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Former Member

PPP/C won 61% of votes at local polls, APNU 34% -AFC nets 4%

Official results declared by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) for the November 12th local government polls have confirmed a major win for the opposition PPP/C, which secured 61% of the votes, while APNU, the main partner in the governing coalition, managed 34%.

In its solo outing at the polls, the Alliance For Change (AFC), the other partner in the governing coalition, was able to amass 8,719 votes, representing 4% of the total number of votes cast, according to the official results.

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Excellent bench mark to use as comparison for winning the General and Regional Elections.The PPP suddenly woke up and realize LGE are important and can mobilize their support one was held during the 23 yrs of governance, little do they know the towns that APNU won have the major population of the Country.

Wish the PPP all the best at the coming elections,peruse those numbers it's the key to show the Government is unpopular and the coming elections are a sure win.Word of caution, there may be a second rude awakening when the coming election results are declared.

yuji22 posted:

Elections are about Momentum. Master Politician Jagdeo smelled victory and devoured the AFC PNC.

Dummy, 5 fears are better than 3. This is the reality Ramotar and Granger realized hence they both strategized to extend their terms when confronted with a NCV.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Cain hates Indos and BJ. Like Mars who exposed his racist attitude towards Indos, Can did likewise. D2 is another who flips flops. The emperor has no clothes. 

Dummy, unlike you, my mind is not iron clad or my brain made of porridge. Given both parties are equally skunklike, one would be prudent to not firmly attach one's self to either. Given this lack of choice one  votes strategically...not allowing either to be institutional in office. 

After 23 years of obscene hapless and crooked rule, the PPP had to go.  I am not yet decided if the APNU has to go. They are the ones that cannot paddle straight but they do not have  an institutional scale corrupt machinery as the PPP.

With a third party, either can win the plurality because they will be checked. However, I am not looking with alacrity to have another PPP government and its president with the jagdeo monkey on his back. That leans me to Granger for whom I have no affection what so ever.  I am dispassionate about these two crows

Give up the nonsense phrase about emperor and clothes. It is a banal cliche and the way you uses it has worn it out all too quickly. It has become tiresome.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Cain hates Indos and BJ. Like Mars who exposed his racist attitude towards Indos, Can did likewise. D2 is another who flips flops. The emperor has no clothes. 

STFU you pathetic moron with's behinds and buss balls. We see through you. WOS.

It's all gay talk or coming from a female in their efforts to boost PPP and vilify the other parties. 

Leonora posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Cain hates Indos and BJ. Like Mars who exposed his racist attitude towards Indos, Can did likewise. D2 is another who flips flops. The emperor has no clothes. 

STFU you pathetic moron with's behinds and buss balls. We see through you. WOS.

It's all gay talk or coming from a female in their efforts to boost PPP and vilify the other parties. 

I have reasons to believe he is Rev. He is so pathetic. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC has lost a lot of ground and I don’t see them repeating what they did in 2015.  This is to the benefit of the PPP. 

What Region (s) you presume they lost ground ?

Region 4, 5 and 6 bai. Dem kark fasten and duk in dem lotus pond. Patwa eat out dem bait and gone.

Nah confuse LGE with NE. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC has lost a lot of ground and I don’t see them repeating what they did in 2015.  This is to the benefit of the PPP. 

What Region (s) you presume they lost ground ?

Region 4, 5 and 6 bai. Dem kark fasten and duk in dem lotus pond. Patwa eat out dem bait and gone.

OK we will find out when the ballots are cast.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC has lost a lot of ground and I don’t see them repeating what they did in 2015.  This is to the benefit of the PPP. 

What Region (s) you presume they lost ground ?

Region 4, 5 and 6 bai. Dem kark fasten and duk in dem lotus pond. Patwa eat out dem bait and gone.

OK we will find out when the ballots are cast.

Or stuffed???

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC has lost a lot of ground and I don’t see them repeating what they did in 2015.  This is to the benefit of the PPP. 

What Region (s) you presume they lost ground ?

Region 4, 5 and 6 bai. Dem kark fasten and duk in dem lotus pond. Patwa eat out dem bait and gone.

OK we will find out when the ballots are cast.

Or stuffed???

That's very unlikely to happen, since the ballot boxes are opened and counted at the polling stations in the presence of all the various reps.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC has lost a lot of ground and I don’t see them repeating what they did in 2015.  This is to the benefit of the PPP. 

What Region (s) you presume they lost ground ?

Region 4, 5 and 6 bai. Dem kark fasten and duk in dem lotus pond. Patwa eat out dem bait and gone.

OK we will find out when the ballots are cast.

Or stuffed???

That may be tough, the PPP bhais eyes like hawks.

yuji22 posted:

PPP/C won 61% of votes at local polls, APNU 34% -AFC nets 4%

Official results declared by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) for the November 12th local government polls have confirmed a major win for the opposition PPP/C, which secured 61% of the votes, while APNU, the main partner in the governing coalition, managed 34%.

In its solo outing at the polls, the Alliance For Change (AFC), the other partner in the governing coalition, was able to amass 8,719 votes, representing 4% of the total number of votes cast, according to the official results.

Numbers don’t lie, results of a strategized campaign. SOCU stop harassing the PPP boys recently, everyone’s shyting their pants. Let’s get on with the elections!!

Baseman posted:

The AFC has lost a lot of ground and I don’t see them repeating what they did in 2015.  This is to the benefit of the PPP. 

The PNC has less of an issue mobilizing their vote.  Others might despise Anil and Irfaan more than they do Volda.  ANUG would have pulled away some of this, but now that they are still born some might well hold their noses and vote Coalition.  

While I will suggest that the PPP are most likely to win their election they can well drop a big rock on their big toe and be hobbled.

And I say again, Macron jumped up and down when he won and then became aloof and arrogant and now the Yellow Jackets are all over his ass.

Last edited by Former Member

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