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Former Member

This is not what we voted for


First, even though it’s your right to vote for whichever party you choose, one must weigh all the factors in making that decision. For example, did the previous PPP/C deliver generally all the programmes in bringing better standard of living, improvements to education, housing, health care, transportation, tourism, mining, rice & sugar industries, small, medium and large businesses support. Many Guyanese became millionaires in those 23 years; the landscape of Guyana was transformed from poverty to a developing nation. Yet all those greedy, short-sighted, narrow-minded and self-serving Indo-Guyanese and others that voted for APNU/AFC should not cry now because PPP/C was not good enough. An example, the people of Iraq are crying now because they had a better life under Saddam. This what happens when humankind thinks the grass is greener over the hill. “What you vote for you get, the palm stick in you you-know-what’. You can redeem yourselves by voting these arrogant, shameless, forked-tongue, self-serving APNU/AFC ABCs out of office by supporting a recount of May 2015 Elections. To all the Public Servants 2.5% increases is pittance compared to 50% plus increase for the de facto regime. Join the opposition and all like-minded groups in refusing to accept this abominable barefaced action. Using the border issue to increase, enlarge and expand the army is a front to prepare the Army for rigging all future elections. Increased Crimes, youth unemployment, economic decline, narco trafficking, rice and sugar industries troubles, dwindling foreign/private investments are the many needed priorities, not  spending $billions on the Army. The de facto regime peddling that they were making more money in the private sector then serving your country and its citizens is not where you belong. Resign forthwith and run after the big bucks.

Sheik Ally

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