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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Over 50% of the mixed marriages in Guyana are between East Indians and Amerindians.  The size of the mixed population of Guyana is exaggerated  by Carib to bolster his argument that the PPP cannot win. This guy maybe smart but we are not that stupid to believe his BS. The last elections was a dead heat between the coalition and the PPP. Many PPP supporters were vacationing overseas instead of being there to vote. Their attitude was that the PPP will win without their votes. Many, including myself, thought the Berbicians would've abandoned the AFC since they moved into PNC camp. This did not happen, unfortunately.  Look at the votes in the 2011 elections and see how the PNC fared and then ask yourself if they can go it alone in 2020 and capture the 50%... Well informed people will that you that the PNC could not have done it without the additional votes above their 40-41% support. Gilbakka, a noted political paccu, has been devouring Carib's BS on the issue of demographic changes and flying around and regurgitating it like a harpee eagle. Sad to see how these miseducated and misguided charlatans from the PPP's old school of Marxism have disgraced themselves. 


This is the problem with the PPP. Instead of fixing their problems they cling to the notion that PPP supporters didn't vote because they thought that the PPP had a guaranteed victory. Well that thinking might have been credible in 2011, but in 2015 every one, including Jagdeo, knew that a PPP loss was very likely.  This is why he descended into crass racism in order to scare the Indian vote back to the PPP.

In 2020 the PPP will not have the power of incumbency, so will not be able to buy Amerindian votes.  Granger is working very hard to woo the Amerindian vote, as that is the true swing vote in Guyana.

The mixed population is 20%.  The census said so since last year, so quit with your nonsense that Caribj said so.

And the notion that most mixed people in Guyana are East Indian and Amerindian is a laugh.  Look at where most of the mixed people live.  In Region 4 and in the interior and riverain regions.  The vast majority of mixed people are varying combinations, usually including black.  This being why the PNC historically has won most of that vote.

As to whether the APNU will go it alone in 2020 is any one's guess.  WHat we do know is that in 2015 the vast majority of the Berbice Indo vote went to the PPP.  So the PPP doesn't have that much to gain with Indians abandoning the AFC.  They already did.  Those who didn't vote PPP aren't guaranteed to return to the PPP in 2020 either, because these are Indians who aren't won over by tribal panic.

So the PPP can remain static and lose, or they can transform and maybe win.  But a straight Indo vote means that the PPP loses. By 2020 its likely that the Indo population will be a mere 35%, or at most 40% of the vote.

Ramakant-P posted:

APNU is a coalition of many mushroom parties which contributed less than one percent of the votes. The PNC can do without them and go it alone with the AFC tagging along. After all, they will need that 10% of Indian votes to carry them above the top.

The PPP will have to reorganize and rejuvenate the Party before they win again. 

mathematics is definitely not your strong suite. The small fringe party with one or two seat will and can always control the other two. That is why there will be no correction to the election rule prohibiting post elections coalition.


The faithful comrade of the PNC, Carib, is obsessed with the role of race plays in our politics.  He can only see things one way and that is every non-Indian is repulsed by parties or political groups that are headed by Guyanese of Indian descent. They are repulsed basically because Indians are innately racist and therefore could never win the hearts on Non-Indians. How true is this?  Let's look at the last elections that the PPP lost by a few votes and see if his statement has any merit to it.

The PPP won almost 50% of the total votes casted.  The percentage of Indian voters were somewhere around 39% of the total. If the PPP won almost 50% then it is absurd to say they do not attract Non-Indians. Where did the other 11% of the votes came from?  If we go back further we will see the PPP won as much as 56% of the votes.  

Another myth this fella is peddling on GNI is that only the Indo population is decreasing because of emigration.  What he is hiding is that blacks in proportionate numbers as Indians are leaving Guyana on a permanent basis as well as visitors.

For years on this forum his opponents have tried unsuccessfully to get him to answer sincerely about the PNC's racism against Indians during three decades of undemocratic rule.  His answer has always been "I won't condemn PNC's racism until the you condemn PPP's racism against Blacks". This infantile attitude has never left him and will never leave him. Any hopes of seeing a growth in political maturity of this PNC propagandist is doomed. He has never condemned rigged elections. He has never called for nor supported calls for prosecution of PNC leaders in 1992 for corruption, racism, political assassinations, and complete melt down of the economy. No! His defense is always the PPP done more wrong.

