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A place to call ‘home’

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The dilapidated structure in Byderabo which houses several families, including an infant (Delano Williams photos)

Byderabo residents in search of a better place to stay

Sereeta Tyman and her family

IF YOU take a trip to Bartica, Cuyuni-Mazaruni (Region Seven) and travel just beyond the hustle and bustle of this budding town, you will stumble across the quiet community of Byderabo. Like many other parts of Bartica, Byderabo has seen some improvements in the form of new roads and other facilities in the recent past. But, as is the case with many communities, as well, poverty lingers in the lives of some residents, who hope that one day their circumstances will change.

This is the case of a group of residents who live in a dilapidated building lodged on an old pontoon along the Essequibo River in Byderabo. The structure, which is currently leaning into the Essequibo River, poses real dangers to those who occupy the premises and its inhabitants are calling on the authorities to assist them with finding proper housing as they can ill afford to purchase lands or rent homes.

The families that reside in this structure consist of children as young as one month old. “Me nah frighten you know…we ain’t get nowhere else to go, so we have to make do with this place,” one resident told the Pepperpot Magazine during a visit recently.


Sereeta Tyman sits outside of her living quarters with her daughter

While this may be the only place they can afford, however, the structure -which was built years ago -belongs to a nearby sawmill and the proprietors have since been reportedly threatening to destroy the property, which will leave these people homeless. “The people them keep coming to us because the building going down into the river. Soon it gonna fall with we inside but we have nowhere to go,” said Patsy McDonald, another resident.
McDonald told the Pepperpot Magazine that while she understands why her family of four – which occupies a tiny room in the building-has to relocate, it is not as easy as it may seem. “I have no money. I depend on my children. I don’t work anywhere and me nah got education,” she explained as she pointed to her eldest son, Lloyd McDonald.

The young man, who is clearly frustrated by his circumstances, told this publication that the threats by the owners of the building are unfair. “The boss man [names given] them does call… He can’t put people out like this…we ain’t got anywhere to go,” he said. Lloyd said the building has been leaning into the Essequibo River for all of the three years they have been living there.

“We got to get a place to move soon because we really can’t live here,” he said while accepting the dangers associated with his family occupying the premises. He told the Pepperpot Magazine that his family is afraid for their lives.“You know how much time the zinc fly off? Anytime a harder breeze blow might be the whole place gone. That one side is pulling so anytime now the entire thing will fall. The other side getting rotten and we can’t stay here,” he said.


Lloyd McDonald and his mother Patsy McDonald. Also in photo (partially hidden) is Juanita McDonald

Things are currently rough for the family of four as Lloyd is the breadwinner. He explained that in the past, he had secured a plot of land located at ‘5 Miles’. Unfortunately, he has misplaced his birth certificate, his national identification card and the documents received from the Housing Authority.

He is working to retrieve his documents and then return to the housing authority with the hope of obtaining his land. “I don’t need anywhere fancy. I just want my family to be safe…we are not rich people and we just want somewhere to stay,” he pleaded.
The young man told the Pepperpot Magazine that he has had discussions with Bartica Mayor, Gifford Marshall who has promised to provide assistance the best way he can.

“I had everything but everything loss in the bush,” he said noting that the average cost to rent a house in Bartica is $30,000 monthly. “Right now is me alone. My brother works but not a full week. Foh rent a house out here, I can’t really pay that money- me alone,” he stated.

As he spoke to this newspaper about his circumstance, his younger sister, Juanita sat at the door gazing at passersby. She said nothing but shook her head in dismay. Asked where the family lived before they moved to the structure on the pontoon, Patsy said over the years they were frequently moving because of their inability to pay rent.
“We get put out and is how come we come here,” she said, noting that she is dependent on her children to find a way out of the situation.

Meanwhile, Sereeta Tyman, a 27-year-old mother of two told the Pepperpot Magazine that she has been living there for seven years. She, like the McDonald family, was forced to move out of a house she had occupied.
“After we move out from the scheme, we end up here. The people them what we did living by ask back for the house. We have been trying to find somewhere but place hard fuh get up here suh,” she said.

She stood outside of her room with her young daughter. She noted that the living conditions are not favourable but she has no choice. At the time of the interview, Tyman had just taken home her 11-day old baby.
“We actually ask people but they said them ain’t got nowhere,” she said while calling on the authorities to assist in providing temporary housing for her family.


