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According to media reports, a robbery at Republic Bank's Water Street location a short while ago has left one suspected bandit dead and several persons injured.

This represents a significant shift in the crime situation which is getting worse everyday. Meanwhile the APNU+AFC Government continues to live large with its 50% salary increase, $500,000 per month Ministerial housing rentals, millions of dollars in first class overseas travels, with not a care in the world for the poor and powerless who they have further burdened with some 240 tax measures. Joblessness is currently at crisis proportions and the country is now a breeding ground for rampant corruption and crime. #PrayForGuyana
(Demerara Waves photo)

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Shootout between police and bandits at Republic Bank on Water St

-one dead.


The police were this morning in a shootout with four men who attempted to rob Republic Bank Limited on Water Street.

One of the bandits was shot in his face and three others captured. The bandit who was shot died later.

Reports say that the men entered with the intention of robbing the bank and held a male teller at gunpoint.

Policemen who turned up at the scene along with bank security engaged the bandits.

The ensuing shootout resulted in the glass door of the bank’s ATM machine being damaged and some cars in the area were hit by bullets.

When Stabroek News arrived on the scene, the area had been cordoned off and there was a large crowd gathered with police and security guards swarming the area as well.

Commander of A Division, Marlon Chapman also arrived on the scene and he told reporters that he understood that there was an attempted robbery and one person was shot.

Persons selling in the nearby Vendor’s Arcade told Stabroek News that one of the bandits was caught in a cook shop in the area where he pretended to be an employee. After being cornered the man reportedly ran into the shop and entered the kitchen area and pretended to cook but persons there raised an alarm and the police responded and it was reported that he was the bandit who was shot. His clothes were seen on the ground in front of the shop.

The cook shop where the bandit attempted to take refuge

Bullet holes in a vehicle on the scene.


Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

At least the police got them. In PPP time Django ando lilmohan would be screaming police brutality 

Bhai, you seem to be on a high sniffing Jagdeo Slop can.

Things really desperate, them ah rob Banks. Is your family Rumjaat still minister, it is rumoured that the state of uncontrolled crime Granger wants to replace him with an x-army banna.


Republic Bank lauds performance of law enforcement, security.



Republic Bank Guyana (Limited) today lauded the performance of the police and security services during an attempted robbery at its Water Street branch this morning.

A statement from the bank follows:

Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited confirms that there was an attempted robbery at its Water Street Branch, Georgetown, early this morning, July 4. The attempt was made as staff entered the Branch.

The Bank’s Managing Director, Richard Sammy, said, β€œAll of our staff have been accounted for and, where required, have received medical treatment. The bandits were unsuccessful in their robbery attempt. Our greatest concern at this point rests upon the safety and well-being of our staff and customers. We have initiated trauma assistance processes for staff and shall continue to work with law enforcement officials in their investigations.”

The Bank extends gratitude to the law enforcement agencies and security personnel for their alert response, which prevented the situation from escalating further.

The Bank has closed its Water Street Branch until further notice and advises all customers that their banking business can be conducted at all other branches.


Bring them in – Granger wants more arrests of criminals, not Killings

President David Granger

IN light of a perceived spate of police shooting to death suspected criminals, President David Granger is calling for more arrests as opposed to killings, though sometimes the latter is not preventable.Quizzed yesterday during his weekly television programme, β€œPublic Interest”, on whether he was concerned about this trend, which seemingly reflects the inability of the police to disarm, apprehend and bring criminals to trial, the President responded in the affirmative, noting that his instruction would be to save lives.
Mr Granger noted that it is not only important to suppress crime, but also to identify and remove the causes of this social ill.
However, he reasoned that if criminals are killed, then it is impossible to find out what were their motives, or who were the persons behind the scenes supporting them, perhaps financially.
β€œI would like to see due process; I would like to see persons arrested and brought before the courts so we can find out who is the mastermind. Is there a gang leader? Are there guns, and whom are they coming from? If you kill them, you don’t know these things,” the President said during the interview.
As such, he reiterated that he does not want to see any more deaths, but rather arrests, which lead to interrogation. Once this occurs, the retired Brigadier noted, it can aid in bringing an end to execution murders, gun-running and other forms of criminal activities in Guyana.
Expressing his disappointment with confrontations, in which persons who are accused of crimes or are alleged to be criminals are killed, the Head of State reasoned that in some instances, these killings are not preventable, given their nature. He referred to the latest episode of police shooting deaths, when two suspected bandits were gunned down by police after a two-hour-long exchange of fire between them.
Additionally, he hinted that it is apparent that some gangs are re-emerging. Though these may be small gangs, with some comprising two or three members, the President offered that their existence still poses a danger.
β€œAnd I would always put the saving of human life as a greater priority than just shooting down people; I don’t like that at all,” he said.

