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Former Member

Nomination Day and City Hall

Nomination Day is on April 7, and according to what has been said by both acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba and Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield, it will be held at the traditional venue, namely, City Hall. However, the thought of dozens of party candidates and their associates thundering up the building’s fragile staircase and along the rickety corridor, has made more than one official a little nervous.

We reported Gecom Chairman Steve Surujbally at a BlueCAPS ‘Let’s Talk’ event as telling young people in the audience that there had been some thought about changing the location of Nomination Day, and holding it in the Guyana National Convention Centre at Liliendaal instead. He had gone on to add that the latter was a beautiful building which could lend dignity to the event. However, he said, a change of venue would deny parties the traditional march from their headquarters, all of which were in the city, and so for the time being tradition had won out over dignity.

While the convention centre is a perfectly pleasant, modern building, it would not win any architectural awards at the international level. If City Hall were in its pristine state, there would simply be no comparison between the new and the old; Georgetown’s best-known landmark would win hands down on the aesthetic, dignity and tradition fronts. On a different note one is also tempted to muse whether Nomination Day would ever be associated with dignity, wherever it was held; it has always been part of the ritual of the occasion to have some noisy party supporters lending their enthusiasm to the preliminaries of submitting the lists.

Be that as it may, the question still remains as to whether City Hall can stand the strain. We reported Ms Sooba as saying at a press briefing on March 12, that she had met Mr Lowenfield in company with the City Engineer and several other officers of the city council to ascertain whether the structure could safely accommodate the activities associated with Nomination Day. Emerging from that it seems as if the municipal worthies think it can. An inspection of the area by SN gave rise to the suggestion in our report that at least a few of the rotten boards in the corridor could be replaced, but when Mr Lowenfield was asked whether Gecom might be prepared to fund it, he replied that the commission’s budget did not extend to this. “It’s their hall,” he said, “we are just using the location.”

The Chief Election Officer is perfectly correct of course; it is for the city authorities and the government, not Gecom, to fund any work on City Hall, however minor. Which leads on to the obvious questions as to why we are in this situation at all, and why it is that such a magnificent example of nineteenth century wooden architecture is in this state. As we reported on two occasions last year – in April and then again in October – Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon had announced that government had committed first $200 million and then $100 million to begin restoration work. And yet, after that little item of good news – zilch.

It might be recalled that some time last year too it was announced that the National Trust would co-ordinate the restoration of City Hall, but there has been no indication since as to what it has accomplished in this department. Looking at the state of the building, there can only be one conclusion – nothing. The acid relations between the Mayor especially, and the central government are no state secret, and the fear has always been that friction between the two could impede the rehabilitation of the structure, but Mayor Hamilton Green told a reporter of this newspaper, which was later repeated in a letter to the editor, that he would stand aside and allow the government to take full control of the restoration work.

So what is the problem? There is money – at least to do emergency work; there is an oversight authority; and there is a Mayor who will recuse himself from involvement in any project to save the building, and yet still nothing is happening. One is forced to ask who is standing in the way? Has the Ministry of Finance declined to release the money? Is the acting Town Clerk in her inimitable fashion blocking repairs? It is certainly no secret that Ms Carol Sooba’s pre-programmed objectives do not include anything relating to the preservation of the capital’s material heritage. (Look what has happened to Stabroek Market.) It is alleged that the only innovation she has introduced at City Hall is to install a new sofa in her office. At least she will be seated comfortably when the building crumbles around her.

As for the City Engineer, just why is he so seemingly slothful? One can only wonder which professional would watch the historic edifice for which he is responsible disintegrate in front of his eyes, without making a scene in the Minister’s office every day.   But then Minister Whittaker, closeted as he is behind the protective walls of his Local Government hideaway, appears incapable of taking any decision that would benefit the city. Perhaps he is on a leash, otherwise he too would be dancing in anger in front of President Ramotar’s desk every morning.

Even Minister of Tourism Irfaan Ali, who suffers from the delusion that attracting tourists means holding noisy fÊtes in public places to disturb the local residents, appears indifferent to the fate of City Hall. Perhaps he has never heard of historical tourism.