With people like Carib Guyana's chances of bridging its racial gap and reforming the system to bring justice all in the society is hopeless.  We've seen many like Trotman who came along showing promises of change, but we have been disappointed with quickly the reverted to old politics of division that counterproductive to all of Guyana. 

The PPP gov't. was not perfect but they managed the economy well and brought out of the doldrums the PNC got us in. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

We East Indians should fight to rule ourselves instead of fighting to rule African Guyanese who have a long history of struggle to gain their political rights. The East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people have to work together to get their own independent sovereign country.


Prashad posted:

We East Indians should fight to rule ourselves instead of fighting to rule African Guyanese who have a long history of struggle to gain their political rights. The East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people have to work together to get their own independent sovereign country.


Blah, Blah, Blah. Same shit different day. You're like a stuck record. Either get a new line or jump on a plane and go lead the revolution.

caribny posted:


As to whether the APNU will go it alone in 2020 is any one's guess.  WHat we do know is that in 2015 the vast majority of the Berbice Indo vote went to the PPP.  So the PPP doesn't have that much to gain with Indians abandoning the AFC.  They already did.  Those who didn't vote PPP aren't guaranteed to return to the PPP in 2020 either, because these are Indians who aren't won over by tribal panic.

I think so too. Especially since PPPites have been cussing and reviling those Indian voters and supporters of APNU+AFC. You cannot cuss somebody today and want him to vote for you tomorrow. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


The PPP won almost 50% of the total votes casted.  The percentage of Indian voters were somewhere around 39% of the total. If the PPP won almost 50% then it is absurd to say they do not attract Non-Indians. Where did the other 11% of the votes came from?  If we go back further we will see the PPP won as much as 56% of the votes.  

Another myth this fella is peddling on GNI is that only the Indo population is decreasing because of emigration.  What he is hiding is that blacks in proportionate numbers as Indians are leaving Guyana on a permanent basis as well as visitors.


1.   The black population is 30% and yet the PNC won 41% of the votes, so what is your point?  Why is the PPP not racist because they won some non Indian votes, yet you crown the PNC racist even though they too won some non black votes?

2. The census shows the Indian population is DECLINING. In 1991 it was 49%.  By 2012 it had dropped to 39%.  At this rate it will be 35% by 2020.

The black population dropped from 32% to 29% in the same era.  When added to the mixed population, the black and mixed 44% in 1991 had INCREASED to 49%.  The PNC was able to get 41%, even though it didn't get East Indian or Amerindian votes.   Clearly the demographics are AGAINST the PPP, and you all should have learned this last year when you LOST!

In 2002 East Indians and Amerindians collectively was 53% of the population.  Amerindians vote for the gov't in charge and sell their votes. Now the buyer is APNU/AFC so too bad the PPP is in deep trouble unless it kicks out black hating racists like you, and can get some black and mixed voters.

3.  Why is the PNC anti Indian and the PPP not anti black when BOTH parties are guilty of ethnic cleansing. You are such a racist dog that you can only see things from the Indian point of view. So if blacks suffer you don't care.   In fact you prattle on an on about bad blacks beating up ad killing good Indians. You REFUSE to admit that Indians have been as guilty of racial exclusion as have been blacks.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:


As to whether the APNU will go it alone in 2020 is any one's guess.  WHat we do know is that in 2015 the vast majority of the Berbice Indo vote went to the PPP.  So the PPP doesn't have that much to gain with Indians abandoning the AFC.  They already did.  Those who didn't vote PPP aren't guaranteed to return to the PPP in 2020 either, because these are Indians who aren't won over by tribal panic.

I think so too. Especially since PPPites have been cussing and reviling those Indian voters and supporters of APNU+AFC. You cannot cuss somebody today and want him to vote for you tomorrow. 

Congo Lovers, niggindians, Cuffy Lovers, neemakaram, coolie haters.  Hmmmm.  Ted Cruz cussed down Trump after his father and wife were insulted.

Look at the brown bai KKK deluding themselves!

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
Prashad posted:

We East Indians should fight to rule ourselves instead of fighting to rule African Guyanese who have a long history of struggle to gain their political rights. The East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people have to work together to get their own independent sovereign country.


Blah, Blah, Blah. Same shit different day. You're like a stuck record. Either get a new line or jump on a plane and go lead the revolution.

Forgive Prashad. He can only play bad boy and wail about New Indesh online. If his wife finds him out she might Indesh his azz and toss him out.

