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Nadir will stay with PPP

Création Graphique: Milk


Elder Daughter

(CN Sharma Daughter-In -Law)

will Remain with NICIL

Milk It: Logo.

Son In Law

CN Sharma Son

Will Remain with PPP

as Head of Guyana Energy Authority


Other Daughter

The United Force [TUF)'s photo.

Will Head United Force

All the parties, PPP, APNU/AFC and the rest, talk about Youth/Women empowerment. All of them have veterans at the top. Only TUF has youth and women at the top. Vote Marissa Nadir for president. ‪#‎VoteTUF‬ on May 11th, 2015.

‪#‎MarissaNadir‬ ‪#‎TUF‬ ‪#‎PresidentialCandidate‬

'All the parties, PPP, APNU/AFC and the rest, talk about Youth/Women empowerment. All of them have veterans at the top. Only TUF has youth and women at the top. Vote Marissa Nadir for president. #VoteTUF on May 11th, 2015. #MarissaNadir #TUF #PresidentialCandidate'

'Free Yourselves from the shackles of the past. Put Youth To Work For Guyana. #VoteTUF #May11' 

Free Yourselves

from the shackles of the past.


Put Youth To Work For Guyana.


We don't need

"Kickass" and "Jackass"

politics from PPP, APNU+AFC.


‪#‎VoteTUF‬ ‪#‎May11

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

The UF has no support.

Manzoor Nadir is an opportunist!!


I Agree....

But Manzoor ....Milking it



While Faiuze

and His FULL Army of 10

HAPPY......Outside in the Cold

Quote Chief : As Moses said his skin is thick

but can Faiuze able to take what is coming for him by

his stupid action?


Stop behavIng like the PPP.


Faiuze Outside.....

But Watch Inside.....


Chief ....some of them say

the crowd was 100 people

Let them Count

Nehru...Say Pitcha Don't Lie


Last edited by Former Member

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