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Former paralegal admitted to local Bar

Posted By Staff Writer On October 16, 2014 @ 5:12 am In Local News | No Comments

A former paralegal at the Fraser, Housty and Yearwood law firm, Shantel Scott was admitted to the local bar last Tuesday after attorney-at-law and partner at the said firm Stephen GN Fraser presented her petition to Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire.

Twenty-six-year-old Scott started her academic journey at St Anne’s Primary and went on to blaze a trail of academic excellence at the Bishop’s High School where she earned eight subjects at the CSEC exams, including three distinctions and a double award in Agriculture Science; five subjects at CAPE and an ‘A’ grade in Law at the GCE A level.

While at Bishops’ she also obtained two House Service Medal awards (in 2004 and 2005) the Fidele Medal for most contributions made to her school, in 2006, and the Dingaan Stephenson Law prize in 2006.

Photo shows Shantel Scott [fourth from right) with Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire (third from right) and others at her admission ceremony.

Photo shows Shantel Scott (fourth from right) with Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire (third from right) and others at her admission ceremony.

Scott obtained her LLB from the University of Guyana in 2009 where she graduated with a distinction and 3.5 GPA, followed by her LEC at the Hugh Wooding Law School where she graduated on the Principal’s Honour Roll. Along the way, she received the Oswald J Wilson Memorial Prize for the Best Performance in Landlord and Tenant Award and the Peterson, Lambert Peterson & Co Prize for the Best Performance in Evidence and Forensic Medicine Award, both in 2013 and the Most Outstanding Student in the Legal aid Clinic Award this year.

Scott extended gratitude to her mother Regina Scott, noting that “If I am a better individual, it was because I stood on the back of an amazing mother and friend.” She also paid tribute to her late father Elford Scott from whom she learnt “to apply discipline throughout her academic journey.”

Scott also thanked the named partners at Fraser, Housty and Yearwood law firm, and partner Marcel Bobb for their selfless support, mentorship and guidance that has allowed her to realize a childhood dream. She also thanked her fiancÉ Rohan Lall, brother, sister, relatives Walter and Olive Morris, Drupattie Miller, Winston Miller and Ramona Singh for their support.

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Originally Posted by kp:

Congrats to Ms. Scott, Guyana is producing well educated citizens to lead it's future. Where in hell the PPP failed in that article. If you have nothing good to say ,then keep quiet.


Originally Posted by kp:

Congrats to Ms. Scott, Guyana is producing well educated citizens to lead it's future. Where in hell the PPP failed in that article. If you have nothing good to say ,then keep quiet.

I am not surprised that flew right over your head.....stan quiet better fuh do dat dan open yuh mouth and people see how yuh lil light up deh.


Congrats to Ms. Scott,

Guyana is producing well educated citizens to lead it's future.


TK yuh stump all ah dem Bhai.....

Now let them tell us what

Jagdeo or Ramotar doing or Helping to Produce

these Educated citizen to lead it's future???



October 16, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Shaunella Glen, 24, a former student of Brickdam Secondary School and

Newly-admitted Attorney Shaunella Glen, is flanked by Justice Nareshwar Harnanan, Attorney at law Khemraj Ramjattan, Businessmen Glenn Lall and Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed and her mother Desiree Glen yesterday at her admission ceremony

Newly-admitted Attorney Shaunella Glen, is flanked by Justice Nareshwar Harnanan, Attorney at law Khemraj Ramjattan, Businessmen Glenn Lall and Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed and her mother Desiree Glen yesterday at her admission ceremony

The Bishops’ High School was admitted to the local bar, yesterday. Glen is the last of eight children for Desiree Glen, and the first lawyer for the family. Her petition was presented to the Bar by Attorney at Law Khemraj Ramjattan before Justice Nareshwar Harnanan. In court to lend support to the young woman were two men, Glenn Lall and Nazar Mohamed, who are responsible for her becoming a lawyer today. Two years ago the young lawyer walked in the blistering sun for hours, seeking help from the business community to fund her studies at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad. She had already graduated from the Bachelor of Laws programme at the University of Guyana. Glen was on a mission; her mission was to get funds to complete her legal studies in the twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. After going to some of the most successful businesses in Guyana, Glen said that she was still no closer to getting help.