This is a man who screams that Indo miscegenation is ethnic genocide and then he does exactly that.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:

Unscale fish is a die hard PNC'ite!!!!!

Who claims that he use to carry a PPP card.  Meanwhile, the man gat Burnham DNA in his bloodstream.

HEALTH ADVISORY: Uncontrolled aversion towards gilbakka can cause cataract, malignant tumors, breast cancer, hemorrhoid, fibroid and schizophrenia. -- Dr Beri-beri 

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:

Unscale fish is a die hard PNC'ite!!!!!

Who claims that he use to carry a PPP card.  Meanwhile, the man gat Burnham DNA in his bloodstream.

HEALTH ADVISORY: Uncontrolled aversion towards gilbakka can cause cataract, malignant tumors, breast cancer, hemorrhoid, fibroid and schizophrenia. -- Dr Beri-beri 

Nah tek worries Saar.  Dr. Norton can find wan aspirin somewhere in GPH to cure all a dat!!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


The PPP won almost 50% of the total votes casted.  The percentage of Indian voters were somewhere around 39% of the total. If the PPP won almost 50% then it is absurd to say they do not attract Non-Indians. Where did the other 11% of the votes came from?  If we go back further we will see the PPP won as much as 56% of the votes.  

Another myth this fella is peddling on GNI is that only the Indo population is decreasing because of emigration.  What he is hiding is that blacks in proportionate numbers as Indians are leaving Guyana on a permanent basis as well as visitors.


1.   The black population is 30% and yet the PNC won 41% of the votes, so what is your point?  Why is the PPP not racist because they won some non Indian votes, yet you crown the PNC racist even though they too won some non black votes?

Your charge that the PPP cannot attract Non-Indo Guyanese voters is refuted. 

What makes a party or gov't. racists is its policies and practices and not necessarily the votes they get from various segments or the population.  The ANC got their votes from Blacks. Would you declare the ANC and Mandela racist base on this fact? 



2. The census shows the Indian population is DECLINING. In 1991 it was 49%.  By 2012 it had dropped to 39%.  At this rate it will be 35% by 2020.

Based on this statement you are enhancing the notion that Blacks would never cross racial lines and vote regardless if the Non-Black party is racist or fair to all. We are stuck in limbo until thy kingdom comes.

The black population dropped from 32% to 29% in the same era.  When added to the mixed population, the black and mixed 44% in 1991 had INCREASED to 49%.  The PNC was able to get 41%, even though it didn't get East Indian or Amerindian votes.   Clearly the demographics are AGAINST the PPP, and you all should have learned this last year when you LOST!

Here you go again - you still believe that other groups have a viscereal hate of the PPP because of the Indian presence in the leadership. It's all about race with you Carib.

In 2002 East Indians and Amerindians collectively was 53% of the population.  Amerindians vote for the gov't in charge and sell their votes. Now the buyer is APNU/AFC so too bad the PPP is in deep trouble unless it kicks out black hating racists like you, and can get some black and mixed voters.

Why the PNC could not buy the Amerindian votes in 1992 and in the most recently held local gov't elections?  The economic pie will have to keep getting bigger for the PNC to keep bribing and still have some left for others. It's not as easy you theorized. Amerindians are seen as pawns but you would be surprised at the growing militancy and ethnic consciousness of Indigenous Peoples throughout the Americas. They might form their own political party and start spearing and arrowing the behinds of APNU and the PPP. Don't take them for granted. We have brilliant one on this forum who watching with four eyes.

3.  Why is the PNC anti Indian and the PPP not anti black when BOTH parties are guilty of ethnic cleansing. You are such a racist dog that you can only see things from the Indian point of view. So if blacks suffer you don't care.   In fact you prattle on an on about bad blacks beating up ad killing good Indians. You REFUSE to admit that Indians have been as guilty of racial exclusion as have been blacks.

The PPP gov't. has never disenfranchised the blackman from the political process in Guyana. The PNC did precisely that to the Indians. After the 1997 elections the PPP bent over backwards and allowed black nations from the Caribbean to investigate charges of electoral fraud. They found none. The Hermandston accord limited the PPP's power and term in office. This is just one of many examples of how conceding and receptive they PPP has been to Blacks in Guyana.  On the contrary, Burham's rigged elections were legitimized and the people of Guyana were forced to accept whatever the PNC did. No concession was ever made freely to people of Guyana by the PNC> The return of democracy was won through bitter struggle and the intervention of foreign countries. 

