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Former Member

Ok folks


PNC has not changed. 


The PNC remains a racist party and has an inherent trait, dictatorship.


Let us examine their inherent racism:


Afros consists of 30 Percent of the Population yet their Representation in parliament based on their list is 75 Percent. Say what ? Yes, 75 Percent representation !


Looks like the racist PNC wants to control Guyana even worse that they did during the dictatorship days of Burnham and Hoyte.


30 Percent of the Population having 75 Percent representation is not only eye pass but is totally unacceptable.


Say no to a racist PNC !


Ask for equal representation in Parliament. Here is a classic example, AFC's Indo Gerhard activist was sidelined to accommodate the 75 Percent PNC representation and control in parliament. Looks like Gerhard's name is too Indian for Granger.


This bullying and intimidation by the PNC and their act of intimidation to control Parliament with 75 Percent representation must stop now.


Say no to PNC racism. Indos must have equal representation. Moses is silent and sits idle while Indos being 40 Percent of the population only has 25 Percent representation while the PNC takes 75 Percent of representation.


Stop Granger's racism dead in it's track. Know the facts now ! Demand equal equal representation.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC has not changed. 


The PNC remains a racist party and has an inherent trait, dictatorship.


Let us examine their inherent racism:


Afros consists of 30 Percent of the Population yet their Representation in parliament based on their list is 75 Percent. Say what ? Yes, 75 Percent representation !


Looks like the racist PNC wants to control Guyana even worse that they did during the dictatorship days of Burnham and Hoyte.


30 Percent of the Population having 75 Percent representation is not only eye pass but is totally unacceptable.


Say no to a racist PNC !


Ask for equal representation in Parliament. Here is a classic example, AFC's Indo Gerhard activist was sidelined to accommodate the 75 Percent PNC representation and control in parliament. Looks like Gerhard's name is too Indian for Granger.


This bullying and intimidation by the PNC and their act of intimidation to control Parliament with 75 Percent representation must stop now.


Say no to PNC racism. Indos must have equal representation. Moses is silent and sits idle while Indos being 40 Percent of the population only has 25 Percent representation while the PNC takes 75 Percent of representation.


Stop Granger's racism dead in it's track. Know the facts now ! Demand equal equal representation.





Vote PNC!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC has not changed. 


The PNC remains a racist party and has an inherent trait, dictatorship.


Let us examine their inherent racism:


Afros consists of 30 Percent of the Population yet their Representation in parliament based on their list is 75 Percent. Say what ? Yes, 75 Percent representation !


Looks like the racist PNC wants to control Guyana even worse that they did during the dictatorship days of Burnham and Hoyte.


30 Percent of the Population having 75 Percent representation is not only eye pass but is totally unacceptable.


Say no to a racist PNC !


Ask for equal representation in Parliament. Here is a classic example, AFC's Indo Gerhard activist was sidelined to accommodate the 75 Percent PNC representation and control in parliament. Looks like Gerhard's name is too Indian for Granger.


This bullying and intimidation by the PNC and their act of intimidation to control Parliament with 75 Percent representation must stop now.


Say no to PNC racism. Indos must have equal representation. Moses is silent and sits idle while Indos being 40 Percent of the population only has 25 Percent representation while the PNC takes 75 Percent of representation.


Stop Granger's racism dead in it's track. Know the facts now ! Demand equal equal representation.





PNC Moses sold out the remaining Indians of the AFC  to the PNC/APNU. AFC is wiped out, the AFC Blacks are now sworn PNC and the AFC INDIANS are in LIMBO. My contacts in Guyana states the voting will be along RACE lines, this is stronger this time around, whenever there is uncertainty , switching parties and confusion, the Guyanese people are taught to vote RACE, that's the only sure thing.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC has not changed. 


The PNC remains a racist party and has an inherent trait, dictatorship.


Let us examine their inherent racism:


Afros consists of 30 Percent of the Population yet their Representation in parliament based on their list is 75 Percent. Say what ? Yes, 75 Percent representation !