Still not losing hope, a close friend encouraged her to try Mohamed’s Enterprise which is owned by Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed.


This was the beginning of her dream to become a lawyer. After listening to Glen, Mohamed said that he immediately felt compelled to help her. He pledged to cover half of her legal studies, just over $2 million.


Mohamed, who is well acquainted with the Publisher and Owner of Kaieteur News Glenn Lall, then called Lall and told him about the young lady seeking assistance.


Mohamed sent her over to Lall’s Saffon Street business for a meeting. The two met and spoke about why she wanted a career and in law. Within minutes of speaking with her, the publisher said he knew that he had to help her. “From the way she expressed herself, I recognised that there was so much potential in her…She’s an intelligent young lady and her attitude was very positive,” Lall reflected.


He pledged to fund the other half of the young lady’s tuition fees.

The Publisher’s work didn’t end there.

The new lawyer said that Lall called up a few friends in Trinidad

to ensure that every month she would receive groceries for her upkeep.


Fast forward to September 2014. Glen graduated from the Hugh Wooding Law School.


Yesterday as she stood before Justice Nareshwar Harnanan, who heard her petition in the High Court, Glen thanked her many supporters, family, friends and the two businessmen. Both sponsors, Lall and Mohamed, were in court with her mother, siblings and other relatives and friends.


Attorney at Law Khemraj Ramjattan described Glen as a “young asset to the profession”. He said that she had managed to conquer many obstacles to get where she is. He said that the support which was provided by the two businessmen was very noteworthy. Justice Harnanan urged Glen to evolve in her practice as a lawyer. He said that she should remain untarnished and hold herself in high esteem. “Do proper work; challenge the court and colleagues if you have to.” Justice Harnanan cautioned the young lawyer that while earning is good, she should seek to be true to the profession. Glen, in responding to the Judge, pledged that his words of advice would not fall on deaf ears. She made the commitment to always work hard. She described her level of support as tremendous. Glen will join the chambers of Ramjattan.


This is awesome!



"Mohamed, who is well acquainted with the Publisher and Owner of Kaieteur News Glenn Lall, then called Lall and told him about the young lady seeking assistance.


Mohamed sent her over to Lall’s Saffon Street business for a meeting. The two met and spoke about why she wanted a career and in law. Within minutes of speaking with her, the publisher said he knew that he had to help her. “From the way she expressed herself, I recognised that there was so much potential in her…She’s an intelligent young lady and her attitude was very positive,” Lall reflected.


He pledged to fund the other half of the young lady’s tuition fees.

The Publisher’s work didn’t end there.

The new lawyer said that Lall called up a few friends in Trinidad

to ensure that every month she would receive groceries for her upkeep."

Originally Posted by cain:

This is awesome!



"Mohamed, who is well acquainted with the Publisher and Owner of Kaieteur News Glenn Lall, then called Lall and told him about the young lady seeking assistance.


Mohamed sent her over to Lall’s Saffon Street business for a meeting. The two met and spoke about why she wanted a career and in law. Within minutes of speaking with her, the publisher said he knew that he had to help her. “From the way she expressed herself, I recognised that there was so much potential in her…She’s an intelligent young lady and her attitude was very positive,” Lall reflected.


He pledged to fund the other half of the young lady’s tuition fees.

The Publisher’s work didn’t end there.

The new lawyer said that Lall called up a few friends in Trinidad

to ensure that every month she would receive groceries for her upkeep."

Instead of learning from People Like Glen Lall

 how to help poor guyanese

Dem Auntyman harassing Guyanese...

Dem...Telling we De Speaker is a Buggerman like Jagdeo.


and Jagdeo want lock up Glen

because Kaiteur expose all de thiefing going on in Guyana.


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