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Former Member

Anna Regina post office this is how we are going to fight covid 19 Essequibian we can do better.....

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Short breakdown of the APNU/AFC's Covid-19 relief to Guyanese.

1) 1,759 Hampers distributed in a country that has approximately 150,000 households. That's just a disgraceful 0.01% of households that the caring, honest and decent APNU/AFC govt assisted. Just 0.01% !!!

2) Distribution of hampers put on pause or in other words, the money run out! Our reserves (savings) were depleted by $15 Billion dollars in less than 5 years by the honest and decent pack of dunces. So we piggy bank empty fuh hard times.

3) Social Assistance Pandemic Forms were then issued. Guyanese must now fill out these forms in order to be "considered" to receive a hamper. Volda is on public record saying that she will only give jobs to PNC people, so by logical deduction, we all know who she will be giving the bulk of hampers to.

4) It has been 14 days since the govt paused their hamper distribution, so Guyanese in dire need must also "pause their hunger" in the mean time that the govt fights over who should be leading the Covid-19 task force and for them to deliberate on which Guyanese the virus will take a liking to. Sad and sickening...πŸ˜”πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Volda knows the risk in Guyana is low. The amped up paranoia is geared to dovetail with the PNC rigging efforts.  

Head snake Nagamootoo, batwoman πŸ¦‡ Volda, chief cook Fraudette!

Covid-19 in Guyana has morphed into Covid-Gy. It’s like the Black Plague requiring quarantine for over 40 days, surviving the tropical heat for over 7 weeks and counting and so potent, even masks need to be changed and discarded every 30 minutes. 

Black Plague in all its glory!

Last edited by Former Member

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