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As Jagdeo, Granger prepare for crucial meeting, Nandlall says court can’t extend election deadline after House approves no-confidence motion; Charrandass Persaud’s ‘yes’ vote irreversible- Nandlall


Opposition MP and former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Shadow Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall on Thursday rubbished Attorney General, Basil Williams’ announcement that government would ask the High Court to delay the holding of general elections within 90 days after the House approved an opposition no-confidence motion 33-32.

“The court has no jurisdiction to entertain this matter so as to frustrate the ninety-day period,” he said.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon earlier Thursday formally asked Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo to state what he would like to discuss with President David Granger on 9th January, 2018 at 11 AM at the Ministry of the Presidency. Both men have separately stated that they are keen on deepening political cooperation as Guyana prepares to become a major oil producer late this year or early 2020.

In relation to elections, Nandlall said Granger and Jagdeo would have to be properly satisfied whether the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) would be ready to hold general elections by March 19, 2019 or emphasise the importance of sticking to the 90-day period.

With the country’s two top politicians expected to discuss issues stemming from the no-confidence motion, Nandlall said they also could agree to ask the National Assembly to ask for and extension. “If GECOM communicates to them that they are not ready and both of them are satisfied that GECOM is being bona fide and GECOM is also not part of a political design, but GECOM is faithfully and honestly and with integrity saying that the machinery is not ready then it would be incumbent on the President and the Leader of the Opposition to go to the Parliament and extend that time to meet GECOM’s readiness but that should only be a last resort,” he said.

It is up to at least two-thirds of the National Assembly coming from the PPP and the governing APNU+AFC coalition, he said, to agree to extend the election deadline beyond 90 days.

Nandlall, speaking on the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) Freedom Radio, declared that the Court could not flout the constitution because the vote was properly passed.

AFC DEFECTOR: Charrandass Persaud.

With the Guyana High Court, Court of Appeal and the Caribbean Court of Justice expected to hear the case, Nandlall expects them to do so speedily in light of the 90-day time frame. “If the court decides to hear and determine this matter, the court must do so in due recognition that the government has only ninety days in office and the court must not do anything that will extend that ninety days. The court has no jurisdiction to do so. If the court attempts to do so, then the court would be flouting the constitution, the court would be violating the constitution, the court would be attempting to amend the constitution and no court has any such power,” Nandlall said.

The Attorney General reiterated that government, through its lawyer Senior Counsel Rex Mc Kay, would challenge the validity of then government parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud’s vote on the basis of his Canadian citizenship and that he had no longer supported the coalition’s list of candidates.

However, Nandlall said  Persaud never crossed the floor and more so the Guyana Constitution does not state what is the prescribed manner in which a parliamentarian indicates that he or she has crossed the floor. In terms of violating the Constitution, he said that was the government’s responsibility. “We never put Charrandass in the Parliament. They put Charrandass in the Parliament. That’s the first thing so they must have known or they should have known that Charrandass was in that Parliament unlawfully. If they didn’t know, they ought to know or else they were tremendously reckless.

They relied on Charrandass’ vote for the last three years. It is Charrandass’ vote that made them pass budgets, that made them pass all the laws that they have passed; that made them do all the things they have done in the Parliament with that same vote,” said Nandlall, adding that government could not first benefit from the wrong and now challenge it.

Attorney General, Basil Williams (Guyana Chronicle photo).

Nandlall further argued that Guyana’s constitution was amended to provide for recall of a parliamentarian after then PPP parliamentarian, Khemraj Ramjattan had refused to resign from the House and had voted against the government.

House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland earlier Thursday refused to review the 33-34 vote, even as he mentioned on a number of occasions that the motion was passed. He declined to reverse his ruling at the time of the motion’s passage on December 21, 2018; instead saying that all of the issues surrounding the validity of the vote should be settled by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If this is not Comedy Central, then what is it? 

"Minister of State, Joseph Harmon earlier Thursday formally asked Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo to state what he would like to discuss with President David Granger on 9th January, 2018 at 11 AM at the Ministry of the Presidency."

There goes the Williams case...

“We never put Charrandass in the Parliament. They put Charrandass in the Parliament. That’s the first thing so they must have known or they should have known that Charrandass was in that Parliament unlawfully. If they didn’t know, they ought to know or else they were tremendously reckless."


Nandlall is in effect the real Attorney General. Basil Williams is just a pretender.

BTW, I hope Mr Jagdeo walks with a delegation to the summit meeting. Brig Granger will not appear solo.


The judge should wisper to Nagamootoo and Green ... well bhai which side ayo going 

Ayo stop “ blabbering “ - according to Django specialty...and go to election, the odds are against ayo.

Nagaaa - the 50% increase and hefty pension  is illegal .. ayo gon repay.

Green - well bhai, that pension them give you is null and void.



VishMahabir posted:

If this is not Comedy Central, then what is it? 

"Minister of State, Joseph Harmon earlier Thursday formally asked Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo to state what he would like to discuss with President David Granger on 9th January, 2018 at 11 AM at the Ministry of the Presidency."

There goes the Williams case...


Jagdeo should tell Joseph to get lost and mind his own business. 

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If this is not Comedy Central, then what is it? 

"Minister of State, Joseph Harmon earlier Thursday formally asked Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo to state what he would like to discuss with President David Granger on 9th January, 2018 at 11 AM at the Ministry of the Presidency."

There goes the Williams case...


Jagdeo should tell Joseph to get lost and mind his own business. 

Open the door let Mitt come in, all a we a wan family.

Gilbakka posted:

Nandlall is in effect the real Attorney General. Basil Williams is just a pretender.

BTW, I hope Mr Jagdeo walks with a delegation to the summit meeting. Brig Granger will not appear solo.

I heard Basil the Willie has request the service of a few legal minds from GNI headed by Mr Django.

Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Nandlall is in effect the real Attorney General. Basil Williams is just a pretender.

BTW, I hope Mr Jagdeo walks with a delegation to the summit meeting. Brig Granger will not appear solo.

I heard Basil the Willie has request the service of a few legal minds from GNI headed by Mr Django.

Excellent pick. I am proud of our Django. Yuh rass envy de bai. 

Ray posted:
Leonora posted:

Showdown time in jokey country.

some countries have civil war over political least things quiet in this "jokey" country

Just trying to ease the tension as we await results...

Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Nandlall is in effect the real Attorney General. Basil Williams is just a pretender.

BTW, I hope Mr Jagdeo walks with a delegation to the summit meeting. Brig Granger will not appear solo.

I heard Basil the Willie has request the service of a few legal minds from GNI headed by Mr Django.

A match made in heaven. DJ and Jackass Williams. 

Gilbakka posted:

Nandlall is in effect the real Attorney General. Basil Williams is just a pretender.

BTW, I hope Mr Jagdeo walks with a delegation to the summit meeting. Brig Granger will not appear solo.

I completely detest Anil for his stretching the law. But even compared to him Basil Williams is malodorous.


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