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Food for the Poor reaches out to several communities

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

In keeping with its mandate to assist and help in the alleviation of poverty, Food for the Poor (Guyana) Incorporated has taken food supplies and clothing as well as toiletries and vitamins and in some cases water, to several communities.
This effort that has been ongoing over the last three months has seen the distribution of items to more than 23 communities including Silver Hill in Linden, Tenaboo Demerara River, Mahaica, Rivers’ View, West Bank, and several East Coast communities including Buxton.
This stemmed from Food for the Poor’s efforts to reach all communities and persons in need as opposed to one set of people who often flock to the main office that are from communities in the environs closest to the location.
Leon Davis, head of the NGO said “we will continue to move into different areas… we feel the need to get the goods to people in an expeditious manner. We go to the location for an assessment then we return to meet the people with their specific needs. The group is also taking medical assistance to some communities and the next stop is Leguan. This drive will continue to the end of the year. We are moving to Berbice soon as well as Linden, and if all goes well, residents at 58 miles will also benefit.”
The items were distributed by donors while others were purchased by Food for the Poor.

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This is the plight of the POOR under the JGDEO - Raumtar CABAL



Squatters must remove from East Bank Demerara sea dam- Ministry of Public Works


Some of the squatters in Herstelling that have not received house lots and are unable to remove from the sea dam at present.

- 14-day notice expire, hundreds without house lots

Residents of the Diamond and Herstelling sea dam are peeved at the fact that although the government acknowledges that they are poor people, they are still being forced to pay exorbitant prices for house lots.
They all say that they cannot even afford to move themselves from the dam where they have been residing for several years.
The Ministry of Public Works and Communication has issued notices informing these squatters that they are occupying state reserves against the law. The Sea Defence Act prohibits persons from occupying sea defence reserves and threatens stiff penalties.
A 14-day notice issued to all the squatters expired on Sunday. Efforts are now being made to clear the reserves.
The Works Ministry in collaboration with all relevant agencies including the Ministries of Housing and Water and the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC) is spearheading this effort.
According to Savitri Persaud, of Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD), notices were issues from the Ministry of Public Works to persons on the sea dam, and squatters were asked to visit the Ministry of Housing and Water with their respective notices and apply for their house lot.
“We are poor people; we can’t afford to pay $500,000 for a house lot. That is why we are living here! We are willing to move but they have to try to assist the very poor people; some people get house lots for $92,000 and $150,000. That is till behind Parfait Harmonie. My husband and son died and I sell fish. If I go there what will I do? “
Patricia Williams of Herstelling, East Bank Demerara and a mother of seven, said that it is very hard for her to make payments for a plot she is being awarded. She said that she needs time to make such payments in small installments, because she has many children to care for as a single parent.
According to Sookranie Singh, she has been living on the sea dam for 20-years. She said that she applied for a house lot in 1992, in 1995 then again in 2005, but never was successful. “They say how they can’t find the files…they telling you that go and live at some family or rent somewhere. Family will only keep you for a two day and we can’t afford to rent anywhere.”
Squatters at Diamond, East Bank Demerara wanted to remain anonymous for fear of victimization from the authorities. However, collectively they agreed that several households, who could have afforded to remove from the squatting area, did so.
This newspaper spoke to a majority of women who revealed that the Ministry of Housing has been giving them the royal run around to obtain a house lot. “They (Ministry of Housing) tell we
that them ain’t got land right now and as soon as they get land them gon tell we. They tell we that them got 200 plus land inside the Diamond Scheme, and them gon look after it, they want we to move and they ain’t giving we no house lot yet.”
One woman said that since most of the people cannot afford to purchase the land at present, “the Government should put the people on the land, and let them pay for it. Instead of paying rent, which most can’t afford…They want we get half of the money first before we could get the land. Not everybody can afford that! We working for a small salary,
“I have to provide for three children, they have to change school, I can’t even afford to eat properly and they want me to pay a big set of money for land. How will poor people survived?” one woman said.
Adding that the Prime Minster, Samuel Hinds visited the area earlier in the year, residents in Diamond related that their names were recorded, and it was promised that persons would be assisted with some of the money needed to pay for their respective house lots. However, to date nothing has materialized.
Another woman asserted that the persons who are working at the Diamond NDC are looking after their personal interest rather than the interest of the people that are seeking the council’s assistance.
Many persons claimed that the government has not given any assistance to persons who are moving. However, according to Ministry of Public Works and Communication, Robeson Benn, transportation is being provided for hundreds of persons that are squatting on the Diamond and Herstelling sea dam to remove their valuables, since it is compulsory for everyone to eventually relocate.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This is the plight of the POOR under the JGDEO - Raumtar CABAL



Squatters must remove from East Bank Demerara sea dam- Ministry of Public Works



According to Savitri Persaud, of Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD), notices were issues from the Ministry of Public Works to persons on the sea dam, and squatters were asked to visit the Ministry of Housing and Water with their respective notices and apply for their house lot.
“We are poor people; we can’t afford to pay $500,000 for a house lot. That is why we are living here! We are willing to move but they have to try to assist the very poor people; some people get house lots for $92,000 and $150,000. 

