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The PPP cannot beat the APNU+AFC, they are their own enemy.


They need to spend more time with the people in the Hinterlands and in the rural areas and in the urban ghettos and in South Georgetown.


Look the APNU+AFC with the upper class talking and talking.  But how many voted will this upper class group bring to the table.  Orealla alone got more votes that this GT elite crowd.


Look who Ramutar hanging out with - the real people that got real votes.


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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who is the campaign team that running this show?


Both campaign teams are composed principally of lackluster morons.


Dem bais are still under the impression that politicians are still divinely ordained to run campaigns and make campaign strategy.


The fact of the matter is that this is a yawn of a campaign. A talentless aging Opposition of recyclables and an even less talented Government sitting atop a pretty decent electoral bund of cynical Indians, Amerindians, and some Black/Mixed people.


The fact that Guyana only has these uninspiring choices before it is a testament to the effects of emigration on the country. Only schupid people left to govern other schupid people with a handful of semi-intelligent malcontents.


The Guyana Rice farmers has thrown their support behind the Unity Train and endorse the APNU/AFC coalition. They said the only way to save the Rice Industry and the Sugar Industry is to Change the Govt and put in new management. They have lost all hope in the PPP/C govt. "Rice Is Life", and the present govt is taking Guyanese lives away from them, and it must stop now before it's too late.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who is the campaign team that running this show?


Both campaign teams are composed principally of lackluster morons.


Dem bais are still under the impression that politicians are still divinely ordained to run campaigns and make campaign strategy.


The fact of the matter is that this is a yawn of a campaign. A talentless aging Opposition of recyclables and an even less talented Government sitting atop a pretty decent electoral bund of cynical Indians, Amerindians, and some Black/Mixed people.



I asked a bunch of questions last month, and all the AFC cultists jumped on me.  People have this habit of taking the race vote for granted.  The PPP learned its lesion last time.  Has APNU? 


.I hear about Granger in the Amerindian areas.  But is he in the hard c0re PNC areas, or does he too think that he "owns" that vote?  Does he have a get out to vote operation?

Originally Posted by Conscience:


Granger says he will increase the tax on all used vehicles imported. How many of the vehicles imported by are new? Answer: One percent. 

Granger is correct.


Raise it by 100% to get all them waste products off the road.  you got to DRIVE a brand new like me.  Less destruction to the environment.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

PNC strongholds, New Amsterdam, western Berbice AND BARTICA, NOW  supporting the PPP. Thanks to Elizabeth Harper, the next Prime Minister of Guyana.

This is BIG BIG LIE.  The afro-Guyanese are voting for this coalition 99%.

SSSSSSH.  If the PPP is dumb enough to believe this let them.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The PPP cannot beat the APNU+AFC, they are their own enemy.


They need to spend more time with the people in the Hinterlands and in the rural areas and in the urban ghettos and in South Georgetown.


Look the APNU+AFC with the upper class talking and talking.  But how many voted will this upper class group bring to the table.  Orealla alone got more votes that this GT elite crowd.


Look who Ramutar hanging out with - the real people that got real votes.


Moses is busy campaigning on GNI, what else do you need?




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