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PPP says international community sold elections for oil

PPP says international community sold elections for oil

by Zena Henry

Former Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy believes that international players engineered the outcome of Guyana’s just concluded general elections because at least one of them wants to put its hand on the oil industry.

Expressing his non-acceptance of the 2015 results, Ramsammy on his Facebook page claimed that the “ Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the International Observers seemed more concerned about expediency of an early release of results than ensuring the integrity of the elections and securing the democratic rights of citizens.”

In the twelve-paragraph article headlined, "Is oil now  reason for rigged elections?" the former Minister, who is an American citizen, noted that in the vulgar haste to produce an early result Guyana may have been gifted, “with another government born out of fraud and rigging.”

“We do not believe that these suspicious elections results, however, were merely out of expediency to obtain an early result. We believe that there was an unholy alliance to ensure Guyana gifted certain stakeholders with a government, not of, by and for the people, but for international stakeholders. We believe this to be the case because one or more of these international stakeholders is interested in Guyana’s oil deposits.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Undue haste because Exxon doesn't want to shell millions in bribes.



BTW most normal countries don't take almost a week before the results are officially announced.  In what world does the PPP dwell.

Last edited by Former Member

Half of Guyana's voters already get the message that election was rigged by the PNC once more. Granger knows nothing about democracy. Granger cannot win a free and fair election never. I still sees him as an undemocratic president. The same people that put him there, will be the same people to kicked his ass out if he failed on his promise to give away Guyana's resources to these foreign bastards.


I don't give a shit what he does on day one and two. I don't care what you people think of him. All I know, soon you people will have to die in shame when Granger turn around and shove a long bamboo up your asses. 50% of Guyanese were cheated and have no one to speak for them.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Half of Guyana's voters already get the message that election was rigged by the PNC once more. Granger knows nothing about democracy. Granger cannot win a free and fair election never. I still sees him as an undemocratic president. The same people that put him there, will be the same people to kicked his ass out if he failed on his promise to give away Guyana's resources to these foreign bastards.


I don't give a shit what he does on day one and two. I don't care what you people think of him. All I know, soon you people will have to die in shame when Granger turn around and shove a long bamboo up your asses. 50% of Guyanese were cheated and have no one to speak for them.

Check the Mahabharatha...remember the story of Bhima and Duryodhana...PPP was evil...they broke all the rules of warfare. Reform or die, fool!


The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC)  plans to mount a legal challenge to the results of the May 11, 2015 general election and, like other parties, has 28 days to file an elections petition.

Addressing the nation after Saturday’s swearing-in of David Granger as Guyana’s 8th president , former President Donald Ramotar said that an elections petition is one of the options for legal redress that his party has agreed to. “We have agreed to pursue options for redress under the Constitution and the Law including an elections petition,” said Ramotar.

Despite efforts by the PPP/C to postpone the declaration of the final results by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) the body today announced that the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) + Alliance for Change (AFC) coalition gained 207, 200 of the total votes cast, while the PPP/C won 202, 694, 207.

Over 410, 000 votes were cast in these elections, with a negligible number going to smaller, less known parties.

These results have given the coalition 33 seats in the National Assembly, and the PPP/C 32. The coalition thus now holds the Executive arm of government, as well as the majourity seating in the National Assembly.

Former Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall, on his Facebook page this afternoon, hinted that the PPP/C challenge of the results will indeed be done in court.  

“I will begin by launching a legal action to this election. It will be pursued all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), if that is necessary,” said Nandlall in the post.

Speaking to Demerara Waves last evening Nandlall said the party does not yet know when it will file the petition. He said though, that “the petition is a special type of litigation which has its own peculiar rules and therefore a lot of care has to be taken in preparing the elections petition.”

Guyana’s constitution gives the High Court exclusive jurisdiction to determine any question as to the validity of the results of any election.  

The specific provision is laid down in Article 163 (1) (b) (i), which says, “Subject to the provision of this article, the High Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any question…whether…either generally or in any particular place, an election has been lawfully conducted of the result thereof have been, or may have been, affected by any unlawful act of omission.”

