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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You can wonder all you want it will not evade the reality that a murderous lot claiming to be Muslims on the ground that will be exterminated. You are making excuses for them


Since you asked, Iraq was invaded on false information but that invasion was coming regardless. Saddam was in gross threat violation with his gassing of the Kurds. That alone should have had troops to Baghdad.

You are all over. So was Saddam the only leader that was in violation to a minority in a country?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You can wonder all you want it will not evade the reality that a murderous lot claiming to be Muslims on the ground that will be exterminated. You are making excuses for them


Since you asked, Iraq was invaded on false information but that invasion was coming regardless. Saddam was in gross threat violation with his gassing of the Kurds. That alone should have had troops to Baghdad.

You are all over. So was Saddam the only leader that was in violation to a minority in a country?

I am all over? I have not yet called you an apologist for these murderers but that is where I am going. I do not care to talk about Saddam. He is dead, the nation was turned over to those claiming a willingness to do better.  I am not dealing with Saddam. I am dealing with a murderous crew that is spreading like a disease across two nations and are now turning up in europe. 



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You can wonder all you want it will not evade the reality that a murderous lot claiming to be Muslims on the ground that will be exterminated. You are making excuses for them


Since you asked, Iraq was invaded on false information but that invasion was coming regardless. Saddam was in gross threat violation with his gassing of the Kurds. That alone should have had troops to Baghdad.

You are all over. So was Saddam the only leader that was in violation to a minority in a country?

I am all over? I have not yet called you an apologist for these murderers but that is where I am going. I do not care to talk about Saddam. He is dead, the nation was turned over to those claiming a willingness to do better.  I am not dealing with Saddam. I am dealing with a murderous crew that is spreading like a disease across two nations and are now turning up in europe. 



That is where I want you. Who set the stage for the murderous crew? Wasn't the world warning George Bush that this will happen. Now you blaming Muslims. I know that is where you are going.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You can wonder all you want it will not evade the reality that a murderous lot claiming to be Muslims on the ground that will be exterminated. You are making excuses for them


Since you asked, Iraq was invaded on false information but that invasion was coming regardless. Saddam was in gross threat violation with his gassing of the Kurds. That alone should have had troops to Baghdad.

You are all over. So was Saddam the only leader that was in violation to a minority in a country?

I am all over? I have not yet called you an apologist for these murderers but that is where I am going. I do not care to talk about Saddam. He is dead, the nation was turned over to those claiming a willingness to do better.  I am not dealing with Saddam. I am dealing with a murderous crew that is spreading like a disease across two nations and are now turning up in europe. 



That is where I want you. Who set the stage for the murderous crew? Wasn't the world warning George Bush that this will happen. Now you blaming Muslims. I know that is where you are going.

Dude quit while you are ahead. I said it a hundred times and I do not know why you do not get it in that hard head of yours; Bush had nothing to do with what is going on there presently. If you are looking for antecedents maybe you could curse the Belgians French and British for cobbling together states where none were.  But then again you do not even look to that line of reason but seek to excuse people calling themselves Muslims bent on barbarism the world has not seen in the region since Genghis Khan.


I am not blaming Muslims. I am blaming those who call themselves Muslims that are perpetuating this horror. I also blame a reticence in the Muslim community to grasp the reality that there is something wrong with the modern interpretation of their holy book since much of the barbarity in the recent times involves people calling themselves Muslim on others also calling them Muslim  war.  These creatures have the added ingredient of  genocidal war against non Muslims and by decree say the rest of us is in their path!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief, you're making the point that the US's foreign policy is oil-driven.


I wish to look at that from the angle of those who believe that and that the Western Christians are in some form of war against the Muslims.


Firstly, note that the only conflict where at least one party is non-Muslim is the Israel/Palestinian conflict.In this conflict no Arab country is helping the Hamas military struggle, but the lone contributor is the Shiite Iran. Could this be because half of the Palestinians are Semite? The Arab Palestinians were Arabicized over the years.



Secondly, the US is not at war against any country, but is on a campaign against terrorists with danger or potential danger to the US. Note that

Obama’s foreign policy in Iraq called for 10,000 US special Ops β€œadvisors” to be on the ground – a proposition that Maliki opposed. Obama knows that America is (a) war-weary” and (b) must not fight an asymmetric war with tools like Bush used. He is smart enough to know that drones, attack helicopters, fighter jets, and embedded special Ops forces with sophisticated weaponry can defeat groups like ISIL.


Thirdly, the word Islamicist is used in today’s lexicon to describe people who call themselves Muslims and whose life is consumed by the religion they call Islam.

Well, these people are not following Islam and secondly they are not demographically citizens of any country but extremists of some greater principle than nation-state. When you take this thinking to an extreme you then fall into an ideology as a frame of mind.

This radicalization BTW is what is going on in the UK by British-born β€œMuslims”.


I take it Chief that you support the use of this sentence by the author of the article you posted "The Muslim world isn’t as ignorant as Christian crusaders, the military industrial complex and the vast know-nothing right wing would have you believe.".


This author Werleman does not mention the sizable oil reserves of the US and Russia as well as that of Saudi Arabia that is not in conflict with the US. For you to take this author seriously you'd have to ask him to show some hard facts, and saying "With a total of 44 U.S. military bases in the Middle East and the Central Asia, we have the Muslim world completely surrounded." does not add to his thesis. C'mon Chief, bring to this forum something of a more serious discourse than this. G_G. Nehru and Baseman would post stuff like this. You are of much superior intellect than these cats.



You can't even comprehend what I wrote Nehru, so why don't you lay off the daroo.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

I got some freedoms for you....just let me know when you're going to be around your favorite Liberty Ave bar.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Under freedom of speech there are conditions. In this day and age to call someone a terrorist apologist is serious shit.


Attorney Baldeo used to dig holes for others today his ass is looking at jail time.


Hope under freedom of speech you nor your children do not fall in the hole you are digging for others.

You better watch out . A two face IDIOT like you is also a threat to western Society!!

Nehru, the Feds are more likely to haul your ass in for your stupid posts here.


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