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For Immediate Release.
13th August 2021
I wish to respond to a recent post that is circulating on social media by “Live in Guyana” aka PPP propaganda insinuating that the city’s funds are being used to finance my travels to the United States of America for an organized protest by the APNU+AFC.
While it is true that I am invited to participate in a series of events in the United States of America by the Guyana Organization Against Racism (GOAR), I can assure you that none of the Mayor and City Council’s monies were used to fund this trip.
It is customary that the International Relations Officer who is responsible for organizing the Mayor’s international travels and meetings. While the officer was executing his duties, I learnt about the requisition and immediately informed him that these travel arrangements involved politics thus requested the officer to withdraw the said requisition instantly.
For the record, it should be known to the public that everything involving this trip was funded by the Guyana Organization Against Racism (GOAR) who extended the invitation. It should also be known that the Government is free to request an audit if they see fit.
I understand that during this time of controversy, the fight against a politically installed Interim Town Clerk, imposed by the Local Government Commission continues. This administrative officer saw it fit to release non-approved council documents while sitting illegally in the position only to slander and try to tarnish the character of the Mayor of the City of Georgetown.
The Officer is well aware that any money of the council to be distributed, the Treasurer and the Town Clerk authorized signatures needs to be placed on the document. There is no recognized Town Clerk in the office to sign off these documents and this pending matter is awaiting the court's decision. I am also engaging my lawyers for advice to sue for the defamation of character and for the liable officers to be charged for leaking Council's documents and spreading false information.

CITY MAYOR USING TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO ATTEND APNU+AFC PROTEST IN THE US || Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine is using $132,000 of the city's funds to travel to the US to attend a protest organized by Rickforde Burke and the APNU+AFC.
Documents reveal that the Mayor was invited by Burke to participate in a series of events from August 12th to 17th. The Mayor then requested US$600 as meals and out of pocket allowance for travel to the US from August 11th to 18th from City Hall.
In a recent live programme Burke said that he will be targeting Indo-Guyanese owned businesses during the protest.
The APNU+AFC controlled Georgetown Mayor and City Council is plagued by corruption and mismanagement which often results in indebtedness and cash shortages. It is unable to provide critical drainage and garbage services despite collecting billions of dollars in taxes annually.

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