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Former Member

To the people that were disappointed from the election results. The country is very divided even though Trump has won. People are still angry and felt insecure of what lies ahead for them under a Trump administration. 

If Hillary had won, I would have felt the same. You have to walk in someone else's shoe to understand their feelings. America is not Guyana to believe we deh pun tap. All of us should feel that way. 

People are free to speak their minds and speak of what's taking place. The streets are in chaos from rioters who believe Hillary failed them and Trump is not their president. This will take time for normalcy. Let the people vent their frustration belly full and come full circle before accepting Trump.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

Those protesting are left wing socialists, hungry belly, tree huggers, welfare bums etc.

Time for them to accept the democratic will of the people and respect the rule of law.

I agree that everyone needs to move on. 

Bring in the Military to deal with them.

Bai, do you honestly think it would have been different if Hillary had won? Certainly it won't. Remember: before Nov 8 you were echoing Trump's plan not to accept the results if he lost. Not only you, but his supporters and admirers in the US, including the openly white supremacist KKK groups. I'm sure they all would have protested vehemently and violently if Trump had lost.  And if Hillary's admirers on this BB had said "Bring in the Military to deal with them", you would have howled DICTATORSHIP and ATTACK ON FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION and whatnot. As Prince says: "Let the people vent their frustration belly full and come full circle before accepting Trump." I am a realist. I wished for HClinton but got Trump. So what? Leh de man rule fo 4 years. In due course, the protesters will think like me and accept reality.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Those protesting are left wing socialists, hungry belly, tree huggers, welfare bums etc.

Time for them to accept the democratic will of the people and respect the rule of law.

I agree that everyone needs to move on. 

Bring in the Military to deal with them.

Bai, do you honestly think it would have been different if Hillary had won? Certainly it won't. Remember: before Nov 8 you were echoing Trump's plan not to accept the results if he lost. Not only you, but his supporters and admirers in the US, including the openly white supremacist KKK groups. I'm sure they all would have protested vehemently and violently if Trump had lost.  And if Hillary's admirers on this BB had said "Bring in the Military to deal with them", you would have howled DICTATORSHIP and ATTACK ON FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION and whatnot. As Prince says: "Let the people vent their frustration belly full and come full circle before accepting Trump." I am a realist. I wished for HClinton but got Trump. So what? Leh de man rule fo 4 years. In due course, the protesters will think like me and accept reality.

I agree with you but you are witnessing a new norm.  Trump presidency Will be plagued with protests and even violence. God help us if/when this lot that are protesting clashes with Trump supporters who now have a new found empowerment. 


Prince posted:

To the people that were disappointed from the election results. The country is very divided even though Trump has won. People are still angry and felt insecure of what lies ahead for them under a Trump administration. 

If Hillary had won, I would have felt the same. You have to walk in someone else's shoe to understand their feelings. America is not Guyana to believe we deh pun tap. All of us should feel that way. 

People are free to speak their minds and speak of what's taking place. The streets are in chaos from rioters who believe Hillary failed them and Trump is not their president. This will take time for normalcy. Let the people vent their frustration belly full and come full circle before accepting Trump.


This my frind seperate you from others and I am very pleased with the  sentiments you expressed.

Yes indeed there is fear, hard working illegals openly cried on Wednesday morning. ELDERLY muslims who are home and looking at cable news all day are at their wits end. MINORITY and women owned business owners who benefitted from Fedeal and State contracts are worried . BIG business that benefited from Nafta sent out notice that there is a hiring freeze until further notice. African Americans and the poor working class are scared that social services will be cut back or eleminated.

So yes you correctly stated  that you have to walk in someone shoes to know what it is like.

MR.Trump  theats that he made during the campaign is definitely scary and If he do carry out some what he said he will do this country will rise up and it will be chaos.

On the positive side , since elected he has shown a milder side and today he said he will keep a part of Obamacare. If he uses better  judgement and be careful on how he implement some of his polices than hopefully he will be able to bridge the great divide.

Honestly I wish him the best but he has to chill with the haughtiness . 




yuji22 posted:

Those protesting are left wing socialists, hungry belly, tree huggers, welfare bums etc.

Time for them to accept the democratic will of the people and respect the rule of law.

I agree that everyone needs to move on. 

Bring in the Military to deal with them.

It is easy for you to call people hungry belly.

Pray to  your God that poverty does not befall you. 

At any given night there are 30000 people that sleep on the streets and homeless shelters in NYC. two months ago I was Hawaii ,   a place that is refer to as Paradise and there hundreds of homeless. 

Back to the protestors, this is grassroot. Last night I ran into them on 5th Ave whilst driving and the majority of then young while people with a sprinkling of Asians and blacks, so your " hungry belly" label may very well be incorrect.