Looks like the racist PNC wants to control Guyana even worse that they did during the dictatorship days of Burnham and Hoyte.


30 Percent of the Population having 75 Percent representation is not only eye pass but is totally unacceptable.


Say no to a racist PNC !


Ask for equal representation in Parliament. Here is a classic example, AFC's Indo Gerhard activist was sidelined to accommodate the 75 Percent PNC representation and control in parliament. Looks like Gerhard's name is too Indian for Granger.


This bullying and intimidation by the PNC and their act of intimidation to control Parliament with 75 Percent representation must stop now.


Say no to PNC racism. Indos must have equal representation. Moses is silent and sits idle while Indos being 40 Percent of the population only has 25 Percent representation while the PNC takes 75 Percent of representation.


Stop Granger's racism dead in it's track. Know the facts now ! Demand equal equal representation.





PNC Moses sold out the remaining Indians of the AFC  to the PNC/APNU. AFC is wiped out, the AFC Blacks are now sworn PNC and the AFC INDIANS are in LIMBO. My contacts in Guyana states the voting will be along RACE lines, this is stronger this time around, whenever there is uncertainty , switching parties and confusion, the Guyanese people are taught to vote RACE, that's the only sure thing.


Why should 30 Percent of the population take 75 Percent representation in Parliament ?


This is not a coalition. This is racism.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks



Indians are 40% of the population and yet account for 90% of the leadership positions.  Stop the Indo KKK PPP in its tracks.


Yuji you told me to do research I did it.  Almost all of the state commissions, and committees are headed by Indians.  Only found one headed by a black.  Of the important ministries, only two headed by blacks, Public Works and the Public Service.\


Roger Luncheon was asked about this 4 years ago.  His response was that Afro Guyanese are unqualified.  That is what the PPP thinks of black people.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks



Indians are 40% of the population and yet account for 90% of the leadership positions.  Stop the Indo KKK PPP in its tracks.


Yuji you told me to do research I did it.  Almost all of the state commissions, and committees are headed by Indians.  Only found one headed by a black.  Of the important ministries, only two headed by blacks, Public Works and the Public Service.\


Roger Luncheon was asked about this 4 years ago.  His response was that Afro Guyanese are unqualified.  That is what the PPP thinks of black people.

Why are you wasting you time with that low life moron? Do you think he can explain why we have some 12 direct relatives on the PPP list or why the never had a black ambassador until Freddie took them to court?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why are you wasting you time with that low life moron? Do you think he can explain why we have some 12 direct relatives on the PPP list or why the never had a black ambassador until Freddie took them to court?

Sadly some of the AFC Nagamootoo supporters arent any different.  Even they bray that Guyana is "black controlled".  Clearly they are having no dialogue with their PNC counterparts.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks



Indians are 40% of the population and yet account for 90% of the leadership positions.  Stop the Indo KKK PPP in its tracks.


Yuji you told me to do research I did it.  Almost all of the state commissions, and committees are headed by Indians.  Only found one headed by a black.  Of the important ministries, only two headed by blacks, Public Works and the Public Service.\


Roger Luncheon was asked about this 4 years ago.  His response was that Afro Guyanese are unqualified.  That is what the PPP thinks of black people.

It goes to say ,the Indians are more educated for the jobs.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks



Indians are 40% of the population and yet account for 90% of the leadership positions.  Stop the Indo KKK PPP in its tracks.


Yuji you told me to do research I did it.  Almost all of the state commissions, and committees are headed by Indians.  Only found one headed by a black.  Of the important ministries, only two headed by blacks, Public Works and the Public Service.\


Roger Luncheon was asked about this 4 years ago.  His response was that Afro Guyanese are unqualified.  That is what the PPP thinks of black people.

It goes to say ,the Indians are more educated for the jobs.

that is straight up bunk.


I don't remember Luncheon saying that.


The point is overall, Afros dominate the state agencies.  Overall, more senior management and supervisors are Afros.  That's a fact, not opinion.