Julian Andrews stands with his family

She said while she does not work, he husband takes care of the family. He is a carpenter who would, from time to time, venture into the hinterland in search of jobs. Tyman said she has never applied for land as she has no official documents.
The situation was no different for the Andrews’ family. Eighteen-year-old Julian Andrews is the breadwinner for his family which consists of his mother, 14-year-old brother and a younger sibling. He works with a garbage company but while he does not earn much money, the young man vows to pay a rent once he could secure somewhere to live.
His family has occupied the dilapidated structure for some two years. Prior to going there, they had lived in an old house which collapsed. Despite the dangers, Andrews said he was not afraid of living there. “Me ain’t frighten but I want somewhere to go,” he said softly, as his mother who speaks only her native indigenous language, looked on.

Bartica Mayor Gifford Marshall told the Pepperpot Magazine that the situation is a dire one and efforts are being made to assist the persons who occupy the dilapidated structure. He said meetings were held with the families and work is being done with the Ministry of Housing to see how best they can be housed.
“They have been occupying there for decades,” said Marshall, who pointed out the dangers of living in the leaning structure.

Similarly, Mark Ambrose, a board member of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) in Bartica described the situation as “serious.” He told the Pepperpot Magazine that efforts are first being made to have the occupants obtain the required documents to transact business. “Without that we cannot do anything else. In order for them to own a piece of land they have to ID cards,” he remarked.

Ambrose said that representation has been made at the level of the CH&PA board for the affected persons but noted that initial steps have to be made by those affected.
“We as a board are looking at how and what can be done to assist persons who have limited income. We are doing some roof replacement for hinterland areas- have been trying to get lands and have surveys done to release lands in Bartica,” he explained.
Ambrose disclosed that in and around certain parts of the mining town, there are many houses which are just “camp frames” as lots of persons there do not own lands. “It is our intention to assist these persons…we are working to have a housing drive here but it should be noted that lands given out under the previous administration were not properly distributed. Some persons were given two and three lots,” he stated.
He said should lands be made available, efforts can be made to partner with agencies like Food for the Poor to provide housing to those in need.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

" Mark Ambrose, a board member of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) in Bartica described the situation as “serious.” He told the Pepperpot Magazine that efforts are first being made to have the occupants obtain the required documents to transact business. “Without that we cannot do anything else. In order for them to own a piece of land they have to ID cards,” he remarked."


Community of Byderabo,this place is couple of miles South of Bartica.

Why these folks have no ID cards ?

kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

Leonora posted:
Django posted:
What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

The guy's been acting strange since yesterday. Maybe he overdosed on Allergy pills. 

I was just about to say, high on anti-histamine!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

Go to a Walk -In clinic, you need help, stay away from high bridges, ropes, poison and any weapon. Sick egg sucker.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

Go to a Walk -In clinic, you need help, stay away from high bridges, ropes, poison and any weapon. Sick egg sucker.

Oye cock-sucker, you finally seeing the light nuh!  Even stupidy people dozz kech lil sense after some time!

Just swallah!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

Go to a Walk -In clinic, you need help, stay away from high bridges, ropes, poison and any weapon. Sick egg sucker.

Oye cock-sucker, you finally seeing the light nuh!  Even stupidy people dozz kech lil sense after some time!

Just swallah!

Base, you sound stressed out. 

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

Go to a Walk -In clinic, you need help, stay away from high bridges, ropes, poison and any weapon. Sick egg sucker.

Oye cock-sucker, you finally seeing the light nuh!  Even stupidy people dozz kech lil sense after some time!

Just swallah!

Base, you sound stressed out. 

Nah, GNI is funny!

kp posted:

Looser get a job,it shows you were dragged up keep on with your vulgarity thats the only way you can express yourself. 

Look who talking!  POS!