These protests are Bernie leftist radicals who are more angry at the Dems and Hillary for losing out to Trump.  Unfortunately, they have no leg to stand on against Trump.  The election came and went and Trump won, like all other past elections.  They need to go home, regroup and plan for 2020.

The Democrats have some major soul-searching to do.  Their internally corrupt and devious ways costs them the election.  Hillary was anointed and acted like she was queen in waiting.  The American basket of deplorables and Ra..Ra..Ras-Putin did her in.

Gilbakka posted:
. Not only you, but his supporters and admirers in the US, including the openly white supremacist KKK groups. I'm sure they all would have protested vehemently and violently if Trump had lost.  .

The KKK threatened a war on blacks if Trump lost.

Trump has said NOTHING. 

Trump used a fake concern about blacks to attempt to soothe the consciences of moderate whites by allaying their fears that he is a bigot. He has won the election and says nothing while violence and abuse that has been directed against non whites.

ba$eman posted:


The Democrats have some major soul-searching to do. 

As do the GOP who have shown themselves to be a very spineless lot. When they thought that Trump would lose they ran away from him.

Now he won they are rushing to him, kissing his ring, wiping his toes with their tongues, and quaking in fear that Trump's infamous vicious and vindictive personality doesn't set out to destroy them.

Chief posted:


A loser is an orphan whilst sucess has a thousand fathers.

Is only time  efore Donald Trump call them out.

I know that you have watched the Godfather movies so you will recall in Godfather III when Michael Corleone killed off all who he felt wronged him.

All of the "stop Trump" are on the list, as are the others who refused to campaign for him.

Ryan's days are number, and he knows this. He is probably looking for a job in some conservative think tank while we speak.


Elections over. Trump is the President. Get over it or move to somewhere else. Or stay and bask in the wealth he will allow u to gain from his endeavors in Making America Great Again.

His Presidency will be like the 1950's, a Golden Era. Every bady knowing their place in society. Non a dis bullyism crap, ANYMORE.

Washington will have an American in the Oval Office. 

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
. Not only you, but his supporters and admirers in the US, including the openly white supremacist KKK groups. I'm sure they all would have protested vehemently and violently if Trump had lost.  .

The KKK threatened a war on blacks if Trump lost.

Trump has said NOTHING. 

Trump used a fake concern about blacks to attempt to soothe the consciences of moderate whites by allaying their fears that he is a bigot. He has won the election and says nothing while violence and abuse that has been directed against non whites.

Go fly a kite.

Prince posted:

To the people that were disappointed from the election results. The country is very divided even though Trump has won. People are still angry and felt insecure of what lies ahead for them under a Trump administration. 

If Hillary had won, I would have felt the same. You have to walk in someone else's shoe to understand their feelings. America is not Guyana to believe we deh pun tap. All of us should feel that way. 

People are free to speak their minds and speak of what's taking place. The streets are in chaos from rioters who believe Hillary failed them and Trump is not their president. This will take time for normalcy. Let the people vent their frustration belly full and come full circle before accepting Trump.


The difference between a Democratic administration and a Republican one is that the Republican one will seek to take away peoples' rights while the Democratic one will seek to expand peoples' rights. It is therefore always concerning to the seekers of freedoms when the entire government is controlled by Republicans as is the case here.

But no one should blame Republicans for the shellacking of the Democrats. If Democratic voters are either too lazy or too silly to understand that elections have consequences then they can now simmer in their soups. I am not really worried about Trump because I think that deep down he is a liberal Democrat. What worries me are the true Republican hacks who can influence him. People like Giuliani, Gingrich and Hannity. I did like that moment Wednesday morning when he called up Priebus and gave him the podium. That shows that he is not as egotistic as he acted during the campaign. I am willing to wait and see. Maybe he may tell those Republican hacks to f off too.

ba$eman posted:

The Democrats have some major soul-searching to do.  Their internally corrupt and devious ways costs them the election.  Hillary was anointed and acted like she was queen in waiting. 

I agree. I am generally a Democrat because I love freedom and the Republicans are always seeking to limit freedoms. Therefore I voted for Hillary and Democrats across the board. However, the Democratic party believed that it was Hillary birthright to become President and they ignored her age and all her other baggage in nominating her. I have been listening to Bernie for more than 10 years when he used to frequent a radio talk show  so I had a great of respect for him but thought he was aged. I had hoped that other younger contestants would have entered but my guess is that they didn't want to step on Hillary's toes. I initially liked 'Omally and he would have been a wonderful candidate without the baggage and age against him. This hopefully will teach Democrats that no one has any birthright to being their leader. They should abandon that super delegate rule also because it will allow the party to have a better assessment of who is more popular through votes rather than poles.



