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If the Assembly were permitted to cut the Minister’s estimates, the estimates, when cut, would necessarily become the estimates as fixed and determined by the Assembly and would cease being the Minister’s estimates. 


cited from the Brilliant Chief Justice.

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Moreover, a power in the Assembly to cut would necessarily mean that there would be no room for the Minister to essay any amendment to his estimates to meet the concerns of the Assembly expressed in the course of the budget debates or in the Community of Supply. 


quotes from the brilliant Chief Justice.


The APNU has to vote down the entire budget and then tell asni shanti to come again with a smaller number.  After all the budget is owned by the executive - it is Danald own, not APNU or AFC own.


Clearly, it is the Minister’s estimates or amended estimates which require the approval of the Assembly under Article 218 and this constitutional requirement is necessarily inconsistent with the existence of power in the Assembly to cut and thereby to fix the estimates of expenditure – the purported exercise of which power” would necessarily precludes any further need for approval by the Assembly.


quoted from the brilliant Chief Justice.



The Minister has to take the lead in cutting the estimates, not Granger or Ramjattan and that is legit by me, it is the LAW.  The only option left is for the opposition to vote against the entire budget.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The ball is in the Opposition court, approve or disapprove, if they disapprove the budget, they have a great chance of losing their razor thin  "Majority".

We will wait, watch and see the opposition roll over and the PPP wins again.


Well done PPP!


Granger and the social contract!  STEWPTS


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