So Mr. Carib, you are comparing apples to oranges in your analysis of our recent history of ethnic conflict. I said recent because this racial problem has to do with power vacumn that was created after the British left.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gov't. has never disenfranchised the blackman from the political process in Guyana. The PNC did precisely that to the Indians.


1. A party in power can buy votes be bestowing favors on particular groups.  So the PPP bought the Amerindian vote, and Granger is now doing the same.  The Amerindians exchange votes for favors, so sell votes to those who can offer favors.

2.Evidence. The PPP was tossed out of Lethem.  Region 9 was a hard core PPP area.   The PPP didn't win Mabaruma.  Region 1 being another hard core PPP area. Why the shift?  Because Amerindians are selling votes to the gov't in power.  The PPP can offer nothing so gets nothing.  In 2020 Granger would have had an additional 4 years to buy these votes.

3. The PPP treated blacks exactly as the PNC treated Indians.  This is why Indians cheered in 1992, and blacks were equally happy in 2015. You aren't black, and have intense hatred towards blacks, so you don't care what they think.

4. Despite being out of power, and despite the perception, until 2015 that the PNC it never win an election, at least 20% of the votes that it received were NOT from blacks.

So why your screams that the PPP can attract non Indians, and yet you IGNORE the fact that the PNC also gets cross over votes.

5. Demographics.  The PPP gets less than 20% of the mixed vote, which is the fastest growing.  This favors APNU/AFC.  The PPP cannot buy Amerindians votes and has already LOST ground in Regions 1 and 9 as evidenced by the LGE.   So project ahead and ask yourself why you think that the PPP is favored in 2020.

The PPPs problem is that it is packed with anti black haters like you. You REFUSE to acknowledge the fact that the vast majority of blacks (95%) and mixed (over 80%) HATE the PPP and consider it racist.  It is on this basis that the PPP LOST, even though it retained the Amerindian votes.

In 2020 with fewer Amerindian votes, with a smaller Indian population, and with a larger Mixed population, why do you think that an UNCHANGED PPP can win?   The PPP runs as an INDIAN party, and non Indians do not want to be ruled by a party which EXCLUDES them?

Last edited by Former Member


You continue to live in the denial that the PPP never denied blacks of their right to vote or any of their civil rights. The party's history is one of ending segregation in many parts of Guyana and allowing all citizens of Guyana, regardless of race or religion, the right to vote. You are re-writing history to suit the Neo-Burnhamite agenda.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Over 50% of the mixed marriages in Guyana are between East Indians and Amerindians. 

Any stats to prove this ?

Yes, a friend of mine works at the hospital in Guyana.  For every dougla baby born they are at least two of Amerindian/Indian parentage. 

That is your source.   "A friend of mine" at ONE hospital.

And where will this be"  Region 1 where there are hardly any Indians. Region 4 which has always had a large mixed identified population.  region 7 and 10 with small Indian populations.

The only region where that is likely to be is in Region 2.  Even here it is a known fact that "Pomeroon" people was short hand to describe a buffianda.

Most Guyanese who identify mixed are part black, some being so black that you have to guess what non African ancestry that they are referring to.  Trotman being an example of this.



Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


You continue to live in the denial that the PPP never denied blacks of their right to vote or any of their civil rights.

The PNC denied EVERY one the right to vote in the 70s.  Not just Indians.

If the PNC is racist then so is the PPP.  They BOTH engaged in ethnic exclusion for top positions, and pandered to the ethnic fears of their respective bases to get their votes.  BOTH have been guilty of bigoted bottom house talk. 

Last year the PPP was blatantly racist in its election campaign, attempting to scare the Indians to them by painting blacks as savages.  They even had their minions scream that Indians should vote PPP because it is an Indian party.

Now why will those of predominant and part African ancestry support a party which is so blatantly hostile to them?

The PPP has been an Indian oriented party since 1961 and there is NOTHING that you can do to prove otherwise!   Aside from Luncheon which blacks have input into how the party is run?

Rohee said that Jagdeo was right to call the PPP a "coolie people party" as it was almost exclusively Indian led, and the vast majority of its support (85%) came from Indians!

Jagdeo boasted about "consolidating the East Indian base" in the recently past LGE.  Clearly the PPP says itself as an ethnic party, even as APNU/AFC at least pretend not to be.

