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Cane cutter in custody for fathering son with 12-yr-oldPDFPrintE-mail
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Sunday, 03 June 2012 20:11

A 12-year-girl last Thursday gave birth to a baby boy, the son of her stepfather.
The baby was delivered by caesarian section at the Georgetown Public Hospital and both baby and mother are doing well.
 Commander of B Division, Derrick Josiah, during a telephone interview with this publication said that the perpetrator is in police custody and investigations are ongoing.

According to reports, the stepfather to the 12 year old had repeatedly raped the girl since the age of 10. She became pregnant in August of last year, one year after her menstrual cycle had begun.
News reports state that the man is from the North West District and moved into the home of the girlโ€™s mother some two years now.

The girl related to the media that her stepfather, who is a cane cutter, would threaten her with a cutlass if she told anyone about the abuse.
It is understood that the childโ€™s teachers at the primary school she attends observed that she was usually unwell and complained of nausea during morning assembly, and they referred the matter to the schoolโ€™s Welfare Department.

The child was taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital for a medical examination in January last, and she was found to be five months pregnant.
When investigations began and after being questioned consistently, the girl told authorities that it was her stepfather who raped her on several occasions. The alleged perpetrator denied the allegations.
He was subsequently locked up at one of the police stations in Berbice and is said to still be in police custody.

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Victimโ€™s physically challenged daughter was also raped



Vergenoegen rape/murderโ€ฆ

 As police continue their investigation into the suspected rape/murder of a Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo woman, they have since confirmed that the womanโ€™s 14 year-old handicapped daughter was also the victim of a sexual assault.


The woman has been identified as Indira Narine, who is in her late 30โ€™s or early 40โ€™s.


It is believed that she was raped and strangled in her home at the Post Office Street, Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo several days ago. One of Narineโ€™s friends, whose name was given as โ€˜Marshaโ€™, made the discovery at around 17:00 hours on Saturday.


The dead womanโ€™s daughter who is mentally and physically challenged was in the house at the time of the discovery.
Many persons who spoke to this publication said that the woman was last seen about a week ago. Investigators have also indicated that the corpse appeared to have been about a week old.

The house where Indira Narineโ€™s body was found

โ€œSometime around the ending of last month, I didnโ€™t see her around but she would come to the shop almost every day to buy stuff for her daughter but then I think it was last Monday,โ€ one resident, who asked not to be named, said. This publication was told that when persons enquired from Indira why she was hardly seen about the place, she related that she was not well.


โ€œShe say how she was sick but she went to the doctor and now she ok, but then we ainโ€™t see her a while but her friend said she last saw her on Tuesday.โ€
Reports out of the area stated that one of Narineโ€™s close friends went to the house on Saturday to check on her but got no response after calling out. The friend then decided to peek into the house where she made the gruesome discovery.


Kaieteur News was told that the womanโ€™s badly decomposed body was sprawled across a mat on the floor clad only in a โ€œtopโ€.
The woman who made the discovery immediately informed another neighbour who called in the police.


When the police arrived the womanโ€™s daughter was removed from the house and taken to the home of a villager where she was given a bath and a change of clothing. It was then that the teen showed signs that she was sexually molested.
โ€œWhen they were bathing her there was an odor from her private area and from how she was acting you can tell she was in severe pain,โ€ one of the neighbours reported.


This information was pointed out to the police who took the teen to the West Demerara Regional Hospital for a medical examination.
At around noon yesterday a source close to the investigation revealed that the medical personnel confirmed that the teen was sexually molested.
Meanwhile one of the womanโ€™s distant relatives who also spoke under the condition of anonymity related that about two weeks ago she visited Narineโ€™s home and something was odd.


โ€œSomebody else had told me that they were not seeing her so when I went to the Post Office I decided to go check on her and when I go she went lying on the mat and I ask her what happen and she said she was sick but she good now.โ€
The relative further related that she asked Narine to stand up but she refused and it was suspected that there may have been someone in the house with the woman and her daughter.


โ€œShe turn lil and she just had a piece of cloth covering her private area and the cloth shift and I realize that she ainโ€™t had on any underwear but she said she was ok so I left and it was only until yesterday (Saturday) I heard that she died.โ€
Further, residents of the area who spoke with this publication speculated that whoever was in the house with Narine and her daughter took advantage of the teenager.


โ€œNo matter what, she always use to make sure she take care of her daughter and it looks like the person went to Indira but when they trouble the daughter, Indira must be get vex and because she know the person, they kill she,โ€ a resident told this newspaper.
Narineโ€™s body is currently at the Ezekiel Funeral home awaiting a post mortem examination.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Cane cutter in custody for fathering son with 12-yr-oldPDFPrintE-mail
Written by   
Sunday, 03 June 2012 20:11

A 12-year-girl last Thursday gave birth to a baby boy, the son of her stepfather.
The baby was delivered by caesarian section at the Georgetown Public Hospital and both baby and mother are doing well.
 Commander of B Division, Derrick Josiah, during a telephone interview with this publication said that the perpetrator is in police custody and investigations are ongoing.

According to reports, the stepfather to the 12 year old had repeatedly raped the girl since the age of 10. She became pregnant in August of last year, one year after her menstrual cycle had begun.
News reports state that the man is from the North West District and moved into the home of the girlโ€™s mother some two years now.

The girl related to the media that her stepfather, who is a cane cutter, would threaten her with a cutlass if she told anyone about the abuse.
It is understood that the childโ€™s teachers at the primary school she attends observed that she was usually unwell and complained of nausea during morning assembly, and they referred the matter to the schoolโ€™s Welfare Department.

The child was taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital for a medical examination in January last, and she was found to be five months pregnant.
When investigations began and after being questioned consistently, the girl told authorities that it was her stepfather who raped her on several occasions. The alleged perpetrator denied the allegations.
He was subsequently locked up at one of the police stations in Berbice and is said to still be in police custody.

Abie need wan law fuh chap aff dem diss peeple cack.  Only den dem goa larn.


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