continue the ongoing endeavour of collaboration with the Guyana Government on humanitarianism.

The organisation has an active programme for orphans and vulnerable children, is represented on rights commissions that represent children, women and gender issues and organisations that promote dialogue among the different religious faiths.

President the organisation Fazeel Ferouz, said “we have to sit down with the relevant ministries and ministers in the government… we are continuing our work with the ministries of health and human services and education because as you know the CIOG has schools.”

During the discussion President Ferouz used the occasion to extend an invitation to President Ramotar to the organisation’s planned religious event at the National Cultural Center in February.

The organisation provides sanctuaries to youths in difficult circumstances through the organisation’s Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) programme with centres at East and West Berbice, East Coast and East Bank and West Demerara, Georgetown and Essequibo.

The orphans programme started in 1993 to provide financial, educational, medical and social assistance to orphans and vulnerable children. Additionally the CIOG donates over $900,000 to these children on a monthly basis. Those successful at National Grade Six Assessment and the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) exams are bursary awards.

The CIOG operates four schools which many of these children attend free of cost and are provided with vitamins, clothing, shoes, housing assistance, spectacles and medical check-ups. GINA (Photo - GINA)
this ppp government have no moral values,they sacrifies every thing decent for politics and power
According to reports, the office of Shalimar Ali-Hack who is the Chief Prosecutor and CIOG member wanted quick release of the Iman.

The Guyana justice system is totally corrupt. This accuser may not spend aany time in jail where he ought to be.
Originally posted by Gupta:
According to reports, the office of Shalimar Ali-Hack who is the Chief Prosecutor and CIOG member wanted quick release of the Iman.

The Guyana justice system is totally corrupt. This accuser may not spend aany time in jail where he ought to be.
what i cannot understand every time they want to duck a case they send it to the public proscuter.this is a simple strate forward case,the medical show the boys were molest,and the boys say he did it,so why not just charge the man and place him before the court.all case they send to the public wonder guyana is backward and the crime rate is high.the ppp government have to go they degrading that country back to the 18 moral values.what kind of values the leaders are teaching their kids in that country.these are people that socity look up to and whem they do act like these you have to set a example so the public do not lose faith in these org
This is not surprising considering that the Koran promise virgin boys in the after life. It is well known that Muslim culture see young boys as pearls to be picked by hairy gross grown men. hahahhah

Imam or not. Connected or not, I say this man be fully punished by whichever law is stronger, be it Guyana's law or Shariah law. There is no place for animals like this in modrn society. Jail him, kill him, do whatever is best for the community at large as long as he is guilty.
Abusers always strive for positions where they have access to children. Parents need to have open communication with their children daily.

This guy needs to put behind bars NOW. Mad
This is offensive to our entire concept of protecting children. This gentleman should be in jail pending a discovery hearing and if charged not let out. Sexual predators are never cured. They always re-offend.

DPP Chambers had made efforts to secure premature release of Muslim scholar

Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Friday, 20 January 2012 08:20

A senior official of the Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers (DPP) had sought to secure the premature police release of the Islamic scholar who is implicated in sexually assaulting three brothers, shortly after he was arrested.
Well-placed police sources say the official had called at least one high ranking officer at the East Coast Divisional headquarters, asking that the Mufti be released about one hour after he had been detained Wednesday midday.
The sources told Demerara Waves Online News ( ) that this “was strenuously resisted” by the police officer. The official was told that the new Sexual Offences Act provides for the detention of accused persons for a specified period of time before they could be released from police custody.
Demerara Waves Online News was told that after moves were afoot to get the man released, the police decided to move him from Turkkeyn station to another station on the East Coast Demerara where he would have been under stricter supervision.
The Mufti was placed on GUY$150,000 station bail Thursday pending legal advice.
The children’s mother and officials of the Child Protection Agency (CPA) have confirmed that medical examinations have proven that the boys were sexually assaulted.
Deputy Chairman of the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine told Demerara Waves Online News (www.demwaves ) that there appeared to be a mix of religion and local laws.
“This is an outrageous situation and I would urge the DPP to reconsider her action that seems to be based on doctrinal affinity rather than any sense of justice,” he said.
The CIOG, acknowledging that the man is one of its employees, has since sent him on leave pending the outcome of the probe and any court proceedings.
Vowing never to condone any illegal act, the CIOG has said that “our commitment to preventing child abuse and neglect by promoting healthy families, protecting children, and supporting communities throughout this country remains unblemished.
If he is guilty then the maximun of penality should be given.

However I wonder if this could be a "set up" with an intention to collect millions?
There is something that does not seems right or adds up.

More later.

I won't call this sad. This is a heinous crime both to the children and to the Islamic community. Let's see if he will be beheaded in true Islamic fashion. All these learned mullahs who issuing fatwas should take note and look inwards a little more.
Let's see if he will be beheaded in true Islamic fashion.

If he is guilty then putting him to the firing squad, might be justifable, but what if he is innocent and this story turns out to be a "frame up" with a motive behinds it?

Originally posted by asj:
If he is guilty then the maximun of penality should be given.

However I wonder if this could be a "set up" with an intention to collect millions?
There is something that does not seems right or adds up.

More later.


He is known for these type of behavior. If you want I can give you his name and you can investigate
Originally posted by asj:
If he is guilty then the maximun of penality should be given.

However I wonder if this could be a "set up" with an intention to collect millions?
There is something that does not seems right or adds up.

More later.


Some ah dem bais lil wutliss, wenn dem cyant get nuff lil gurls, dem ah settle foa nuff lil bais. Dem gat dem own lil ing a goa dont and dem Muslim fambily a trust dem wid dem pickney. Nuff rumour a fly roun' donk hay bai. More to come.
Originally posted by asj:
If he is guilty then the maximun of penality should be given.

However I wonder if this could be a "set up" with an intention to collect millions?
There is something that does not seems right or adds up.

More later.

What doesn't seem right or add up?

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