Last edited by Former Member

Where is Nehru with "Guyana sweet".


Guyana has a horrendous income inequality problem.  AS a result we have the biggest problem with child labor and sex trafficking in the English speaking Caribbean.


This heartless PPP regime has the tenacity to then make claims that Guyana would be worse under any other government. How worse could it possibly get for these folks after the PPP has first made them poor and now making them homeless.

A vote for the PPP is a vote for poverty

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Food for the Poor reaches out to several communities

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

In keeping with its mandate to assist and help in the alleviation of poverty, Food for the Poor (Guyana) Incorporated has taken food supplies and clothing as well as toiletries and vitamins and in some cases water, to several communities.
This effort that has been ongoing over the last three months has seen the distribution of items to more than 23 communities including Silver Hill in Linden, Tenaboo Demerara River, Mahaica, Rivers’ View, West Bank, and several East Coast communities including Buxton.
This stemmed from Food for the Poor’s efforts to reach all communities and persons in need as opposed to one set of people who often flock to the main office that are from communities in the environs closest to the location.
Leon Davis, head of the NGO said “we will continue to move into different areas… we feel the need to get the goods to people in an expeditious manner. We go to the location for an assessment then we return to meet the people with their specific needs. The group is also taking medical assistance to some communities and the next stop is Leguan. This drive will continue to the end of the year. We are moving to Berbice soon as well as Linden, and if all goes well, residents at 58 miles will also benefit.”
The items were distributed by donors while others were purchased by Food for the Poor.


Originally Posted by KishanB:

Food for the Poor reaches out to several communities

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

In keeping with its mandate to assist and help in the alleviation of poverty, Food for the Poor (Guyana) Incorporated has taken food supplies and clothing as well as toiletries and vitamins and in some cases water, to several communities.
This effort that has been ongoing over the last three months has seen the distribution of items to more than 23 communities including Silver Hill in Linden, Tenaboo Demerara River, Mahaica, Rivers’ View, West Bank, and several East Coast communities including Buxton.
This stemmed from Food for the Poor’s efforts to reach all communities and persons in need as opposed to one set of people who often flock to the main office that are from communities in the environs closest to the location.
Leon Davis, head of the NGO said “we will continue to move into different areas… we feel the need to get the goods to people in an expeditious manner. We go to the location for an assessment then we return to meet the people with their specific needs. The group is also taking medical assistance to some communities and the next stop is Leguan. This drive will continue to the end of the year. We are moving to Berbice soon as well as Linden, and if all goes well, residents at 58 miles will also benefit.”
The items were distributed by donors while others were purchased by Food for the Poor.

So all them Canadian and American that depends on the Food Bank are Beggars!!!!! Your mentality of thinking is worst than Beggars, , I feel so bad for you.

Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Food for the Poor reaches out to several communities

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

The scene at one of the distribution exercises at Herstelling

In keeping with its mandate to assist and help in the alleviation of poverty, Food for the Poor (Guyana) Incorporated has taken food supplies and clothing as well as toiletries and vitamins and in some cases water, to several communities.
This effort that has been ongoing over the last three months has seen the distribution of items to more than 23 communities including Silver Hill in Linden, Tenaboo Demerara River, Mahaica, Rivers’ View, West Bank, and several East Coast communities including Buxton.
This stemmed from Food for the Poor’s efforts to reach all communities and persons in need as opposed to one set of people who often flock to the main office that are from communities in the environs closest to the location.
Leon Davis, head of the NGO said “we will continue to move into different areas… we feel the need to get the goods to people in an expeditious manner. We go to the location for an assessment then we return to meet the people with their specific needs. The group is also taking medical assistance to some communities and the next stop is Leguan. This drive will continue to the end of the year. We are moving to Berbice soon as well as Linden, and if all goes well, residents at 58 miles will also benefit.”
The items were distributed by donors while others were purchased by Food for the Poor.

So all them Canadian and American that depends on the Food Bank are Beggars!!!!! Your mentality of thinking is worst than Beggars, , I feel so bad for you.

David I saw your comment but I was too busy to respond earlier so let me deal with you now.


Those who go to the Food banks in 'Merica are a minority.


In Guyana it is whole villages that rush these food trucks fuh freeness.  It is a reflection of the mental state of the Guyanese today under the PPP.


My grandmother regardless of how poor she was never begged for nothing.


She left us with a philosophy - work and mine yu family.


Today all them people begging fuh everything in Guyana.


Even the policeman begging fuh a towel at every corner.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

How many nurses in the USA, Canada, Antigua, or Barbados beg.



In Guyana they do.  Bet some in the line are nurses and teachers.

In America, those working at Walmart get subsidize by food stamps.


Poverty everywhere. The impoverished ketching de azz.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:

How many nurses in the USA, Canada, Antigua, or Barbados beg.



In Guyana they do.  Bet some in the line are nurses and teachers.

In America, those working at Walmart get subsidize by food stamps.


Poverty everywhere. The impoverished ketching de azz.

So Walmart workers dont have to line up and beg for food them, or send their 14 y/o kids to earn a living.


Whats your point?  It is clear that poverty in Guyana is much deeper than that of teh USA, and even that of many other Caribbean countries.


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