This is an election season, and since the discussions surrounding Nomination Day have cast the spotlight once again on our decaying municipal edifice, one might have thought that the government would have seen fit at least to start with emergency works, which were already identified by the two engineers who came down here a few years ago at the instigation of the private sector.

City Hall is a product of the carpentry skills of local people, a tradition which dates back to the Dutch Winkels of Berbice, enslaved African artisans belonging to the Berbice Company. When the British – who were very impressed by Winkel skills – took over the three Dutch colonies which now comprise Guyana, the Winkels were brought for a time to Demerara to work on public building projects. Those skills fed into the nineteenth century building styles here, that were added to by successive generations of contractor-carpenters.

Having said that, however, City Hall itself was constructed between 1887 and 1889, at a time when Georgetown had become very much a multi-racial city, and it is almost certain that representatives of all the ethnic groups made their contributions to it at one level or another. Other than the name of the architect, Fr Ignatius Scoles, no one knows exactly who worked on it, but it does, in a very real sense, belong to everyone’s tradition, and certainly forms an element of everyone’s heritage.

History did not start with the PPP, and buildings which have their origins in earlier days, more especially those of historic, aesthetic and architectural importance, should continue to be embedded in our landscape. They are quite simply part of who we are, and to allow them to moulder into dust without any intervention is beyond philistinism; it is cultural barbarism.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Do these Indian Mudheads have any shame whatsoever?


Part of our Election Day preparations include asking the question as to whether or not not the venue will fall down under the weight of our already malnourished population?


I never wanted to believe the simplistic explanation that Georgetown is on the receiving end of some petty form of vengeance by the PPP but I can't find another explanation as to why Georgetown is allowed to literally fall apart. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city. But not our Mudheads. Abbe must mek am look like downtown Old Delhi. A decaying rotten capital city housing a decaying rotten Government. Perfectly suited one to the other.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do these Indian Mudheads have any shame whatsoever?


Part of our Election Day preparations include asking the question as to whether or not not the venue will fall down under the weight of our already malnourished population?


I never wanted to believe the simplistic explanation that Georgetown is on the receiving end of some petty form of vengeance by the PPP but I can't find another explanation as to why Georgetown is allowed to literally fall apart. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city. But not our Mudheads. Abbe must mek am look like downtown Old Delhi. A decaying rotten capital city housing a decaying rotten Government. Perfectly suited one to the other.

seriously . . .?



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do these Indian Mudheads have any shame whatsoever?


Part of our Election Day preparations include asking the question as to whether or not not the venue will fall down under the weight of our already malnourished population?


I never wanted to believe the simplistic explanation that Georgetown is on the receiving end of some petty form of vengeance by the PPP but I can't find another explanation as to why Georgetown is allowed to literally fall apart. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city. But not our Mudheads. Abbe must mek am look like downtown Old Delhi. A decaying rotten capital city housing a decaying rotten Government. Perfectly suited one to the other.

seriously . . .?




Yes because Shaitaan's brain cannot conceive of such extraordinary pettiness.


Though my brain cannot conceive of such nonsense it doesn't stop them from being true. I'm aware that things happen that I personally cannot conceive of.


Assuming arguendo, the PPP hates Georgetown and/or Black people, this is still our capital and if only pure self-interest reigns then why would they want to personally live in a dump? All PPP Ministers, high functionaries, and most MPs reside in Georgetown or Greater Georgetown and/or work there. I can't imagine these people enjoy the stench of garbage as part of their daily life. Or that they enjoy inviting foreigners (especially foreign governments) to gaze on Guyanese (and Indian) incompetence. Even a bit of racial/racist pride on the part of anyone would prevent a Government from running Georgetown the way it currently is run.


I am of course wrong. The PPP is extremely childish and petty.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do these Indian Mudheads have any shame whatsoever?


Part of our Election Day preparations include asking the question as to whether or not not the venue will fall down under the weight of our already malnourished population?


