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Opposition leaders, local mafiosi experiencing an epiphany

Former Police Commissioner and current PNC shadow Home Affairs Minister, Winston Felix, alleged to have conducted a conversation wherein he was purported to have plotted to cover up serious crimes – including murder, and to plant drugs on someone, is now pronouncing on “The rule of law” and admonishing Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee and the Government over the crime wave.


Chairman of the AFC, Nigel Hughes, who is also accused of serious crimes such as subverting the course of justice in murder cases, tax evasion, suspected of jury tampering and more, is lambasting Government officials for unproven illegal activities.


Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader (?) and Moses Nagamootoo, Vice-Chairman of the AFC,both accused of fraud and unethical practices by several clients, are prognosticating on ethics and leadership qualities.


Former Finance Minister in a PNC Government, Carl Greenidge, who admitted that the country had gone bankrupt under his purview, is now lecturing to PPP/C Government’s Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, who has successfully driven a sustained stability in Guyana’s macro-economic fundamentals for several successive preceding years on the nation’s financial matters.


Opposition Leader David Granger, who was security advisor to Burnham and Hoyte during the years when the nation was severely oppressed by the security forces – to the point of murder of innocent Guyanese citizens, including popular emerging political voice, Dr. Walter Rodney, is sanctimoniously pontificating on every issue under the sun, with particular emphasis on national security.


Former Auditor-General and current AFC point-man on economics after the escape of Tarron Khemraj, Anand Goolsarran, who presided over the nation’s fiscal affairs under a PNC administration, along with Greenidge, without any public audit done for years, is now the nation’s voice of conscience guarding public spending.


And paedophiles are in public institutions and national television pontificating on national issues, especially on those to do with human rights policies and the law.


Glenn Lall, (in)famous for electricity theft, fingered (as exposed by Wikileaks) by the diplomatic community for human trafficking and other clandestine activities, accused of massive tax fraud and threatening public officials, has appointed himself as the anti-corruption Messiah, intent on exposing ‘wrong doings’ of public officials and businessmen with whom he has a grouse, or for financial returns (through advertisements, et cetera); and he has used his tabloid publication to blacken the good name of many innocent persons and, worse, to drive away from the country direct investments and much-needed funding sources intended to national development, as well as job and wealth-creation for the average Guyanese citizen: A man who drove many to tears is now crying crocodile tears to evoke sympathy.


And the NGOs and institutions, as well as individuals, whose voices of ‘conscience’ awaken only to support anti-Government protagonists, even if they are criminals.


They all are being ‘awakened’. They have had an epiphany, Halleluiah! Perhaps now they will recognise the folly of their ways and join with Government to build instead of destroying this country that we all call home.


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Well what do you know! The church mice who ware now sporting obscene wealth, live in exclusive ocen front datchas, and govern the nation as they would their grandfathers property are telling us they are saints! On Monday is the refuse to deal with the No Confidence Vote and decide to become our dictators is more than action but by designation as well...lets hope the people have an answer.


At some point all those ill gotten gains will have to be seized and repossessed.


We cannot depend on the PNC to do that though after all they are in the pocket of the PPP. Right Caribny? How much is corbin, Bond and Vulgar mekkin from PPP every month?

r I turned twelve, the age my son is just shy a year from. What might have started out as good intentions has warped into thievery, discrimination, impunity and an increasing oppression. It cannot continue, this corruption of the spirit - it has lasted too long, buoyed up by fear, prejudice and the complicity of unscrupulous men and women. They are like vultures feeding upon a wounded calf, engorging themselves upon it on the rationale that it will die anyway. Monday represents hope, the hope of change and a breaking of the cycle of oppression that has been visited upon this country since independence. This is a chance we have to take or we're done as a people.

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