Now go and scream and rant with your fellow brown bai KKK.  Take your buddy Kari with you too.  His intellectual inability to debate with me is allowing him to descend down to that level.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


For years on this forum his opponents have tried unsuccessfully to get him to answer sincerely about the PNC's racism against Indians during three decades of undemocratic rule.  

No what you brown bai KKK have tried to do is to force me into your "black man baad, Indian good" screams.

I have frequently referred to Burnham as a dictator.  I have always called the PNC racist.  I have even argued with people like Chief and baseman by saying that Burnham destroyed blacks.

What angers you is that I see Jagdeo as being as bad as Burnham, and I also call the PPP racist.

THAT is what you don't like, so you make up lies about me not willing to discuss the PNC and its treatment of Indians.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:


Now go and scream and rant with your fellow brown bai KKK.  Take your buddy Kari with you too.  His intellectual inability to debate with me is allowing him to descend down to that level.

hehehehe.......     CARIBNY in he ricketicks....

No I am not.  I am just amused by the fact that you seem never able to debate me as an intellectual equal, and so descend to Nehru levels of insanity.  And at times even embracing the brown bai KKK.

If you don't agree with a point that I make mount your own defense and quit with your nonsense that I am some hard core PNC.  In fact last year prior to the election you were way more hard core than I was.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Your staunch defense of the PNC, which to your admission is a racist party, makes you no different from what they are. . 

Hmmm. Here I call the PNC racist, a description that they will dispute as much as will the PPP, when I also call them racist.

And you still call me a PNC supporter.

Think about how stupid you look when you write such nonsense.


And Billyramgoat, the PPP will lose in 2020, because unlike APNU/AFC, they still behave like a tribal party.

I challenge you to find any statements by Granger appealing to the African vote, or demonizing Indians as much as Jagdeo did last year to scare up the Indian vote, and to demonize blacks.

When the PPP ceases seeing itself as the "coolie people party" and expands its leadership to include non Indians, and I do NOT mean tokens, then it will stand a chance.

But as it is the vast majority of the blacks and mixed (now collectively 49% of the population vs. 39% Indian) see the PPP has hateful and racist and displayed this last year.  Look at Bartica, majority mixed and yet anti PPP!


BOMBSHELL for the PPP.  Of the Guyanese population which is under 15, only 31% are Indian.  Mixed come in as the 2nd group at 29%.  With Africans at 26%, and Amerindians at 14%. 

It is known that the lines between Africans and mixed are blurred, and that Africans more easily absorb their mixed relatives than do Indians.

Of the voting age population, Indians are over represented, relative to the population at large, with Mixed and Amerindians under represented. Africans are evenly represented.

If the PPP doesn't make nice with non Indians, they will be extinct by the 2025 election!

By the 2030 election the largest group will be mixed people.

I just saw Prashad get an instant diarrhea and was last seen booking his ticket to India. This because "stupid" Indians are miscegenating with other groups, in addition to fleeing Guyana. 

BRG is still screaming that the census data is being rigged by the PNC and Indians are still 52% of the population.

Last edited by Former Member

The voting age population had Indians in 201t had Indians at 43%, Africans at 30%, mixed at 18% with Amerindians at 9%. The PPP picked up about 70% of the Amerindian vote.  This means that their cross over vote from Africans, and more disturbing for the PPP, mixed, was very small.

Clearly with Africans at only 30% the coalition relied very heavily on the mixed vote to make up most of their numbers.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
He a wan Bottom House Journalist.  NY Times  move over, a new Sheriff in Town.

HEALTH WARNING: With regard to Gilbakka your bellicose behavior will be burdensome to your body, bringing you bellywuk Ã  la SHITTINGS, enlarged ears Ã  la JACKASS, shrinking prick Ã  la FOWLCACK, swollen balls Ã  la GOADEE, skin rashes and uncontrolled leaks Ã  la GAUMONT CLIENT. Carry on chief.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:


As to whether the APNU will go it alone in 2020 is any one's guess.  WHat we do know is that in 2015 the vast majority of the Berbice Indo vote went to the PPP.  So the PPP doesn't have that much to gain with Indians abandoning the AFC.  They already did.  Those who didn't vote PPP aren't guaranteed to return to the PPP in 2020 either, because these are Indians who aren't won over by tribal panic.

I think so too. Especially since PPPites have been cussing and reviling those Indian voters and supporters of APNU+AFC. You cannot cuss somebody today and want him to vote for you tomorrow. 