The National Assembly (Validity of Elections) Act offers further guidance on what is required to challenge the results released by (GECOM).

Section 4 (1) of the Act states that “an election petition may be presented by an elector or by a candidate.” Nandlall’s Facebook post, combined with the facts that he was a candidate in these elections, and the PPP/C’s legal advisor while it held the Executive arm of government, suggests that he may be the one to bring such a petition.

Section 5 of the Act demands that the petition be presented “within twenty-eight (28) days after the results of the election out of which the matter in question on the petition arose are published in the Gazette…” 28 days from today would put the deadline for filing the petition as June 13th, however, as today is not a working day it is not clear whether the results have been Gazetted.

GECOM Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, could not be reached to say if they were and/or when they would be, and GECOM Chairman, Steve Surujbally, also could not be reached to provide clarification.

The PPP/C has made several claims against the validity of the results of the 2015 General and Regional Elections. In his address Ramotar said that the PPP/C “had requested the commission to conduct a recount of the ballots cast in view of the several irregularities and discrepancies found during and after the day of the elections.”

He noted that “…our repeated requests were denied by GECOM…without taking into consideration the real concerns that have been brought to their attention by our party.”

Ramotar also said “my party remains convinced that a recount would have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the electoral process had been compromised and the PPP/C would have won.”

GECOM apparently disagreed however, and today proceeded to declare the final results, after which David Granger was sworn in as the new president of Guyana.



GWI refuses $7M advertising bill…Billboards changed for PPP campaigning

May 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) and a local advertising agency are at loggerheads following the refusal by GWI to pay nearly $7M for billboards.

The billboard had previously been commissioned as a GWI ad but instead was changed to be used as a campaign tool for the PPP/C.

The billboard had previously been commissioned as a GWI ad but instead was changed to be used as a campaign tool for the PPP/C.

The billboards, costing about $350,000 each, were ordered by GWI but were instead modified to be used by the PPP/C for campaigning, a GWI source confirmed. According to the source, the company received an invoice for almost $7M from the advertising company, Impressions. The invoices were for nearly two dozen billboards ordered by the utility company. The source admitted that Impressions had indeed been hired to produce billboards for the utility company. Specific designs had been agreed upon by both sides. However, a subsequent check of the erected billboards showed that they did not conform to the previously agreed upon design. Instead, the billboards were used as an electioneering tool and were modified to include the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) elections slogan, “for a strong, stable and secure Guyana vote PPP/C”. Now, GWI is maintaining that it will not pay the $7M bill. When contacted, GWI Public Relations Officer (PRO) Timothy Austin said that the company was doing an investigation into the matter. “We’ve seen the stories and the management of GWI is looking into it,” Austin assured.

Last edited by Former Member

Dr. Shameless Crookbally sold Guyanese democracy for US$1M. All PNC supporters are supporting a undemocratic regime. Raj Singh PhD was more real than an installed David Granger as president.



Sore losers will always find a way to see fault with a process.


The PPP  believe the entire world schemed against them and nothing was wrong with their method of governance.

Nastiness, vindictiveness and corruption was hallmark of the PPP and will remain, until they change to become more inclusive of all races in Guyana.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Half of Guyana's voters already bla bla fkin blaaaaa.....All I know, soon you people will have to die in shame when Granger turn around and shove a long bamboo up your asses. 50% of Guyanese were cheated and have no one to speak for them.

This is what you've been missing that's why you dumb shit so cranky since PPP LOST.


All AFC members knew that the election was rigged, but couldn't say anything.

The Chairman was afraid for his life and was reluctant in going along with it. 

Carter ordered him to release favorable figures. The PPP won in region 7.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

All AFC members knew that the election was rigged, but couldn't say anything.

The Chairman was afraid for his life and was reluctant in going along with it. 

Carter ordered him to release favorable figures. The PPP won in region 7.

Like the PPP said about corruption at NCN, show us the evidence about R7. 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

All AFC members knew that the election was rigged, but couldn't say anything.

The Chairman was afraid for his life and was reluctant in going along with it. 