When the Coalition wins, we have to consider diversity and affirmative action type policies, fairness, equity, etc.


Let's focus on these goals. This is not Afro -v- Indo.  We are one people and we want a system of equal opportunity.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks



Indians are 40% of the population and yet account for 90% of the leadership positions.  Stop the Indo KKK PPP in its tracks.


Yuji you told me to do research I did it.  Almost all of the state commissions, and committees are headed by Indians.  Only found one headed by a black.  Of the important ministries, only two headed by blacks, Public Works and the Public Service.\


Roger Luncheon was asked about this 4 years ago.  His response was that Afro Guyanese are unqualified.  That is what the PPP thinks of black people.

It goes to say ,the Indians are more educated for the jobs.

they are train to thief

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I don't remember Luncheon saying that.


The point is overall, Afros dominate the state agencies.  Overall, more senior management and supervisors are Afros.  That's a fact, not opinion.


When the Coalition wins, we have to consider diversity and affirmative action type policies, fairness, equity, etc.


Let's focus on these goals. This is not Afro -v- Indo.  We are one people and we want a system of equal opportunity.

On the sugar estates during slavery most of the laborers and overseers were blacks.  Most of managers were white.


Are you telling yourself that blacks dominated Guyana during the slavery era because they dominated the ranks of the low and mid level workers?


You are truly shaping up into being quite a PPP racist.


Do you know that Jagdeo called Nigel Hughes a racist for saying exactly what I am now saying?


Jay I don't see how you will be fair if you SUPPORT the PPPs system of EXCLUDING blacks from leadership in the public sector.




Your own AFC Nigel Hughes has called the PPP systematically and ideological racist against Afro Guyanese.  The PPP has YET to furnish proof to justify their law suit against Kissoon.


Jay run back to the PPP so you can scream "ahbe pan tap" "black man time done", because should the coalition win the near monopoly of Indians heading govt entities will END!

Last edited by Former Member

"because should the coalition win the near monopoly of Indians heading govt entities will END!"


That's your problem right there. It burns your heart that there are a few  govt supporters in some top positions to ensure govt's policy is carried out.  You are OK with Afro domination of the state agencies, and senior management, but would not be satisfied until there is a total sweep.  That is the essence of racism.


The Coalition will need to address equity and diversity policies.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Jay I don't see how you will be fair if you SUPPORT the PPPs system of EXCLUDING blacks from leadership in the public sector.




Your own AFC Nigel Hughes has called the PPP systematically and ideological racist against Afro Guyanese.  The PPP has YET to furnish proof to justify their law suit against Kissoon.


Jay run back to the PPP so you can scream "ahbe pan tap" "black man time done", because should the coalition win the near monopoly of Indians heading govt entities will END!


Attn: Jay and other PNC Indians:


All of you will have to deal with the 95 Percent racists like Carib in the PNC.


Ha Ha !




Yes, it will be the Coalition's work to moderate the people with extreme, "exclude/remove-Indians" philosophy to one of diversity/affirmative action.


That's why Moses, Ramjattan being there would help to bring about some balance in the policy making discussions.


Everyone does not hold the exclusionary views of people such as Carib who believe that Indians should not be heading anything.  I don't think Granger is like that. What they have done in this Coalition is earth shattering, bold and is the right thing to do.  Imagine for the first time in our history, we can have a 60/40 cabinet, and the power-broker AFC increase to 12 MPs.  That's a big step.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
PPP should offer Vanessa a place pun dem ticket if they are so concerned about this woman.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It isn't granger's fault.  It is Moses's fault.  He was the one who asked for twelve seats. He  will get  two indos and 10 afros.


There is no such thing as a coalition. This is a wholesale sell out to Indos by Moses just like Judas did.

Which indians you speak for? seems like you cannot accept the majority of Guyanese voted against your ***** hole government in 2011 and that is gonna happen wid even more force in a few weeks.




Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

"because should the coalition win the near monopoly of Indians heading govt entities will END!"