I never wanted to believe the simplistic explanation that Georgetown is on the receiving end of some petty form of vengeance by the PPP but I can't find another explanation as to why Georgetown is allowed to literally fall apart. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city. But not our Mudheads. Abbe must mek am look like downtown Old Delhi. A decaying rotten capital city housing a decaying rotten Government. Perfectly suited one to the other.

seriously . . .?




Yes because Shaitaan's brain cannot conceive of such extraordinary pettiness.


Though my brain cannot conceive of such nonsense it doesn't stop them from being true. I'm aware that things happen that I personally cannot conceive of.


Assuming arguendo, the PPP hates Georgetown and/or Black people, this is still our capital and if only pure self-interest reigns then why would they want to personally live in a dump? All PPP Ministers, high functionaries, and most MPs reside in Georgetown or Greater Georgetown and/or work there. I can't imagine these people enjoy the stench of garbage as part of their daily life. Or that they enjoy inviting foreigners (especially foreign governments) to gaze on Guyanese (and Indian) incompetence. Even a bit of racial/racist pride on the part of anyone would prevent a Government from running Georgetown the way it currently is run.


I am of course wrong. The PPP is extremely childish and petty.

the philistinism is there of course


but there is planning and purpose too . . . the hobbling of City Hall by Central Gov't is quite deliberate


Georgetown proper is a black people town; PPP don't (totally) control the municipality


hence, like New Amsterdam, University of Guyana, etc., it is targeted for benign neglect as far as upkeep and the PPP development thrust is concerned . . . Freedom House prefers to "surround" Georgetown with its investment and ambition


hymen reconstruction is the handiwork of charlatans and political quacks . . . your new-found virginity is a fraud!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
hymen reconstruction is the handiwork of charlatans and political quacks . . . your new-found virginity is a fraud!


I'm sure Herr Redux knows all and sees all. Herr Shaitaan does not. Daily he absorbs new information and integrates them into his worldview and opinions.


I lukewarm support the Coalition. You're never gonna get a ringing endorsement of the Coalition from me because I know the Indian morons in said Coalition. They're not my type of people. They're Jaganites. Rank morons at best and anti-Indian useful idiot Indians at worse. Evidence Nagamootoo's constant refrain that "I am not Indian." Well then that's not the type of Indian I can trust.


I strongly considered lending support to the PPP in this election until I recently had an opportunity to sit down and chat with them once again. They succeeded in reminding me only of why I've always hated them with bilious passion.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do these Indian Mudheads have any shame whatsoever?


Part of our Election Day preparations include asking the question as to whether or not not the venue will fall down under the weight of our already malnourished population?


I never wanted to believe the simplistic explanation that Georgetown is on the receiving end of some petty form of vengeance by the PPP but I can't find another explanation as to why Georgetown is allowed to literally fall apart. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city. But not our Mudheads. Abbe must mek am look like downtown Old Delhi. A decaying rotten capital city housing a decaying rotten Government. Perfectly suited one to the other.

Your MUDHEAD does not allow you to think period!!! First lesson for MUDHEADS, The City Council which is run by the Mayor is solely responsible for City Hall.  Any more lessons you need MUDHEAD???

Originally Posted by TK:

Well the evidence is out there. Peck that former PPP minister said he wants a disease to break out in GT. This genius thought that an epidemic will only kill black people.

I thought all the races inhabit GT. Only black people will die? Who will decide who lives and who dies? Does god(if you believe in a god) not care for black people? Is god a member of the KKK?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

the philistinism is there of course


but there is planning and purpose too . . . the hobbling of City Hall by Central Gov't is quite deliberate


Georgetown proper is a black people town; PPP don't (totally) control the municipality


hence, like New Amsterdam, University of Guyana, etc., it is targeted for benign neglect as far as upkeep and the PPP development thrust is concerned . . . Freedom House prefers to "surround" Georgetown with its investment and ambition


hymen reconstruction is the handiwork of charlatans and political quacks . . . your new-found virginity is a fraud!

I'm sure Herr Redux knows all and sees all. Herr Shaitaan does not. Daily he absorbs new information and integrates them into his worldview and opinions.