I think a civilized country doan have for and against. That is like slotting people. The society must be free to seek they leadership they want. Which means they examine what is taking and vote accordingly. This is what occurred with Trump. The Whites who voted for Obama, felt they would choose Trump this time around. 

Trump is not a Republican neither is he a Democrat. He wants to govern America in the interest of Americans. Him and Congress and the Senate will have a war, but he is a Negotiator. They goan try and slot him. 

He already told the Republican Congress and Senate, that there is alot of work to be done.

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Those protesting are left wing socialists, hungry belly, tree huggers, welfare bums etc.

Time for them to accept the democratic will of the people and respect the rule of law.

I agree that everyone needs to move on. 

Bring in the Military to deal with them.

So its ok to do this except in Guyana, correct?

Good question. One important point, though: the hungry belly left-wing socialists in Guyana are now fat belly right-wing capitalists congregating at Freedom House and protesting every month in front GECOM office. 

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Those protesting are left wing socialists, hungry belly, tree huggers, welfare bums etc.

Time for them to accept the democratic will of the people and respect the rule of law.

I agree that everyone needs to move on. 

Bring in the Military to deal with them.

So its ok to do this except in Guyana, correct?

What you two Canadian rass up in USA business fuh? Worry about your own country. I never heard one peep out of you two over the recent Canadian elections in 2015. But you all up in our business like you are half caste Americans overnight. 

Last edited by Former Member

Democrats will not fare any worse than will Republicans with this Hillary victory.  They "survived" the worst of the Bush years, and they will make it again. The fact is that the "Change" that was promised in the "Yes we can" didn't materialize.  So many have become alienated. 

Hillary didn't understand her base to the degree that Trump understood his.   So she and her folks should blame themselves instead of blaming others.

She thought that people were looking for the usual politically correct president when what people were looking for was a man who they thought had the ability to create decent paying jobs.  They didn't care if he was crude and obnoxious.  This wasn't the usual Americans wanting to elect the person who they could hang out with.

I just saw one of Hillary's ads (hopefully she didn't pay for it). Her focus was on Trump the sex pig. Trump's focus was that "I will make America great again by bringing back loads of jobs".   The first thing that humans want is food and housing. One can only have this if one has a decent job.

What Hillary doesn't understand that it is only within the last year or so that the economy has really recovered from the Bush induced shellacking.  Even as many might have finally found decent paying jobs, what is boiled into their brains is the vulnerability engendered by the financial instability that impacted many between late 2006 and 2014.

So many working class whites, who supported Obama, so cannot be described as bigots, switched to Trump.  Many minorities stayed home. They just didn't "feel" Hillary. They saw a smart and educated woman who says the right things to get elected, and then goes back to her East Coast elite bubble and forgets them.

Of course Trump's main gripe is that his basic crudeness and his nakedly unscrupulous behavior has kept him out of NYCs business elites. But he knows how to pretend to be of the masses, and to be concerned about their plight.

His honey moon will end when the naked conflicts of interest between being the owner of the  Trump Org and being President becomes so blatant that even Bill and Nixon begin to be seen as choir boys.


I will give you guys one consolation on Trump. This guy shot down republicans and democrats alike during his campaign. Pence is now in charge of his transition since Christi is battling bridge-gate. He wouldn't think twice to get rig of anyone that is not up to par. Remember, he is a businessman. He will treat you nice, but he wouldn't tolerate when you try to screw him over. I can live with that. 


Prince Trump said that if he wanted to be president he would run as a GOP as their supporters are stupid.

TRump pulled a con game. Here is the joke.  The Romney guys won. The rich white guys are already getting their claws on the treasury. Massive tax cuts, and Wall Street is back.  And if they crash the economy again once again they will be bailed out.

No American jobs though as Vietnamese, Mexicans, Chinese, and Bangladeshis are better (cheaper).


Says Drugb to Cain and Abel22: "What you two Canadian rass up in USA business fuh? Worry about your own country. I never heard one peep out of you two over the recent Canadian elections in 2015. But you all up in our business like you are half caste Americans overnight."

Says Gilbakka to Drugb: Respect our right to comment freely in this forum as we respect your right. GNI has not put up a wall to block Canadian residents from commenting on US affairs. And, after all, since the US has its hands in every other country on this planet, what's wrong if we just issue a few words about the US?


Druggie needs to understand that few Americans spend one second thinking of Canada. Canada doesn't impact their lives.

Canada is however very impacted by the USA so it is clear that Canadian posters will be concerned.

I am sure that the #1 topic from Cuba down to Suriname, this week was the US election. Why?  Because all of the Caribbean, with the possible exception of the French Antilles, are impacted by the USA.


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