That's your problem right there. It burns your heart that there are a few  govt supporters in some top positions to ensure govt's policy is carried out.  You are OK with Afro domination of the state agencies, and senior management, but would not be satisfied until there is a total sweep.  That is the essence of racism.


The Coalition will need to address equity and diversity policies.

SO I see you think that the near monopoly of leadership by Indians should continue.  So much so that any one who suggests that more than one Afro Guyanese is suitable to run a state commission or committee is accused of wanting total African domination.


Jay are you happy that almost EVERY single head of a govt commission or corporation is an INDIAN?  Yes or NO.


Do you feel that ending the monopoly of one race in heading state owned entities is a bad thing?  Yes or NO.


Because your current rant seems to suggest that you wish Indian domination of leadership to CONTINUE, while you deprive black people of their little $200-300/month jobs.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Yes, it will be the Coalition's work to moderate the people with extreme, "exclude/remove-Indians" philosophy to one of diversity/affirmative action.



So here is confirmation that Jay wants to ensure that all but 2 ministries are run by non blacks, and that only ONE state commission or corporation is run by blacks.


To suggest that blacks should be included in the pool of people to head entities in Guyana, according to Jay, is some radical act.


He really thinks that all of those blacks standing around Granger are going to be content to be EXCLUDED from being involved in running Guyana.


Jay thinks that any demand that blacks be INCLUDED, is the same as demanding that all Indians be EXCLUDED.


Jay you will be another one who will be back in the PPP by July if APNU AFC wins, because this Indian MONOPOLY of leadership that you crave is NOT going to happen!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


Everyone does not hold the exclusionary views of people such as Carib who believe that Indians should not be heading anything. .

Find ONE post where I stated that Indians should be excluded from every thing.


Do so or reveal yourself to be a dishonest and racist TOAD!


Africans are EXCLUDED.  Africans who support the PNC resent their exclusion.  If the PNC wins this exclusion will END!



Now if you think that the PPP has been fair to black people GO JOIN THEM.  YOUR RACISM against blacks is quite in line with PPP THINKING!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Find ONE post where I stated that Indians should be excluded from every thing.


Do so or reveal yourself to be a dishonest and racist TOAD!


Africans are EXCLUDED.  Africans who support the PNC resent their exclusion.  If the PNC wins this exclusion will END!



Now if you think that the PPP has been fair to black people GO JOIN THEM.  YOUR RACISM against blacks is quite in line with PPP THINKING!

you are obfuscating..the lead post is about a lack of proper representation of the population by the opposition..whether it is accurate or not I do not know...but respond specifically or you should shut up...


Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Find ONE post where I stated that Indians should be excluded from every thing.


Do so or reveal yourself to be a dishonest and racist TOAD!


Africans are EXCLUDED.  Africans who support the PNC resent their exclusion.  If the PNC wins this exclusion will END!



Now if you think that the PPP has been fair to black people GO JOIN THEM.  YOUR RACISM against blacks is quite in line with PPP THINKING!

you are obfuscating..the lead post is about a lack of proper representation of the population by the opposition..whether it is accurate or not I do not know...but respond specifically or you should shut up...


Will not shut up.  Will not tolerate the usual racism from folks like you to accuse Africans of racism while Indians display the same or WORSE!


YOU shut up about PNC racism or expect a response from me about PPP racism.


This ceaseless demonization of Africans must STOP!!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

you are obfuscating..the lead post is about a lack of proper representation of the population by the opposition..whether it is accurate or not I do not know...but respond specifically or you should shut up...


Will not shut up.  Will not tolerate the usual racism from folks like you to accuse Africans of racism while Indians display the same or WORSE!


YOU shut up about PNC racism or expect a response from me about PPP racism.


This ceaseless demonization of Africans must STOP!!!!

you know you really are a child...these things you always accuse me of you cannot produce one iota of evidence that is why I mostly ignore your childish accusations of me...


But back to the point..address the specific the guy is talking about because I would like to learn...

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


The point is overall, Afros dominate the state agencies.  Overall, more senior management and supervisors are Afros.  That's a fact, not opinion.