Last edited by Former Member

Bai Base, before you begin to infuse PPP into the argument, remember that the Coalition government had a "good life" agenda when they campaigned in 2015. They promised milk and honey. The voters appeared to have given them the opportunity to deliver on that milk and honey promise. It is now almost 3 years and no milk and honey has even begun to flow. The time to criticize the PPP ended on May 15th 2015. If I remember correctly, there was a lot of criticism back then so the PPP wasn't starving for criticism. Now the ones who are in the driving seat is where the attention should be focused. Unless the objective is to deflect. I don't mean that you are trying to deflect. There are many others on GNI who are more deserving of that honor. 

ksazma posted:

Bai Base, before you begin to infuse PPP into the argument, remember that the Coalition government had a "good life" agenda when they campaigned in 2015. They promised milk and honey. The voters appeared to have given them the opportunity to deliver on that milk and honey promise. It is now almost 3 years and no milk and honey has even begun to flow. The time to criticize the PPP ended on May 15th 2015. If I remember correctly, there was a lot of criticism back then so the PPP wasn't starving for criticism. Now the ones who are in the driving seat is where the attention should be focused. Unless the objective is to deflect. I don't mean that you are trying to deflect. There are many others on GNI who are more deserving of that honor. 

I got you bai!  The issue, it has been there for years.   This, and worse, exists in the Indian and Afro communities.  This while the cabal and their family and friends grew from rags to riches fastest in history.

The point I make, whenever I criticize the PPP for their failures, you get shit and called this and that.  What we saw in our years on the ground is unbelievable poverty and destitution.  The floods, same shyte, appeared over night!

And then you get these low functioning POS hypocrites like Kp who cuss everything PNC and anyone who dares criticize the PPP now calling on the PNC to bring back FCH!   And just a few days ago the posse was busing down on the “onion” thread.

You have to infuse the PPP bai after all, we still infuse pre-1992 PNC era and a long dead and gone Burnham!


That said Base, it is Coalition government time now so lets keep the focus there. Secondly, we weren’t infusing pre 1992 PNC and Burnham until Granger started operating like old school PNC and Burnham. My que came at the announcement of the multiple Vice Presidents.

ksazma posted:

That said Base, it is Coalition government time now so lets keep the focus there. Secondly, we weren’t infusing pre 1992 PNC and Burnham until Granger started operating like old school PNC and Burnham. My que came at the announcement of the multiple Vice Presidents.

Ksaz, I agree with you. Anyway, the PPP should do some post mortem and figure out why it neglected and failed to service its supporters. Perhaps, this is the primary reason their supporters are not voting at the polls. Giving them fried rice and trucking them in to the meetings is window dressing. Who would not attend for the T shirt and free cup?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

The man confuse me now , I don’t know which side he on.

PPP cock bitter now he turn to PNC . Good going base. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

The man confuse me now , I don’t know which side he on.

PPP cock bitter now he turn to PNC . Good going base. 

I don't see where he turned to the PNC. He is saying if the PPP fails to learn from their failures to win past two elections, they will fail miserable again come 2020. Why did they replace Rodrigues with Harper when the former could have brought in the Amerindian votes?

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

The man confuse me now , I don’t know which side he on.

PPP cock bitter now he turn to PNC . Good going base. 

I don't see where he turned to the PNC. He is saying if the PPP fails to learn from their failures to win past two elections, they will fail miserable again come 2020. Why did they replace Rodrigues with Harper when the former could have brought in the Amerindian votes?

Rass man, you jump to the man defence . Take it easy .

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The government needs to bring back, Feed, House and Clothes the Nation, these are the indigenous people, the land belongs to them.

How come alyuh didn’t used to see this during the ppp time.  This is the tip of the iceberg we saw when we got involved in Guyana in 2006.  

FCH means more of what we saw with the onion farmer. You all calling for this PNC initiative to be brought back, and alyuh cuss the PNC for everything they did.  When Baseman talk of ppp failures, alyuh Jagdeo cock-suckers cuss me out.  

The nation don’t belong to any one group however, Amerindians do have a special place!

What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

The man confuse me now , I don’t know which side he on.

PPP cock bitter now he turn to PNC . Good going base. 

I don't see where he turned to the PNC. He is saying if the PPP fails to learn from their failures to win past two elections, they will fail miserable again come 2020. Why did they replace Rodrigues with Harper when the former could have brought in the Amerindian votes?

PPP has no where to go for the next 20 years. 

PPP needs to be inclusive with new blood. Current executives needs to work the grass root and stay away from governing. 


Mitwah posted:

Dave your picture was photo shopped. Here is the original.

Check here:

Bhai a friend send it to me, but not surprised if it was written that way - I know those area well and have seen some funny spelling. 

Leonora posted:
Django posted:
What the r@ss you drink last evening ?

The guy's been acting strange since yesterday. Maybe he overdosed on Allergy pills. 

I hear he use dem allergy pills as suppositories an they start one serious  bubble up in e batty.


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