A good 8,000 East Indians went with the coalition in 2015.  But not anymore, they gone back home to Jagan party.  Sad how they were chased out of the PNC led government.

KishanB posted:
Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:


As to whether the APNU will go it alone in 2020 is any one's guess.  WHat we do know is that in 2015 the vast majority of the Berbice Indo vote went to the PPP.  So the PPP doesn't have that much to gain with Indians abandoning the AFC.  They already did.  Those who didn't vote PPP aren't guaranteed to return to the PPP in 2020 either, because these are Indians who aren't won over by tribal panic.

I think so too. Especially since PPPites have been cussing and reviling those Indian voters and supporters of APNU+AFC. You cannot cuss somebody today and want him to vote for you tomorrow. 

A good 8,000 East Indians went with the coalition in 2015.  But not anymore, they gone back home to Jagan party.  Sad how they were chased out of the PNC led government.

And the PPP also will lose non Indian votes now that they have lost and can no longer buy, or intimidate certain non Indian folks. 

You know some black folks who got house lots were terrified that if they didn't vote PPP they would be tossed out.  This is even though they had paid for the lots, and they had to beg for infrastructure to be put in.

Its really interesting that as the Indian vote declines you all still think that these are the only people who matter.


By sharing the GECOM registrants database with the APNU/AFC two ministries, Rohee is claiming that this is one of the way the data base can be rigged.

PPP bashes GECOM over unsolicited database sharing

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has come out bashing the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), for its move to share the confidential details of registrants with two Government Ministries.Clement Rohee

Party General Secretary Clement Rohee on Monday said the PPP was very much astonished and concerned over GECOM’s move to share its database, including confidential details of registrants, with the Education Ministry and the Human Services and Social Security Ministry.

According to him, this was the first time this has happened since the elections body was first established.

“The justification provided by GECOM’s Chairman, Steve Surujbally, and the representatives of the [A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change]APNU/AFC are spurious and creates grounds for suspicion. Electoral skulduggery facilitated by the APNU/AFC and Mr Surujbally is once again in the making,” Rohee told Journalists at the Party’s weekly press conference.

He said the use of linkages between GECOM’s and the Education Ministry’s public relations programmes to deceive GECOM to share its database with the Ministry was “fraught with unimaginable implications for free and fair elections in Guyana”.

Further, he said, the justification to share GECOM’s database with the Human Services and Social SecuritySteve Surujbally Ministry in order for that Ministry to rectify the names and addresses of pensioners as well as to assist in deleting names of pensioners “smacks” of deep suspicion that GECOM’s database could be used for other sinister electoral purposes.

“In any event, sharing of GECOM’s database with either of these two Ministries is unnecessary and uncalled for since both Ministries have the institutional capacity to rectify their respective institutional deficiencies.”

The Party is of the strong view that the nation must be consulted in respect to the unsolicited release of confidential personal data of citizens captured in the National Register of Registrants (NRR) to Government agencies and departments, a practice that has no precedent in Guyana.

“The PPP views as absolutely necessary the need to validate the legality of GECOM sharing its database with Government agencies such as the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.”

According to Rohee, GECOM was again wrong when it decided to accept “source documents” in the form of late registration birth certificates presented to Registration Offices by applicants who are primarily middle-aged persons.

The Party, he said, views this decision as “dripping with suspicion” and recalls the strong criticisms expressed by the Party in respect to the efficacy of a Department of Citizenship, under the Ministry of the Presidency, which many view as part of a rigging machinery established primarily to issue birth certificates to underage persons and as well as to middle-aged persons as is currently being done.

Rohee said the Party has denounced the practice and has demanded an immediate halt to the “electoral travesty” which is laying the basis for a padded voters’ list favourable to the APNU/AFC.

“The Party takes this opportunity to alert both the donor and diplomatic communities to these sordid and unsavoury developments,” Rohee said.

The third decision by GECOM which the PPP wishes to make public is the breach of an obligation made by the Chairman of GECOM at a meeting held with a PPP delegation on April 21, 2016.

According to Rohee, at that meeting, GECOM Chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally had committed to providing written answers to a number of questions raised by the General Secretary of the Party.

“The Party is reliably informed that Mr Surujbally has reconsidered his commitment and did not see the necessity to write the PPP/C. This shameless decision by Surujbally flies in the face of transparency and is nothing but a clear manifestation of contemptuousness and disrespect towards the PPP, a major stakeholder in the electoral process in Guyana.”