When the Coalition wins, we have to consider diversity and affirmative action type policies, fairness, equity, etc.



yes you want to do this by betting rid of Africans from mid tier jobs, doing NOTHING about the systematic racism that they face in the private sector.


You will ensure that virtually all state owned corporations and committees will remain led by Indians, because you think that its a sign of extremism to demand that Africans be included in the pool of people who perform these functions.



Jay you aren't going to have a coalition, which will receive 80% African and mixed votes and continue with YOUR agenda of ETHNIC EXCLUSION, depriving blacks people even of the little jobs which they have, while doing nothing about the reasons why they are concentrated in those jobs.


Do yourself a favor an run back to the PPP where you can have your wish of ensuring that Indians dominate the top slots, pushing blacks into doing as they are told, and excluded from decision making.  Yes just like in massa days.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

But back to the point..address the specific the guy is talking about because I would like to learn...

I have addressed that point.


The list is meaningless.  The PPP is ranting for racial panic.  You are falling for their racial panic.


This while the PPP is guilty if seriously systematic racial EXCLUSION.


You are happy with Guyana being run by a ONE racial group.  VOTE PPP because then that will continue!



Because seriously. Who is more important.


1.  a list of mainly back benchers who no one knows   OR


2.  the ministers, and heads of corporations and committees.


The notion that the PPP will peddle that the PNC is racist and that the PPP isn't is a LAUGH!!  The PPP are the Indo KKK!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:


The notion that the PPP will peddle that the PNC is racist and that the PPP isn't is a LAUGH!!  The PPP are the Indo KKK!

Carib I will let you cool down for a have to counter the guys argument with facts or at least ask him to furnish the facts..that is where a lot of people lose the opportunity to present their arguments effectively; but starting to rant..



Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:


The notion that the PPP will peddle that the PNC is racist and that the PPP isn't is a LAUGH!!  The PPP are the Indo KKK!

Carib I will let you cool down for a have to counter the guys argument with facts or at least ask him to furnish the facts..that is where a lot of people lose the opportunity to present their arguments effectively; but starting to rant..



  The PPP is a racist party, so why are YOU legitimizing their right to call the PNC racist?


The exclusion of AFricans in Guyana doesn't interest you and that is YOUR problem, but don't expect me to confine a debate on racism in Guyana about what the PNC is doing or not doing when the PPP is guilty.


Consider this.


1.  The PNC has defined a role for Nagamootoo.  He will get 12 MPs, and 40% of the cabinet.  He will be responsible for appointing heads of state corporations and commissions (hopefully he is aware that not only Indians are competent).


2.  Given that Nagamootoo's base is and will remain in that segment of the Indian population who are dissatisfied with the PPP, and given that almost all of his closest associates for Indians who followed him put of the PPP< obviously the PNC is conceding a role to Indians in being part of a coalition gov't.  Not only are they doing so, but they are exposing themselves to being thrown out of gov't should Nagamootoo and his clique not be satisfied with this arrangement.



Now tell me what is the PPP doing to rectify their prior exclusion of blacks from heading gov't controlled entities? NOTHING.  So why does the PPP have a right to accuse ANY ONE OF RACISM>



Now you can justify your love for the PPP as they sing their national anthem "ah be pan tap, black man time DONE", but I will not join any discussion of supposed racism by the PNC without a discussion of racism by the PPP!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

  The PPP is a racist party, so why are YOU legitimizing their right to call the PNC racist?


The exclusion of AFricans in Guyana doesn't interest you and that is YOUR problem, but don't expect me to confine a debate on racism in Guyana about what the PNC is doing or not doing when the PPP is guilty.


Consider this.


1.  The PNC has defined a role for Nagamootoo.  He will get 12 MPs, and 40% of the cabinet.  He will be responsible for appointing heads of state corporations and commissions (hopefully he is aware that not only Indians are competent).