Carter ordered him to release favorable figures. The PPP won in region 7.

Like the PPP said about corruption at NCN, show us the evidence about R7. 

It is under  the protection of the PNC government. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

All AFC members knew that the election was rigged, but couldn't say anything.

The Chairman was afraid for his life and was reluctant in going along with it. 

Carter ordered him to release favorable figures. The PPP won in region 7.

Like the PPP said about corruption at NCN, show us the evidence about R7. 

It is under  the protection of the PNC government. 

You mean like the last census reports,  that shows Indians leaving Guyana in droves, because of the PPP.


The PPP are the some ideological fools as under CBJ and JJ.  They tout Anti-Americanism, shutting out US businesses from Guyana's development, criticize the USA and no they got the boomerang.  The US was more patient this time as there is no USSR, but sooner or later they would have run out of patience.  Bunch of arrogant clowns.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

PPP says international community sold elections for oil

PPP says international community sold elections for oil

by Zena Henry

Former Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy believes that international players engineered the outcome of Guyana’s just concluded general elections because at least one of them wants to put its hand on the oil industry.

Expressing his non-acceptance of the 2015 results, Ramsammy on his Facebook page claimed that the “ Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the International Observers seemed more concerned about expediency of an early release of results than ensuring the integrity of the elections and securing the democratic rights of citizens.”

In the twelve-paragraph article headlined, "Is oil now  reason for rigged elections?" the former Minister, who is an American citizen, noted that in the vulgar haste to produce an early result Guyana may have been gifted, “with another government born out of fraud and rigging.”

“We do not believe that these suspicious elections results, however, were merely out of expediency to obtain an early result. We believe that there was an unholy alliance to ensure Guyana gifted certain stakeholders with a government, not of, by and for the people, but for international stakeholders. We believe this to be the case because one or more of these international stakeholders is interested in Guyana’s oil deposits.”



Who did the deal with EXXON????


Yes the PPP.


So who selling what and when???



One morning they woke up and they did not hear the Siren and they advanced to insanity.


Rodney talked about this insanity.


It is the PPP's turn now.


Karma is a bitch.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Shameless Crookbally sold Guyanese democracy for US$1M. All PNC supporters are supporting a undemocratic regime. Raj Singh PhD was more real than an installed David Granger as president.


If there is one single man that I can point to in the PPP campaign that cost the PPP the election, it's Raj Singh.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Shameless Crookbally sold Guyanese democracy for US$1M. All PNC supporters are supporting a undemocratic regime. Raj Singh PhD was more real than an installed David Granger as president.


If there is one single man that I can point to in the PPP campaign that cost the PPP the election, it's Raj Singh.

Nah - Bheri, Priya and Anil and of course the Champion of the DIRT.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Shameless Crookbally sold Guyanese democracy for US$1M. All PNC supporters are supporting a undemocratic regime. Raj Singh PhD was more real than an installed David Granger as president.


If there is one single man that I can point to in the PPP campaign that cost the PPP the election, it's Raj Singh.

Oh rass baie and here we all thought was you.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

PPP says international community sold elections for oil

PPP says international community sold elections for oil

by Zena Henry

Former Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy believes that international players engineered the outcome of Guyana’s just concluded general elections because at least one of them wants to put its hand on the oil industry.

Expressing his non-acceptance of the 2015 results, Ramsammy on his Facebook page claimed that the “ Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the International Observers seemed more concerned about expediency of an early release of results than ensuring the integrity of the elections and securing the democratic rights of citizens.”

In the twelve-paragraph article headlined, "Is oil now  reason for rigged elections?" the former Minister, who is an American citizen, noted that in the vulgar haste to produce an early result Guyana may have been gifted, “with another government born out of fraud and rigging.”

“We do not believe that these suspicious elections results, however, were merely out of expediency to obtain an early result. We believe that there was an unholy alliance to ensure Guyana gifted certain stakeholders with a government, not of, by and for the people, but for international stakeholders. We believe this to be the case because one or more of these international stakeholders is interested in Guyana’s oil deposits.”

Leslie Ramsammy is a lunatic.


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