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Linden boy, 4, died of head trauma, was raped

-autopsy finds

The death of a four-year-old child in Linden is being treated as a murder after an autopsy showed that he died of head trauma and had been raped.

The dead child has been identified as Alex Prince, whose mother and step-father have been taken into custody. The child had been left in the custody of his step-father at Silver Hill, Linden-Soesdyke Highway, before being found dead last week Monday.

Senior Superintendent Kurleigh Simon, Commander of Region Four (b) (Eccles – Moblissa), last evening told Stabroek News that the child’s death is being treated as a homicide.


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More details emerge in death of four-year-old boy

Additional detailed information has surfaced following the unnatural death of a four-year-boy. On Monday last, the boy, was found lying in a pool of blood, struck to his head and he had been sodomised.
According to the President of the Champions of Change and close friend of the dead boy, Ms. Sabrina Craig, the stepfather, Joshua β€œJoseph” Jones, 22, had been accused of molesting several other children within the village of Yarrowkabra, on the Soesdyke/Linden highway.
Craig revealed that she became acquainted with Jones after he began visiting Stacy Goodridge, 19, the mother of the dead boy some four months ago. Goodridge was at the time working at Craig’s small food business on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.
After being informed that Jones was recently released from prison, the woman said that she felt inclined to pay closer attention to him.
During an interview on Saturday, Craig recounted two different incidents when Jones was accused of sexually molesting two girls, aged three and 10.
β€œThere was an incident where he had used his finger on three-year-old little girl. The [girl’s] mother found out and she beat him terribly.
β€œOn Friday, we heard that a man in the village was looking for him after he molested the man’s three-year-old daughter,” Craig stated.
She went on to say that both of the matters were reported to the police, but the cases went no further.
On the last occasion that the social worker saw the now dead boy, she recounted that she could tell that the boy has been suffering, Craig disclosed.
β€œHe told me that he was hungry and I held onto him and I asked him what was going on with him. That’s when he begged to stay with me because Joseph used to beat him badly.”
Craig admitted that she tried to get the mother and child away from the grasps of Jones, but her attempts proved futile.
However, the woman emphatically stated that she believes that Jones is the one who had something to do with the death of the four-year old boy.
β€œWe want justice!” she exclaimed.
Craig called on officials and police ranks to conduct more investigations and interactions within the village of Yarrowkabra; a village she claims is plagued with child molesters and thieves.
Goodridge and Jones had been arrested by the police following the death of their son, after a post-mortem examination (PM) revealed that the child had been sodomised and struck to his head.
The PM, which was conducted by the government’s chief pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh, revealed that the child had died as a result of blunt force trauma to the head. On Friday morning, the findings were handed over to the police and the boy’s parents were subsequently arrested.
The boy will be laid to rest on Sunday, October 20. The President of the Champions of Change is appealing to citizens to make donations for the preparation of his funeral. She can be contacted on +592-673-3720.



Something is odd about Guyana. There is passion and protest over politics yet the nation is crime-ridden and there seems no mass outcry.  Everyone goes about their business as usual. Politicians included!

The people of Guyana need to put aside differences and rise up in common protest against the callousness of the authorities to crime. 

They need to demand changes and harsher penalties. 

People like this sicko should have long been off the street and this crime, if convicted,  should be execution.  He will never change!

Blackman and Coolie fight over the wrong things!

Baseman posted:

Something is odd about Guyana. There is passion and protest over politics yet the nation is crime-ridden and there seems no mass outcry.  Everyone goes about their business as usual. Politicians included!

The people of Guyana need to put aside differences and rise up in common protest against the callousness of the authorities to crime. 

They need to demand changes and harsher penalties. 

People like this sicko should have long been off the street and this crime, if convicted,  should be execution.  He will never change!

Blackman and Coolie fight over the wrong things!

I don't like Trump policies and decisions, but he has a following to create  changes.

Guyana needs something similar to unite the people. 

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:

Something is odd about Guyana. There is passion and protest over politics yet the nation is crime-ridden and there seems no mass outcry.  Everyone goes about their business as usual. Politicians included!

The people of Guyana need to put aside differences and rise up in common protest against the callousness of the authorities to crime. 

They need to demand changes and harsher penalties. 

People like this sicko should have long been off the street and this crime, if convicted,  should be execution.  He will never change!

Blackman and Coolie fight over the wrong things!

I don't like Trump policies and decisions, but he has a following to create  changes.

Guyana needs something similar to unite the people. 

Why you invoke Trump?  Has he built a nest in your head?

Guyana cannot get a Trump, they will crucify him for blasphemy.  They prefer it the way it is, that's how cane cutters and head-chopper Bush Negros think and wuk!

Look at you, even you cut and run under the PPP and PNC!  You run to White Man country and then turn around and cuss them!

Guyana is Fked because Guyanese are Fked-up!  Ask IGGY!!

Last edited by Former Member

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