2.  Given that Nagamootoo's base is and will remain in that segment of the Indian population who are dissatisfied with the PPP, and given that almost all of his closest associates for Indians who followed him put of the PPP< obviously the PNC is conceding a role to Indians in being part of a coalition gov't.  Not only are they doing so, but they are exposing themselves to being thrown out of gov't should Nagamootoo and his clique not be satisfied with this arrangement.



Now tell me what is the PPP doing to rectify their prior exclusion of blacks from heading gov't controlled entities? NOTHING.  So why does the PPP have a right to accuse ANY ONE OF RACISM>



Now you can justify your love for the PPP as they sing their national anthem "ah be pan tap, black man time DONE", but I will not join any discussion of supposed racism by the PNC without a discussion of racism by the PPP!

Carib you have said so much and not address the simple argument the guys is making.


You are simply making every thread on this forum the same some point to make an effective argument there must be focus or every point, even the very good ones, get lost in the noise.


You are making to much noise and the good points you may be making gets lost...

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

Carib you have said so much and not address the simple argument the guys is making.


You are simply making every thread on this forum the same some point to make an effective argument there must be focus or every point, even the very good ones, get lost in the noise.


You are making to much noise and the good points you may be making gets lost...

.Do you really think any discussion about member lists is worthy?  What really do MPs do in Guyana?


This PPP scream is just their rant to pretend that they don't engage in exclusion of Africans.


You seem quite happy with the Indocracy that is Guyana, so why will I expect anything from you.


In Guyana it is always the "poor innocent Indian victimized by the violent black man" 

Originally Posted by caribny:

You seem quite happy with the Indocracy that is Guyana, so why will I expect anything from you.


OK you keep making these accusations but you cannot present an iota of proof of the nonsense you keep accusing me are now coming across as very dishonest...really sad actually.


Stop behaving like a brat...put some thought and focus into what you post instead of meandering like a madman.


Let me teach you about being rational since you seem incapable; if what he is saying about the opposition's composition is true, have you once thought that it may have nothing to do with race but simply politics in that the opposition is appeasing its support base?

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
.that it may have nothing to do with race but simply politics in that the opposition is appeasing its support base?

1.  Spoke of the fact that Nagamootoo is going to get way more MPs and way more cabinet positions than he deserves, as well as the responsibility for appointing heads of corporations and commissions.  All this for a mere 20% of the votes.  All of this because APNU knows that it has a problem with Indians and needs to offer some assurance that an APNU dominated gov't will have checks and balances in place.


Now what does the PPP have to offer Africans?  Elisabeth Harper, whose role is handing out sweeties to orphans?


2.  The PPP has only 2 blacks in important ministries.  Only 1 black in a corporation or commission.  That is proof that they are excluding blacks.  Further proof offered here.


Nigel Hughes offered other proof in 2011 about PPP racism.



Yet you want to make a hullaballoo about a list.


Lists are of no importance.  The PPP makes much of this because they pack it with blacks and Amerindians who are sidelined and ignored and are just used to detract from the fact that the PPP is racist and has no intention in being fair.   Their only role is to vote as they are told to vote, or face recall of they attempt to vote their conscience.



The lists are unimportant because in Guyana back bench MPs are unimportant.  Who in Guyana knows who these people are.  The lists are good only to indicate who the soup lickers are.


If the PPP wishes to address the issue of African insecurity then they need to begin an open dialogue to discover why Africans do not trust them.  And its not the politicians because Africans don't trust them either.  Granger CANNOT tell Africans about what they know is a fact in Guyana, and that is that there is systematic racism against them in Guyana!



So you can jump up and down and scream and do every thing to pretend that the PPP isn't unabashedly racist, proudly racist, and having no intention to cease their racism.  The proof is there! 








And seriously what basis is there in politics in Guyana other than race?  Every where in the Caribbean gov'ts must perform or they would be thrown out.


Doesn't work in Guyana because our politics is a tribal census.  In order to get rid of the PPP one tribe must try to siphon away sufficient people from the other tribe.


People of each tribe tolerate the worst behavior because they must vote tribally as they fear the other tribe.


So what is there that is political in Guyana beyond race?


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