Rohee said following its meeting with GECOM, the Party avoided any reference whatsoever to matters which Dr Surujbally had undertaken to respond to in writing.

“Mr Surujbally’s lack of scruples in this particular matter strengthens the suspicion of the PPP about his Bollers-type anti-PPP role in the May 2015 General and Regional Elections which reveals his hands to be dirty with fraud,” he added.

Rohee said the PPP would continue to “expose Mr Surujbally’s cohabitation with his APNU/AFC Commissioners to deny the supporters of the PPP/C their legitimate right to free and fair elections in this country.”

caribny posted:
KishanB posted:
Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:


As to whether the APNU will go it alone in 2020 is any one's guess.  WHat we do know is that in 2015 the vast majority of the Berbice Indo vote went to the PPP.  So the PPP doesn't have that much to gain with Indians abandoning the AFC.  They already did.  Those who didn't vote PPP aren't guaranteed to return to the PPP in 2020 either, because these are Indians who aren't won over by tribal panic.

I think so too. Especially since PPPites have been cussing and reviling those Indian voters and supporters of APNU+AFC. You cannot cuss somebody today and want him to vote for you tomorrow. 

A good 8,000 East Indians went with the coalition in 2015.  But not anymore, they gone back home to Jagan party.  Sad how they were chased out of the PNC led government.

And the PPP also will lose non Indian votes now that they have lost and can no longer buy, or intimidate certain non Indian folks. 

You know some black folks who got house lots were terrified that if they didn't vote PPP they would be tossed out.  This is even though they had paid for the lots, and they had to beg for infrastructure to be put in.

Its really interesting that as the Indian vote declines you all still think that these are the only people who matter.

Carib.  I agree with you totally, the black have also marched since 2015 right into the PNC.

The amerindians generally vote for the government in power.

The real game remains the mixed.  

Kari posted:

The PPP doesn't have to do anything to get formerly PPP voters who went to Nagamootoo's AFC. The PNC helped them in this regard.

And the point that you miss is that even if every Indian votes PPP the PPP will LOSE!   In any case the PPP already took back the Berbice Nagamootoo 2011  votes last time, and yet they still LOST!

57% of the population, over 14 is NOT Indian.  These will all be voters in 2020.  The PPP was able to buy votes from non Indians, based on being the incumbent party, using bribes and threats.

In 2020 it will be APNU/AFC which will be in that position.  The Amerindian vote is already slipping, as evidenced by the PPP not controlling Lethem and Mabaruma. The loudest black and mixed APNU supporters include those who avidly drank PPP soup when they didn't think that the PPP would lose.  So even the meagre support from those blocks will drop.

So the PPP is in deep trouble, even if they get 100% of the Indian vote.

Now I now that you cannot relate to this as you see politics only from an Indian standpoint, so think that only Indian voters need to be appeased, but times have changed.

If the PPP wants non Indians, given that they cannot bribe them to get votes from them, they will have to EARN that vote. And presenting themselves as an all Indian party, or using non Indian tokens isn't going to achieve this. If Vishnu Bisram, who was banging drums for Indian ethnic loyalty to the PPP last year, now sees this how come you cannot?

And no Kari, unlike you I will NOT demand that the PPP apologizes to non Indians for what they did to them during the 23 years.  I will merely suggest that they need to change their image, and this is done by getting rid of Jagdeo and Rohee, and finding STRONG non Indians in leadership positions.

KishanB posted:

The real game remains the mixed.  

The problem is that there isn't a defined "mixed" identity in the way that there are defined Indian, African and Amerindian identities.

Mixed includes blacks who don't want identify as black, because they have some minimal non African identity, but they will behave as blacks socially and politically.  Trotman is an example as is Mark Benschop.

I don't even know if Elisabeth Harper sees herself as black or mixed.

It also includes biracial people, who often identify with the side that accepts them, or that brings social advantages to them. 

And yes there are some multi racials who come as close as one can to having an almost ethnic mixed identity.

Just as how the moderate GOP attempts to get moderate whites by campaigning for black votes, the PPP will get mixed votes by campaigning to get black.  If blacks, most despised by the PPP among the non Indian groups, becomes respected by the PPP then mixed people will see a place for them. Regardless as to what kind of mixed identities they might have.

But banging tribal East Indian drums, as the PPP is wont to do, isn't going to attract the mixed vote.

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