Meanwhile, efforts are being made by government to reform the rules for Coroners’ Inquests. And according to President Granger, the coroners appointed will not necessarily be district magistrates. This, he said, will enable the State to ensure that all unnatural deaths are investigated.
β€œSo even in a case where persons assumed to be criminals are shot, we will have inquests and there will be greater care exercised by the police authority to ensure that the policemen do not act unlawfully,” the President added.
He is of the view, too, that presently, more crimes are being detected and prevented than in previous times. And while this can largely be attributed to the fact that Operation Dragnet is yielding much success, the President acknowledged that Guyana cannot boast that it can prevent crime from occurring. Nevertheless, more cases are being brought before the courts, he added.
As it relates to new plans to arrest the crime situation and boost domestic and national security, 14 plans which were comprehensively laid out while the now government was in opposition, will be implemented.
β€œSo we’re not in the business of creating new plans, we’re in the business of implementing the very plans which the previous administration failed to implement. The most important one is the Security Sector Master Plan,” President Granger said.
This master plan, which was signed by British High Commissioner to Guyana Fraser Wheeler seven years ago, was never implemented under the former administration, despite being funded at an estimated cost of 3 million pounds.
And according to the President, during the United Nations (UN) General Assembly meeting last month, he met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), David Cameron, who extended support to Guyana.
It was there that the Head of State told Cameron that he wished to have the master plan placed back on the front burner.
Remaining hopeful, he said, β€œI am confident that once an agreement has been reached, that master plan will be back on the table in 2016.”
And once this is implemented, the President is contending, it will have a positive impact on the crime situation in Guyana.

by Ravin Singh

Last edited by Former Member

Agronomist, Bank and Acme employees identified as bank robbers; RBL closes branch.

Jul 4, 2017 Source

A machine operator at the Acme Photo Studio and a staff of the Republic Bank are in custody after the failed robbery this morning (Tuesday, June 04, 2017) at the Republic Bank Commercial office on Water Street, Georgetown.

Elton Wray

However, one of their accomplices whose name has not yet been disclosed was killed during the encounter.

Jamal Haynes


Both of the men, Jamal Haynes and Elton Wray, an Agronomist attached to the National Agriculture Research Extension Institute (NAREI) and dealing with the Agency’s Hydroponics project are said to be 24 years old.

The police are currently searching for two other suspects whose names were revealed by the men in custody.

Based on information the News Room received, the planned robbery was in the making for some time now, and the gang which carried out the early morning downtown drama has been carrying out a series of robberies along the East Coast Demerara.

The men were captured after they attempted to rob the bank early on Tuesday morning as staff were entering the building to report for duty. Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum confirmed that the bandits were attempting to carry out the robbery inside of the bank.

The News Room was informed that the men showed up aback the vendors’ Arcade on Water Street where they parked their getaway car and proceeded to walk over to the bank. As the security guards were letting in employees, the men forced their way into the bank while one with his face covered stood outside firing shots into the air.

During that period, he received little engagements from security personnel who were strategically positioned behind their armoured vehicle as they waited for the bandit’s rounds to be exhausted. After that was exhausted, the man made a dash from the location, but persons began shouting for thief and two licensed firearm holders discharged rounds into the air, forcing the bandit to run into the arcade.

By that time, the terrorised shoppers and vendors had taken cover, and as the police arrived and gave chase behind the man, he reportedly stripped out of his disguise and ran into the kitchen of a food stall as if he was there cooking all the while.

The shop in which the suspect attempted to hide

However, alert vendors pointed out that the man was not an employee of the snacket in which he had affixed himself as a cook. He was promptly arrested by the police and the bandana, toque, gun and other items which he dropped were recovered.

It was also reported that an employee was taken hostage, during the process. The bandits, according to police sources and persons in the area, were attempting to make their way through a back gate of the arcade but that door was deliberately shut by the vendors who realised what was going on. They also closed the gates to the front of the arcade to aid the police in capturing the men.

Following the ordeal, the police were able to recover three hand guns.

The vehicle in which the men were transported to the scene

There has been no report of any members of the public being hurt during the ordeal.

The getaway car which was also seized was hijacked from a taxi driver late last night (Monday, June 03, 2017) in β€˜C’ Division after he was hired by three neatly dressed males who requested to be taken to Goedverwagting. It was related to News Room that when the man reached his destination, there they directed him to turn through a lonely street and when he did, one struck him from behind with a heavy metal while another pulled a gun and ordered him to exit the car.

Divisional Commander, Marlon Chapman who was inside the bank after the ordeal told media operatives that the investigations into the incident will continue and he also confirmed that the police are looking for other suspects.

Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited also released a statement in which it extends gratitude to the law enforcement agencies and security personnel for their alert response, which prevented the situation from escalating further.

The Bank’s Managing Director, Richard Sammy, said, β€œAll of our staff have been accounted for and, where required, have received medical treatment. The bandits were unsuccessful in their robbery attempt. Our greatest concern at this point rests upon the safety and well-being of our staff and customers. We have initiated trauma assistance processes for staff and shall continue to work with law enforcement officials in their investigations.”

The Bank has closed its Water Street Branch until further notice and advises all customers that their banking business can be conducted at all other branches.


"The bandits, according to police sources and persons in the area, were attempting to make their way through a back gate of the arcade but that door was deliberately shut by the vendors who realised what was going on. They also closed the gates to the front of the arcade to aid the police in capturing the men."


Good to see the public assisting, kudos to all.


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