I lukewarm support the Coalition. You're never gonna get a ringing endorsement of the Coalition from me because I know the Indian morons in said Coalition. They're not my type of people. They're Jaganites. Rank morons at best and anti-Indian useful idiot Indians at worse. Evidence Nagamootoo's constant refrain that "I am not Indian." Well then that's not the type of Indian I can trust.


I strongly considered lending support to the PPP in this election until I recently had an opportunity to sit down and chat with them once again. They succeeded in reminding me only of why I've always hated them with bilious passion.

dude, what i posted about Georgetown and the PPP does not require omniscience . . . honest people need only to be paying attention


even true virgins who have been kissed or even 'felt up' would be embarrassed to strike the pose a veteran political hore like u is attempting here


btw, what does your digression/rant about "lukewarm support [for] for the coalition" got to do with this conversation about Georgetown and the PPP?


straw man alert necessary, no?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

the philistinism is there of course


but there is planning and purpose too . . . the hobbling of City Hall by Central Gov't is quite deliberate


Georgetown proper is a black people town; PPP don't (totally) control the municipality


hence, like New Amsterdam, University of Guyana, etc., it is targeted for benign neglect as far as upkeep and the PPP development thrust is concerned . . . Freedom House prefers to "surround" Georgetown with its investment and ambition


hymen reconstruction is the handiwork of charlatans and political quacks . . . your new-found virginity is a fraud!

I'm sure Herr Redux knows all and sees all. Herr Shaitaan does not. Daily he absorbs new information and integrates them into his worldview and opinions.


I lukewarm support the Coalition. You're never gonna get a ringing endorsement of the Coalition from me because I know the Indian morons in said Coalition. They're not my type of people. They're Jaganites. Rank morons at best and anti-Indian useful idiot Indians at worse. Evidence Nagamootoo's constant refrain that "I am not Indian." Well then that's not the type of Indian I can trust.


I strongly considered lending support to the PPP in this election until I recently had an opportunity to sit down and chat with them once again. They succeeded in reminding me only of why I've always hated them with bilious passion.

dude, what i posted about Georgetown and the PPP does not require omniscience . . . honest people need only to be paying attention


even true virgins who have been kissed or even 'felt up' would be embarrassed to strike the pose a veteran political hore like u is attempting here


btw, what does your digression/rant about "lukewarm support [for] for the coalition" got to do with this conversation about Georgetown and the PPP?


straw man alert necessary, no?


Did you totally miss the part where I agreed with you about the PPP and Georgetown?


Do you want me to more agree with you? How many different levels of agreement is there?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

the philistinism is there of course


but there is planning and purpose too . . . the hobbling of City Hall by Central Gov't is quite deliberate


Georgetown proper is a black people town; PPP don't (totally) control the municipality


hence, like New Amsterdam, University of Guyana, etc., it is targeted for benign neglect as far as upkeep and the PPP development thrust is concerned . . . Freedom House prefers to "surround" Georgetown with its investment and ambition


hymen reconstruction is the handiwork of charlatans and political quacks . . . your new-found virginity is a fraud!

I'm sure Herr Redux knows all and sees all. Herr Shaitaan does not. Daily he absorbs new information and integrates them into his worldview and opinions.


I lukewarm support the Coalition. You're never gonna get a ringing endorsement of the Coalition from me because I know the Indian morons in said Coalition. They're not my type of people. They're Jaganites. Rank morons at best and anti-Indian useful idiot Indians at worse. Evidence Nagamootoo's constant refrain that "I am not Indian." Well then that's not the type of Indian I can trust.


I strongly considered lending support to the PPP in this election until I recently had an opportunity to sit down and chat with them once again. They succeeded in reminding me only of why I've always hated them with bilious passion.

dude, what i posted about Georgetown and the PPP does not require omniscience . . . honest people need only to be paying attention


even true virgins who have been kissed or even 'felt up' would be embarrassed to strike the pose a veteran political hore like u is attempting here


btw, what does your digression/rant about "lukewarm support [for] for the coalition" got to do with this conversation about Georgetown and the PPP?


straw man alert necessary, no?

Did you totally miss the part where I agreed with you about the PPP and Georgetown?


Do you want me to more agree with you? How many different levels of agreement is there?

as u fully well know, this has nothing to do with you agreeing with me or not


come again better

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Nomination Day and City Hall


Even Minister of Tourism Irfaan Ali, who suffers from the delusion that attracting tourists means holding noisy fêtes in public places to disturb the local residents, appears indifferent to the fate of City Hall. Perhaps he has never heard of historical tourism.

certainly forms an element of everyone’s heritage.

History did not start with the PPP, and buildings which have their origins in earlier days, more especially those of historic, aesthetic and architectural importance, should continue to be embedded in our landscape.



This is why the PPP needs to go. 


Georgetown should be one of Guyana's tourist heritage sites.  It has unique architecture in this part of the world.


But Irfaan Ally knows nothing about tourism so it will be left to crumble and some ugly building, more appropriate to Toronto will replace it.


The walk from Pegasus/Marriott down Main Street and Ave of the Republic and ending at Stabroek market could have been promoted as one of the things to do while in Guyana.


But you see Guyanese have been brainwashed to think that only white people did anything before the arrival of Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.  On another forum some simpleton was even arguing that the teachers in Guyana were mainly English people before independence (his way of course of depriving Afro Guyanese of one of their main contributions, and that was building what USED TO BE one of the Anglophone Caribbean's best educational systems, on par with Barbados).

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city.

You do now, or maybe you don't as you are a baby, that in 1972 when Guyana hosted Carifesta the Trinis, Jamaicans, Bajans, and the Americans who visited were in awe of Georgetown.


1.  It was CLEAN.


2.  The architecture was unique, and the buildings were in pristine condition.  Inclusive of Brickdam, Camp St, Carmichael St,   etc., with that G/town architecture.


3.  They marveled at the Promenade Gardens and the tree lined streets like Main and Carmichael.


4.  The Trinis asked where the "shanty town" was (in those days Port of Spain's shanty town was very visible on the hills above the city).   Answer was that there was none, except a few stuck in a tenement yard, but certainly not a whole neighborhood.


If Guyana hosts Carifesta in 2017  I guess the only marvel would be because this year it will be in Port au Prince.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

. Every Third World country especially CARICOM takes a certain degree of pride in the capital city.

You do now, or maybe you don't as you are a baby, that in 1972 when Guyana hosted Carifesta the Trinis, Jamaicans, Bajans, and the Americans who visited were in awe of Georgetown.


1.  It was CLEAN.


2.  The architecture was unique, and the buildings were in pristine condition.  Inclusive of Brickdam, Camp St, Carmichael St,   etc., with that G/town architecture.


3.  They marveled at the Promenade Gardens and the tree lined streets like Main and Carmichael.


4.  The Trinis asked where the "shanty town" was (in those days Port of Spain's shanty town was very visible on the hills above the city).   Answer was that there was none, except a few stuck in a tenement yard, but certainly not a whole neighborhood.


If Guyana hosts Carifesta in 2017  I guess the only marvel would be because this year it will be in Port au Prince.


Oh I remember Georgetown well as a child in the 1980s under the PNC. I always enjoyed the rainy days especially because of its beautiful effect on the greenery.


I used to spend a lot of time at my family in Kitty.


It was so beautiful. Today's Georgetown is nothing compared to then.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It was so beautiful. Today's Georgetown is nothing compared to then.

It was much better in the early 70s.  It was called the Garden City of the Caribbean, and this by Caribbean visitors who were very impressed with it.  Especially how CLEAN it was!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It was so beautiful. Today's Georgetown is nothing compared to then.

It was much better in the early 70s.  It was called the Garden City of the Caribbean, and this by Caribbean visitors who were very impressed with it.  Especially how CLEAN it was!




I even managed to survive being treated for meningitis in a Georgetown Hospital, something that is routinely fatal in America, in the 1980s under the supposed wreck of a PNC Government.


I'm not sure if I was successfully treated at GPHC or at some private hospital in Georgetown. All I know is that though my family had to expend some substantial cash, I managed to get great medical treatment for a life threatening illness under PNC rule in Georgetown. I narrowly escaped certain death.


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